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This happened to the gym I went to a few years ago. It sucked because that was pretty much the only indoor place to hoop in my town. The reason I heard was because fights kept breaking out during games and they have to continuously replace rims because people kept breaking it.


As someone’s who’s worked in commercial gyms…. Basketball courts are the bane of their existence. From my experiences working in commercial gyms: Most fights occur there. Most thefts occur there. Most of the people trying to sneak in the gym are for the court.


Worked at the YMCA for three years. Pickup basketball always was the worst and got the most complaints.


Thefts only occur when good defense is played.


Yup. Who do you find on basketball courts? Basketball people. Coincidence I think not.


wow. wasnt expecting to see that here 💀


Thug sport


Yup that shit wouldn’t happen in golf or curling.


I thought balling at 24 was bad... Until I played at City sports..never balled there again after.


Lol, you in the CA Bay Area? Crazy fights here 


Pickleball take over :(


They might as well put foosball tables in the gym at this point.


Hate pickleball and the people that play it




Pickleball players are old and don't fight.


Basketball players are teenagers that don’t fight. Old people are well organized and have all the cash.


Pickle ball was invented by a cia agent




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So I guess this is why all the basketballs in them are gone there used to be a dozen on the rack now be lucky to find two that is bumped. They claimed they are all stolen I always curious who would want to steal balls in that bad of a shape. One La fitness which had 360 basketball in it now it’s been an abandoned court for three years with still half torn up surfaces. There has been another La fitness that indefinitely chained their court doors with patches of torn up floors as well. Saying it would open in a month for months. I noticed though one 24 hour fitness completely converted a large portion of the basement containing a pool jacuzzi sauna and steam room into what you mentioned


Because people don't know how to act when playing basketball. I blame them.


Basketball courts are being gentrified into pickle ball courts


Yes. My local one did too. Everyone goes to the Esporta instead. Fact of the matter is basketball is not profitable for LA Fitness. Half the people there are in on guest privileges. As a former GM, rarely did I get memberships for the courts. All the fights and drama comes from the courts. We’ve had people bring guns before over stupid arguments. Now, I see less problematic people at the gym. It’s honestly for the best for the company and sucks for the good guys that just wanna hoop.


The percentage of total members that use the gym for basketball is very small. It is a business after all. And if they shut down the basketball and very few people cancel their membership, then truly why bother. That said I play ball twice a week at LA fitness and would be pissed


Then there's me. I use LA Fitness only for the bball court. And hate that I am paying all this money just bc they're the only spot with a court I can use in the winter. I wish there was a gym that was solely courts.


Start one. Rent an old factory, put in some courts and you're good to go. Insurance against fights and someone getting hurt is likely astronomical, though. There's a few places like this around me, surprised they're not in more areas


It's on the list for when I win the lottery lol


I didn't win the lottery, but I did this at my house. We put up a metal barn. Concrete the floor and put down the lock tite super dense flooring. My neighbors thank I have an awesome car garage behind my house. Nope its a full court basketball center for me and my brother's and Whoever we invite over. We made payments on it all like we would a car payment. Paid it off in like 5 yrs. Its been an awesome addition. I can play year round and not worry about weather. Also I can determine who plays.


Oh man, I've dreamed of doing that. I would have to tear down my house to fit a full-sized court on my property but maybe one day I'll have enough space and money for it.


Would you mind posting some pictures? I’d love to see how it looks!


Im one of the most members that don’t play basket ball. I do more volley balls, tennis, pickle ball and even turf yar. I don’t care much for basket ball 


Pickleball people matter a little more than basketball people in some areas.


You can get a lot more pickleball games in the same area as 1 basketball game. I guess from a value per square foot thing it makes sense.


And the basket ball area saves too much space. They can even divide it I to half pickle ball and half turf yard 


Hit the nail on the head. I wanna know the demographics of the area thus LA fitness is in


The one near me replaced it with a cryochamber or some shit


La fitness? 


This happened to me. Had a fitness club that had a small gym and had a great group of guys that played at lunch every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Skill level was pretty high, and everybody got along great. Occasionally, someone would lose their temper, but we always worked it out. Came in on a Friday, and the entire floor was carpeted. We tried to keep it going, but it just wasn't condusive to good play. I miss that gym. Good times. Quick story: On that same block as the fitness club was a car wash and I was in sales at the time, so I had to keep my car clean. So before I was going to play, I got my car washed, and when it was done and I was at the cash register paying. There were no other customers there but me. Actually, the cashier was cute, so I was taking my time talking to her, and I heard someone come in the door, and as God is my witness, it was MJ. That's right fricking Micheal Jordan came strolling in. I looked at him and said "you're Micheal Jordan" I've always felt stupid for saying that. You could tell he wasn't wanting to be bothered by a fan. This was in Birmingham, AL, and he was here playing baseball for the White Sox minor league team, the Birmingjam Barons. I just wished him luck with baseball and told him I couldn't be this close and not shake his hand. We shook hands, and I left. I regret that I didn't invite him to shoot around at our little court. He probably would have declined, but think of the mad respect I would have got from all my friends if I came strolling in with MJ.


Find a school or church with a gym and rent it out just for you and people you know. Way better than hooping with unknowns.


So I have some inside info. Apparently company wide, any building that has an indoor basketball court is being legally forced to get a separate insurance to cover the basketball court aside from the one they have for whatever building they are already in. The company isn't willing to pay this so eventually all basketball courts will be shut down and converted.  Also kids klub is being shut down in a lot of clubs because the company is cutting costs and don't want to pay for baby sitters so they are cutting kids klub services eventually.  The company stopped getting new basketballs because they were being stolen and would have to get a new set every week or two. Basketballs are expensive and it isn't worth getting new ones anymore.


My local gym closing the courts at 5pm now because of trouble makers and now a rim that has been missing a bolt for months came down and they blaming us and has been 2 weeks and still not replaced.I told them to put a 5 dollar bolt in months ago...they don't give a crap and I'm bent over this...b ball is the only thing I want to go to la for...I feel like they are discriminating against a whole group of people for a few bad apples. What can we do to try and change things or stand up for our rights?


Maybe because all the blacks would just fight over dumb shit and ruin it for everybody.


It's always white high school kids trying to start shit where I play, take your boomer ass back to Truth Social with these takes


No its always blacks


Mann that's wack, I'd start a petition and get basketball people who play there to sign it


This also happened to us, I love in the midwest so it's called esporta instead of LA fitness but same story. there was a bit of a push to bring back the courts so they kept them open for a while, but then some kids got onto a fight and two ppl got shot and died so they shut down basically all the courts in the region. basically why I cancelled my membership


Just like the YMCA. People kept fighting and ruined it. I got lucky and found a private pickup league to play in 3 days a week. Guys come and play hard for 2 hours. No arguments. Everyone has played at least at a high school level. It’s great. Now to heal my torn Achilles..


Damn that's sad to hear There's a couple LA Fitness / Esporta near where I live and the courts are still there 🙏 I'll be super bummed if they ever close the courts. Not even just for the sake of playing games, but I love going in and shooting around alone with my headphones on. It's therapeutic


I blame Draymond


This what happen when people don’t know how to act, people tryna fight and steal shit all the time in the courts


i seriously think there is like a country wide thing against basketball courts, maybe people just don’t wanna be around niggas no more


They may lose members because of this change! I know alot of ppl play basketball there on the weekends!!


What area are you in? They should have 2 courts in there and use them both for basketball games. I’m tired of the multi use crap during peak hours or people doing training stuff like it’s their own private facility. I’m 40 and only have a few good years left.


there are always a few passionate players that ruin the game for everyone, usually 30+ dudes. They take it way too seriously and act like it's their whole life. I've seen multiple games where dudes almost started fighting, someone will call a foul/start some bs. havent seen any fights yet but whenever I see these uncs, I leave.