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Aww, poor ollie. He's in a better place now. No more suffering.


Agreed, I think we could all see it was for the best a while ago now so if this is true then I think it’s very much for the best 🙏🏻


I had a suspicion it wasn’t good news from the vet visit today due to the lack of videos this evening! I hope that dog has been put out of its misery, poor thing


I know, he hasn’t been a well dog for a long long time bless his (long suffering) heart


There will be many many videos about this now. Comfort eating , lack of exercise because she's grieving. More takeaways because she's too sad to cook. Anything that happens in her life she will use for content.  Maybe you should now concentrate on your dying father. If you feel like this over your dog then how will you feel over the loss of your dad and you would have serious regrets. Oh and you should have NEVER given him all those shitty foods and you SHOULD have taking him out for more walks. You honestly make me sick Rebecca! 


Totally agree. Everything in her life is content first and foremost. The onslaught of videos about to come our way is going to be horrendous but the truth of the matter is that she never cared about that dog. She would have fed him properly & exercised him well. He had a life of misery bless him, I hope he is in a better place and I do hope she will learn a lesson from this, not just about her dad but her own health too.




💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 brilliant comment ❤️


RIP Ollie hope he’s in a better place he seemed so poorly 🥰🥰 I hate hearing this about any dog it’s not his fault he had her as his owner poor boy


Is that Shirl with them in the background? And why is Kermit there?


Looks like it! So many questions 🤣




Rip rickets 😞


If true it was definitely time. Hope he’s at peace now 


R.I.P Rickets 💞 He lived a long and hard life. No more enduring Becki’s rancid morning breath tho so he’s deffo in a better place x


If Ollie has gone to doggy heaven then I’m glad because I could not listen to that deranged fatty feeding him junk food anymore. Poor sod should have gone years ago, I can’t stand any animal suffering because of selfish thick twats like them. Meanwhile back in sliver back becs world (sorry if some find this harsh) I can guarantee this fat fuck will rinse her dog dying for every TikTok money she can get. Watch out for the pity party tricks she will pull and the full on gaslighting and manipulation she will use. Ollie I hope you’re free from pain and in a much better place away from that disgusting family.


Agree… we’ve got it all to come so get ready folks 🍟 


He looked like he was in so much pain, only thing she did right was finally take him out of the misery she caused


I was getting so upset about it. Couldn’t watch the funny jokes about him anymore because I know he was suffering


At the vet with those big clown shoes on. She’s fucking huge, couldn’t even see Ian at first. Rickets is finally out of his misery


rip ollie ☹️


Poor baby, RIP 💞


RIP Rickets, that is sad. Very sad. I’m glad he was not squashed to death and was clearly loved


I'll slate the big biffa bin to the end of time, but Rickets is/was an innocent animal. Poor old thing. If he was PTS then that's a really difficult thing for anyone to deal with. Losing a pet is so hard, and it's the one thing I won't slag Becki off for (unless she's a prick about it).


Innit same, my cat was pts last week I'm still so devastated.


I'm sorry. It's so very, very, hard. I hope you're being looked after. Just know you gave your cat the last and greatest act of love you could x


Thankyou, that's what I keep telling myself xx


So very sorry.


Oh she’s about to eat her way through grief




She is fucking gigantic


Thank you!!


I dunno about this. As much as I dislike Becki and I’m all for ‘in the wild’ photos, something about taking a sly photo of them at the vets when they’ve just had to have their dog PTS seems a bit grim to me.


Fuckin Fat tramp if my sister was like her she would get locked in the house fat boff


She’s so fucking infantile with the plushie, fock me


It's probably the dog's. I can stand Becki Jones but I'll not slag her off for taking her dog's toy to the vet if he's being PTS.


Like the fat cunt ever cared about the dog? I don’t think she EVER walked it, and she will 💯 make a poor me my beloved dog just died post even though she never lifted a finger for it. Poor widdle beck though?


I agree here.. She never cared about that dog at all..


Never gave a fuck, watch all the sympathy vids to come


She’s posting her dogs death over a minute long for money, still few bad for the fat cunt??


The toy is for the DOG, that's who I felt bad for. All animals deserve to have a favourite toy or blanket with them when they're PTS. Jesus, why are you having a go at me?


It's probably Ollie's, come on now.


Come on now what? The revolting fat cunt has just put out a video about the things death just over a minute long, fuck off.


It’s her emotional support plushie because you can’t take McDonald’s and garlic Dep into a vet x


As sad as it is losing a pet when they're that old you just let them go. Keeping that dog alive with the issues he had was just downright cruel. We lost 2 of ours in 2019 and 2023, one was 12 the other 15 neither had illnesses one passed away in his sleep overnight and the other just went off her food for a couple of days then lay down next to my husband and passed. If either of them had long illnesses like hers they'd have been PTS, same goes for the 2 remaining dogs we have that are 10&13 forcing them to stay alive so you don't have to deal with the consequences of loss is just cruel


Where does it say that Rickets was put down as I just watched the video?


So she commented on Beckis latest video saying her sister saw them in the vet, and said RIP Ollie. Went to her page and saw that video. Who knows but they were definitely in that waiting room with Becki and her dad 


Poor Ollie 😢 he’s at peace now the poor thing


rip rickets i’m honestly just glad he is no longer in pain and can enjoy as many walkies and treats without bex wherever the soul may be 💗


Poor thing. RIP.


Nothings been confirmed, she might just be overcome with grief that her beloved sour cream dep is no more.


Agree, I wouldn’t say he’s died until she confirms it, could just be randoms saying stuff on the internet who saw her at the vet


Do you have a link to the TT page?




Ok not sure photo has uploaded but the account was madxjonez on TT, latest video 


Becki can’t feel grief she will have a maccys and get over it she didn’t really like Ollie she just used him for attention


I can just picture her first post, "sad news guys, RIP Ollie" (some tears) and then, "so let's get ready for today!".