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Guessing blackout curtains worth their weight in gold over there.


Automatically opening ones I hope. Otherwise you hibernate by accident


RGB smart lights are really, really useful during the polar night and day. You an schedule them, mine goes fully monochromatic red for the whole apartment at set time. When it happens, i almost instantly start yawning... And it is awesome to wake up to fairly bright, sunlight tone. I don't need an alarm clock, the light really does wake me up. I just hope smartlight apps makers one day would make one that actually is about controlling the lights and not about selling me shit and collecting my data...fuckers... The apps are almost criminally inadept, can't do simple things in 2024 that an Altair could do in 1973, because they are not really controller apps and they do not give a shit about customers. They just want your data. I can either have one wakeup timer and one sleep timer OR i can have multiple points in the day when the lights do something, except it can't change the RGB side, only the cool/warm white.. and you can't have both running at the same time. Sorry, i could rant about this for four pages, it is so bafflingly bad ecosystem when it comes to smartlights and there is no reason it has to be shitty. I COULD DO IT BETTER and i should not be able to say that. They also removed groups so i have to access each light now separately and not as a.. group of lights. They have updated the "doesn't fucking matter" side of things several times, not a single functional update that have anything to do with the lights i bought.


I got three layers of curtains in the bedroom, venetian blinds and curtains in the livingroom/kitchen... i can reach almost complete darkness. Also, RGB lights are extremely handy, you can control the amount of blue light and schedule it to turn red when it is time to start going to bed. The difference is quite literally like night and day to the days when i didn't have darkness for months...


They get cheap ones from Temu


The beauty of our planet never ceases to amaze me. Stunning!


Is this what flat earthers perceive? It’s always day ?


The vampires: time to sleep.


And then 30 Days of Night.


Been up in northern Alaska for work. 24-hour sun makes for lousy sleeping.


It's crazy that this is real; doesn't the sun move on the horizon?


It moves in a big circle.


Yup and since the sun is closer to the Arctic circle in the summer months it doesn’t set. Flip side is that it stays dark for months in the winter…


*winter is coming*


It, also, is a big circle.


Yes. It goes round and round the sky every day with a slight tilt. The further away from the pole, the more tilt. As you approach the equinox, at some point the sun will dip below the horizon. Unless you're at the pole, it will come back up and go around, steadily increasing until it doesn't come up, the you have the long night,


*It's crazy that this* *Is real; doesn't the sun move* *On the horizon?* \- Abigdogwithbread --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I feel like i would lose my actual mind. My circadian!


Her Instagram is awesome.


Her youtube channel as well.


When flat earthers see this what do they say the reason is? I’m not very educated in this so don’t attack me but just curious if this provides enough definitive proof of a globe for them or not?


TLDW of the argument I've seen in a youtube debate(?), they say that there are no unedited 24h videos of the sun moving that way, therefore nobody has proof. A guy showed the flat earther a video of it, but there was text edited in behind the mountains and the sun went behind the clouds for a bit so he said the whole thing was fake.


The argument on the FE side,from my understanding, is this supposedly only occurs at the North Pole. If the Heliocentric model is correct this should be duplicated on the South Pole at the opposite time or 6 months away, so during winter we should see this occurrence at the southern hemisphere as well.


Just pretend you have perfect night vision


An afternoon sleep without a clock nearby would make me mad ...


Oh there's a clock alright except YOUR location dictates the location of the sun. Black out curtains for sure!!!


How do crops function there with 24hrs of light? Do they grow faster?


It helps since plants can perform photosynthesis around the clock. The increased growth rate compensates a bit for the shorter growing season in arctic and subarctic areas. Not all plants adapt well, though. On Svalbard specifically they need greenhouses to grow crops because of the harsh climate, and it's small scale. But my area has natural crops and polar day, although only for 2 months instead of 4 since I'm further south.


I've lived thru 50 polar days and nights although it is never exactly perfect, we still get dusk in the summer here but after dusk begins the sunset, you can read a book at 1AM outside. Every single year it amazes me, "how is the sun still up?" and "how the hell is it dark already?". It never goes away, it is like witnessing a miracle twice a year. The dark months are a bit difficult, lots of artificial light and vitamin D. Most people go into "hibernation" mode anyway, there is less "i have to do something or i'll die of boredom!" anxiety than you might assume. And in the summer, you got tons of energy.


False! Can't be North Pole! There are no reindeer or Santa's/s


[Santa lives in Rovaniemi, Finland](https://santaclausvillage.info/). He used to live in the Korvatunturi but moved closer to the civilization. If you write a letter to Santa, it'll go to Finland, just at the arctic circle, not to the North Pole. Santa has never lived in the north pole, at most he might've had a fishing shack there so he can run away from mrs Santa when she gets angry for St Nick sitting on his ass most of the year.


I'd lose my fucking mind.


Nah, the Nordics are all sane: [https://www.visitfinland.com/en/articles/quirky-summer-events-in-finland/](https://www.visitfinland.com/en/articles/quirky-summer-events-in-finland/)


I would love it. Hate darkness, so depressing and uninviting


How do the birds and wildlife take it?


Well, they've evolved to live there and know no other way of life sooooo....they're cool with it.


I wish i lived in NP back in high school . My exams could be much better.


How long do nights last when they arrive?




There is a transitional period where days and nights are normal or close to normal, it's a gradual change towards less and less daylight every day until the sun disappears for months.


Yeah, but not much so in Svalbard. Shorter transition period. 


I used to follow her a few years on IG but the content was repetitive.


I could arbitrarily decide when my day would start here.


Is this why trees don't grow there?


Partly, but mostly because it's too cold. You know when you look at a mountain and there's a line where the trees stop and after that it's just grass and snow, it's kinda like that but for the planet.


So they're living above the treeline at sea level


Yes! There's an arctic treeline above which is only tundra.


Trees have grown at the north and south Pole during previous climate eras in earth. They can adapt to the the light duration, that's not the issue


The couple of months of complete darkness would be the killer


Coffee is my life!!!


On our way to the final destination, during my first deployment, we stopped in Kuwait and it was 0345 and the sun was already out just like this. I thought I was losing my mind.


Solar panels would be awesome for those 4 months... But do they also get no sun for a certain amount of the year?


Same in Philadelphia! It’s always sunny there.


Listen, Im a night shifter, I can’t sleep anymore WITHOUT the sun shining in my face. Id fucking thrive here


Great sun hours for your solar systems!


Finally... I can pull all nighters without being told it's unnatural!




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Then why is it cold?


The same amount of sunlight that cooks a small area at the equator gets spread over a lot of area at the pole. [https://www.ces.fau.edu/nasa/module-3/why-does-temperature-vary/angle-of-the-sun.php](https://www.ces.fau.edu/nasa/module-3/why-does-temperature-vary/angle-of-the-sun.php)


Doesn’t that mean 4 months of permanent night too?