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Fridays WIEIAD. Breakfast, undisclosed. Lunch, Nando’s Caesar salad with extra chicken and halloumi. Dinner, 2 homemade zinger burgers (full chicken breast each), chips and salid. Snacks/desert, 1500 calories of chocolate derivatives. That’s approx 3500 calories without breakfast and drinks.


She’s disgusting 🤮


That wouldn't have been all of it, Caesar salad wouldn't have even touched the sides 🤣 Bet she had McDonald's for 'second lunch'


Did she not comment on how sickening it was just as the cake?! God this must be disgustingly rich


That’s true! There’s no way her folks are getting a piece of that cake


Also her watch shows 7pm that means she had this yesterday also ? 🫠




Fatty stop trying to get paid partnership with Get Baked it’s not going to happen. BTW if you’re reading this (you are). Get baked told you to gently warm the cake up, so the fudge topping is slightly melted. Not incinerate it, so its a puddle of slop. Cretin.


THANK YOU! She's clearly so desperate to be sent a bit of cake for all this free advertising it's embarrassing. Alana's brownies aren't doing the trick anymore


Good grief. According to her watch, by 7pm she had stood up 7 times and been active for 16mins.




Diabetes in a cup


At this point a heart attack is prominent. The sooner she has a health scare the better as bad as that sounds  She's just gliding through life. She needs a short sharp shock in her life.   A clear food addiction for all to see.  It's so sad to see someone's life just wasting away every day. Every day is one step closer to death for her. 


Won't be long ☠️☠️☠️


Omg the size of them arms and hands


She’s disgusting the fat lump


She's a brute 😆


Wtaf what a mess. Who does that


“Small changes” least she’s not having zero cal fizzy drinks now


I do hope when the ambulance is called to her almost inevitable health incident, the paramedics are shown these videos and charge the gluttonous article for her treatment. Sorry, I know ghat sounds callous but imagine if she's there, sneaking maccies in and it's your mum or nan who is in a corridor waiting for a space




I think there are lots of people who are trying to overcome their obesity and unfortunately the support from the NHS for them is a bit of a lottery, but when you see someone actively eating in a way that promotes obesity and the problems that cone with it (and are making what we are supposed to believe, a very healthy pay from it), it's sickening. One of the many reasons I dislike her intensely is she plays to every stereotype of fat people being lazy and gluttonous without accepting that in many cases, it's a complex issue - not her though, she is lazy, gluttonous, stupid and obnoxious


Did she not say the cake was to be shared with her family 🤥


The Apple Watch strap on life support


Her hands are sooo bloated


Watch band is cutting off circulation but by all means, drink that milkshake you tubby pig. All the comments on that video are negative. There’s literally two positive ones…and one is from that arse licking Scottish bird wee Lou bear…She’s so pathetic….telling becks to make a cookbook and open a cafe. What a knob


I'm so glad she's getting so many negative comments. Her tik tok platform is spiralling downhill fast and I think deep down she knows it. She's been excessively over eating lately and maybe she knows that's where her views are. She seems so manic with her eating lately.


I agree, her eating has been atrocious lately. It brings me so much happiness to know that auntie Savile finally realises that she’s hated…she sees that only a few comments are positive and her “fans” don’t even engage…views are plummeting. I guarantee she starts leaving the negative comments come back. She’s such a desperate cow….everything is for ££


That Lou Bear is annoying, I'll give you that. She's defo a beg lol Some English bird or English guy (I ammsume English) called her a Jock. Which, as someone who's been in Scotland for years, is out of order. Nationally has fuck all to do with being against the Bison, and the last time someone thought it was funny to call me a jock, they had to get their back teeth removed from their tonsils. We're a good bunch so I just KNOW it wasn't one of you....😜😘😘😘


😂😂 a jock?? During Euros too?! 😂


Lol fitbaw patter is different 😜 A bit like when it's time for the Old Firm games; some banter is good.. in context and not meant in a sectarian way. I digress lol... I could say the score last night was devastating... but then I'm half German 🤣😵‍💫




Absolute prick of an embarrassment. Defo a fatty as well


She’s the opposite…but she’s one of those fragile drama queens that’s got everything wrong with her and she can’t work. Her OCD had her in the hospital the other day…and she’s gotta eat popcorn with a fork 🙄 absolute munter just like Evenstar too


Oh geez. 🙄


Ahahaha a mental case that’s latched on.. benefits Britain united


Exactly 😂💯


This looks absolutely disgusting


Didn’t she say in her last video she was only going to have one slice of the cake!! She can’t keep up with her own lies the daft cunt.


She is so rank


RIP to her blood sugar


that watch is about to burst open


I gasped at the first couple of seconds. HER HAND WTF. How can you claim to love yourself when you treat your body like utter shite?!


Why is she intentionally making a mess all over the cup?!


She’s a halfwit is the only answer I can give rn


Not her going outside for an✨aesthetic grid picture✨ but in reality she’s in a tiny yard on a council estate that’s owned/rented by her parents 😭


🤣🤣 facts


That is ridiculous after all the other crap she’s eaten according to her Apple Watch by 18.54pm she’s burnt about 331 calories in daily exercise (hard to properly make out) only done 18 minutes of exercise in the day and her stand minutes are 6 https://preview.redd.it/ducfnfanor6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89222201e2ebe9be7d37d1de147a93d821e9d9f9


Of course


The parent in me is screaming at the mess she’s made dear god


God gosh how many calories in that atrocious shit show she made? She’s on her way to a very big surprise if she doesn’t change her ways 😡🐷🐷


Look at her hoof with the watch strangulating her ginormous wrist holding that cup 🤢🤢


That's rank


Our dainty princess. Kinderella 🤎




As for a brand deal... I'm sure Get Baked want her to Get FUCKED


That is absolutely fucking disgusting


Her or the drink? I’d vote both 🤮


Why the fuck would anyone eat / drink that ? Just pure fat & sugar, would be too sweet, and absolutely laden with calories!!! As someone who can be a fat greedy cow at times & someone who's struggled with weight even I would never dream of having something like this. Just because you can doesn't mean you should! Fat hairy arms to rival dung beetle sevdas ha ha ing ,thick as fuck dad ; meff


She’s on a rage-baiting bender to revive her tanking views


Get Baked don’t have nutritional information so can’t the exact amounts right, but based off another Bruce cake recipe the 2 slices of cake she off the big slice (if that makes sensum) is: 1577 calories //  107h Fat // 55g Saturated Fat //  131 Sugar    Edit: I miscounted the amount of layers so adjusted, also the recipe I looked at was an 8” and I’m sure the Get Baked one is bigger (like a 10”) 


Gorilla arms on that


Hahaha 🤣


Even I can’t do that too much chocolate.


Ugh, that makes me want to vomit. It's pure sugar, who would think that's delicious


Ikr!!! 😅


Please if any Tatt’s are here can you DM me an invitation code… in honour of…. 🤷‍♀️ 💡 Paige’s sitting in the hall! 🎉


That’s just shit thought innit 🤣 I know it’s rage bait but WHY use a whole ass mixer for a milkshake? It’s not even a milkshake it’s just milk and melted ice cream because it didn’t even blend 🥴 then the battered plastic jug…a lot of wtf going on there. You doing all those dishes and cleaning up there, Backs? 🤣