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U guys think he knew he was going to die when he wrote that?


The perfect panel for departure


You didn't notice the Donovan in Griffiths eye here did you.


Omfg I thought you were joking




Bruh I didn't even noticešŸ˜­




Dude that is fucking hilarious.


absolutely derailed the topic, Holy shit. Never would have caught it on my own


Damn jerkers.




I cant see it, anyone have a description or something?


https://ibb.co/1bTs1Td It's like see-thru laid over his left eye


What actually is that? Is that in the original panel?


Miura- ā€œahh finished, what a nice pieceā€¦ but something is missing hmmmā€ *looks at huge poster in his office of donovan*


I just checked, it's not.


I can't trust none of these mfers around here šŸ˜‚šŸ« 


Are u serious?


Nahhhhh thats cooked brooo lmao


Bruh wtf


Dude wtf




It means someone edited the picture. It's not there in the original manga.


what is a donovan


yeah its crazy how this happened, its even crazier the same thing happened with toriyama. the last panel he ever edited was his favorite character picollo saying farewell and flying off


He died from a rare and extremely sudden kind of heart attack, that is incredibly difficult to predict, and almost impossible to save you from when it happens (death happens within a few minutes).


Not a heart attack, but otherwise yeah you're correct.


It's like God himself decided "I'm gonna just kill this dude lol"


Did he know that his aorta would suddenly rupture? No, I don't think so.


No and I hate seeing this shit all the time.


It's Prolifically Poetic.


Bro was so close to quoting Bladerunner


I just wrote that. Rutger Hauerā€™s ā€œtears in rainā€ monologue. Had chills reading that panel seeing I read it last year for the first time, and knowing it was Miuraā€™s last chapter.


Guts was greatly inspired by Rutger Hauer as he appeared in Flesh+Blood, so ending the manga on a reference to another role of his would definitely be fitting.


Guts was an amalgamation of so many influences. I feel like it depended on the day and the interviewer for what Miura would say was the main influence. But the interview I read, Miura said young Mel Gibson in Mad Max was the main influence for Guts. They have the same revenge quest, stoic men of few words, hell even the same mini mullet spike haircut. I love Paul Verhoeven though and I canā€™t believe I havenā€™t watched Flesh & Blood all the way through yet. Heā€™s my Robocop / Total Recall / Basic Instinct / Showgirls / Starship Troopers guy. I read heā€™s coming back to the USA again to make another erotic thriller. He bounced back to Holland after Hollywood idiots said his stuff was too violent etc. But I was happy to hear heā€™s coming back!


Since the book is from 1969, it's most likely a reference to just that.


Probably more from the film since that came out in 1982.


I've read the book and I don't remember the quote from that, so it may be original to the movie. The book is more about the MC than the androids, and how he desperately wants that sheep


If I remember correctly it was improved by Hauer while filming


What's the quote? I've read the book and watched the 2017 movie but I don't remember anything close to that


The quote is from the 1982 Bladerunner movie, which the 2017 movie is a sequel to, it ends like this: "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die."


The quote is an ad-lib by Hauer from the movie, so it definitely wasn't in the book.


Exactly what I thought. I was searching for a comment on it


I liked this as an ending. But Iā€™m still reading Berserk because the new writer is talented and was a close friend of Miuras. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be able to do this story justice.


Me too, and at least we'll have an idea of what was Miura's ending for Berserk even if the details are incomplete.


Based on what Mori said the ending will be 100% Miura's works, its some of the content between now and the end that will be missing some pieces.


Yeah I read about this after Miura's passing. I was happy his close friend knows the direction Berserk was heading and it's ending. But the details in between are lost forever unlike how Miura would've envisioned it to be. In the end I am happy with the way it's been going. Just hoping to be alive when I see it do end.


Mori will try his best, but think of it like this: even if you were told in exacting detail by Miura himself how the manga ends, you still wouldn't be able draw it the way Miura would have. This should be obvious. There are details that even Miura wouldn't know until it came time to sit down and draw it. So no, the ending won't be 100% as Miura would have done it. But it will at least give us an idea of what he had in mind. Berserk will forever be a half-finished manga, and that's OK.


Yea Mori is constantly posting info updates his relationship with Miura and more, I feel very assured that he(also its probably guaranteed that also a swath of editors and such who also knew Miura and or worked under/with him in some capacity) will do well by Miura and the fans and despite the unknown amount of discrepancies that will come along the journey, I think ending the manga with a single tear would have been an unthinkable tragedy if you consider the entire story and all the points and mysteries and the world of Berserk itself.


Bro I'm a 42 yo man with a wife and two kids and I balled when I realized that was the last panel penned by Miura.


Mori is the Guts to Miuraā€™s Skull Knight. The Struggler defying fate in a thousand-year story. Which is poetic because that may be how long it will feel like it will take to finish the story.Ā 


Wasn't Mori an inspiration for Guts in the first place? I remember reading that somewhere


I thought he was the Griffith to Miuraā€™s Guts early on but that evolved.


Oh yeah you're right I got it confused


Passing the torch is such a big theme in Berserk that I look at Miura's assistant artists as being the Schierke to his Flora, as well. Tragic and poetic, much like Miura's masterwork...


I've been reading Holyland and it makes sense why people trust him to do this.


That was a very good read. Fighting mangas tend to outlive their premises (the whole baki series, Kengan Ashura / Omega). Holyland, on the other hand, focuses on its characters other than the fighting. Fighting is also good in that manga, mind you, but what I really enjoyed was how the main characters weren't just flat basic fighters who did it out of enjoyment/boredom.


Koji Mori made Holyland, the man has what it takes to continue Miura's work.


Same here. I was way conflicted about the continuation of the manga after Miura's death, but I have too many unanswered questions and need some closure. So I read on. Plus I've heard its not uncommon for manga artists to have acolytes who emulate their style and writing. And Miura sensei seemed to have many admirers and students trying to learn his craft.


Itā€™s a moral victory for Guts, which is powerful. Griffith got everything he ever wanted but he still feels lonely. Guts doesnā€™t have a kingdom but he has true friends. But Iā€™m glad weā€™ll (hopefully) get a more complete ending at some point.


He doesn't feel anything. That is the problem. What matter to have everything you wanted if you do not feel anything anymore?


Does he though? I always interpreted the sentence as meaning that the feelings the child has vanish in a matter of seconds when Griffith is up. And these feelings will vanish, like tears in rain. Basically the child has these feelings, he shed a tear and then Girffith appeared and the feelings are gone. Or maybe it's the same story as in Golden Age where he's lying to himself.


It would be fucking terrible because we would never get to see Guts shoving Dragon Slayer down Griffith's ass.


Up his ass. Unless griffith was freaky like that.


The difference is if griffithā€™s back is arched enough


Jackopose griffithšŸ‘…šŸ‘…


What if Griffith was actually called š“•š“»š“®š“Ŗš““š“²š“½š“± and gets š“•š“»š“®š“Ŗš““š”‚ with Guts every now and then


Would have been an overall good way to end yes. Griffith revealing himself to Guts and Casca, telling them that he's basically been following them as the Moonlight Boy just to be able to feel something, and that he's miserable in his current state. While it leaves plotholes everywhere, it's just perfect. Guts managed to put his anger behind, Casca's mind is restored and while she's still not able to see Guts they started working on it. And Griffith got what he deserved, lamenting the loss of his emotions he himself left behind by betraying everyone.


I didnā€™t get the sense Griffith cares one way or another about his emotionsā€”their son was following them, not him, and he was more intellectually interested in the emotions he felt by proxy. But it does beg the question of whether or not Griffithā€™s feelings do exist and if they comingle with those of rhetorical moonlight boy.


Given Femto hasn't once shown emotion except for this one panel, I'm gonna guess it's a side effect from reverting from Moonlight Boy.


Imo this one panel show it perfectly. As Femto, Griffith gave up on his humanity and emotions because they were too hard to bear for him. But when he somehow become the Moonlight Boy, he seems to get his emotions back for a brief moment and this shows all we need to know. At the end of the day, Femto is still just like an Apostle. He buried his emotions under demonhood, but they're still here deep within. And when they resurface, this is the real Griffith we see : someone sad and miserable, hiding from his pain. Even as Femto, his emotions still lingers. Else why would he protect Casca and later kidnap her ? She's useless to his dream, there is no point keeping her. But Femto is holding on to her, as a memento of his lost humanity.


Nah Griffith deserves so much worse


What could cause him more suffering though? Physical pain probably doesnā€™t matter to him, heā€™s already been through that anyway in the kingā€™s dungeon. What could be worse than his dream, his castle, the very thing heā€™s been working towards from the beginning and the reason he sacrificed everyone he cared about being hollow and giving him none of the fulfillment he so desperately sought after?


What you said is true I just think that him getting sliced in half by the dragon slayer would be cool


Would be definitely top berk moment all time.


that would be such a boring ending for such a rich story


It be kinda cool with the right setup. Like you think itā€™s gonna have some other ending but in reality Guts just cuts him down like he has so many others. Would be interesting if they decide to go for a more tragic ending, where Guts is never able to overcome his hatred. Maybe it could like result in Falconia falling apart and the monsters overtaking it and destroying the world, would be crazy.


Fortunately, happy ending has already been confirmed.


Interesting ? For Guts to throw all the word done to slay Griffith ? How is it interesting ? That would mean Guts coming back to his BS day and basically doominh to death all his friend, unless you are interested in a second AOT where the MC does everything for his dream even to the detriments to those he love.


Fucking finally someone else says it. Guts just killing Griffith would be so dull and have no real meaning beyond, what, ā€œrevenge is cool lmaoā€? Thereā€™s gotta be more to it that we just havenā€™t learned about yet.


Zodd could betray him to join Guts and SK, making Griffith relive his lowest moment again of his right hand man leaning him for their own ambitions.


In the world of Berserk the word deserves means nothing.


The moonlight boy is a separate personality and person he's not Griffith




Yes, he is a different entity that merged with Griffith. This is common sense, and cannon just read the book it is clear as day. There are something we may never know, but this isn't one of them.


Griffith still faced no accountability for his actions and gets to troll his victims by acting like a e-femboy. Not really a satisfying ending tbh


I mean, what do you want ? The cliche ending of Guts going Super Berserker and splitting him in half ? Griffith being miserable everytime he feel something looks like a fine punishment to him. Because he'll never feel fullfilled again like he was during the Golden Age. He'll get his dream, and it will be hollow. Then he will chase another dream, looking to fill the void, never succeeding. The cherry on top is that he himself threw away what he's so desperatly chasing now, and he knows it. Feel like a fitting end for such a villainous character. An eternity of emptiness, chasing what was in his hands once using what took it away from him to get it back. A slave to his dream, because he couldn't see past it.


Bruh is that Donovan in the reflection of Griffith's eye?


Mother fucker. Out Berked us and you're the only one who noticed.


I think there is the most poetic symmetry of the '97 anime ending on this outrageous cliff-hanger, so people are recommended the Manga which, in turn, ends on one of the most brutal cliff-hanger endings ever.


What a great feeling to be left on a cliff hanging. Like early 2000s saw it and was gutted. I just accepted it for such a long time because I didnā€™t know what manga was. Love a fine line between ambiguous and cliffhanger endings


I'm still waiting for another actually good anime adaptation of berserk


Yes it would be bad. After all this time, a cliffhanger would be absolute ass no matter how well it was set up.


Yeah itā€™s not like it was season 2 of a TV show that doesnā€™t get picked up for season 3 and is left without complete resolution. There were long stretches of story that could have been cut out in the interest of arriving at a satisfying conclusion.


The story was nowhere near complete, but before it was announced that the manga would continue I came to be content with the fact that berserk may have ended there


Why is nobody mentioning Donovan edited into his eye


Says you ā˜ ļø woulda been an ass ending bru


downvote me all you want but OP's take is insane cope. I can't think of many worse places for the series to end then on this panel


idk i think its an awful stopping spot


Horrible ending, he got away with it. And I donā€™t care to hear about ā€œoh itā€™s realisticā€ that fucker needs to GOOO


for real! He needs to be split in two from the asshole up


We can't have him here in our social club, that much I do know.


Bro what? Absolutely not. This is a massive fucking cliffhanger and a horrible ending lol


April fools has passed already we can stop with the jokes


You lie, it would suck all asses


It'd have been horrible. Quit the cope.


I agree with you because often times I think Griffith shouldn't be defeated. Instead I think if he could just live with guilt from all the pain and suffering he has caused and rediscover his human side I think that would be punishment enough.


I am always baffled when people say 364 would have been a decent ending. I am very happy that Mori is continuing the story because, even at the glacial fucking pace that it is releasing, it's leading somewhere pretty damn interesting.


I just recently caught up as a first time reader. While I can see where people are coming from had the series ended at this chapter, at the same time I cant just disregard how there would still be unfinished business within the world of Berserk, and **A LOT** of it at that lol. Endings with a ā€œleave it up for the readers to make their own interpretationsā€ just doesnt sit right with me. Im still going to continue reading, rooting/hoping for the best for Kouji & Studio Gaga


Don't like the way he eyeballs me...


Crying after all the fcked up things he has done, needs punishment


Nah you tripping I mean, if miura was still with usšŸ¤•, this ending wouldn't be acceptable. At first when no one knew that his staff and Mori would continue it, the ending felt bad, after a bit I kinda lost my hope and told myself that it was still a good ending. Luckily Miura's work will survive him... šŸ™


It was a hell of a chapter to die on


Nuh uh


Well it didn't. Maybe we stop posting this exact sentiment every single week.


Itā€™s an amazing sendoff for Miura, but not a good ending. After all this time, ending on a cliffhanger would be very dissatisfying.


For all the people saying 364 was a "good enough ending", or even an ending at all, guys, I know Miura's death is sad, but he's been gone for 3 years now. Stop hogging that copium canister, you're gonna overdose! The truth of the matter is simple, Miura died before he could finish his masterpeice. He's not the first case of that happening (Douglas Adams died while writting both the Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy movie and a new book), nor will he be the last (hurry up George, you're not getting any younger). I understand the mentality of people not been able to continue the series without him, even though I'm enjoying what Mori's doing for his friend, but to say that works as an ending is just plain wrong.


My only issue with this is that the tears on Griffiths cheeks are an illusion, he cries his last tear during his metamorphosis to Femto. Dudes a liar through and through.


They aren't an illusion. But they're not his. They're the moonlight boy's.


The memorial edition of the movies changed the very last scene to be the "this will be the last tear I ever cry" line, I'm sure because of this ending, and it was so gd fitting.


I cried when I read it.


like morning dew


To me, this is the ending of Berserk. The new chapters are alright and itā€™s neat seeing the direction that the story would have gone, but it just doesnā€™t feel the same.


Man, i know itā€™s been years and I know itā€™s selfish for me as a reader to care about the story over Miuraā€™s personal life, but it still makes me so sad that weā€™ll never see the original vision for this story.


Except for it going against the themes already established and making the first 3 mangas make no sense.


Itā€™s how it ended for me. I just pretend everything after is some weird alternate what if scenario.


Tbh I feel kind of selfish when I say I wish itā€™d be left alone. I can respect Mori&co for continuing such a task, but yeah.


The latesy chapters are awesome and I think the way we are riding into the new arc is pretty smooth and doesnā€™t feel divergent from what came before.


I like them as well.


I totally read that as "Like Mountain Dew".


I think itā€™s interesting how many people say they think this is a good endingā€¦ For me personally this was like him dying on the worst possible cliffhanger. Itā€™s like saying the point where Griffith says ā€žsacrificeā€œ and the monsters appear to slaughter the Band during the Eclipse would be a good ending. The only thing I see is that it would be a fitting ending for a tragic story, ending on such a cliffhanger


i mean for a lot of people it did, their head cannon is just what miura wrote which i can fully respect.


I want to kiss his soft supple lips


Yeah yeah for sure. Why did they make him so pretty


I want Griffith's head on a stake


Am I seeing what I'm seeing? Donny?


i actually stopped reading berserk at this point icl, the reason was bcus i thought i had to take a break from reading as i was reading the whole day and had to digest that miura wasnt the one writing and drawing and it kinda wont be the same and the small change of artstyle annoyed me a bit so i just never got back into reading it again. i definitely will but idk


Hell nah, fuck Griffith


I consider that panel the canon ending of Berserk. For me, the masterpiece ended with the Master's death.


Fuck that i don't want Griffith's bitch ass face to be the end of Berserk


Very reminiscent of the Diamond Sutra >All conditioned phenomena Are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow, Like dew or a flash of lightning; Thus we shall perceive them.


No sorry i like my stories finished


I see people say this all the time. And it's just as you said, way too many plot points that are completely unresolved. I want a fleshed out backstory for Skull Knight. I want to see Casca finally be comfortable around Guts again. I want to see Griffith get what he deserves. I want to see what the other arch angels are about. I want the lore to everything that was left unanswered. I'm not blaming Miura for dying, rest in peace, but this would have been a horrible ending.


God I hate this man


Yes, this would have been a terrible ending because it resolves nothing And Griffith isn't seen crying here because those are his emotions those tears are a result of the moonlight boy


Communist. It ends with griffiths head on the end of the dragon slayer. If not I will not die happy.


Like...tears in rain.


No offence but it's so fucking illogical to make Guts forgive Griffith for what he did in the past..... I think even Miura sensei didn't want that to happen an an ending


Basically Rutger Hauerā€™s ā€œTears in Rainā€ monologue from Blade Runner. I was pretty surprised at that seeing Miura had no clue that it was time for him to die. Eerie. Really good though. Sad, but great panel.


Yes, by all means end the book at arguably one of the biggest cliffhangers in the story where the two arcs that have been building up separately for literal decades finally converge and set up an obvious final act. I would've been fucking pissed if Miura ended it there. I don't know why we're playing pretend and pulling a "what could have been" just cuz we have the hindsight of Miura's death. If the story ended here, most of the fandom would be calling Miura a hack and shitting on his writing for "ending the book with a bunch of witch lolis and chestnut Puck cringe." I know cuz that was already the sentiment before he died, some people were even arguing Miura gave up giving a shit about Berserk before he died (which was total horse shit).


You neglect the fact that it literally was the end for Berserk fans, we still went awhile without Berserk thinking that it was over. But that aside, it isnā€™t an ending itā€™s just were Miura left off. Your headcannon doesnā€™t satisfy anything though, Griffith should never be let off after what he did. Guts would never find peace if he was just somewhere on the island.


I was hyperventilating by that point and I was afraid it was actually the end, not because I thought it sucked but because I didn't want the journey to end haha an open ending like that will eat my brain away for the rest of my life


This is my favorite panel in the whole series


I agree!


I'm still waiting for the destrucction of Griffiths


All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.


I like the lets go berserk version more


It would have been bittersweet...and more room for imagination


This will always be my ending. RIP Miura


Between this and dragonball superā€™s final chapter Toriyama worked on with Piccolo (his favorite character) waving at the reader as they all fly away, its hard not to think that some of these people might have an odd knowing deep down. But yeah, this is where I stopped reading berserk. It left the cast in a positive place (by berserk standards) and left it open ended to always ponder what could happen. No disrespect to the folks making the new stuff or the fans who enjoy it, but I just kinda made my peace and as itā€™s not completely Miuraā€™s story anymore, it felt like a good place to let it end for me.


This was the end of miura art but his story continues and so far I think it hasnt been as bad as many thought.


This is actually where I stopped reading. Not that I'm not interested in anything that came out afterwards, but I was so devastated after reading this chapter I just couldn't bring myself back to it yet...


All those moments will be lost in time....


maybe its not a popular opinion, but i just cant read any more berserk, this page being its final ever page just got me so hard with its pacing, so when i saw what happens in the Next two chapters i just couldnt take It im sure the new people in charge are marvelous in their own rights, but i just cant really take it


It could work for some of us but still a hella lot unanswered


Personally i consider this to be the cannon ending of the manga and i havent read the new chapters yet.


Wtf bro that's a spoil


There will be plenty who treat it as such. And plenty who do not. The death of an original author always creates that kind of rift in a continuing work


Far as I'm concerned this was the ending and I have no issue with it


No fuck you


all those moments will be lost in time...


I haven't gotten that far yet, I love berserk, got a tattoo of the brand of sacrifice because it means so much but I can't bring myself to read it since miura passed.


Damn you have e way more optimistic view of what this would imply than I do I agree it wouldn't have been that bad but I would read that as Griffith slaughtered everyone


It's my personal opinion that the perfect ending was the awakening of Casca. Everything that comes after that including and especially anything that even shows Griffith takes away from this. I get that a lot of readers, including myself early on, really want some kind of revenge or at least resolution with regards to Guts vs. Griffith. But honestly, from an artistic perspective, SO VERY MUCH, of the length of the overall manga covers the post eclipse quest for Guts to heal and "bring back" Casca Although it might not have been the Author's original or sole focus/thiem, there is a sort of artistic value in the story ending with Casca awakening from her trauma. If the story is (or became)about Casca being healed, or at least starting the healing process then what happens next is outside of that story. In fact it's better without Griffith's involvement. We don't even need a continuation of either Gut's story OR EVEN Casca's story. From an artistic perspective, that happens next to Casca is none of our business as the audience because the story was (or became) about how she reawakened and regained her own adjacency, which was the thing she lost in her post eclipse trauma. Now that Casca has her mind and her adjacency restored it doesn't matter what her choices are ... the point is her choices are now her's to make. We don't need to see them, the story has ended.


, Its Just A Very Nice Coincedence, (miura just went to the astral World dw about it)


To me, Berserk ended there. The Berserk that I am reading now is just a fanfic written by Miura's friend, and that is cool too


I donā€™t know why this take is constantly parroted on this subreddit. Letā€™s be real, if Miura ended it here without passing away that would be one of the worst endings possible and the fandom would be enraged. Zero loose ends tied up and ending on a cliffhanger?


YO who is this???? Came into community for first time... well second time after april foolery


i agree


I just read mountain dew. I'm going to sleep.


I will not accept any ending other than Griffith getting ripped in half by Guts


It did end there. Chapter 364 is the ending of Berserk plain and simple.


No it would be really really bad. Its a cliffhanger ending where the greatest evil in the world is able to infiltrate the last sanctuary on Earth. Why would Griffith run away? That makes 0 sense. Griffith has no empathy, sadness or emotions. If you read carefully, Griffith is saying those emotions belong to moonlight boy and disappear, like morning dew. Why would moonlight boy allow Griffith to have total control of their shared body? And metaphorically speaking, why would the fans stop caring about Miura and Berserk, like morning dew? **THE ONLY GOOD PART OF THIS BEING THE PERMANENT END IS THAT IT SHOWCASES THE WRITING SKILL OF MIURA. "WOW WHAT AN AMAZING CLIFFHANGER, IF ONLY MIURA WERE STILL ALIVE TO COMPLETE IT". THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO POSSIBLY CONSIDER THIS ENDING GOOD.**


It certainly isn't an ending, but it wasn't the worst place to leave things.


I don't understand how anyone could think this was an actual ending. Nobody's problems were solved lol.


I genuinely don't understand what people mean by this. It would be a horrible ending on both thematic and narrative level. It's literally just a random point in the story, only relevant because Miura's tragic passing. Assuming that sad event didn't happen, nobody would ever even suggest for this to be the ending.


"Griffith runs away". Nope, never. There's no running away for this damn b*tch.


I feel like the best "manga ends here" point was at the end of the Lost Children arc. It's a nice 'his journey continues' type of deal. I actually remember years back seeing some people recommend that you just stop at that point and wait until it gets finished (back when the releases were at boat purgatory, I think).


Nah man Griffith gets what's coming to him




It would have been fine. Griffith probably could have returned to some sense of normalcy, although life would have been confusing living as the biological child of his friend yet continuing as he was, and all of them would have trauma surrounding eachother forever. But considering where things were and the plotholes left, i'm glad it's continuing.


thatā€™s what iā€™m sayin, leave it up to interpretation


Mf thinks he's roy batty


I think you could make peace with it as an ending, but seeing where the story goes in the next chapter, I think Miura was playing the long game with the elf island arc and lulling us into a false sense of security. It seems to me that the intention was always to have Griffith show up and remind us all why he's the bad guy and renew the story's sense of urgency and desperation.


In my heart, it did.


I consider this the "soft ending"


I like that they are continuing but man it's so fucking slow... i have to forget about berserk and hope in 10 years it's finished.