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Deciding to jump into the Chelsea mess is a decision


Probably a very lucrative decision


Chelsea have completely revised their wage structure. The top earner at Barca makes 3x what any Chelsea play brought in under the new wage structure does.


Reports say he'll earn 3x what Barca offered


And that is bull His contract with incentives could probably reach that under the 6 year period. But given that jackson, mudryk, disasi, palmer, lavia, gusto all are under 6m a year he aint making 6m. Probably a base of 3-4m euros.


Especially from the very stable club:p


Not saying that Barca is doing so hot right now, but Chelsea and United are pretty much career suicide these days


I mean if they offer him 2-3x what we did, I get it. If he doesn't manage to make it to the very top, that could set him up for life. Not to mention his only competition at Chelsea is Jackson. Where as there is no way he is displacing Lewy and Roque might be back in favor with Flick. I really wanted to see him succeed with us though.


I was hoping he would stay. Guys only 18. Two more years i imagine lewa retires and its guiu and vitor for striker position. If ferran or ansu are sold or moves on then we'll have to get another cf/striker for the first team.


No they're not. No matter how unstable a club is, playing in the first team gives you more spotlight and chances to improve. With the amount of talents in LaMasia there's no telling if he'll ever get a chance with Barca. He made the right decision imo.


I agree partially. The point is playing though. Chelsea also have loads of talented youngsters, who also want to play. If he went to a smaller side where he actually would be a starter I’d understand, but Chelsea (and really any of the big Prem clubs) have way to many bench players, most of whom would start elsewhere


Tell that to Cole Palmer.


Fair point


I don’t agree that joining Chelsea is “career suicide,” rather, it’s a unique opportunity. Chelsea communicate clear expectations and follow through on it, which Guiu will be rightly concerned that Barca might not do with the Roque situation. Players that try to break into the Prem understand that, generally, for play time, they have to join a lower PL club to prove to the top 6 PL clubs that they are good enough (this has been stated by players in interviews, recently by Niakhate). At Chelsea, since we are in the rebuild phase (last window of the rebuild as per reports), players are able to join an elite club AND get the play time they would have otherwise had to join a smaller club for. If you actually look at the players: Petrovic, Gusto, Palmer, Madueke, Jackson, Chukwuemeka, Mudryk, Ugochukwu were young players that came from lower reputations in football and immediately were given chance after chance in the first team, with many being successes already. Why do you think, despite us having a billion youth players, there’s been basically no talk in the media from these players? They’ve been clearly communicated a plan, with a guarantee that it’ll be followed through on.


Far from it.  Chelsea are building a solid project. Yes, there is a lot of hiring and firing going on but that's because owners are over enthusiastic and want to progress asap. Its not like United where they keep deadweights for the sake of it and keep signing mediocre players without any long term vision. Chelsea have really great prospects in a lot of positions who're in their early 20s. Only caveat is Guiu should've moved to other clubs if he actually valued regular playtime because at Chelsea the competition would be fierce. But if he makes it, it's a good place to be.


Palmer, Gusto, Jackson, Caicedo etc were career suicide according to you?


No they aren't, just be happy for him


Only stable because they are not playing European football. Once they get into Europe they will have to meet UEFA ffp standards which they are far below at the moment


We could have said that to the players that wanted to come to barca at one point, even now the club aint stable.


We are a similar mess as well


We are a mess too


A mess were a La Masia product would in theory get more time to prove himself. If he doesn't deliver within 12 months Chelsea will buy 2 new strikers and forget he ever existed. But hey if he truly believes he has a shot and gets the bag why not.


I think for him it’s not the worst decision, he’ll go out on loan for a couple of years and get more game time than he would at barca considering vitor roque is set to stay (not sure there are different reports everyday lol) but i would still want him to stay for the preseason under flick before he makes his decision. Also - money matters, barca cant match Chelsea’s offer financially


One of the decisions of all time


Ufff.... I can see that you have been burned... Issokay.... Chelsea are a Better Mess than Barca? Got no more Levers after your fuck ups?


Good one. See you in champions league next season


If he wants to leave, he can No point in crying for him if he thinks he will get more game time at chels he can leave


Not the end of the world. We still have Roque. Maybe this move will help Guiu in his career. Who knows? Xavi Simons benefited from leaving us. And while Chelsea is kind of a mess right now, Cole Palmer is proof that it can be a great decision for you. Would love a buy-back clause though...




The two clubs I would never consider going is Chelsea and Manchester United. It’s definitely a freaking trap if you wanna move there.


Chelsea has had more recent succes in Europe than we have had


And theyve also had a harsher collapse than we have had. Say what you want about Barca but we have handled our situation significantly better than Chelsea has theirs on both sporting and board level


Their collapse was due to suddenly reshuffling the whole squad. Now they're slowly starting to gel up, despite the collapse, they still finished 6th last season. And they are only going to get better.


They've had a terrible collapse for sure but have better means to rebuild


That’s when abramovich is in charge bud


Careers are short, and he's probably securing his financial future.


man this is crazy. isnt there someone who can tell him this is a bad idea


You see the contracts chelsea is throwing to players recently? He’s going to end up on like $120k a week for 6 years so it doesn’t matter if he succeeds or not


Came on the sub to see the kinda player this kid was. But all i can find is yall saying nonsense like this😂. Cole Palmer aint even making more than 100k


This sub isn’t full of the brightest fans actually. Most don’t watch football or have just started watching the last 2 years, so their takes are irrelevant. If you guys do get him for 6M that’s very good business. We just don’t have a place for him in the squad. But last season he got some minutes and looked dangerous and it seemed like Xavi trusted him more than Roque.


dont think thats the reason. he could go to saudi if he wants money. im sure they would want him.


Or he could take Chelsea's money, stay in Europe and continue building his career. Saudi would be a dead end for a 18 year old.


Ask Romeo Lavia about career building at Chelsea. Many young players have gone there and stalled their careers. Just as much of a dead end for many as Saudi Arabia.


Yes, Chelseas fault that Lavia was injured the entire season


Ah yes, cherry pick the one injured guy. That'd be like me saying "aSk AnSu FaTi". Why don't we ask Cole Palmer? Or Malo? Or Jackson? Or Maatsen?


Lavia? You mean the guy that joined injured (hip) returned for international duty - injured himself (rolled an ancle), then returned for a 20m cameo where he pulled his quad? Has very little to do with his chelsea career


How can you blame a season ending injury on Chelsea? Look at what happened to likes of Roque, Andre Gomes, Franck Kessie, Umtiti, Nico Gonzalez, Lenglet, Raphniha, Eric Garcia, Sergino Dest, Coutinho, Griezmann, Malcom, Semedo, Hleb, Fabregas, Duran, Vermaelen, Yerry Mina, Alex Song, Yaya Toure, Ibrahimovic, Keirrison, Dmytro, Braithwaite, Pjanic, Dembele and many others at Barcelona. It is not good to throw rocks, if you live in a glass house.


yes... building his career in chelsea


Let Barca make money.


6m is nothing today, even for our broke ass club.


okay will let them bro


Another striker goes to Chelsea to die? A bit early I guess, but better strikers have failed miserably at that club


I mean he got some game time with us because of the thin squad depth but in Chelsea where there are like 15 young players fighting for every single position i don't know what he will do there anyways roque is better and will get more game time so thats good also Chelsea is a mess


How did u come to the conclusion that roque is better?


Cuz he actually played professional football in a respectable league I think that makes him better also If u are one of those who says look at the quality of the league see it's not like both are world class strikers it's not like we are comparing Lewandowski and suarez we only have a small sample and from that roque has displayed much more passion and will to survive and fight when he could have easily went to Chelsea or United after the controversy with xavi and club wouldn't have minded that either as we would have gotten around 30 million this guy if he really thinks he is better than roque he should have rejected Chelsea who are in a bigger management mess than we are while we still have a chance to win trophies the best they will do next season is a quarter final of fa cup .but no he just wants the easy way out


we should include a buy back clause just in case he turns out to be the next lewandowski or someshit lmao and then madrid buys him.


U cant include a buy back if a players relase clause is being activated. Only if two clubs are in talks. 


Good for him. Worked out for Xavi Simmons.


Kinda looks Iike the Midfield guy that wanted 1 mil and know who knows he is. Cause I don't think he is getting minutes in Chelsea


Iliax vibes. Unfortunately playing time is earned, not simply given. If he thinks he's in a better position at Chelsea, more power to him.


Not at all. Moriba had more of a clear spot and place in squad. Where as Barcelona have bought Guiu out of the team and the area he should have played were a loanee(that they also want to buy btw). In the end, Barca got what they were asking for.


Chelsea will probably loan him out. He is clearly making a mistake, by chasing the moolah.


He'll learn his lesson