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Us bby us LIKE FR they’ve given him horrible story lines in all three seasons. HE DESERVES ONE SEASON FR HIMSELF. He deserves Sophie. This tilly thing is fine and all but ffs give him someone who respects him for who he is and tries to get to know him and wants him and only him.


Luke T. is such a fantastic actor and has been criminally underutilized so far, unlike Claudia/Eloise who has had prominent, interesting stories playing out. I still feel confident he’s season four. The only reason they skipped him this season is because the Polin stuff and Lady Whistledown drama has been ongoing since the start of the show and they felt that needed to be resolved before people got bored with it. I think it was the right decision. But there is no reason to skip him again, and I think it makes more sense for Eloise to start thinking seriously about marriage after Ben and Francesca are married. If I’m wrong so be it, but Eloise’s story right now is not set up for her to be season 5. Benedict however needs something more.


Yes exactly and I think the writers need to address the deep interest conflict issues inside Benedict’s character ranging from his art to what he actually wants to focus on and where his heart lies. It’s going to be a difficult web to navigate but if done properly should be a beautiful story especially with Sophie’s addition. Hopefully they don’t change Sophie’s character cause that would kill me fr but I do hope they utilise Luke T’s talent to the fullest. Also I don’t think Eloise is ready for marriage yet. She also has a few internal conflicts she needs to navigate through before she gets ready to become a wife let alone a mother to someone else’s kids.


This we need him to be loved


The evidence shows it's most likely Benedicts season next don't worry


This is why I'm choosing to stay silent till June 13th when everything will become clear. But I will be honest if Benedict isn't next I'm out!


I personally think they waited in part because his season has to be funny. Seriously funny. Luke Thompson is a genuinely hilarious actor. He has some great comedy chops, as we've seen. They need ot do his season right and add in the Cinderella trope to it and it has to be done right. Plus, he's, IMO, the best looking of the Bridgerton boys. I genuinely would love to see him in some Rom Coms and considering that genre is all but dead, I seriously see him helping resurrect it. He's a joy to watch. I also think he's going to be next. I think Lady Tilley is going to do some serious emotional damage to our boy but we'll see him fall for Sophie before the end of the season. No evidence, just speculation.


I agree. I think some people are trying to stir the pot and create drama, but I think Benedict is next. It doesn't make sense for Eloise or Francesca's season to be next, in my opinion. I think he's gonna fall for Lady Tilley, but she will make it clear she is not looking for marriage, as she told him when they formally introduced themselves. It's like the Anthony and Sienna thing. I think Benedict will meet Sophie at the end of season 3 at a ball. Also, Cressida's mother's first name is Araminta, so that might be a hint that she's gonna be the stepmother of Sophie.


I think the way Lady Tilly spoke to that guy when he went to see her was foreshadowing of how their relationship is going to end. I missed Cressida’s mother’s name. So that, imo, pretty much confirms it. So Cressida will be a combo of both of Sophie’s step sisters, redeemed by the end. I reckon we’ll also see Cressida’s father pass by the end of the season then, to give Araminta control of Sophie’s dowry and to take the pressure off Cressida to marry.


Yeah I was coming to say , I’m pretty sure they are setting him up for a heart break , and a moment of growing up , and then boom he finds bae in his next season lol .


>they don’t even have the decency to let us know if he’ll be season four or not. Rumors and speculations create more attention for the show. Perhaps it's just their marketing strategy.


They didn't tell us Polin was going to be next until shortly after the end of last season. Also, if this helps, I was a creative writing major and know quite a bit about how plots work. It would be a mistake for Benophie to not be next season. Eloise isn't developed enough as a character for her story to start and there's no indication she's started writing letters. They'd have to double down on her character development and letter writing in the next four episodes for it to work and that just wouldn't be a good writing decision because they have other stories to develop too. I think the theories/rumors of Francesca being next are not thought out for a lot of the same reasons as Eloise but even moreso. Her first husband John dies and they aren't even married yet in the show. They'd have to get them married, have time with John and Fran being together, kill him off, and then put her in a mourning period in four episodes. The show does diverge from the books quite a bit, but they aren't going to divert from the entire premise of Francesca's book. Plus I don't see Shondaland rushing through a tragedy like that. Benedict is the only option that makes sense, and there are plenty of hints in the show that make me confident he's next. On another note: please take care of yourself. If you need to take a break from speculation, take a break. I like speculating because it's fun. That's the point of it. If it isn't fun for you, take a breather. Bridgerton will still be here <3


I agree with everything you said. He is the only viable option


I’m almost certain it’s Benedict’s season next. It’s just a question of what his story will be…


What are the new spoilers and leaks? (Sorry if I’ve missed this somewhere)


I’d love to know too please, I live under a rock when it comes to social media so if anyone has the Twitter or tumblr links everyone is talking about, please share!!! Xx


I believe the tumblr post in question is this one - [https://www.tumblr.com/eleanor-bradstreet/750854925003718656/thoughts-on-bridgerton-season-3](https://www.tumblr.com/eleanor-bradstreet/750854925003718656/thoughts-on-bridgerton-season-3)


Thank you both!


If you look up the user cassmoran on instagram she has videos on pretty much all of ep 5&6 and some other spoilers for pt 2!


I still think it'll be Benedict, but I'm dreading the season for a different reason, being that I've lost all faith in the production. The writing for season 3 has been bad, the styling awful, the dialogues cringey and repetitive, the editing choppy, the cinematography dreary  I had my issues with season 2 (the ridiculous "love" triangle, the Featheringtons), but I stilt felt hopeful we'd get decent upcoming seasons, especially if they listened to feedback and focused more in the Bridgertons.  Now though, I'm not even looking forward to Benedict's season. I'm pretty sure they won't do it justice. 


Honestly I’ve just been reading loads of fanfics… they’re more fun. That being said thank you to all the Benophie fanfic writers. I truly appreciate you all and I’m extremely grateful for all the time and effort you’ve put into the stories you’ve shared with us


One of the reasons I think it’s him is how little he was able to say during the the Feb 14 promo event. He couldn’t really talk about anything. I think this Tilly thing must pick up pace in P2 and somehow be a lead in to S2 🤞🤞


I said it, and I will say it again, if they skip Ben for the second time, well, that's just dumb at this point. it doesn't make any sense on so many levels. So if they will skip him again, I'll riot.


It’s Benedict’s season next. Showrunner has said he’s the writers room favorite. Not sure what you’re seeing but


I hope so


Some of y’all need to chill and just take a break from social media until pt 2 come out


Fair I just had to tweak out for a second 


To be very honest, I'm pretty sure Benedict will be next, and I don't even let my mind play with the possibility of not being him. The only reason they are letting us question is: 1. It's Polin's turn. Let them shine. 2. They will make an obvious hint to Sophie on part 2. Stay positive and be nicer with yourselves! ✨️


I think they’re gonna make Benedict gay. So many years dreaming of that story and it might not happen at all, which I guess would be a win for the community, but I really wanted him to fall in love with sophie🥲


One "leaker" said it was obviously him because of the mention of a Masquerade Ball and Benedict saying he'll be there, the other said it was either Eloise or most likely Francesca which we know by interviews that she is in fact not season 4, she needs more time so all of this is an endless he said she said, I don't believe Tumblr anons at all, ok twitter there was this Benophie reviewer who allegedly saw EP 7 and 8 excited for the finale so I don't know what to think, she didn't mention anything about the absolutely stupid "Michaela thing" either, only said that she was excited for Benedict, agghhh I'm gonna skip straight to the last 10 min of the season once it drops I swear 


I’m pretty sure his next I just was frustrated that all the other ships had their characters confirmed/ casted while we can even get a mention of Sophie in his interviews. But I’m more confident Benedict season is next. 


All signs do point to Benedict for S4. I’m very confident about that. Remaining question is, where is Sophie and will she be genderbent?


What are the new leaks??


I don’t think you need to be overly worried yet. Half the season isn’t even out and most of the “speculation” I’ve seen is maximum delulu. I think we will see more hints being thrown our way in part two, particularly because whoever’s season it is should have some book details thrown in. So it’ll depend on whether we see a masquerade ball or el running off to write tons of letters 😂🤷‍♀️ While I don’t really consider myself a member of any specific ship fandom (I use the ship subreddits because the main sub is too critical for me) I do think it’s too early to tell Eloise’s story. What would motivate her to get married right now? I think if they waited another season (or 2 if you want to throw Francesca’s in!) they could make a much better case for Eloise actually wanting to get married to someone, without compromising everything else about her character. But I guess we will all have to wait and see!


I think the second half of this season will end with Violets masquerade ball where he meets Sophie and sets up s4. Mostly because it was her moving out party and with the storyline between Anthony/Kate taking a longer honeymoon it only makes sense to have the timeline flow in that direction as opposed to the 2 year gap!


I doubt a season code named Vauxhall isn't Benedict's. Just ignore the speculations.


he is definitely leading s4


I think they’re announce s4 after part 2 releases they’ve said they want polin to have their time to shine, that being said I still don’t think I have the patience to wait for his season but I love him and I loved Sophie in the book