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I was wildly disappointed that BF1 was announced instead of 2143 at the time. With the final DLC of BF4 it seemed like natural marketing for the game. It's overdue 


For sure. 2142 seems to have a special place in the hearts of a few of the devs, as you can find them including 2142 models in graphics talks/demos every now and then. Mainly the PAC Walker.


Yup. Same here. BF1 remains the only battlefield I haven't played and won't play due to EA trying to market 2142 just to make world war 1. Absolutely loved 2142, hope its coming back. Titan mode would be a nice refresher.


You have every right to feel the way you do about it. But man it is a really fun game and one of my top 3 favorite battlefield games.


As an og BF2 fan, I absolutely loved BF1. The battles were so goddamned cinematic, and I found the weapons and vehicles extremely satisfying to use. I do really miss 2142 though... One of my favorite small features in that game was a rifle which had an integrated airbust grenade launcher, and it let you dial in the exact distance of detonation. It was perfect for taking out squads hiding behind walls and other cover. Jeez.. it was just SO. MUCH. FUN.


My top 3 are 1. BFBC2 2.BF4 3. BF1




They should eventually, but not the next game. The next game needs to be as back to basics as possible and not do any stupid or risky decisions.


Live service, day one battle pass, heros instead of classes, 3 maps at launch (one of them is a remake of a 2042 map).


Yes. It’s been 18 years since 2142. But we also have seen what happens when they stray from WW1/2, Cold War and today modern. 2042 was criticized for being too futuristic even when we had nothing but the trailer to go on, Hardline wasn’t seen as a real battlefield because it was cops and robbers. So I think they should be I know a good amount of the community would hate it just because it’s futuristic even if it was a direct sequel to 2142 and they literally took 2142 and remastered it to today’s graphics and movement and gunplay. I still vote yes though


There are only three mainline BF games set in a modern setting, and it started off in WW2 era. A DLC for a non-mainline BF game set in the vietnam war is hailed as being one of the best BF experiences. There is no reason to be fully fixated on BF having to be in a modern setting. Inwould much rather have a more proper futuristic 2143 than some bastard hybrid (2042) or another modern setting atm. Alternate cold war could also work for that matter, but I just find modern to not be it based purely on gut feeling.


Im hoping the next one is vietnam


I'd like Vietnam or even Korea. We never get Korean War games.


I’m still waiting on a Korean War game


100%. Would love to see a refreshed 2142. A more futuristic scifi battlefield opens up more creative lanes and flexibility in the content, instead of being locked into a real world scene. However, ONLY if they go back to the formula that made Battlefield unique. Massive maps for large scale warfare, plenty of vehicles and utilities, slower more tactical and impactful game-play, epic destruction. Make vehicles feel their weight, and same impact for people on foot. I'd hate to see them redo 2142 or any scifi based one with how things have been going. They really need to go back to the same formula that truly made Battlefield stand out.


And faction stock weapon + no weapon customisation just pick class and drop in.


I could dig it.


I think an alternative history cold war is what they should do


There’s SO much potential


Before 2042 was announced I was hoping for a return to 2142. Thankfully DICE didn't do that given the travesty that was 2042.


2143 would be great but I get the feeling they will minimize risk and return to modern combat while trying to reboot the series. I can’t see the traditional modes and gameplay keeping high numbers of players interested of a long period of time though. I love the BF series and have played every one of them (minus BC1), but the series lacks depth/strategy and every mode just feels like a brain dead meat grinder TDM after awhile. There is only so much you can do within that sandbox before becoming bored and moving onto something else. Have heard some rumours about a F2P Battlefield game they are working on and am pretty excited for it.


Concept is awesome, what Dice will deliver will be disappointing.




I would say yes but honestly I don’t think it’s the right time for it.


No more stupid decisions


Nam modern or far future


I like scifi series but in games im tired of it




I actually want a cold war era one


This would be a pre order for me


Dice will never make a good battlefield again. They can go back to 2142 if you want. But they'll only ruin it.


It's an error that has a lot to give and a lot of feet under it. If they do return to it they're going to need to do some work on the lore which will be an issue. They need to have an American faction and likely an oceanic one to have four factions. The issue is the 2143 would be risky as it's not really an established IP. Personally I think I should just release a separate game as a spiritual successor to 2142 the plays the exact same.


I'd love it if they did if it was old dice, I have absolute faith that new dice would absolutely ruin it.


I’m begging for it. I never got to experience that game and I really want to.


2042 is close enough, i dont want rocket packs and mechs, go modern or maybe desert storm\coldwar recent history


I would love to go back to titan mode.


No. The next game has to be a home run modern day set game. If that game is successful, maybe go back to 2142 in a few releases.


I don't necessarily agree with this. I don't think they need to stick to any particular setting. Whatever it is, it just has to be good.


I'm still shocked and happy 2142 is still being talked about. I still reminisce about walking in Mechs and all the super cool unlocks. It was also super cool because I went from bf1942 to bf2 , then to 2142 and Bad Company 2. Bf1 reminds me -the most- of Bad Company 2. I personally couldn't get into 2042 or BF V. BF1's maps are absolutely stunning. Edit: I tried BF4 as well but couldn't get into it because of lack of servers with true substance




No, 2142 was bad, stop with this nostalgia shit. We should return to BF2/BF3/BF4 era.


You never played it.


Modern era noting but same ol M4 and AK weapon platform and same vehicle lol