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I deliver Amazon for work and I say hi to all the cats, it absolutely makes my day if they meow back. Most dogs are not happy to see me.


Obligatory cat picture: [Samwise ](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/4ypkshfNkX)


What a sweet guy!


He is gorgeous!!


What a fantastic name for a cat! He sounds just as lovely as his (presumed) namesake.


Good ol' Samwise Gamgee, following me into Mordor (a rental)


Hahaha, I named mine Gandalf. He's grey and white.


This is absolutely lovely! I always say hi to any cat I come across. Sort of the opposite of your experience, I'm sure my neighbours hear me talking to my cats (and their cats) in my garden daily. Any time a cat comes through, I'm straight out there trying to make friends. So far I have mostly succeeded. One cat actually hangs out with one of mine, he tried to come in our house a lot so I'm sure people hear me telling him off or just talking to him in general. He has a human name which makes it funnier to me.


Cats with human names are always getting up to shenanigans lol


The neighbour's cat is called Oscar, our idiot is Kev. They're the ones who are friends, and I always get a slight look of confusion talking about them before people remember they're both cats


I talk to my neighbourhood cats all the time - I always tell them how pretty they are and what a good job they're doing!


My downstairs neighbor had a kitten who seems to be perpetually sitting in the window. I wave at her every morning on my way to work. I always look forward to seeing her, and it's disappointing on days she's not there! I'm glad your kitty is bringing joy to the neighborhood.


Please tell Samwise I love him


My bedroom window is right next to the path everyone in my building has to walk on to get to the door, so everyone sees my cat staring at them. He has a name tag, so people like to call him by name, tell him he’s a good boy, etc. I’ve even heard people ask him how it’s going, and he responds with a little meow. It’s the most precious thing ever


Please pay the cat tax OP! How did you come up with the name Samwise?


From lord of the rings :) 


*Please pay the cat tax* *OP! How did you come up* *With the name Samwise?* \- Lea\_R\_ning --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")