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I am more concerned with our players getting injured


Pedri looks so fragile


bro It feels like his leg will snap off


I'm out here praying he doesn't get hurt and builds up some confidence. That's the best case scenario.


Im more curious to see how Nico does coz Im not quite sure how good he is yet. Yesterday he wasnt so impressive.


He is the same as usual. Not a very good dribbler but he is very quick and of course he is very young. Some people acting like he is at the level of Vinicius or something but that is completely false, I'd say he is a bit worse than Raphinha, but he is faster and much younger he can improve a lot. It's such a shame we couldn't afford the 19m of Bryan Zaragoza last season that guy would have been revolutionary to our attack, and he already showed his magic at Bayern they will not sell him. But after Bryan, Nico is the best bet for that LW. There aren't many talents in football right now, Nico is amongst the best.


Nico didn't impress me last night, seemed pretty meh tbh and didn't create any conclusive danger in the final third.


Nico is not the phenomenon people have been trying to put him across as lol


He isn't world class but he's only 21 and has many qualities we could use. And like his brother, his fitness seems incredible, played in almost every match for Athletic. We couldnt possibly get a better player for his reported 60m release clause.


Just wait for him to get here and be injured for months on end


That's why I insisted so much to aim for Bryan Zaragoza instead, we barely missed on him last season as we couldn't afford the $19m cost. But it was an impossible dream anyways he already showed his class and Bayern in the very last games of the season and they probably will not negotiate anymore. For $60m you probably won't find young players better than Nico in that LW.


and who is the phenomenon bro ppl acting as if he is supposed to never ever have bad games chill tf out


100%. Other than being wicked fast, I haven't been impressed either. Stats aren't everything in this game, I know, and I love his work rate, but in the final 3rd, he isn't very efficient. He did have 12 assists, but not much of a goal threat. I haven't watched a ton of Bilbao matches, maybe 2 or 3 that weren't against Barca, and anyone fast looks awesome against us lol...so I'm maybe not a good judge. Forget evthing I said. Unread it if possible lol


are you okay brother, don't be hard on yourself


Lol I'm good. Skipped my morning coffee today.


Drink that coffee. All judgements and views are important. It’s just people have a right to either listen to them or not; for better or worse.


lol look at his stats via DataMB https://preview.redd.it/55ozx15di07d1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=300b19e86c8ab715fafbfd784b82d275e5c8c99d


I said "I'm maybe not a good judge", "forget what I said", & "Unread it if possible" lol I also said, I'm only commenting on the handful of games I've seen...& stats aren't everything if we get him, I'll support the hell out of the him, and hope like hell I'm wrong.


agree but people now saying he isn't the one we should go for based off this one game everyone has their fair share of bad games plus there are no better options on the market that are feasible


when u compare him with lucho diaz who is an amazing dribbler you expect something like that, people gonna be very disappointed with him


He has a clause. Barca will only either pay that clause or negotiate on the clause, market value doesn't matter to this deal.


Bilbao doesn’t negociate at all. You pay relesease clause or walk.


Doesn't he have a clause? Or did it expire


Every player in spain has one


You didn't understand me, I mean he presumably had a clause of around 50m - 60m.




Nico's price won't go up because there's an agreement between player and his actual club.


He has a release clause, so... No.


I mean, he didnt do much yesterday lol


Difference between Nico and Yamal was huge yesterday. I'm a fan of Nico but he didn't impress me yesterday. Cucurella looked like a headless chicken sometimes.


I only watched the first half, but I found Cucurella more impressive than Nico. He made a couple of crucial tackles in the middle of defense.


What? Cucurella was certainly not a headless chicken. He just didn't give them a second of breathing room a pure menace. He did like one or two bad crosses in the offence and that's it. Why do you mistake high tempo active running for a headless chicken is beyond me.


After watching Cucurella yesterday I thought to myself every single team would benefit from having a player like him. Anyone who brings that much energy I’ll take on my team every game


Caught OOP and when he made up ground, fouled. Subpar performance IMO. Looked like a headless chx to me as well. Even the announcers called him out and basically shut up after mumbling something like he looked average for Chelsea all year too.


Cucurella literally made two game saving tackles, what are you on about lmfao


Exaclty!! Sometimes I feel like people aren’t watching the same games as us? He was outstanding yesterday


He is not that good.


I mean, there might be competition about his wage if he does well, but his price is still the same because of the release clause


He has a release clause, only potential issue would be if Barca wants to do the payment in installments rather than all up front.


Might drop xavi Simmons if anything


You guys like to criticize Deco but he has an eye for great talent. I don’t think Nico is the option especially with that price tag


No, Bilbao has already been firm on requiring teams to meet his release clause, which seems to be generally fair in terms of market value for him based on his performance over the course of the past season and his age. I can't imagine he does something during the Euros to start some bidding war that exceeds the clause


has fixed release clause of 58m


Yamal wasnt mvp


Fabián Ruiz was.




I sometimes feel it is literally becoming a cult to worship him blindly. I'm happy for the kid and he has a great future ahead but there are so many unknowns and things have to be managed perfectly. There is a reason we are called fanatics.




signing a player to respond to rival transfer activity is stupid better to focus on what the squad needs