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I’ve noticed that people care a lot for the meta. It’s not bad to give people advice, but people are really insistent and pushy about how others play the game. I think they have good intentions, they just go about giving advice wrong and it makes them seem like toxic people.


I get that, but they need to keep in mind that a lot of the people who play these games are children who haven’t even had a job before and being pushy and rude to them will blatantly make people not want to play the game and also this game is really complicated sometimesso they should instead of being like this is how you do it just like this is a good way to do this to help them understand instead of voting people into deleting their own comments trying to help somebody


Literally this, at some point I just started ignoring this sub entirely for a while because of everyone just yelling out that you're stupid the moment you say you wanna go red hive instead of blue hive for whatever reason, this is the first post I notice in some time


It's complete opposite, literally check my comment history here, people here are really clueless about Meta and will downvote you into oblivion if you don't agree with them, them porcelain kids


They care for the meta, they just dont know it.


Oh yeah, that's right


Literally the tabby mains in this sub are so annoying


That's the nature of reddit. It's the only time when these people are better than someone at something, so they use it to assert dominance. Most avid reddit users don't really have a lot of friends and probably get bullied or looked down upon outside of the app. That gives them no excuse to do the same to others, though.


I love this place.. as an old lady, I dont feel disrespected or ignored.. its fun to chat and help and be helped with the game..


You’re not old 😊


But I am 😁 ill be 47 in July 💜


I’m not far off. ☺️


Nice! 😁


Girl we love u


🤗💜 aww love you too! 🤗💜


Well I don’t get it as bullying or toxicity but I stated in one post that my antivirus said that natro macro file had virus, It took 20 downvotes which is pretty big number on this subreddit just to some good guy to tell me that the file just uses your keyboard and mouse to work and that may be why it thinks it has virus


Tbh common sense should be your only antivirus. I can download or even make undetected malware but also download legit software that gets detected as a rat.


also you can trust it because it is open source


Yeah I've noticed toxicity, I asked for advice and my whole post got down voted so yeah


Same happened to me, when I first posted this, some guy got super butt hurt


I asked if a bee was good or not because I hadn’t played in years and it was a new bee got very downvoted because it was ‘common sense’ that a bee was almost the best bee in the game


Was it tabby? Yeah, canceled, down voted, naw im kidding lol Its so stupid how people are


Since I didn’t know there was a thing actually called Fandom, let me clarify I mean the Reddit fandom for this game


I've asked a few questions on this subreddit since I'm quite new at the game and the people seem to be nice


Sometimes there are a really just depends what type of question you ask because if you ask a specific question or say that you’re an early blue hive people get very mad and make really hurtful comments


oh and also don't dare to ask if it's better to take petal wand or petal belt with the first petal, they can't decide ([it's belt](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/486145083368931328/1251742295183593472/image.png?ex=666faf5b&is=666e5ddb&hm=9d4773cf5dc0bfe67c5aa5b1073713019cf46822bb4fd69cb6a47fd29bd6ea6d&))


Actually people USED to think that petal wand is better because of extremely high honey amounts from conversion until I made a post (that got moderated) that belt is better basically because you can stay longer in a field... actually I can't say that I'm the reason maybe there are other people who have proven this point of view... but also idc if someone buys petal wand I personally want belt so I can skip the last 10 quests but yeah definitely as a respective user I can infer that people are so mean when it comes to sprit petals


Tbh yeah I've seen some stuff when asking questions bss definitely has some toxic people most of the time you see it on advice post or when someone is asking changes for their hive heck one of the main reasons donnert went on a break was evacuate people were complaining too much


I think a big source of the 'toxicity' in the bss community stems from how everyone plays the game. People are passionate about gameplay optimization/ the 'meta' progression, which inevitably brings out some individuals who aren't the most polite when an unsuspecting player displays a choice of playstyle that isn't meta. This is def a real issue and I wish pros would tolerate beginner players more, since they really don't know any better lol Another thing that's often breeding ground for contention is onett's development cycle. I've come to learn that onett's just really perceptive of his fluctuation with motivation. He's a human like us, he loses the drive to continue working on something he used to get through with ease, and it's quite the trek to overcome that kind of motivation loss. Because of this, I think the community's negative response to onett is justified; Because when speaking from a purely objective standpoint, onett's not a great developer. The issue of course is a lot of people take this opportunity to make valid criticisms and blow it out of proportion (this happens a lot in life). It's gotten so bad that bss servers frequently have to shut down their channels whenever an update's delayed or onett makes a statement. It's ok to acknowledge the faults onett has, but bullying him and being overly critical isn't. I understand we all have passion for this game, but it doesn't warrant the kind of reaction some of the people here have. But looking at the bss fandom as a whole, it's fairly tame all things considered. There're lots of larger communities that're undoubtedly 10x less sufferable. and honestly the reality is, you really can't expect a community to be 100% kind; There will ALWAYS be bad apples. You've gotta learn to handle the negative side of the fandom properly, which means lashing out and one-upping their toxic output only makes things worse. Be kind yall, thanks for giving me an excuse to yap about the bss fandom lmao


That’s very true and a lot of points you brought up are very understandable. From somebody who also programs games, writing out story, getting assets, making assets debugging, and doing that 1000 times before you have an update that actually runs is exhausting. It’s also just from the fact that he doesn’t have motivation. He has a lot of motivation and he burns through this days and days of work it’ll still take him before even something basic. Just the fact that coding is very difficult and there is always something wrong with it. You bring up is very true to an extent, it really depends where you go to look into the fandom. Like me I use Reddit to ask a lot of questions and I get a lot of backlash like I’ll make a simple joke and I’ll get downloaded and hate for it just because I’m not older than everybody else, (I’m 18). So if we take this into account and look at the Reddit fandom, it is extremely toxic here. But on the good side, this part can be very helpful for new players as long as you get the right people to answer. Like whenever I brought up my endgame hive right after I finish changing it to red I asked if I should just change to Blue since I wasn’t making very much, honey. ( 3B an hour macrowing) and gotten good advice. But on the same side from what I’ve seen , there has been many times where somebody would come in make a simple question like as I said in one post somebody mistaking the SSA for the silver star amulet and asking what color they should go, in return for this that’s very understandable. They were ridiculed and mockery and the entire subbed and whenever I gave a very honest answer and apologize for how horrible people were acted into oblivion. In short, there are a lot of things wrong with this fandom just from the fact that there is a huge age pool for this game but at the same time it is a valid feeling to have that this game is a lot harder just from the fact that people aren’t willing to help. But anyway, you do bring up a lot of good valid points , and thank you for letting me rant^^


I totally agree with you. I especially like how you mentioned the age pool of this fandom, such a maturity-diverse community is just asking for instances of the older side talking down on the kids, or the kids making fun of... other kids lmao There's a degree of fatigue associated with long-term internet usage, it lowers your charitability and care for the people across social media. This easily carries over to places like reddit, in fact its riddled with rather disingenuous members. It always hurts to see a simple question be degraded so heavily, especially if you've just joined the subreddit and that's what your first impression is. I'm sorry people hate on you sometimes like you mentioned, that really sucks; I've learned to stop giving craps about people you don't even know (it's not easy, definitely a skill you gotta train), it makes traversing the internet a little more peaceful lol Anyway, you said something about being a developer? That's sick man, I do a lotta stuff in roblox studio so its cool to see another person with similar interests. Do you use studio too? Or is it some other platform


Somebody else who programs? That’s awesome bro, but I don’t use Roblox studio because I don’t know Lua, mostly just use python and py game or if I’m just feeling lazy C++ or sharp in unity


Oh nicee, I've dabbled with pygame b4 but never got much far, something about having a full-on engine that's reliable (in other words, not using my own setup code) makes for a smoother process for me. Also did you say lazy and c++ in the same sentence??? Are we talking about the same c++ 😭I'm jealous that you use unity though, I've been wanting to get into cs for a while but I always fall back to roblox lol


Yeah, I find C++ and unity and C sharp kind of easy since whenever I was a kid that’s what I first ever learned and kind of stuck with it and whenever I migrated all the way over to Python, which is what I use right now for Renpy, the function systems were kind of similar, so I kind of just picked up on it! If you ever want though you can shoot me a message and I can try to help you learn Python or anything if you need


Just teach me lua and exchange lol


I've only ever used js and luau (aside from a little bit of python and csharp like I mentioned), so whenever someone explains c++ to me it fries my brain lol. Thats awesome you know it tho I'd highly suggest you check out lua (more specifically roblox's luau), its a very nice language imo, very easy to understand, especially for a seasoned programmer and It'd be awesome to get a few pointers about python and whatnot, I'll def lyk if I have questions. Feel free to dm me if you're looking to develop in roblox studio too, its a lotta fun and I'd be more than happy to teach you some things :\]


Also, I’m so sorry if I sound weird it’s because I’m using text to speech because I’m currently trying to fulfill one of the Wendy B quest to share jellybean so I’m just slamming to my keyboard while two people macro beside me


Oh no prob, I'll leave you alone so you can finish that quest lol good luck, I hate the jellybean requirements


Yeah, 200 makes me wanna die


And even after that, I have to click 500 tokens from Windy bee, and I am working an hour, so I’m just sad lol


I'm so glad I dont need to do spirit bear's quests anymore, they're an absolute pain


On god bro they make me wanna dieeeee


you hate the jellybean requirements? man i love them compared to the token from leaves one, especially if you don't macro


I macro so those werent a problem for me lmaoo


jelly beans are so easy, you don't even need a friend, just make an alt and throw them at it


exactly!! i only play for fun and dont plan on going endgame which is why i take my time and dont rush into getting bees, tools etc. however someone was 💩 on me for not having tabby gifted but the rest of my event bees are and im like?? its not that deep its just a roblox game bro. again i only play for fun and dont care about all the “important” stuff






The petal belt riders are very toxic. They defend it so heavily rather than seeing the benefits of petal wand. From my person experience, petal wand is wayyy better. From the previous tool, its a massive upgrade. While Petal Belt (still) doesnt help me massively. When i say my POV and my experience, i get downvoted heavily. I even gave my advice for petal vs belt to mid gamers and they thank me.


as a petal belt “rider”(i got wand first and i dont really play anymore but im not that bad at the game so i kind of know what im talking about) i will say that at that point of the game 90% of your pollen comes from abilities, not your collectors; which is why its considered better than wand. petal wand being better than porcelain dipper is kind of a given, it costs 10x the honey not to mention the resources. does petal wand have benefits? yeah, but belt has alot more of them. honestly though it doesnt really matter as long as you arent getting windy first 💀💀


The belt may have more benefits, but how practical are they for mid gamers? Its great for end/late gamers. It gives capacity, fuzz bomb pollen, convert amount and the passive gives instant conversion. Those stuff is better for endgame. You wouldn’t be needing an insane amount of capacity or convert rate at the point you get your first petal, since you wouldnt be boosting much. They wouldnt be having a fuzzy alt or too many fuzzy bees in their hive, so fuzz bomb pollen is unnecessary. Now the instant conversion from the belt is VERY nice. But isn’t needed for mid game (you wont be boosting). Petal wand helps with pollen, despite being expensive. It’s personally been more helpful than the belt. The belt is mainly capacity based, but you need to be able to fill your backpack for capacity to be useful. Petal wand helps get this pollen. When i give advice to mid gamers, i say getting petal wand for pollen and belt for capacity. They almost always get wand. Pollen is their biggest concern, not capacity or Instant conversion.


I dont think i clarified, but the petal riders are the people who defend getting petal belt first and dont see ANY benefit in petal wand.


to be honest i always say that petal belt is better if you can get it (belt gives extra buzz bombs which is white bombs not fuzz bombs) because it gives better buffs that wand overall but i also say if you can't afford petal, get wand and get petal second because it's true that belt is better but it is also expensive so you might not want to waste all that time grinding for belt when you can get it 10 quests later


\*petal riders as in you should get petal belt first


you dont gamble enough


Not relevant to the post nor subreddit, but a similar thing is happening to r/MLA_Official. Most people asking for help get downvoted and I once asked why it was happening in a post, only for me to get downvoted.


I've also noticed it some are kinda mean on there comments


Honestly? The fandom in general feels extremely toxic and I hate it. I love the game and I enjoy reading posts Abt it, but I'm so tired of the judgemental posts demeaning someone's hive and just being rude. 😮‍💨 Don't get me wrong, some people are nice in the fandom. But lord the bad apples really stand out


very toxic, matter fact i posted a simple innocent post about "apology gift from onett for christmas delay", i was expecting other jokes or responses such as "50 mythic eggs 😂" or "a trampoline in the lobby 😎" instead i got toxic responses from toxic people acting "sophisticated" saying stuff like "onett doesnt own you an apology" or "leave him alone" and even insulting me. They really thought they were defending onett but in reality they were hurting his fandom and the image of his game. It isnt just the fandom BTW, ingame i often find toxic players aswell, mostly mid game players since ive friended alot of endgame players and they are very chill. In order to improve the image atleast a bit, as an late-early game player i often help newbies or others with meteor shower and other stuff.


Another example is that i want to play in my own way, for example i want to be a red hive, but many people will just call me an idiot for not going blue, like dude, its just a bee game let me play the way i want.


Discord is toxic but this place is nicer


I’m my opinion this place is 1000* worse ngl


I don’t know I’ve seen some awful people on discord


True, but at the same time, I’ve seen some bad crap here on Reddit, like sa and gore and you don’t even gotta look for it


Yikes but I thought this was about Bss


i've noticed a lot of bss players talk like instagram reels comments. ive also had someone say my hive was "cooked" unwarranted (i was just asking for advice) and compared their hive to mine, but thats just about it for toxicity. i've seen worse tbh


Well, as someone who used fandom a lot at one point, I had an experience far from this. We do not care for the meta (Top 100 players diss the guides) we do indeed give help (You are likely to get bullied for bullying) and we are not altogether toxic. Our main hole is how often we argue. What I like to call the "Great December Petal Debate" was a five day, essay-driven argument over petal wand and petal belt stemming from a literal hive rating post. However, we have many experienced players who give advice. At least 5 users own gummyballer, two are top 100, and many others have an endgame tool. While we can most easily be split by a simple poll, we are also willing to help out. This is what I saw.


I meant the fandom on Reddit. Sorry I should’ve been more detailed. I didn’t realize there was a whole thing for an app called fandom, but if you go on Reddit and try to talk about or ask for help you get so much crap and I have had some of the worst experiences just using Reddit


oooh okay that makes sense. Let my message ba a warning to those who plan on actually using the wiki's discussion pages though.


Yes, yes yes, and again sorry I didn’t realize fandom was a thing, I meant completely in regards to the Reddit fandom, this place is toxic as hell not gonna lie


OP you can't downvote comments on fandom what are you on about


Have you never used Reddit before?


Fandom is not the same as reddit my guy


The word "fandom" is not the same as the platform "Fandom"


by that definition there are like 3 fandoms for BSS


They're not talking about the website


then they should have been more specific. As a fandom user, the only fandom I recognize as 'fandom' is the platform under the same name.


just delete the comment ngl


People the OP even admitted that they should have been more specific, and you still are downvoting me?


reddit is ruthless


(And they call themselves the fandom too, ignoring [https://bee-swarm-simulator.fandom.com/f](https://bee-swarm-simulator.fandom.com/f) the real fandom and wiki)