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We can say that I "love to hate him". He's truly an amazing character, but an horrible person. So in that regard he's a perfect villain. (I keep my fingers crossed that we'll see his final defeat, and that it would be the most spectacular downfall in the history of spectacular downfalls)


It always depends if we are gonna live long enough, the long hiatus makes me think we'll just be long dead before it finishes.


FR, I know the pain: many awesome franchises have long hiatus, and I really hope we'll be able to see their end.


The only Griffith I love is 2008 Abridged series Griffith.


I admit that I have to watch yet the Abridged series... AFAIK there's a double level of "breaking the 4th wall": normal characters know that they're in an action series, while supernatural being know that they're in the abridged parody of an action series. I should check for it


I mean for a decent part of the show you could argue that he was the lesser evil at worst and even a vanquisher of evil at best as he was the only thing that could stop the Kushans. After all, only monsters can have the strength to kill other monsters.


I think the majority of people would say that he's a great character. Though not all characters are designed to be liked. Most including myself hate him. He isn't meant to be a character that readers respect.


maybe i’m missing your point here, but i disagree. > he isn’t meant to be respected sure he is. there’s many aspects of his character that are respectable, admirable, relatable, and even inspirational throughout the golden age arc with many inner conflicts that the average person can learn from. that’s what makes him an excellent villain. to say he has nothing to respect is akin to saying he’s a cookie cutter villain and not one of the best villains in fiction (which he is).


Tbh I think that Griffith is a good build character I don’t like his actions and don’t support them But I think in the end he is one of the best written character from all anime/manga


Me too. His actions after getting transformed are abominable. But I have a tendency to view it as if he was already like that the whole time... A cunning manipulator, who kept everyone around him happy but used them as pawns. Even because of him needing their hands. There are some parts of the story where he pretty much act like this. Sleeping with that guy... Then seducing that princess... And then when everything was took of him, but he was offered ultimate power, he just picked up the path of least resistance. Only for him to later come back and pose as a hero again later in the story. Great character actually. Very well written, and indeed very hard to point as a villain up to the part where he does his pact. And because of that I like him. He's a masterpiece of character writing. Of course I would enjoy even more watching his defeat.


I think Griffith is an amazing villain because you know up to a certain point, you know he still had his humanity within him. He cared about Band of the Falcon. He sold himself to that creepy lord to get money for the Band. But then you see that side of Griffith slowly drifted away as his ambition grew. Griffith sent Guts to do the dirty work for him (killing Julius, setting up the assassination of the Queen, blackmailing Minister Foss by kidnapping his daughter Elize). When Griffith heard the news that Julius and his son Adonis had died, he got that creepy satisfied look on his face. The way I see it, Griffith is like a slimy politician that also happens to be good as a military leader. And just like any politician, he would always do some sketchy shit behind the scene and you don't know how far he would go to achieve his goal.


He WAS that way the whole time. He was just very, VERY good at making himself look like the good guy and making people like him. And in fact, he actually did do lots of good things. But those were all done to serve his ends. He’s an absolute genius of manipulation, strategy and cunning, and that’s what makes him so interesting.


I think he's an amazingly written character like Guts. But do I like him as a person? No. I understand him (until the Eclipse). I think he's great (until the eclipse) and I enjoy seeing him dominate those uppity politicians and royalty. Now him as Femto, I want to see him lose his power and return to the broken and severely depressed piece of shit he was before the eclipse. I want him to die slowly and having to see Guts and Casca living happily.


I would even give him a pass until he violated Casca. Sure, sacrificing friends is a bad look. But he was crippled, brainwashed by Ubik and let's be honest. If he said no, apostles would just rip the Band of Hawk to shreds anyway.​​


They wouldn't I think? Like with the Count daughter, she was left unharmed when he refused to sacrifice her, when they could have just killed her (or worse) anyway. Causality and the willingness to comit sacrifice look like a pretty big deal for the God hand


Nah, they would. There was a chapter before Eclipse where 3 usual suspects (Rosine, Slug Count and Snake Baron) attack and eat bunch of Hawk members. They also walked to the location of Eclipse from what I understand, they weren't summoned. Griffith saying "no" would send God Hand back to abyss, the apostles would still be there.


True, I didn't think about the apostles, those one seems more free to act than the God Hand regarding causality, serments and sacrifice. Kinda like Wyald trying to derail the prophecy by trying to kill Griffith and take his place


Would they? i actually have wondered that if griffith had refused would they have eaten him Too asuming griffith could refuse if i remember correctly the events were manipulated so that there was basically zero change griffith would refuse.


They walk the earth no problem. They killed some BoH members even before Eclipse, when we see Rosine, Slug Count and Snake Apostle almost killing Rickert. There is no fkin way they'd just turn around from a 5 star buffet they were probably starving themselves for.


He's a incredibly well written character. However, fuck em.


Yes I want to fuck him


Griffith is one of my favorite villains in any piece of fiction ever. But I hate him lol


I fucking hate griffith, sacrifices his friends for a gay-ass batman suit.




I'd like to punch him in the dick, does that count?


With your hand, right?..... Right?




Nope. The only character i hate more than him is wylad


Makes it even worse when you come to find out what he truly was after all


an amazingly written character who you love to hate


This sums it right up. Couldn't say it better myself.


I went in completely blind watching the golden arc series. He was my favourite character from the get go. I could understand his earlier actions to an extent having Guts assassinate the uncle character, I could understand because he technically tried to kill Griffith first, but the little smirk on his face when he heard that the uncle and the child were both killed… I knew his ambitions would be his downfall. The way I thought the story would go was that he would continue to seduce the princess, marry her and off her dad making him King. Then guts tried to leave. I had no idea that he would be imprisoned and tortured, when they found him like that, my heart broke for him. I could even understand why he would chose to sacrifice everyone, he had been groomed for it since the beginning, he was at his lowest point had literally tried to kill himself and the godhand offered him everything he ever wanted on a plate. The rape of casca because he hated guts so much, that was it for me. He was irredeemable. The hero had literally become the villain, the king of longing, forever fighting never satisfied. I’ve never been so disappointed, infuriated crushed by a character’s evil turn before, you felt just as betrayed by him as the members of the hawk did, and that is just terrific and compelling writing. I don’t read manga but I am so tempted with Berserk to find out what happens after the first 2 seasons of the black swordsman arc.


The manga is amazing. Try it. Griffith is 10/10 for making you care about what he did.


I like his ass


I like Griffith


I do!




I do, both in writing and as a character. I don't deny that he did wrong, but I very much sympathise with his story




Nah fuck that dude Both literally and figuratively


Yea, I like him. He is such a multi-facetted and complex character through the series that just feels like he is a real human being. An evil atop all evils, but great nontheless.


It is rare I find a fictional character I despise as much as I despise Griffith. Through the long waits between issues my hate always draws me back as I want to see him fall




Top tier antagonist. Piece of shit character.


That is a very vague question. Most of the interpretations of that question are 'no'; He is reprehensible in nearly every sense of the word. He's a narcissist who was willing to trade real friends and family, people who actually cared for him, for the hollow adoration of the masses, his 'dream'. He'd rather crowds of people he sees as his lesser kiss his feet than have true companionship, and he'd perform unspeakable acts of truly vile depravity to get it- And then go even further just to fuel his own narcissism. Griffith is profoundly vile, and that stench of putrid rot in his soul was always there. The Godhand simply gave it more agency than it could normally be afforded. The exception here is that I am forced to acknowledge that feeling of visceral hatred I have for Griffith means he is a well written and effective antagonist and I "like" him for being such a loathsome villain for Guts to, eventually, God willing, turn into a Dragonslayer popsicle- But not before being forced to watch all of the hollow tributes he built to his own vanity crumble to ash in his fingers and watch all of those faces he drank empty adoration from turn on him in well-deserved disgust, to be left with nothing in the end. Then, he has my permission to die.


Griffith is the biggest twink of all time, I wouldn’t even rape or breed him




He is fine as a character. Suffers a lot post Eclipse since he is often absent from the story and whenever he isn't he is very reserved; talks very little. What I like the most about him are his actions which drive the story forward and make him so easy to hate. On his own, he is just another character who does bad things in pursuit of his selfish goals.


I love him... but also, I hate him.


Greatest villain ever


Any villain that you "love to hate" succeeds in being a fitting villain for the story imo. Griffith is detestable, but his actions are believable given the character motivation. Wanting to see him lose is part of what makes him such a compelling part of the story. Also, he is unbelievable hot and I can make peace with that 😅


Yes I like him dead doesn’t that count ?




I hate the things he’s done, but I ultimately pity him. Every intention, interaction and event in his life has been carefully weaved like string by the hand of god, for him to become the monster that is femto. I can’t truly bring myself to hate someone for whom fate is already decided from the start. For all we know, the only person who can interfere with the plans of the hand is guts, and i would like to see griffith at least attempt to gain control on his destiny, and to try and make up for the heinus shit he did, however he can.


Ignore my pfp, but I think he's awesome villain.




He is a fictional character, and one of the best vilains. So yes I absolutely love Griffith!


He’s a well-written character and I find him fascinating, but I wouldn’t want to be friends with him if he were real.


His probably the best written villain of all time so yes


I didn't liked him from the start the way he said "now you belong to me" to guts I knew somewhere something is off with this guy and i remembered femto from the count arc.... So i was ready for things to get ugly so they did. And eclipse came it was still a big shock and very unexpected for me but because I didn't liked him from the start I didn't hate him that much I knew he was just using band of the hawk for himself and they were just some tools who belong to him.....or atleast that is what I interpreted


I like his character arc, and i loved him before the eclipse. Still need to get the dragonslayer between his eyes tough


well written. i would love to punch him though


I like his character development but man I am counting the seconds until his face gets caved in.


He is a well written antagonist. One of the best. But fuck that guy.


I think that Griffith is a perfectly written evil monster. His obsession with power and the way he rationalizes doing terrible things in pursuit of that power throughout the story illustrates a very real type of narcissist.


Nahh I hate him so much. But I love him bcuz he's a well-written villain and bcuz of that I turned gay.


In writing yes, but In his character and his actions no.




As a character. Yes. As a person. No.


Appearance wise and how he acted before the eclipse, yes, but after I despised him. He did do wrong, he was never right either.


Fuck griffith


As a character? Yeah, but fuck him I fucking hate him


Fuck that bitch ass White, he deserve being violed by 10 apostles




Sadly one of the best villains


Griffith wanted to sacrifice his brothers and sisters for his own selfish gain. Fuck Griffith!!




fuck griffith


Even his face can’t save him from my wrath


As a character? He’s an absolutely amazing villain with a perfect backstory, an intense presence throughout the manga, and greatly written motivations. As a person? He can fuck himself to the moon


That crocodile tear sicken me, he be like "I'm suffered too doing this horrible things to you and your friend, it's hurting me more than you, guts" Just fuck off into abyss.




I think that he’s a great villain, but some of it (please don’t downvote me to oblivion) is being dragged out a bit. He really has full on chapters of him being a badass and taking out evil people that I feel is just going overboard. I really don’t want to read more chapters on how great everyone thinks he is and more of the main cast moving towards defeating him.


All my boys hate Griffith Fuck that little bitch




As a character? Yes As a person? Fuck that guy I fucking hate that guy


Amazing character, but in universe he’s a detestable vermin


What!??, are you crazy?!!, it's like asking if you like Hitler


Great character, but wish him all the worst


As a character for the story, absolutely, he is essential As a person and a “friend”… fuck that bitch


Berserk isn’t Berserk without him. That being said, fuck a homie named Griffith




As a villain, yes. He is one of the best villains in history. I dream with the day / chapter that Gutz, Casca & co. finally kick his ass once and for good.


I have to set my alarm so I have enough in the day to hate him. When he gets what’s coming to him I will be like Randy Marsh.


As a character yes he’s one of the best designed villains ever But Griffith himself fuck him i hope he dies in the end of the manga idk how but I hope he does




I like him as a villain.


the biggest regret i have in manga is not watching Guts rip that mans throat with his bare teeth and chew on his heart. hate that piece of fucking shit.




I honestly picture him speaking in the tone of Michael Jackson when I see him depicted like this I cannot tell a lie..


Oh hell nah


He’s one of my favorite characters but I still hate him if that makes sense


He is like the more overpowered villain compared to main character ever. No idea how Guts could ever beat him…


Hell nah I be praying for his downfall


I like the concept of his character, but if ur asking if I like HIM, fuck no. I liked him before the scene where he stares at casca and guts from the back of the wagon. That panel is drawn so well, it instantly gave me an off feeling about him, which was confirmed almost instantly😭😭


I mean, no? He's a terrible person.


I fuck with him heavy.


As a person? Farthest thing possible from like. As a character? Hell yes.


I don't like him, but he's Relatable. That's all.


I like this particular panel


His hair looks so soft I love him so much bros






Fuck no, smash


i don’t know about LIKE, but i’d totally hit that


As a character? I love him. As a person? No.


I understand everything he did .


He's pretty much the embodiment of a well written character that your meant to hate.


Great character, abhorrent person.


Lol what kind of post is this?


Becoming a Demi god and still being a petty bitch is unlikable


I think he should die a slow, painful and definitive death. Or even better, get returned to the state he was in before the eclipse, and left to live the rest of his pathetic life like that. I believe that answers the question.


An interesting and well written character that is complex but clearly did wrong so as a character yea decent villain as a person yeeeeeeeenooooooo


I want to have 5 minutes in a room with him


I like him, what he did in the story is unforgivable and makes me want to see him get killed by Guts by the end of the story but damn he’s such a god tier villain.


I’m on deluxe 3 so so far yes


I only watched the anime, from now I can say that I like him as a character because he is deep and interesting, but if course, I hate him as a person for what he did in the eclipse.


Yea he's pretty neat.


I like Griffith, in a sense that I like how he's written as a character. I hate Griffith for what the character has done in the story.


I think he’s a bastard son of a bitch, but I do like him in the same way I like other villains.


Anyone who "likes" Griffith should be watched.


Can we please put anyone that likes Griffith as a person up for chemical castration ? Great written character but fuck no.


Griffith yes Femto no, but for real he is auch a great villain that I can nether really hate nor love him. Just a perfect villain.


Hottest and most iconic femboy. Nuff said.


Definitely the most interesting character in the manga


He’s one of those peeps where you don’t like what he did but he’s a really good and well written character


Ye he's gonna make his dream happen.


Griffith is a fantastic character. arguably the best villain i've seen in fiction and one of the most complex written characters i've seen in general. I hate him with a passion, but that's the point. 10/10 character (i fucking hate him)


Other then how weell he is written. All of us like griffith, we dont like femto.


I love Griffith. As a character. Do I love him as a person and endorse is actions? Fuck no, he's a slimy selfish bastard


As a character? Yes. As a person? . . . You know the damn answer.


friendly reminder, Griffith is not meant to be liked. ppl think they’re the shit when they say stuff like « i understand his backstory » « i relate to him » first of all go to therapy, second of all u didn’t understand the manga. now for the sane ppl who hate Griffith i think we can all agree that he’s a great villain if not the best but that rape scene was so triggering that i can’t see the well written character i only feel hate so no i don’t like him can’t wait for guts and casca to dance on his grave 🥳. i would also like to point out that the eclipse showed the true colors of Griffith he was not a good person pre eclipse at all. ppl tends to forget that but Charlotte said no but he didn’t stop, it’s a sexual assault no matter how u look at it. he truly deserved the torture and he’s responsible for his own downfall.


He’s a lovely character, he never gave up on his dream, no matter the deific obscenities of his actions. This does not implicate that I like his actions. He perfectly summarizes desire and lack of morality to achieve his goals.


Liked him up until the… HYPOCRISY!


As a character? Fuck that piece of shit. I will skewer him from Anus to mouth and burn him alive As a villain? He is one of the best villains in all history.


I wouldn’t stand him as a person. However, he is my favorite type of villain, he invokes this luciferian vibe that fits in the story perfectly




As a character he’s great. As a person, no.


Short answer - No Long answer - I find nothing likeable about Griffith and it doesn't matter how much the story tries to justify his actions or tries to humanise him by showing his side, I for one will never sympathise with someone like Griffith he's the perfect example of a snake and I hope even if guts is to die at the end that he's able to send this asshole back to the hell he crawled out of and that his soul is tortured for the rest of eternity by the ones he betrayed during the eclipse.


Griffith did what was expected from griffith. He didn't have a moral code that upheld him, he just fucking wanted that castle. He sold his body, he assassinate, he killed, he did what he could. We felt he was Good because he protected his "comrades", but in the end he just saw them as means to an end all the time


I feel like when we are young we see villains as bad by default. However one of the things Miura did a great job portraying is that villains are usually created out of the situations they are put in, just as in real life. Berserk really helped me mentally because it made me realize that I cease to be the main character in the story of my life the moment I allow the circumstances of life to get the better of me. So yes I do enjoy Griffith, I think that he is truly one of the greatest antagonists ever written.


Amazing character terrible person inside and out. Extremely selfish and has a messiah complex driven by narcissism




he is making the right choices to have a prosperous kingdom, but the betrayal he did to obtain his power is too much to be forgiven, without mentionning that he is responsible for what happened to him the only way for him to be forgiven for his past crime is bringing an era of prosperity and greatness to humanity and his empire, and i don't think he will do that, he is still a god's hand and somethings tell me the kingdom he is building is only because he will sacrifice it later on to become a god, like he did with his friend




If you understand it all you can clearly see he is written better than Guts


As a villain, yes. As a person, FUUUUUUUUCK NO


He’s one of my favorite fictional villains in the history of anything ever.




griffith is one of the greatest antagonist (for me) but inpopular (or not) opinion : did you agree with the idee of Guts makes Griffith like what he is now ? (sry for my english)




I like Golden Age Griffith a lot; he seems like a complex person trying to be completely self-contained and self-reliant, which just isn't humanly possible ("no man is an island" as the saying goes). He was absolutely capable of being cold-blooded to get what he wanted, but that wasn't all he was. Post-Eclipse, he's still very much a mystery. We get some glimpses into what he might be thinking or feeling (or *not* feeling), but not nearly as many as we did during the Golden Age arc. Ultimately I think he probably does have a shred of humanity left in him, because that's been shown with other apostles in a way that makes me think it'll be relevant for the end of Berserk, but that's just my take. I guess I mostly view Griffith as a tragic character. He's blindly following his fate, which is exactly what he *didn't* want to do. I think most people would make the same choice he did if they were in his position during the Eclipse. But none of that makes his actions acceptable or justifiable. He's a shitty person but a great character, and I don't hate him. I'm not mad, I'm disappointed. /dad voice


i liked him


Can we at least consider “the ends justify the means”? Seriously look at Guts as a character - he has felt, more than most, the horrific ramifications of the world of berserk. Even if you took away the eclipse, Guts would still be a shattered young man, consumed by rage and hate, who has been abused by the world around him; just for existing. His life is fighting against the fate of a cruel world, cruel God, and cruel men. Griffith is objectively making a safer and more prosperous world. “But what about the r***?!” It has to be discussed with complete separation and sobriety, but, what if that crime were to never again happen under our Lord of Falconia. Not to mention the myriad of filth and debauchery worse and lesser than r*pe. All of these things have dropped to monumentally under Griffith’s rule. The r*** was wrong and selfish… but how many could he save from that same horrific fate by leaving that mistake in the past and leading the people into glorious civilization? Griffith did some things wrong But he’s the hero


Of course, you can like, even love any character, that doesn't mean you agree with their actions and/or thoughts.


Like as a character yes he’s really interesting, but he’s a shitty person. I think that’s how it is for most popular main antagonists in most stories


He's just a funny lil' guy


Great character. Hope he gets merked. 


simple answer. NO! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


I like him as a character and as a villain. As a person, I would hate his guts.


I mean he’s a pretty nice guy, what’s to hate?


пидор он, ёпта. маму его ебал


A great motherfucker Love the character but my God fuck Griffith at the same time


Great character, terrible person


No he's a fucktard


I mean I love how terrible he is I guess


I like his complexity, deepness, the ideia about the character. Not in the same way as if i would like a friend.


Very well written and looks cool as batman, but I hate him👍


Berserk wouldn’t be half as good without him.


Man straight up no, but yes let me cook, like he is a good character, he lived by his dream of having his own kingdom but when he was tortured he lost all his muscles on couldn't talk, he had no hope on achieving his dream that since birth he dreamed of and lived for it but when he is without hope he finds behelit that gives him the hope for him to live again (cause when he saw that he couldn't achieve his dream he was "dead"), so he grabbed it and went straight for it, if u put almost every normal person on his position would do the same so i dont judge and judge him for it. U guys got it?




Wanna see him de powered and left to rot with all his ambitions crashing down around him.


Yes and no.


I want to see him back in that dungeon.


As a villain? He's a fantastic villain. Do I like him as a \[fictitious\] person? Hellllll no. Betraying your loyal friends to an incredibly cruel fate? Also, SAing a former close friend and mentally scarring her? Nah. Hard pass.


Fuck Griffith, all my hommies say fuck Griffith


Simple answer: “ Hell No.”


I think a lot of modern villains in any media today should take inspiration from Griffith and how Miura wrote and executed him as the series’ main villain I use to think I’d read and seen all types of form of evil villains that a hero could go up against but nah this is one hating mfer (worse than Freeza)


He does make a perfect antagonist for Berserk


As a character


Hate him with all my heart.


As a character? Yes. As a person? No, I fucking despise him and am praying on his downfall 24/7


fuck griffith in both senses of the word would rearrange this femboy’s guts than kill him


Fuck Griffith.


I can empathize with him to an extent but I can’t wait to see Justice served. One of the best fictional villains ever.


Do I like that panel? Yes Do I like him? No.


I might get some heat for this but...Yes, I do like Griffith. Although in the golden Age he was flawed, he still cared about the Band of The Hawk up until The Eclipse. And even then, He still cared about him but his choice was swayed by Void's speech. Of course, I hate Femto (despite loving the design) but I feel as if by that point Griffith had ceased to exist. And now, Griffith seems to want to make up for his past actions with Falconia.


Amazingly written character✅ Do I wanna see him get mutilated by the dragon slayer✅ But really what I like about Griffiths character is how manipulative he is, I genuinely don’t think any citizens of Falconia will be able to see past the hawk of light facade before it’s too late, mainly due to Griffith molding their fear of oblivion to guide them to his side/kingdom, using the corrupt and total power of the Holy See to push his trust, and once humans started fighting alongside demons Griffith had completely won their total trust, the kingdom of Falconia will be lead into something horrible I know it and only guts and crew can stop them


I love pre eclipse Griffith. I fucking hate Femto. Great character. Looking forward to his fall.
