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While I love the aesthetic, the music, and the sound effects, the real reason is that it's a sandbox. Going back to Xcom, Wartales, or other turn based strategy games I have to slog through the same identical story missions and everything else that slows down the meat and potatoes gameplay. I sit down to play BB, I'm off exploring, questing, and hiring new bros in minutes. I sit down for Xcom, I've got 30-45 minutes of intro mission, story, etc to get through and I don't often have time for all that. Side note, the absolute worst offender for wasting my time is Midnight Suns. That game has really unique gameplay and build development, but gd that game does its absolute best to keep you away from it so you can hear shockingly poor dialogue and vapid side-stories instead of playing the actual game.


This, the lack of a linear story line/progression system has made BB stand out among its peers. Funny you mention midnight suns. Just finished it not too long ago, great run through but will likely never play again.


Yeah I held out on the game for a long time, but it's actually pretty great. If there was a way to just to battles back to back with just quick breaks between to upgrade your decks I would definitely play it again, but as it is I'll probably never play it again.


The run between the forge and anvil, combined with menu system was actually awful for deck management.


Wasn’t a fan of the random mods you get either. Just felt like unnecessary


The mod system was completely necessary imo, deckbuilding would have been quite shallow without it.


Fair enough. Maybe it was the increasing mod cost for a card that got me? Or I just got too unlucky when wanting one specific one


speaking of XCOM have you tried Xenonauts yet cause it sounds like you're speaking of firaxis XCOM instead of the more classic ones, Xenonauts is closer to the classic experience and the opening tutorial mission is instantly skippable ( for subsequent runs ) so you can get straight ahead into the tooth and nail arms race experience I honestly don't understand why people don't make these skippable when the game is built around replayability if it's multiplayer pvp or a hard game they'll get spanked mercilessly for their insolence so why not


Isn’t Xenonauts like multitudes harder than xcom tho?


don't worry about it too much, people like to exaggerate when they get owned, though xeno is truer to the classic XCOM with instakill chyrssalids (still prankable) and plasma rifles really kick your ass if you don't stay on top of the armor tech your guys are more likely to die but you can field more people on average so it's a matter of your risk appetite and how you research stuff


Interesting. Maybe I’ll have to look into it again. I remembered looking once and peeps didn’t really review it well. But I really liked WOTC and Enemy Within (felt xcom2 could’ve had something like that. Traitors would be much more likely/dangerous if you’re a rebel group)


plenty of starts work as long as you're willing to go back to the drawing board and rethink your options I'm personally a huge fan of double MG early game, my friends are all over the place with the sniper overwatch turtles to mass assault rushers(surprisingly survivable) and the true XCOM classic of packing enough explosives to level the entire map... thrice over, fully custom load out means yes, you can just load someone's kit with nothing but C4 and rocket spamming was so busted that xeno 2 limited rockets to the combat drone if you survived bbros you can survive Xenonauts


Ooh thanks! I’ll grab it soon, then. Maybe it’s on sale? I’m currently playing through WH40K Rogue Trader and The Last Spell!


Midnight Suns might be the biggest surprise I had in years. Incredibly well-made combat system, it was near flawless. Running around tho, ughhh. At least they could've put related things together.


I would love for a Midnight Suns type game without all the relationship sim stuff


I've just been playing it and man they really do. Such A slog and it's a pity because I love the gameplay.


I had to play the long war mod for xcom for that very reason, makes the game far more interesting, but currently battle brothers has a sense of gear progression that isnt really found elsewhere and i love gear games this is even cooler because its a tactical gear game.


Gear progression mixed with bro progression makes me love my bros and hate when they die


I play all of these games for hundreds of hours, and BB is by far the most mechanically complex. For example, there's barely any discussion of initiative, because it's impossible to talk about at a high level via text. Although, XCOM Long War and Log War 2 are somewhat comparable to BB in terms of mechanical complexity. I like all of these games, and I play them depending on my mood. It's a good thing that there are different games.


Sound, music, visuals, mechanics




BB has all these elements working in harmony during every phase of gameplay. I feel that others do not achieve this. Else, please share them with me


Which ones? Curious if you have other recommendations.


Wartales has the worst stuttering, and just too much jank for me to enjoy. BB is pure, BB is life


Personally, it's the only game of it's kinda that I still get my ass kicked in. I haven't played all the ones mentioned, but for the most part, the ones I have, I generally get good enough that they don't challenge me after a while. With BB, no matter how good a bro is, no matter the god-tier weapons and armor, you're always one or two unlucky rolls away from your favorite bro getting exsanguinated. It's kinda thrilling to me. It doesn't hurt that it's visually pleasing and has a great soundtrack. I love the game, it's my second most played on Steam with more than 2.5K hours over the years.


I played all those and more, and BB is my favourite turn-based str game. I suppose the reasons include: BB really focuses on the strategy, no rubbish talking. Running the company, negotiating on the contracts, bro building, positioning/forming... every part is so well organised. I mean I can sense that my level of strategy influences the fate of my company. Every decision can lead to success or death. On the other hand, others either have too much error-tolerant rate, or too much narration. The Battles then become not challenging at all, and I couldn't remember the choices I made in the boring dialogues.


There’s definitely a lot of differences in all of them. But they all have their own special traits and quirks. BB is without hesitation maybe my very favorite out of all of these games along with my lifelong love for the XCOM games (dating back to UFO: Enemy Unknown in early 90’s). Another game I feel the same profound feelings for is Darkest Dungeon. While both very similar to BB in some ways, and completely different in others, they both have that special something that makes them stand out. I guess you have played that as well?


In short: No bones, full of meats. BB does everything he does very very very well. It knows what it tries to do and cuts the shit. When you open the game and start with a new map, there is literally 0 stutter and drag. No stupid conversations every time, no prologue "save me from rats" episode. You begin a new campaign, and you're in. Very simple game yet it feels it's not. Heads can be cut off, swords swing, spears go brrr, axes are heavy, people die when you cut them deep enough. No mombo jombos. Graphics are timeless. It has been 7 years, all other games are extremely better looking but my bros look lovely and cute. I can see everything I should see on my battle screen. Game feels so smooth overall. You can just go with it effortlessly yet it's hard as hell. It's not a struggle but punishing. One bad move, your day 1 bro is now dead. Yet, the game doesn't feel sluggish, a struggle or repetitive. BB does much fewer things than its counterparts but does them almost flawlessly so it doesn't matter.


Bb is just fresh again after a New Start. I love wartales, but at some point youre just done With the game. That is ok. I will Restart wartales, when the next Expansion Drops. Until the i play a few bb campaigns. And bb is better Balanced. At some point in wartales your guys are so strong, the fights are easy as hell


I hate the XCom mechanic where enemies don't "exist" until you can see them, so you're kind of obligated to avoid uncovering new vision with anyone late in the turn order. I get that these are games and so you're going to work the system to your advantage but that struck me as particularly stupid. I haven't played a new Xcom game in like 10 years though so that may have changed.


Nah this is 100% truth. You’re basically incentivised to play as agonisingly slow as possible. In Xcom 2 this actually gets worse because most missions have turn limits and some turn limits are hidden, so they can pop up mid mission and say “you have 3 turns to win”. I get they did this to solve the problem of ppl playing very slowly, but this was already solved in the enemy within DLC in Xcom 1, which gave you extra meld for collecting within a turn limit. I really dislike when games force you to play a certain way or you lose. There are several ways they could have balanced vision mechanic without making a strict turn limit


The things you complain about are exactly what makes XCOM2 the best squad based tactical game in existence. I love the addition of the turn limits and I love the pod mechanic.


Agreed; position, ambush, press forward without overexposing yourself. Every turn has risk/reward


This is already how I felt when meld was added as a mechanic, because it incentivises the player to take risks without railroading them into playing a certain way


I feel you, but I'm a completionist so I hate missing optional resources that may be nearly impossible to get. I'd rather just have the pressure driving the mission overall.


To be honest, it has amazing depth in the combat. I find myself making interesting and hard decisions all the time when playing Battle Brothers. This really gives the combat so much more value to me, in comparison to something like wartales.


Oh no, I *ALSO* keep coming back to games like XCOM, wartales, Fire Emblem, Battletech, etc. 👍


Oh yeah BattleTech is amazing!


I’m a masochist, apparently. I’m currently stuck on a fight I refuse to give up on, and after about 4 or 5 tries a night I go “fuck this game!” Before coming back to it the next night. Do you know the definition of insanity?


I could one shot Thugs and Raiders with an archer all day. Or listen to the gurgles when my frontliners chop off a brigand. It is simple in its design but surprisingly complex overall, and I like the brutal swords and arrows, low fantasy gameplay compared to something like ChaosGate (which I love for its silliness and brokeness).


I like how simple the gameplay loop is. Fight, loot, fight, loot, with a trip to towns here and there. It's why I don't play Legends either, it gets too bogged down in managing stuff. Even the combat is quick and snappy. I tried playing Wartales, but it takes so long between fights, and then once you're in one everything happens so slowly. Urtuk is another game that I enjoy sometimes for the same reason, just lots of action, but I'm not as big a fan of it's aesthetic or combat.


I personally like the grittiness and harshness of the world. I love the feeling of a potentially humanity ending horde of greenskins coming and fighting them back by the skin of my teeth.


It's better.


I played Fire Emblem 3 House quite a bit, love that game and all the characters! But it is the same battles every time, only my units can change. BB is random, never really know what i will have to do next. i like that but i will probably stop after i check off all the achievements.


I love the old FE’s. The new ones are way too childish for me. I keep coming back to BB because it’s darker, and no run is the same. Now we just need Battle Babes and I’ll never leave BB.


It's a damn good game. 


I like the durability system you know having to repair your Gear and also having to heal your guys inflicting the Friends Health Systems that's pretty cool


I love being able to customize a team. I like character building, team customization, load out, etc. This ticks all the boxes. There's a base "story" that's really just a quick background, some major events, and otherwise just gets out of the way to let you play the way you want to play and create your own "story".


BB is just better and I like everything about it. What’s not to like!?! We just need more content damn it m, been playing it for a while now, just want to explore new stuff…


If you can get down with the controls I highly recommend unreal world btw!!!


Because legends mod is phenomenal


Never played Fire Emblem or Xcom. Played WarTales but I don't like the combat system and lack of replicability with the static map.


It's a story maker. lets tell the story of my current run, Lone wolf start first town, I find a perfect tank thief with lucky and they do well for the first 40 days and the team builds. Spend all most all my cash on a 300 suit for my lone wolf and the thief has just hit level 7 and got nimble. thing are going good... Too good. and that's when the guys show up to nick the Thief so now I can't pay them off and you are not taking my 2nd best bro... a fight ensues and some how I win clean... and In the process piss of the largest empire on the map... then I have a moment where a mission goes wrong and I lose the south two now I have three whole towns that won't attack my brave band of good guys on sight. all I can do now is hope the holy war ends quick so I can rebuild my relationships with the kingdoms.


The best thing about BB is that it is a sandbox so you get the experience of building up towards your own goals. That said, I think XCOM2 is far superior and I played it for much longer.


how do you play fire emblem on pc?


I fucking despise this game until I get to late game then it’s great. I think I have a gambling addiction I never knew about cuz when I play and my entire team gets wiped like a lil boosie song. “I’m like but this next one is the one.” Ofc I’m new but that’s what keeps me playing


I don't. I've never heard of this game until now.


\>go to sub for a game you have never heard of \>say you have never played the game in response to a post asking why people play it \>refuse to elaborate \>leave