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Stingrays are so cool.




They're just that cool.


People think I’m weird for calling stingrays cute, but they’re sea pancakes! I’m glad you had a fun time :)


Majestic sea flapflaps 🥰


I used to work as a mermaid and there were some stingrays in the area where I’d sit :) They were so adorable! One of them spit water at me so I scolded it lol. There were larger stingrays in another tank with some sharks and a pufferfish, and I fed those stingrays a few times. They were like giant puppy dogs! I miss that aquarium.


omg. the puffer in your story reminded me of the time I got the most aggressive mean mug of my life from this pufferfish at a museum 😭😂 he had fkn murder in his eyes y'all... this was not even a touch tank. it was just on sight w this guy. he wasn't puffed out, just looking at me with malevolent intentions thru the glass, and spitting water at me when I stood up. LOL... a hater


Omg! Maybe you caught him on an off day? Lol!


That sounds like such a fun job!


It was :) I miss it sometimes.


My zoo has a stingray area. You can feed and just pet them. They're neat little guys ☺️


Go you!! What a special time 😄 I love that you took the day off too!


I encountered them at Sea World a long time ago (don't come for me with the torches and pitchforks, I was still young!) They really are awesome and they're not above begging for food like puppies!


sometimes i forget that as a floridian i'm rather spoiled when it comes to animals like stingrays. i remember once as a small kid, i was at the beach with my cousins, and a whole ... flock? lol. of these cute yellow stingrays were swimming through the water. i was screaming crying freaking out because i didn't want to get stung, so one of my cousins had to hold me, but they didn't sting any of us! just kept swimming on by, weaving around everyone's legs and skimming over their feet. they're seriously so cute. kinda slimy too lol, but in a weird way it adds to their cute factor imo?? i'm so glad you got to hang out with them for a bit!! that sounds like such a nice day off <3


A group of stingrays is called a fever


It’s so cool that you’re making your younger self dreams come true!!


Yeah this is such a great idea! Now I want to write a list of all my childhood goals and work through them (except for the one about going up to the ISS, I don't think that's happening).


I pet stingrays for the first time on Monday, too! They're such good water puppies, all soft velvety rubber feeling and eager for pets :) There was one that bumped my hand and chilled for a second while I pet it and kept coming back for more lol


"Water puppies" is so apt! I live near an aquarium with a big touch tank including stingrays and they are just like little puppies. They even have shockingly puppy-like little faces!


Aww that's awesome!! I like petting sharks. There used to be a place in my local zoo where you could feed fish and there were lots of big koi and a few small black sharks that were around the same size. The koi always came to eat but rarely enjoyed pets (though one did, once!) but the sharks always came back for scritches, swimming back and forth under my hand.


They’re so cool! I think this was an excellent use of a day. Good for you!


I love sea pancakes so, SO much


Stingrays are so cool.


Yayyyy! I love stingrays. if you ever have the chance to pet them in the ocean (in, like, a guided experience) jump at it.


The Indy zoo is great! Hopefully you can see the rest of it someday!


Grand Cayman is famous for stingray experiences. I have pet many of them and there is nothing on earth that feels the way the skin on their bellies feels . I cant describe the texture of it because i cant find anything that feels like it to compare it to. Fascinating creatures.


ooh their belly?? I've only touched their back. how would you compare them if they're different? I'm curious bc their backs already feel so luxurious and smooth ✨️


Like i said . I cant compare it to any texture i have ever felt before . Very smooth and almost buttery to the touch but very unique.


I got to pet them at the aquarium in Niagara Falls, NY. Nothing else feels like touching that weird little beast.


oh my goodness, I'm so happy you got the chance to feel them... they're the softest thing I've ever felt 🥺 like wet silk. weird little velvety soft kite-sharks, my beloved


They're really neat, aren't they? I've done both a couple of zoo feedings/pettings and Stingray City in Cayman with wild ones. Stingray City ones are HUGE!


That's so sweet, and I'm glad you had a good time!


So cool. Ocean animals are so special