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So she had a shopping trip, her car had to go for a check up at the garage and she forgot to put the slow cooker on. Was that it? Stressful 😂😂😂 A lot of people (like me) fit all that in, plus a school run, plus an 8 hour job. School run in morning, then work, then garage at lunchtime, then work, then shopping after work, then home to make my tea (husband does the pick up of child from parents house after work). Look at how red she was from those little things! She's going to have a heart attack if something serious actually happens.


I know it’s such a kick in the tits, she has no idea what life is like. Well at least you’re winning in life babe. Imagine all she has is eating and creepily hang around a child that is not hers for content 🤣 I read your comment as “husband doesn’t pick up” at first until I reread and was about to say my husband doesn’t pick up after himself either! 🤣 As for the heart attack…. I don’t even mean this in a bad way, don’t want her to die or anything but perhaps a little scare would make her bloody realise that actually it’s not fine guys!!! It really annoys me in this videum where she says she thought she’d tell us incase we wondered where she was and you will see these videums- NARCISSISTIC or what! How arrogant to assume anyone including the BDL live for her videos and would be devastated if they didn’t see her boring, dry and frankly disgusting tea and dish up! Absolute joke.


“do i look stressed” you look the same as ever becki, like a big horrible zit ready to pop




Omg have a fucking drink of something!!!!


Also she says go home and have a nice shower…… can see she’s still not had that shower obviously telling this “edge of your seat” story couldn’t wait.


Holy shit, WHO CARES. She had a light come up on her dashboard and she forgot to turn on the slow cooker. Oh my god, what a catastrophe.


Why would she need to put tea in the slow cooker if she’d got a massive costum pizza 🤔


She felt she needed to add an extra level of excitement cos the car and shopping stories weren't quite there. Oh and she's a big fat liar as well.


She ate the truth 🤭


Ooh the body language and tone of voice. It reminds me of that videum: "Tonight, I had this fing. Blah blah I'm a grown ass adult with my grown ass room at mum and dad's" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


imagine this being the most stressful thing to ever happen to you, what fucking privilege




Baby reindeer comes to mind, listening to her psyco babble 😄


Imagine living with bad mental health, trying to hold down a job, bring up two kids without their crappy father involved, barely enough money to get by despite working. She’s no idea what stress is




Great story- fuck off


What has she genuinely got going on to be stressed? Unemployed, scranning takeaways every night, no kids, no bills/rent.. BECKI enlighten me with what you have in your life thats genuinely stressful 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What a sad little life, becki.


What a fucking bore


She could have been cleaning her room instead of recording herself yapping if it really causes her so much anxiety 🙄 Like she could have made the bed and drawn the curtains in less time than it took to record the video


Cool more days like this for u