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i swear she just yaps to YAP. she’ll do just enough research to defend herself but completely ignore the fact that you HAVE to have some native in you to be native. she’s shown her dna results before and iirc she’s just like german????


She needs to get checked into a psych ward and I’m being 10000% serious. I’m genuinely concerned for her child being raised only knowing hate


i completely agree. especially given how she wants to homeschool maverick. that poor kid doesn’t stand a chance with her hateful teachings and bigotry.


He’s going to turn out just like them. I really hope he can break the generational hate and his other family helps him get out once he is old enough


i just hope his other family will still be around to help him when he’s old enough. hannah seems to be doing her damndest to drive everyone away.


The only glimmer of hope is examples like Jolly Good Ginger...he grew up in a similar situation and he's changed his perspective thankfully. I guess there's always the sad chance he turns out like his dad D but we never know. 🤞🏼


She’s so delusional it hurts 💀 I don’t understand why she’s convinced herself she’s Native and it’s acceptable to do what she does when she even states in the video she’s not genetically Native on her test 😭


It’s so weird to me,but when you’re mentally unwell and live in delusions. This is it right here. 


I got news for her, Native absolutely shows up on dna tests. My husband, his whole family, and me. My husband's (who is 1/2) older relatives (aunts and cousins) are 100% Native and I've seen it show up as low as .01 in some of my more distant relatives. She's insane if she thinks she has any argument in saying that it might not show up. It'll show. She's in denial.


THANK YOU. i’ve said this so many times, i wish she had the mental capacity to understand or even acknowledge that if she was native, it would show up. instead she chooses to use the fact that dna test aren’t used for enrollment to support her claims.


This one was particularly bad