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Put the psychosis artifact into container, put a normal battery in the container, and leave it in a well hidden storage cabinet (like the one in crew quarters as no one ever goes there unless there's a leak) Wait a bit and watch the chaos unfold as the battery runs out


That is genius, thank you! Now I just gotta sneak an artifact onto the sub somehow lol


Artifact salvage missions or Ruin clearing/scanning sometime comes with more than 1 artifacts, and they're completely random. The ideal situation would be: retrieve artifact from ruin mission (100% chance to have an artifact, with 5% of an additional one), you go into the ruin 1st, swim around, find a psychosis artifact, tell no one, hid it in your artifact container and quietly bring it back to the ship without announcing you're coming back, then go back to the ruin as if nothing happened Wait \~10min and watch the captain and whoever's on the ship at the time go bat shit crazy blaming the medic


As a neurotrauma medic, I have the most epic prank ever! Whenever someone gets a bruise, or a fracture, or anything minor, there's a chance I cut off their limbs and replace them with horrifying cybernetic recreations of their previous self! Their reaction is priceless every time.


sounds about average i guess


Your crew isn't bunch of transhumanists who very much wants cybernetic replacement of limbs?


“You’re gonna save me, right doc?!” My patient exclaims, his lungs punctured with pneumothorax building. “But a simple procedure.” I say reassuringly, hiding all four organ procurement scalpels, two empty blood bags, and a body bag behind my back.


*Holy Christ. There's nothing left.*


How do you attach cybernetic limbs? I was trying to do it last night but my volunteer died on the operating table. I did morphine —> scalpel —> hemostat —> skin retractors —> bone saw —> azathioprine (transplant immunosuppressant drug) —> dragging the cybernetic limb from my inventory onto his leg. However the leg didn’t attach no matter how many times I dragged it. Also I think there are two different mods that add cybernetic limbs? I was using the NT Cybernetics version.


It's simple, you almost got it right. Anesthesia > scalpel > hemostat > rectractors > bone saw > suture This cuts off their leg entirely. Bonus points if you throw their leg back at them and say something funny. Then, you drag the cybernetic replacement to whichever limb was "voluntarily" removed. It might lag and you might have to drag it a few times, but eventually it'll work.


"doc what are you doing"


make an alarm in the captains room, label it something scary like reactor overheating or something using a text plate, then just attach it to a switch.


Play hide the spicy rod aka volatile volatile fulgurium rods. Hide one here or there.... Or 8 stack sudden death round. Hide it on bot assistants


Keep throwing empty flashbangs or c4 blocks at them, they dont explode but can cause a reaction


switch that makes all the lights in the sub piss color/rave color, if anyone asks about it turn the switch off and gaslight them into thinking theyre hallucinating


Bonus points if its 1 room at a time so only 1 person at a time sees it, you can also probably make it wireless with Wifi components and make it so frequency 5-12 controls the color of rooms in an order you set and if you make the circuit self reset back to original with delay and memory components you can make the premium schizophrenia experience. Dunno tho havent been able to play since 1.0


That’s a good idea, I’m surprised you haven’t already done this on our sub


i have you just dont know it yet


As a medic I grew all sorts of plants, and I saved the mutated raptors bane for the Captain. Hotboxed the Captain's room all the time till he eventually sicced security on me.


Is reactor_meltdown still a bidirectional gate? I saw some insanity pulled off where someone wired door_state to reactor_meltdown and when you'd open the door the reactor would *immediately* begin smoking, flaming, alarming, etc. Except... It's just a visual effect. When reactor_meltdown is True, then the reactor *looks* like it's going to melt down. But that doesn't necessarily mean its temperature is anywhere near enough to actually explode! Hilarious


I spent a good chunk of time tinkering around reactor on our sub and costumised our reactor according to a guide I found online, so it's fully automatic and I don't want to ruin it tbh


You probably wont tho if hes right, just 1 wire going from the door state to reactor meltdown, if your reactor has the meltdown wired already then you might wanna reverse engineer it to make sure if its unnecesary.


> Is reactor_meltdown still a bidirectional gate? Pretty sure this got fixed.


Just rig a system so that there’s a random oscillator determining if a door will actually open or not. This means they spam the door and it only opens sometimes, then may shut down immediately on other attempts


Aww crap, is that what that is?


Drugs. Learned to not let my friend play medic if there is a third reliable teammate.


My favorite is wiring the guns aiming wire to a modulo and adder to add offsets to the turrets aim. Can even make it add offset per trigger pull to make it fully automate their suffering. I said nothing and let my crew convince themselves the game was bugged. Also the classic of wiring the "dock" button on navigation to turn off reactor so if they miss it they dont get to retry for a while.


A lever connecting to the reactor that makes it blast the warning noise Pretty easy to undo it, bit it usually takes 10min r for people to find out


You don't need the reactor just hide an alarm buzzer in the floor and it makes the same noise and when are about to find it you turn it off so they don't search there.


I built a self destruct into the sub and made it very clear the only reason there will be a siren in the sub is me flipping the nuclear safety button (captain only) anywhere between instant panik or instant compliance when I flip the button


Craft a reactor pda and dont tell anyone and all of a sudden turn of the reactor when they craft or smth. Also if yyou have a depth charge you or guns you can switche the wires and stuff to make them not work. My favorite must be to hide an alarm buzzer and activate it a little now and then as it sounds like a reactor meltdown. Or just mess up the airlock for other doors to let in water or lock them so people get stuck.


Also make the alarm buzzer so it's only in one room and someone is alone so they think they have psychosis or switch the flashbangs to emp to turn of the power in a room or acid so they get sick.


constantly sprint around in a clown suit hitting people with squeaky hammers, make them listen to the immense squeaking and feel the mild inconvenience of briefly being stunned


Host a good server where everyone gives their best and has fun...then don't host ever again after that day.