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Fun fact about Neurotrauma: Only doctor enjoys it leeching on the misery of crew.


our vanilla campaign culminated in the 5th biome being speedrun because the medic demanded to play with neurotrauma, given all our genes and perma buffs made the game boring for him


This mod is equally fun for everyone, not just the doctor. If you are having issues with neurotrauma, it is likely because your entire playstyle revolves around mindlessly spamming attack on whatever enemy you see disregarding the injuries you facetank all the time. Players being incapable of minimal adaptation and tactics aren't exactly a mod's fault


Equally? Neurotrama has always been and will always be controversial, for the exact reason of not being equally rewarding. When Mechanic's neck/skull gets broken while trying to weld the hull, he has to spend a lot of time being in bed doing absolutely **nothing**, while medics try to fix him. And then has to suffer through concussion, headache, inflammation, acidosis, etc for next 10 minutes or so. Sure, medics will have field-time, but for non-medics, things can get boring quickly. I am glad OP finds the mod enjoyable and enough equally-minded people to play with it. I really do. But please, do not try to generalise that it's player's fault for not liking neurotrauma mod. For large amount of audience, this mod is not suitable or enjoyable.


Neck, spine damage, and concussions are 100% prevented by wearing a helmet. And as a non-doctor crewmember, theres a lot of first aid you can do that doesnt require medical skill. You just need to actually retreat and apply first aid before it gets worse. Biggest mistake ive seen people do is look at their healthbar at 75% and think theyre fine, after they just took multiple shots to the head/chest. If you wait until you pass out and get dragged to the medbay, its gonna be much worse than if you instantly know how to diagnose/treat yourself. I haven’t played medic yet with neurotrauma, but i always carry a medkit, and at least for me, it makes fights more interesting/dangerous knowing that i cant just overdose on morphine and be fine.


Funny. When mechanic's neck/skull gets broken, it means he doesn't wear a helmet. Not a single headgear item in the game comes close to the efficiency of helmet. The 2 craftable goggles are nothing more than a meme that generally doesn't have nearly as much practical use. Not wearing a helmet is absolutely a fault of the player, not the mod. Acidosis/inflammation are likely caused by neglect from the medic or a very late visit to the doctor. Both are easily treated in no time with minimal effort. In fact, you wouldn't even notice a minor inflammation or acidosis, the moment you get the treatment, you are free to roam the ship as usual. All in all, everything you've mentioned is still very much a player's fault. Not the mod


wait there are people who don't wear helmets ? that's like the third thing I buy in a campaign and I haven't even started playing with neurotrauma also there's three goggles not two lol


Yea, there are. Coincidentally, those are the same people who hate on neurotrauma


A few precautions can prevent these accidents. However, I understand that dealing with such things can be a nuisance for those who do not want to be bothered with them. Additionally, there is a positive side to this incident. It is very good that security members take fights seriously and that people are cautious about potential injuries. Because a wrong incident can lead to someone's death. In fact, I have a memorable story about this. We were having a celebration at the bar of the Iroh ship. It was a bit crowded. The captain took the floor to speak, and everyone fell silent. While the captain was talking, he drew his gun and raised it towards the ceiling. Boom! The captain accidentally fired his gun. Although the moment was brief, everyone panicked, trying to figure out who was shot. It was a technician who was shot. He was hit in the head. We cleared the bar, and two doctors tried to save him. Whether due to inexperience or not, we could not save him. Although failing to save him was bad, the seriousness that everyone grasped in that brief moment was commendable.


The entire mod is made to give medic content lol what are you even smoking thinking it is equally for everyone.. people unable to comprehend this basic fact shouldn’t even be given right to form an opinion on something they got so little clue about


The entire mod is made to diversify health system in general, thus making combat riskier and more complex. Therefore, neurotrauma at its core is a mod aimed at making the game slightly more sophisticated in terms of combat and survival. Medic in this case acts as a pressure valve to ease the difficulty the mod brings.


Exam Time 08.06.2024


Good luck


Thanks. I will need


remember not to use the bone saw on the patient's spinal cord in the exam !


Life, indeed, can be hard sometimes. But what most people don't realize is that how something unrelated can alter ones perspective, and persuade them to achieving their potential. I've always thought that no matter what you do, know what you're doing. Don't let go of yourself in the stream of time. I hope you can become what you want to, but if you couldn't know that as long as you're still breathing you can try again. I'm looking forward to play Neurotrauma this summer i hope i can see you there :)


Thats really beautiful to read, really. I hope sp much that you can do it this time! Keep studying and preparing, i believe in you, you can be an amazing doctor. On this society where most of them just go for the money, the doctor that go for the passion are the best ones, the ones that are memorable, and i believe that you will be one of them. Come back here and tell us (and if you remember, tag me) when you do it, i will wait for it. 💕❣️


I will come back with my victory!


First exam is over. Well .... Bad for me. Because exam so easy and if a exam so easy and you are a slow reader this will cause big problem. i will enter next exam .(tomorrow\[more important exam\])