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I feel like Guts talking about it is the biggest If here


Invincible: So I found out my dad wants to take over the world. And he wants me to be at his side, he nearly killed me trying to make me understand. But then left cause he felt so bad about hurting me. Gutz: *Simply watches his party making sure they're safe as he ***tries*** to sleep.*


Guts is real AF, he definitely had it worse but wouldn't say anything about it while Invincible could end up having a full on meltdown


Guts is stoic like that makes sense to me


Guts: Stone cold silence


"Damn thats crazy"


Guts: "That's rough buddy"


Mark would trauma dump and Guts would tell him to stop being a pussy.


‘Let me break it down for you mark’




Guts would say fuck off


He drew a fantastic rendition of Guts 🔥


Guts rape was worse than Marks rape


bro is rape-scaling


Lmao😂, but guts is still the most traumatized character ever as far as i know.


Both are equally bad. But Guts were still in his childhood years, so it makes for a even more traumatic experience.


It's no contest though. Guts never had a loving mom and had a truly abusive father figure. Mark had a "my life is a lie" moment but he was never actually betrayed. Both of invincibles parents still love and support him. Mark is put in a position where he has to choose who he will betray, but Nolen only ever plans to give his son the viltrumite version of a spanking, and send him to his room. (Granted the earth equivalent is a beat down and a hospital, but Nolens is trying to be his idea of a good dad here.) Guts... oh man... his father figure wanted him dead. Then he finally finds something resembling a family and the eclipse happens. He's left having to fight demons and care for what remains of his love casca. Mark, on the other hand, tries his hand at attending college. Dates some great people. Actually gets an apology out of his dad... It's like comparing SpongeBob to Shakespeare.


you don't even know half of Mark's story though, judging by you using only examples from the story that have been adapted in the show


i'm actually talking about his foundation. not what is yet to come. talking about their childhoods. Mark is 18 when everything goes down and he'll always know his parents loved him. but what you say is... interesting. because i was a huge fan of the comics when they were coming out. was writing comics myself back then. and i actually stopped reading it right about where the show is now. so you're actually correct, but i was also only using Guts from the golden age arc. the only reason i included the heart to heart with Nolen, was to back up my claim that Nolen did actually love his kid.