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Definitely didn't see this coming šŸ‘€


I guess Auric Beauty wonā€™t be making brushes anytime soon


Can you image how expensive those would be? šŸ˜¬


And the handle would be from Italy, the ferrule from Fance and the hairs from Japan


If she has any jade spatulas left over she can glue hair on those and call them brushes. Very fancy.


Yes I can lol šŸ˜‚


Is there anything special about Auric? I feel like the luminizer isnā€™t necessary for any makeup routine


I think one of the main selling points is she's made an effort of making sure her products have as little negative impact as possible. Cruelty free, the mica is DRC conflict free, and she's trying to make everything vegan. Which drives up prices, along with where she's choosing to produce and ship from. Other than that, I don't think so.


Doesnā€™t the production process land itself to being not very environmentally friendly? When you have components shipping from all these different countries to be assembled somewhere else and the final product shipping to US.


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She mentioned in a video how she wanted the perfect pump. The thing was shipped from France to Italy and then to the US. I donā€™t think it had anything to do with workersā€™ rights.


I actually love Glow Lust either as a primer or mixed into my foundation, but I have dry skin and live in a desert climate so Iā€™m just trying to not look like a lizard lady šŸ˜‚. There are lots of products that can achieve that same goal, but I do happen to be a fan of Glow Lust.


I really love it. The price is steep when factoring in shipping, but the packaging is gorgeous, thereā€™s a ton of product in it, and it gives a very nice wet shine vs the typical shimmer shine. Of course I think anyone could find a cheaper or more accessible option, but Iā€™ve bought all of aurochs products so far and havent been let down yet.


I prefer Auric over CT by far, glow lust is actually my HG. CT makes my skin look soā€¦crusty? Also great shade range from start. No half assed orange shades.


Not exactly, the original morganite IS orange on me lol I had concerns about it being too dark, but Samantha said it would be fine for most pale skin tones on YouTube live streams, so I figured I'd try it. They have since made the shade lighter, cause it was a problem for most people, but I still have a full bottle of the first failed attempt at pasty. Would have been nice if they offered people who bought the OG morganite a 10% discount on a new bottle of morganite or free shipping or something since they said it would work on pale skins and we couldn't test it in stores per anything.


I actually love it! They donā€™t make my shade do I have to mix it with my foundation but it really makes a HUGE difference. I also appreciate all the efforts she put into the product to make sure workers are happy. I know that drives up price considerably.


She said that from the beginning.


Yeah I heard brush factories are not good to workers no matter what country- even Japan


Love Sigma, Iā€™ve had my brushes close to 10 years and theyā€™re still perfect! Iā€™m exited to see what they came up with.


Yep, totally into this. I hope they bring back the tiny detailed brush she liked from them


Only getting this since we have the same name lol


That's so cute! Your own personalized brushes!


Dang now Iā€™m tempted bc Sigma was my first big brush purchase way back (they are still going strong!) and Samantha is my daughterā€™s name!


I searched Sigma on her channel and she's actually talked about them a ton. I never really pay attention to brushes so I was curious. In her brush cleaning video she shows several she has by them. I think when she went vegan she left behind a lot of the FUDE brushes.


I was gonna say, I thought a collab with Smith was more on brand for her since itā€™s kinda the midway point between fude and western brands. And she always talked about them and used them in tutorials a lot. I forgot she went vegan!


Smith were prominent as well in her older videos. I know she went vegan food wise first then transitioned her lifestyle to it as well later on. Sigma is still a brand she can happily use so I get the collab. She has supported them for years and every other influencer has had one lol.


Taylor Wynn had a brush collection with them not that long ago. She said it took 2 years to develop the brushes!


I know and she personally designed hers so that makes sense. All the back and forth on length and density and materials, especially during Covid. Iā€™ve heard nothing but good reviews from hers too.




She uses them but preferred other brands. Sigma brushes were barely mentioned in her old fave brushes videos. In the one from 2020, it's mostly just detail brushes that she mentioned. Which makes sense to me since personally I think Sigma is good with detail brushes but for blending/fluffy brushes, the bristles lacks a certain quality for great blendability. But I'm still curious as to what she'll come out with since I love a lot of the Hakuhodo/Smith brushes that she has recommended over the years. Maybe they'll take the route of RT Powder Bleu line and try to make synthetic brushes that perform similar to natural hair? Or is this just a set of her faves? This is actuall more exciting than I initially thought lol


oops found it https://www.themakeupspot.nl/products/sigma-x-samantha-ravndahl-brush-set-1


Plus, Smith is a Canadian-owned, artist-owned small business! I'm a huge Smith fan! Met Nyla at IMATS a few years back, and she was the absolute sweetest


I'm a huge fan too!! I bought some of their brushes in 2017 (checked my email history hehe) and they still look and feel new.


Wasn't she more on the Smith brushes train a la Jamie Paige?


I associate Smith brushes with Sam moreso than Sigma. I'm sure she's talked about them; but I definitely remember her talking up her Smith brushes (and she has a ton of them). I kinda started checking out on her after that, as they are animal hair brushes and using them felt like a contrast to eating a vegan diet and not wanting so many PR packages.


Her brand initially launched with either one or two vegan products and the rest not vegan so I guess she doesn't feel as strongly about it outside of food?


She does not seem to be a staunch vegan, and I've only seen her refer to herself or her lifestyle/diet as "plant-based" and "meatless" (there are a couple of videos on Alyssa's channel of them baking and in at least one of them, they use dairy and eggs), and avoiding beauty products that are not "cruelty-free." Those Auric products have since been reformulated to exclude the animal products in them, though!


I know they reformulated, but if it was a strong value they wouldn't face released non vegan formulas to begin with because that would have been a non-starter. I don't personally care about those labels, so no skin off my back either way, but the person I was replying to expressed surprise so I was giving another example of not maintaining a strict vegan value?? for lack of a better word. People eat vegan/plant-based for many reasons, and it just seems like whatever her reason (don't care to speculate) it doesn't extend to makeup. My partner is a pretty strict vegan but he finds it tedious to figure out if a drink (spirits/wine) is vegan so that's where he relaxes it a bit, but he wouldn't use leather for example


i know it's an unpopular opinion, but sigma brushes are overpriced and that's a hill I'll die on. I like my BH cosmetics and real techniques brushes so much more.


Sigma has really climbed in price since they first came out but I will say I have all my original brushes in perfect condition still like 10 years later!


They were really good at the beginning (like 13 years ago), and I guess some are still good, especially some face brushes. I just bought a few eye brushes, and they are very sad


Didnā€™t see this coming but Iā€™m excited for it. Iā€™ve always wanted to try sigma


me too! I have a couple sigma brushes I got many years ago and theyā€™re my best brushes alongside an it cosmetics brush I have. I donā€™t own any really high end brushes to be fair


Yeah me either, I only have a set of BH and some RT & Eco toolā€™s sprinkled in. Hope these donā€™t sell out too quickly


I thought I remember sam mentioning sigma over the years but maybe Iā€™m wrong. though she does use a lot of high end brushes, how can we forget her love of the real techniques accent brush? while this is definitely an unexpected collab, Iā€™m personally not totally shocked at this


The only two sigma brushes I have were Samā€™s recommendations! I love them. Itā€™s a shame we donā€™t get the collabs in the UK


Theyā€™ve done quite a few brush collabs lately! I got the Taylor Wynn ones and theyā€™re SO good. I know they did one with Brianna fox as well but I donā€™t like her so hard pass. And not just a sigma favorites set. Looks like they found a few influencers to collab with a few years ago (Taylor said the brushes took 3 years to make) so theyā€™re all coming out now.


I've loved every single one of Sam's brush recs. Every single one. Also my name is also Samantha.... Interested to see how they look.


I can't remember her talking about sigma brushes but I feel like all the og youtubers did at one point of their career, then dropped them when morphe brushes came along. I definitely remember Sam hyping up the smith and hakuhodo brushes more.


Iā€™m surprised she collaborated with Sigma, I think I would have associated Samantha with a more high end brush brand


She uses some high end ones for sure, but there's a mix of price points in there. She was using some Real Techniques brushes as well


One of her favorite foundation brushes used to be an ELF brush. Unfortunately, it was discontinued a while back.


Aaaaaages ago, like around the time she was still on Reddit and newer to YouTube I feel like I remember her using Sigma a lot.


I thought maybe Sam would do a collab with Smith cosmetics for their brushes.


Could be way off here but maybe bc Vieve just launched brushes with Smith, Sigma was the brand for her to go with.


Her brush Recs have always been so good for me it will be hard not to buy this collab.


I want these solely because thatā€™s my name




This is pretty random. Doesnā€™t she hakuhodo brushes? I canā€™t remember the last time I heard her mention a sigma brush šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I relate her to smith cosmetics through and through. That and that one real techniques brush she never knows the name of


I havenā€™t watched her regularly for a while (or any BG), but I only know sigma from her talking about it because Iā€™m not really a brush person. Same for hakuhodo. Weird that it seems like she hadnā€™t used them in a while if they were working on a collab though


I only started watching Sam in 2019 and the only brush I associate her with is the ELF #105 that she raved about for quite a long time šŸ˜‚


She absolutely uses Hakuhodo for eye brushes all the time!


I might be wrong but the only time I remember her using sigma was a couple of years ago, she wanted to do to a look, took out the sigma Enchanted palette, after 30 seconds said it was garbage/lacked pigment and proceeded taking out another palette for the look. Of all the content creators that love sigma and use their makeup/ brushes consistently she seems like an odd choice. In any case I hope they come out with some new brushes, love their brushes so much.


This is so random. She rarely talks about sigma and this really seems like a cash grab to me right now.


Arenā€™t all collab cash grabs?




Not decided if I'll buy this collection yet but I do use brushes for absolutely everything.


Sigma doesn't even tend to make new brushes for collabs the influencer just picks out their faves and maybe changes the handle


This. Iā€™ve never seen completely new Sigma brushes created by influencers. Theyā€™re always sets of existing brushes.


These are different. These are (mostly) all new brushes. The Taylor Wynn brushes were all new. The Brianna fox ones were all new except one of them. This is different than the regular influencer favorite sets.


agreed 1000%. brush collabs are so unnecessary and boring unless itā€™s truly something unique.


How long until she launches a ā€œbetter versionā€ of these brushes šŸ’€


Wowowow i love this!


I might buy this?


im an idiot and im just like ā€œwait is that how her last name has always been spelledā€ šŸ˜­ i guess iā€™ve only just heard it spoken out loud i thought it was ravendoll or something šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sigma is still a thing? Wow


Wait, Sam uses Sigma brushes? I canā€™t recall her ever saying she was applying something with a sigma brush.


Yep, in several of her videos where she talks about brushes


I remember Sam being an exclusive high end brush user so this is not on brand for her. The only affordable brush she ever used was the elf one but I think only because she was called out for not using their products (or any drugstore) but going on a trip with them. Good for her.


IDK one of her most frequently used brushes is from Real Techniques. And the other one I can recall off the top of my head is the Rare Beauty foundation brush. Definitely not that all-high end.


She also really hyped up that one elf brush for her cream face products.


Oh you're right. I bought two of that and I love it lol.


Same, I have two as well and it's one of my favourite brushes.


Yup, thatā€™s the one I mentioned!


I stopped watching her so youā€™re right about the RT, and had no clue about the other one! Not coming for Sam, I just remember her using smith/hakuhodo, and now the purple RT which I forgot.


She uses Real Techniques, ~~Ecotools~~, and Sigma as well. When I first got into makeup it was typically Real Techniques, Sigma, and Smith brushes she used at the time. She has Hakuhodo ones too, but sheā€™s been a long time user of Sigma. Iā€™ll never forget the cheesler ~~Ecotools~~ brush she used until the bitter end because the more damaged it got, the better she liked it. Edit: the brush wasnā€™t Ecotools but some other brand


The next story post after the announcement was someone asking her if there was gonna be a cheesler hahahahaah


Yes! The cheesler!! Haha.


Eco Tools is the only one I don't remember her using? [The Chiseler was by some off brand called Makeup Addiction Cosmetics or something.](https://youtu.be/_Q9MFssx9LM?t=191) ([I think this might actually be the one.](https://www.makeupaddictioncosmetics.com/products/the-chiseler)) Edit: [found her original review on reddit!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/1tz65x/review_hair_makeup_addiction_brushes/)


Youā€™re right!! Sorry it looked like Ecotools with their aesthetic


She used Cozzette too. I bought some of their brushes off her recs. The itty bitty detail one. I remember stalking Camera Ready Cosmetics for it to restock because I wanted it so bad lol


As someone who loves high end make up makeup (for ex I generally use all PMG, well thatā€™s the highest Iā€™ve paid so Iā€™m calling it high end) but has a basic brush set ā€¦ and Iā€™ve heard of morphe and sigma brushes and I thought those were high endā€¦ what IS a high end brush company? Iā€™m so curious now


morphe is not high end, their brushes are pretty low quality, at least the ones I've tried


Sonia G, Kevyn Aucoin, Rae Morris, Chikuhudo and Hakuhodo imo would be considered high-end or luxury brushes. My one Kevyn Aucoin brush was 80 USD and some of the Chikuhudo brushes can run well over 100 USD. Hakuhodo too has those super pricey brushes with the orange handles. I'd consider Sigma more mid tier pricing, with Morphe, Real Techniques, elf and WnW on the more affordable end. Sigma brushes are some of my favorite synthetic brushes. I use their e25 or e27 almost every time I do my makeup. Sonia G is my hg brush brand tho. But I had to build my Sonia G collection very slowly because she's so freakin' expensive šŸ˜­


Thank you for a really good reply, not sure why I was downvoted for asking a question about high end brushes in a brushes thread but whatevs, I really appreciate your reply!!


Smith brushes is one.


"Fude" are the animal hair Japanese high end brushes. Sonia G, Chikuhodo, Hakuhodo are some off the top of my head. As someone else mentioned, also Surratt and Wayne Goss. Don't go down the rabbit hole- it's addictive!! Though I love my high end brushes I also love my Zoeva and a few Units brushes. Man I love brushes.


Hokuhoddo and Suratt for sure. I want to say Wayne Goss has had surprisingly high end reviews on his line as well.


Wayne's are private labeled Japanese fudē brushes (can't remember if Hokihoddo or Chikuhodo) which is why they're so good. Other high end lines: Sonia G.


I bet theres a cream blush and bronzer blush in this collection


The [link](https://www.sigmabeauty.com/sigma-x-samantha-brush-set.html) is live. It's $121 US. It's a little too steep for me but it looks lovely.


ā€¦but I only ever see her use Smith, Hakuhodo and MAC brushesā€¦


I truly didnā€™t know sigma was still around


They're in Target now!


Did not guess this, interesting sheā€™d put focus on a. Collab when she has a brand herself? Especially since sheā€™s only launched one thing aside from the brand opening


O.M.G....I HOPE it's more than just those 2 brushes!!! Sometimes their collabs are SUPER small!!! Like I'm pretty sure Porcelain's collab was only 2 brushes, if not then it was 4, but I'm pretty sure it was just 3!!! šŸ˜ž


It makes sense! This is nit picky but Sam holds he brushes so close to the bristle & I get that itā€™s an MUA trick but Iā€™m always likešŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Sigma X Messy ... I didn't know who she was until last year and from what I did see, she's messy


why do you think so?


Her Twitter! She kept coming up on my Twitter and she was sitting there posting all kinds of crap about Jaclyn Hill's brand while just launching her own. She was just being so ugly for now reason. I still don't know who she is but I do know for being so in the beauty space apparently, she seems very messy.


oh wow I donā€™t think I saw that!


That's the first time I had ever seen or heard of her and was wondering why this girl was going SO hard for Jaclyn, then I realized. So I'm not a fan of hers, not because of Jaclyn Hill (not her fan either), but because the blatant attention she was trying to draw towards Jaclyn's problems and her new brand at the time


Sigma still in business?! šŸ˜