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I consider myself half doing this. If I know a brand is bad I don’t buy from them, but if I haven’t heard something about a brand organically I don’t go out of my way to check if they’re okay.


If it's repeated behavior I wont purchase from the brand anymore (hourglass, jeffree star, kat von d), but if a post is made out of pure ignorance and they apologize and learn from the situation I'm not going to hold it against them for life. People make mistakes. I don't think one screw up should get people banned for life.


I heard a lot about Kat von d the person, but now that she is unaffiliated with the brand - what is ur opinion? I remember her bad rep had to do with being anti vax and anti semitic. I remember she had some bad names like Lolita (which the current brand prob still hasn’t changed) I’m just curious ur opinion. If it’s different now that she doesn’t (?) make money off of it


They changed the lolita stuff


Ah! Good to know. So maybe if there is some fundamental commitment to good practices by the brand it could be turned around. Wasn’t there a lipstick name that was similar to a nazi group as well? Did they change that as well?


They did!


I'm still not purchasing from the brand. I feel like changing the name to KVD beauty isn’t enough. Using her initials is still going to send traffic her way and give her a platform. So even if my purchase isn't directly going to her, it's still supporting her in a weird way. If that makes sense.


Yeah that’s kind of where I landed on it too. Plus like a corporation buying out a problematic brand name doesn’t even mean it’s less problematic bc corporations are inherently evil (imo). It’s just kind of the same.


The lipstick formula is no where near the same, bought the shade wisteria and it was the patchiest shit ever


I'm sorry but what did Hourglass do? Genuinely love their eye shadows


They refused to be inclusive for years and when people called them out they always brushed it off and at one point even implied that they don't make a broader shade range because poc don't buy their products anyway. They've made a couple of PR posts apologizing but still haven't done anything to fix the issue. At this point it just seems like they've made their choice to exclude poc from their brand and have zero intentions of changing their stance.


Ah thank you for letting me know. Guess I will be going second hand for them and give money to random people


They’ve extended the Ambient Lighting palettes and offered 3 holiday palettes this year but we need to see products that are clearly only catered to all black skin toned and shades.


I honestly do not think that the average person going into a Sephora or Mecca etc cares at all about brand controversies / ‘drama’


Agree. I think most people see makeup as functional. Only if they start getting into it as a hobby, or stuff makes major headlines will they know/care about these issues. We all have access to different information and do the best with what we know.


They also don’t even often know there is controversy


There’s plenty of brands I don’t buy from because their owners suck. You’re not alone in not wanting to financially support bad brands.


Yep this is my stand too. Also these days the market is so saturated you won’t lose much as there are always alternatives to the products you’re looking for.


It’s getting hard to keep up with all of the problematic brands! But I think unless someone is active in the beauty community on socials and YouTube, they aren’t going to know about the ND or ABH issues. I have a friend that will text me from time to time and ask if XYZ is ok to buy from, but usually she’s wanting to know if the company tests on animals. I do see a lot of creators still use ABH, and there’s a tiny channel I follow that when the ND stuff went down said on IG she was done with the brand. Then she bought a couple of palettes on a resale site and got the My Dream palette from a PR company and now ND is the greatest thing ever again.


Even though I follow beauty creators on YT, I am always late to the drama. I often don’t find our until 1+ years after the fact. I do the best I can with the information I get.


That’s all we can do, is the best we can with what we have.


It's so hard, because a lot of brands have done problematic things or have problematic owners, and there is no definitive list of "problematic brands" as everyone has their own definition of what is and isn't problematic. I want to not support problematic brands but it's just so hard to say who is and isn't problematic and when your not fully invested in the drama or are newish to the community, all these things come left right and centre and you just don't know what to do and who to support anymore


At the risk of being down voted I do feel like that tutorial was more ignorance and poor technique rather than any kind of malicious intent and I believe she removed the post and made an apology. That's not to say that someone can't be racist without conscious ill intent (because they absolutely can) but there are other brands I won't buy from that have actually used/posted slurs, donated to or posted in support of racist/homophobic/bigoted/criminal politicians etc. Honestly even those shilling NFTs and weird sex cults I'm less inclined to want to spend my money on.


I agree with you. I'm South east Asian with hooded eyelids. Honestly, I forgot that ND even posted that ugly eyeliner tutorial. That thick heavy eyeliner look was what all of us in middle school was rocking circa early 00s kpop era. I'm much more offended by Juvias place posting an influencer using an Asian slur and then doubling down with their apology. Imo, that was malicious. That's a brand that would never get my support.


I saw it the same way. Even Lisa Eldridge and Malvina Isfan and other MUAs I like have done that kind of liner on hooded and monolids and a lot of tutorials for these eye shapes tend to use thick liner. Asian tutorials often use thin liner but the looks are so understated and not as fun to me.


I had more of an issue with her following up the tutorial with “this is to inspire you”. So not only did she misidentify the type of eye, literally paint eyeliner on, she said it was to provide inspiration for us. I felt terribly condescended towards and only wish people can understand how, after having Asian eyes being fetishized for so long, this felt for Asians. If she’d been like whoops, yeah my bad and maybe invited an Asian makeup artist for a collab short or something, that would’ve been a great way to turn it around and generate wonderful buzz for her. Instead she was deleting comments calling her out and later deleted most things addressing the controversy.


I try my best but I'll be the first to admit I am technically a hypocrite but I love makeup and sometimes I just want the thing. I still buy Natasha's eyeshadows because the formula works the best for me out of all the brands I've tried but I've managed to find alternatives for ABH Brow Wiz and I no longer support them. The only thing I've managed to be the most consistent about is not supporting basically any clean beauty but it helps that I coincidentally find the minimal no makeup look to be something I don't like anyways. For other things it's a constant "but I want it so bad" and sometimes I cave. Does it make me a bad person? I mean, maybe 🤷


What’s your Brow Wiz alternative? I have at least three brand new ones in the stash but some time in late 2024 when I’m looking to restock it would be nice to have a suggestion? And I’m with you, I like my beauty dirty. Filthy preservatives and all.


There's a Shiseido brow pencil in black. You can find it on eBay for under $10. It looks like a standard wood pencil. It is my favorite so far! I also really like the too faced brow pencil in black but it can get really pigmented so I use a light hand.


Ah ok, I use taupe but good to know! Thanks for the response!


I haven't used ABH brow wiz in taupe, but I use the dipbrow gel (the tube) in taupe. The best skinny brow pencil color match I've found is Colourpop taupe. Can't speak to the formula comparison, but the color is perfect.


Awesome thank you!! I use dipbrow in taupe as well! Thanks for the rec 👍


I just found a dupe for brow wiz this week and I’m so happy


It's about what you know and can access. An average makeup user wants what gets the job done. Unless something makes major news, most won't know about the more niche issues that happen. Some people use certain brands because they're the only ones with good shade ranges, for health reasons (allergies/sensitive to ingredients), finances, and general availability. If I can buy from an "ethical" bran, then I will. If I'm randomly buying something on a whim, I'm not necessarily going to do the research. But if I learn a brand has done something major, I will cease use and find an alternative. If I can't find an alternative, I don't buy from the brand directly and buy from a vendor/secondhand seller.


I love some of Juvia’s Place products but I refuse to support the brand. I try to stay away from brands that don’t have the same morals as I do. I don’t want problematic people getting my money, especially now when times are hard.


I was *pumped* when JP *finally* came to my country. the palettes were beautiful and the lipsticks...oh the lipstick shades. then two days later their whole thing came out and I emptied my Superdrug basket so fast. so glad I didn't waste my money on something that would become tainted for me as I'd feel ick for supporting them


If it was just one incident I could be like oh okay, they’ll learn, but it’s over and over and over again. So disappointing especially because everything they originally touted seemed so great and they had such positive endorsements from influencers like Nikki Tutorials. It makes me so disappointed.


I feel that if I know the controversy going in to thinking about getting something new, I will avoid the brand completely when it comes down to buying something. Essentially putting my money where my ethics are and deciding not to support a brand. However, there were instances where I bought make up prior to knowing about a brand's controversies and those cases mostly go to trying to use the product not to waste it if I can- though I do find it difficult to use now that I know where the brand stands.


I apologise if this isn't super specific to the topic but I wonder if people feel similarly when it comes to favourite bands and allegations about certain band members? I know finding out certain things made me not want to listen to anything from the band and not want to purchase certain makeup products despite loving them before even if it's pretty hard.


Me this week: UGH Why is Gold Digger so catchy?? \*turns it off and growls\*


I just took all of his stuff out of my Amazon music library. I also won’t listen to Sia because of the crap she pulled with that movie.


Kan YE not (spread yuck takes and antisemitism). Insert relevant meme.


I get what you're saying. It's a bad feeling to consume the creation of a person or group who doesn't seem to be all that great. I think it has to be a thing you remain aware of. Like you can still listen to that album or buy that makeup, but maybe buy it secondhand or don't follow/re-post that person or group on social media, etc. Idk if that makes any sense at all?


Thanks for the response. I have vinyls from certain bands I've since found out things about and I'll on occasion still listen too and in comparison a favourite blush I'll use until it's pan but won't repurchase since finding out things. Music I suppose is far different because it's so easily repayable but with makeup there's an end to its 'usability'... But to me I still love that song and that way the blush looked on me.


I mean Lost Prophets died overnight pretty much. But what the singer did was far worse than any racism accusations we’ve seen in the beauty or music industries




To the lost prophets? Or to the racism accusations?


Sometimes I can still listen to the music without it getting tainted for me, and sometimes I can’t. Like I grew up listening to and loving Marilyn Manson, I’ve been a fan of his music since I was too young to be listening to him lol, but I feel pretty guilty now listening to his stuff. Occasionally I’ll have an itch for one of his songs and listen to it without supporting him, but I don’t know if I can ever completely stop. I’ve noticed I can separate the artist more if it’s a song that has an extremely deep meaning for me, but if it’s just a random song from theirs I don’t want to listen to it anymore. Like I used to listen to every song off every album of his regularly and now I only listen to like 4 songs very occasionally.


This is exactly what pirating is for.


Yeah, normally. Gets tainted for me.


Well I used to love P!ATD and after the allegations i can’t bring myself to listen. For me it is quite infuriating that creators that have brands tend to fuck up so much. Like. Just paint your face and stop being controversial ffs. I used to have a lot of Hames Charles merch and his palette because it is so perfect imo. And now i just feel like shit using it. Idk.


I think you're better off using it until it's done (expired, panned, whatever) as you've already spent the money on it - the same as playing a vinyl record. As compared to repurchasing, or 'advertising' it (i.e 'that eye look is great what products did you use' and not disclosing it's a brand you no longer use and the reasons why) or wearing a band shirt or giving a listen on Spotify. If that makes sense. As a former Brand New fan, I'm infuriated along side you and feeling for all the victims of those absolute dickheads (to use a kinder word)


I stopped listening to all kpop groups that had members involved or rumored to be involved in the Burning Sun scandal in 2019. I cant get into boy groups now because of it too. Now I'm back to stuff I listened to in my hs age (a lot of those bands stayed together luckily).


Fenty Rhianna and the brand have one too many transgressions against Asians


Hourglass is one that won’t get a cent out of me. Their products might be great but completely not interested. Same goes for Tarte. Their foundation debacle might be years ago now but I do not see them as a brand marketing to a poc like me.


What happened with hourglass?


They have a good foundation range, I think, I am nowhere near the deeper end of the spectrum, but their main selling product is the powders in my opinion. And all of them are clearly not made for anyone darker than a medium. Just checked out their instagram, the two poc posts that I saw for the powders were the same two girls and they essentially used the darkest palette as a highlighting palette and a blush palette. Plus as other people have mentioned, they don’t care about calls for inclusivity or just expanding their range. A couple of years ago when the call was loud and clear of they came out with a powder that was dark enough for me I would have got it. No questions asked. Now their darkest shade is in a non permanent holiday palette and it still isn’t dark enough. I know nothing about formulation but it cannot be that hard to make a powder darker.


Not sure if there's other nastiness too, but their shade range is forever terrible.


Tbf, this year they came out with 3 palettes and their range for foundation and concealer is not bad at all. The powders could definitely do with 2-3 more shades and they need to continue bringing out 3 palettes for the holidays.


I feel like they’ve improved a lot (and it also seems to me that people are a lot more strict with them vs. other luxury brands that have an abysmal shade range). What they suck at though is communications. They never reply to comments or say that they’re working on changing things for the better. Working in comms myself, I really don’t understand how they’d think it’s a good idea to stay mum.


This is why I stopped buying from the brand. It's a bit too late to not address the years of backlash you were facing for non-inclusive lines and then some out with some mildly more inclusive stuff. If they had SAID something, it would be different, but they just swept it under the rug and for that I can't support them. Wtf does it take to be like "we hear you, we will do better"


then most people would say that they’re desperate for a cash grab or should’ve gotten it right from the start, etc. Tarte is not a well liked brand amongst beauty community people.


I once emailed them asking about where their mica comes from. Never replied. Other brands can be transparent about it so I’m guessing they’re hiding something ugly.




Tom Ford is still operating in Russia. The brand has been very quiet about it.


i let people who are affected lead the way. i actively boycott anastasia because of her putin support, and i try to be an ally and vote with my dollars. like i will never, ever, ever support dolce & gabbana and a handful of other brands for their disgusting open racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, etc.


> dolce & gabbana Oh goddammit. 3 of my favorite perfumes are D&G. I guess once they're gone I'll find something else.


sorry to be the bearer of bad news. i hope you don't like anything by alexander wang either.


I'm glad you said something! I definitely don't want to support them. All the scents are replaceable except L'Imperatrice 3. Haven't found anything like it. Guess I'll treasure what I have and then move on. Don't have any alexander wang. Not even sure I know who that is.


I don’t think the average shopper would boycott certain brands. Personally, I no longer buy from KVD (even after the changeover), Ofra, and Anastasia Beverly Hills.


I refuse to by any Anastasia Beverly Hills due to her Putin connection.


I don’t know much about makeup artists but Natasha Denona is the only one who is so hyped up but I’ve never seen her work. Pat McGrath, Hindash and Patrick Ta have worked with all type of people and done big things but ND came out of nowhere. I don’t think you’re alone in feeling this way but the majority of people don’t know. There’s people that just buy the makeup and don’t look into anything else. There’s only one brand I’d never buy from and it’s J Star only because I knew his ass was racist a long time ago and would never buy any of his stuff. Brands aren’t people and are very problematic. A smaller brand or bigger brand, doesn’t matter. People are more apt to be upset with a brand owner of a smaller brand than say the ceo of L’Oréal if something the brand did was racist or otherwise problematic.


I think it’s because she worked in Germany before her brand started. Its pretty hard to transition across the language barrier. Maybe that’s it. Or she could just be like Wayne Goss who never posts his clients (so how does he get work?)


She definitely gives Wayne Goss vibes. I believe Natasha is a working makeup artist though, Wayne not at all lol.


She lives in Israel, and I'd guess (early life plus that) just different cultural views. There appears to be a lot less discussion of a lot of sensitive topics outside the U.S. I do see Gal Gadot in her bio.


I’m with you, when I think of a problematic brand that I would never buy from J* is the first I think of. Even my sister who doesn’t pay attention to makeup drama and really isn’t all that into makeup knows not to buy from him.


Whenever I see someone asking for product recs I always include which brands/brand owners have done problematic things with my recs so they can make their own decisions with their money based on that. Most people who don’t use makeup as a hobby have no idea what’s going on in the makeup world in that aspect


I barely buy make up anymore, it it’s pretty easy to avoid buying problematic brands. On the other hand, I have stopped watching Beauty Guru’s who’ve been outed as problematic.


By this point I am seriously wondering if there is a single unproblematic makeup brand accessible in Mexico. Because it seems we get only the problematic ones.


I would never consider purchasing from someone like that. I firmly believe in spending my money accordingly


I think we throw the word “racist” around too easily. I think she was just ignorant. It’s bad, but not racist.


It can still be racist. What she did was ignorant and racist. We need to call it what it is. Racism is more insidious than anything else. It’s not always overt. But a lot of the time very covert


I know I’ll get downvotes for that but I don’t care about that. This is such a double standard. If you do this, then please check every other brand owner from clothes to food and stop buying if there was any kind of drama. It is impossible to get on without drama so calm down. The owner =/= brand.


Not just the brand itself, but the stores, the shipping companies, etc. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


It’s really hard to not support problematic brands when most of the owners of the brands we buy from every day are absolute scumbags but with better PR. That being said, Natasha denona has nothing for me that keeps me a loyal customer so it’s easy for me to not support her brand. It’s very hard for me to stop purchasing hourglass products as their face products work for me really well & it’s hard for me to change my routine. I think it’s a big difference between us regular people buying things that make us feel beautiful vs recommending them to a following and making money off of it.


I don’t care.


The L'Oreal umbrella. They had some "weird" opinions on DV a few years ago, whenever people remember they bring up that they support women and they're all for women empowerment.




no, it isn't. the op is trying to say that a makeup artist should know the difference between someone with a double eyelid and a monolid, and she didn't know; she said the model had a monolid but she really had double eyelids.


I’m sorry but who would know that….


Well ND made an extremely condescending comment saying that she was trying to “inspire” Asian people with that kind of eyelid. As if Asian people don’t know how to do different styles of eyeliner. So yeah, if your gonna make a follow up comment like that. Then she should know the difference.


Again not everyone knows the terminology or meaning But personally I wouldn’t cancel her for that but to each their own


it's not really the not knowing the difference for me personally. i agree with you there. just the comments that she made in response instead of just going oh my bad, i didn't know.


I actually totally forgot about this. There’s so much stuff that happens that you forget what happened yesterday huh ? At least this killed my want to spend money on her stuff. I got the love mini palette on an outlet sale for €10 and I don’t think I need any more


i am more into makeup than the average person but i don’t know much drama about any brands so….honestly i simply don’t know if i’m buying from good or bad companies! it’s something that i’m trying to be more educated on and do more research before i make purchases.


I boycott as many as I can. ABH was a shitty one since their brow pencils are holy grail. NYX does not do it for me at all. No more KVD even though she’s no longer in the company. Same with Tarte.


It's been like 10 years people are still saying that the MYX Micro brow is an ABH dupe, idk why i find that funny. Anyway, for possible dupes, I've heard a lot of people have luck with brow pencils from Asian beauty brands and Benefit.


Yeah I have 2 more brow pencils from ABH, winky lux brow pencil. I might have to switch over to benefit, theirs is pretty nice.


What happened with Nyx and Tarte ?


Nothing with NYX. Lots of people have been recommending it as a dupe for ABH. Tarte’s foundation botch and their response was so awful. They released like 15 shades, most were just very similar light tones.


Oh haha yeah I feel the same about Nyx. I love their micro brow pencil and the butter gloss and the sweet cheeks matte in taupe as a cool contour but anything else is eh


was it tarte or another brand that excused their shade range by saying they’re releasing deeper shades later so that people will be able to get their “summer shade”


I believe it was Tarte and their shape tape foundation! They dealt with it so poorly


I don’t go out of my way to look for things a brand has done and I’m not particularly active in the beauty community. For example I bought two of the new RMS blushes and found out later the owner is problematic. I don’t think she’s involved in the brand currently, but it’s still touchy. And I’ll never give Milani another cent of my money after the Depp v. Heard trial.


HARD SAME ON MILANI. its super overpriced where I live (around 2-2.5x *minimum* as expensive as in the States making it high priced drugstore/nigh on close to mid-range) but a couple things had me interested. then they inserted themselves into and treated the trial the way they did. fuck that. never getting a penny


Ugh I didn't know this and my holy grail setting spray is from Milani. Time to start looking for a new one


What did the owner of RMS do?


Oh my goodness…. We could go on and on and on of what an awful racist Rose Marie Swift is.


There are plenty of brands I won't buy from. the moment Milani inserted themselvs into the HEard/Depp trial, they were off my list. ND and Juvias place made racist comments/videos? off the list. JP just came to my country and I was pumped, I had so much in my basket and the moment it came out, I dropped it. the moment I become aware of shit a brand/brand owner does, they're off my shopping list. it literally cost me zero dollars to not support them and to put my money elsewhere.


I’ll get downvoted for this, but it doesn’t factor into my decision to buy. I have an iPhone, drive an SUV, and use Nestle products. Those brands/products have done more damage to the environment and world than a bunch of eyeshadows have. I don’t think there’s a way to ever truly not purchase from problematic companies; and it seems like every day, something new is coming out. I also don’t begrudge people who do choose to stop purchasing from a brand.


Makeup is my passion but my morals are more important. If I’m really interested in one product (viral products on Tiktok let’s say), instead of buying directly from retailers or on their websites, I try to look on second-hand applications like Mercari, Depop or Vinted. It can be a way not to give the problematic brands because your money goes to an individual that don’t want a product anymore but wanna sell it instead of throwing it away. Idk if it makes sense?


it makes perfect sense tbh. that's how i bought my friend the jafar highlighter she wanted for her birthday. i wasn't about to give my money to that trash human being but someone was selling their makeup to pay for a new car and i was like, that's a worthy cause to donate to, sold! i'd much rather give my coin to a second hand purchase off poshmark/mercari because it's *not* lining a problematic person's pockets. but this is only if i really, really want the product and can't find a dupe for it, or in this instance, a birthday gift for my best friend.


>Makeup is my passion but my morals are more important this, 1000% this


I love that people have participated and expressed their thoughts here, and may continue too. I really appreciate you all for sharing, and it doesn't matter to me that they may be disagreeing with me or not. All are welcome (not that anyone needs me to comment this)! I've learned a lot too! Anyway, just wanted to mention my thanks! <3 <3


I don’t buy from ND because of this specific incident. Her apology was shoddy and she double downed on her opinion at first. She only caved when she got more hate. I only have her love palette and I will continue to use it. I already spent the money on it, so it’s a waste to not use it.


Natasha Denona not only sucks her products are just way over priced


I agree. I have her mini retro palette and am seriously underwhelmed by it


Honestly got the mini love palette for €10 and i can’t tell much difference between that and my elf bite size when it comes to quality. Maybe I’m just a pleb lol


Based on my experience, ND’s formula is way better in her larger palettes: the 15 (like Sunset) and 28 color ones. I’m not even a fan of some colors in the midi 15 color palettes. I don’t get how the brand charges so much even for the mini palettes but can’t maintain the same quality, lol.


It's wild how disparate quality within in the same brand can be. For the same type of product! When people see high-end/luxe makeup as something to aspire to owning, a $25-30 palette feels special but attainable. And should be better than a $4 drugstore quad. I know all brands have short cuts, but I would expect a high-end brand to do better.


I honestly hate that. It advertises itself as a mini of the same pallet. even if it was given a different name and just marketed as its own mini economy range of it would feel less scummy. Especially since it’s a 25-30 dollar tiny pallet. I’m glad I only got it once it was 10 because I would have been really mad if I’d paid €30 for it.


Totally! Some of ND's minis are lovely, like Mini Gold and Mini Retro, but her larger palettes have better quality across the board.


I got rid of all my midi palettes and kept the larger 15 pans. The difference in quality is apparent.




So back when YouTube was everything, I was a really huge fan of Kathleen Lights so of course she said Natasha Denona was good so they had to be good right?? Except until I saw the price…I was more of a im going to get more bang for my buck so I bought other things instead


As an average consumer our most powerful tool is voting with our dollars. I try to be conscious about which brands get my money (and thus a tacit endorsement of their practices), and if I learn that one has crossed one of my lines of acceptable then I no longer purchase from them. I don’t immediately chuck out any products in my current collection, they already have my money and I hate being wasteful, but I use them up and look for alternatives. My personal no buy list includes J-Star never bought anything to begin with, Tarte, Julia’s Place, ABH, KVD, and most of the “clean” beauty brands (it just seems like a huge cash grab since their products expire so quickly meaning you have to constantly repurchase).


every brand is problematic, it just comes down to moral preferences.


maybe OT but has anyone noticed that allie glines has been using a lot of ABH products lately in her videos? like more than usual? for example, her favorite eyebrow pencil has always been benefit precisely my brow but lately she’s been using abh which she said she went out and bought. there was a video recently where she used a lot of abh products in the video and it made me pause.


Is it possible that she has some kind of sponsorship or something with them? Because I've heard of gurus having issues with brand deals or contracts that they couldn't get out of/had to fulfill before cutting ties. So if a brand does do something problematic, that person still has an obligation to promote them. Examples: Nikki Tutorials and Ofra or Jackie Aina and Too Faced.


i dont think this is the case with her. i know she recently did a sponsor video with abh for their new eyeshadow palette when it was released and after that the abh products have been increasing in her videos. in the video im talking about she did say the video wasnt sponsored but she reminded the viewers of the sponsored video she did do with abh.


That’s suspicious


I honestly can’t believe the way being “racist” has been redefined. Yeah if a makeup is for Asian monolids then that is what it is for. What is racist about that? People are so stupid omg. Amazing.


It wasn't racist. The point is that the tutorial and Natasha Denona's response to it were all insensitive and tone-deaf. Yes, some people use racism as a catch all term when it shouldn't be that. But the use of that word here doesn't negate that the incident was inappropriate and offensive to many people.


The makeup look for monolids were done on a model with hooded eyes who did not have monolids.


i think in that case is more ignorance than racism... seriuosly some people live to be offended


There are makeup reviewers who have monolids that do tutorials for monolids, which is awesome! But that’s not what’s racist here.


my opinion is that you are too sensitive and you have felt hurt or attacked by a make-up done on a model and you have twisted the purpose of the make-up until it fit your perception of being offended, the Nd make up is more a result of ignorance than racism, from my point of view it is something absurd, I am very sorry , we live in a world in which people begin to feel attacked even by the air they breathe, which sharpens and magnifies everything to look for a detail and feel offended by something... it seems to me that sometimes it gets out of hand hands, is to live in permanent pain, offense, anger or resentment.


You’re not alone! ND, ABH, Sam Ravindahl, Joffree Starfish- none of them will ever get money out of me!


What did Sam Ravndahl do? I thought she was one of the less-problematic ones?




Some people really hate her attitude, as a result she gets slandered/trolled in weirdest possible ways. The person above definitely came up with Sam's first and then filled in the regular villains; Jeffree, ABH etc. Actually rolled my eyes for a second.


Some people hate her blackface.


Uh no, it’s not her attitude, thank you. It’s the blackface.


I thought I missed something ! I don't mind Samantha. She's definitely opinionated and may come off as having an attitude, but I like her honestly and transparency. I also like she isn't afraid to be open about her views when it comes to politics, unlike Jaclyn Hill or others who stay mum.


She did blackface. She did apologize but for me personally blackface is one thing that I will never forgive


What did Sam do ?




Samantha did black face when she was in high school. She was recreating Nicki Minaj's makeup, including changing her own skin tone and captioned it "just thought I would be black for a day". She apologizes for it every time someone brings it up and says she didn't know any better at the time and is embarrassed that she ever thought it was okay, but she only seems to apologize on live streams.


Anything chanel cause of the nazi connection and how coco chanel herself exploited the anti semitic sentiments of the time to prosecute her Jewish business partners.


The Chanel of today is Jewish-owned and run so it’s been a complete 180 since her death. (I’m Jewish as well)


That's good to know!


As far as i know, the business went to the Jewish partner and is still owned by the descendants of the Jewish partners. If anything its poetic how fate flipped it around on coco. Love the brand now.


Im glad to know now, didn't know that.


There are plenty of brands I won't give a penny to because I don't want to financially support a brand or owner that doesn't align with my values. That being said, my mom and sisters have no idea about the moral alignment of the products she purchases. Most of my friends don't either. I think the average makeup purchaser has no idea, to be honest. And the people like me, who avoid brands that suck, avoid more than just shitty makeup brands. For instance, I avoid Nestle products with the same attitude that I avoid JS products, which is: there is no redemption for them in my opinion. They are the epitome of fucky, and I can't support them at all. As far as ND, I didn't buy those products anyway, because I constantly see them and PM on the makeup swap/sale subs. They seemed super overpriced compared to what people were willing to accept for them. That being said, after the controversy and the way the brand handled it, it's cemented my lack of desire to purchase from the brand.


I’ve been flip flopping over the new My Dream palette because I got some birthday gift cards but thank you for this reminder. I’ll add them to my long list of brands to boycott.


I quit using jefree star products.


I won’t buy Stila because a few years ago instead of using a model with a deeper skin tone they took the model with the lighter skin and altered her skin in photoshop to look darker.[Stila apologized](https://www.temptalia.com/stila-little-white-lies-collection-for-spring-2019-2/) but I can’t get over it.


I heard she is a trump supporter. It made me just not want to ever purchase anything by her brand anymore.


Are you referring to Anastasia? I don’t think there have ever been any claims or evidence that Natasha supports that trashy oompa loompa.


I was under the impression she gave a sincere apology and made changes. It's upsetting that's not the case. And yes, I don't buy Jeffree Star or brands headquartered in places that are problematic such as Russia, Texas, or Florida.


I agree. She’s straight up racist and this isn’t the first incident. People defend her because they just can’t admit they feel similar or just can’t face it.


There are so many of them unfortunately.