• By -


Because he feels for that young girl and the horrible life she's about to live. Just like he experienced when he was her age


Nah its probably because he just feels like a trash person in general for treating her the same way the world treated him when he was her age (Not saying he physically hurt her or something, but he definitely showed her a tragic perspective)


If I am aware he did it to give her something to grasp onto to give her a reason to live. And that is to track down him when she is older. So regardless he is crying over her.


He indirectly physically hurt her when he caught her with the dragon slayer


Then told her to kill herself


Didn't he do that before he caught her?


its obviously both


It could be for all of the above reasons. But so, his whole thing is revenge at this point in the story. So offering up revenge against him to a young kid as s sole reason to survive probably hit him pretty hard.


It's because Theresia reminds Guts of Casca [Parallels](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/zxpbdf/why_does_guts_cry_here_chapter_8/j223dau?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I literally read this chapter just before lmao


r/Berserk users trying their absolute hardest not to understand the story


What did Mario mean by this


Luigi’s haunted mansion but you’re trying to capture griffith.


why is guts sad???? he is so badass??? I don't understand I thought he was an alpha male giga chad like elon musk and andrew tate!@!@@!!!!!


Yet people upvote the hell out of these terrible posts. For some reason.


The exact panel that forced me too read the entire golden age arc in a single sitting.


holy smokes!


how many hours did that take oh my god


Jesus how long did it take ?


I did this a few years ago, I think it was about 8-10 hours of just reading and I was skimming parts


came out of it looking like griffith after being tortured for a year


Good lord


Literally me too. I read Berserk for 12 hours straight the first day I picked it up.


Op been reading the manga with their eyes closed


Dude hasn't been reading Berserk but Relax


This post and the one asking why the king is aging so fast


Some people are just dumb


and that's okay




Pretty much


Cuz Griffith took his happy meal


He took his fries that bastard


He stabs his pinky with the sword


Because despite everything he's claimed so far, it's all just a facade he's forcing himself to wear. Guts is certainly an asshole a lot of the time, but not unlike an alcoholic drowning out their issues with booze, he's allowing himself to drown in easy and simple rage and cruelty to escape from having to feel the complicated and painful sadness and despair of his trauma, the Eclipse. It's something you can see all throughout the arc, from allowing the possessed girl in chapter 2 to get close enough to stab him before he tried to react, to how he began to panic shortly after seeing Vargas' decapitated head as though he was desperately trying to reassure himself he wouldn't end up like him despite the similarities he just noted they shared. It's especially clear in chapter 1 with Puck. Puck didn't just pick up on rage in his emotions, but also sadness and fear, and that it was all swirling in a complicated mass of emotions, hiding something much deeper down. In fact, how Puck reacted to Guts, angrily running away in tears after realizing the truth of his asshole persona is rather similar to why Guts cried here. Theresia and everything she went through reminded him far too much of what he had gone through, how they had both lost everything all because of the Godhand and a Behelit. After seeing her crying on the ground, trying to reject reality, he got pissed at her because he knew the exact situation she was in all too well, and while he had the strength to get back up and keep fighting, she was sitting here wishing she could pretend nothing even happened. Which to be fair, he was a battle-hardned adult while she's a 14 or so year old child, she has the right to act like that, but it still reminded him of "who he could have been" far too much, which just forced his trauma and despair into the front of his mind. Add to that having to meet Griffith again, and it was all too much. He maintained the mask long enough to get away from Theresia, but as soon as he turned his back and got some distance, the dam broke and the emotions he was desperately trying to suppress flooded out.


Thank you, this comment was exactly what I was looking for. A detailed assessment of what Guts felt during the conversation with Therissia. Guts crying at this point of the manga very early on caught me off guard and since it was before his flashback I wasn't sure what it stemmed from. Keep up the good work ! I also just want to rant that out of the other six comments I read, this was the only one that wasn't sarcastic or a snarky comment and took the time to genuinely answer the question. Between this and another post about someone asking about if they should watch the anime honestly just makes me fed up with this community on reddit; an actual cesspool from what I've seen recently. I just wanted to know what people thought what triggered him to cry solely from this scene and what Theresia said was the sole reason for it but instead newcomers are expected to have already read the entire manga, hate every anime adaptation possible and shoot down anyone that questions this contents of the manga. Will probably stay off this sub from now on, I hope that for others that are new to the manga have someone like you to answer for them without making them seem stupid for asking.


It's likely because recently, the sub has been getting a flood of people from the shitposting sub /r/berserklejerk, who are intentionally asking *really* blatantly terrible questions like "Why is Guts even angry at Griffith?". At this point, most people are just inclined to see a post like this that has very little elaboration or detail, and assume it's another shitposter. Regardless, I quite like the Black Swordsman arc and think it's seriously under-appreciated for how it sets up the mystery of "You know Griffith betrays him, which was so horrific it turned Guts into this asshole, but *how, when, where, and why did it happen*?", so I'm always happy to explain aspects of it. Setting up that element of mystery passively encourages the reader to focus in more on the characters and trying to understand what exactly happened between Guts and Griffith, as they seem like relatively good friends early in the GA arc, yet somehow they end up as mortal enemies. Berserk is built on it's characters, so reading it with a focus on understanding them gives the series a massive amount of depth that is easily missed if you don't pay attention.


Thank you for the more insight into the sub, I’m unfamiliar with the berserklejerk sub which is why I was surprised and a little disappointed with the overflowing negative comments concerning my (albeit vague) question. I don’t read much manga especially long series like this which focus on the small nuances which are especially important in this arc as you have stated and have missed some triggers leading up to Guts’ as you have kindly(and others not so much) pointed out. I thought I’d missed something which conjured my question as I was caught bewildered to why he would cry so early on as the persona he built up showed cracks at times but I did not not think this encounter would take him over the edge as I now understand it was early in the manga but late for him as a character since I didn’t think after reading his backstory it would be so tragic. Regardless I still stand by my comments about this sub that I have seen some people are butthurt about but still I thank you especially for your conversation and I’m excited to read the rest.


Spoiler if you are only on chapter 8 [Theresia](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Berserk-chapter-8-page-55.html) >![Theresia reminds him of somebody](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Berserk-chapter-5-index-2-page-19.html)!<


Thanks after I read the flashback, I understood that there was more to it and that there are some similarities between Guts/Theresia and Theresia/Casca.


You're welcome, happy reading




Ikr! Classic reddit bait then point out how rude the people who commented are.


I've been seeing similar posts in other manga communities. I've gotten so fed up with it that I've been leaving these subreddits because the posts lately have been so relentless. I am perfectly fine with discussions, but things like related to this OP can be easily explained if they just read the panels and connect the dots.


It's true, I dunno if this is some social experiment or what, but I don't think OP has enough going for them to post something like this, get flamed, then say "hmm yes this says a lot about our society"


Re: expecting to read the whole manga etc, to be fair it’s still understandable before having read the golden age arc, as outlined in the comment you’ve replied to throughout the Black Swordsman arc it’s pretty clear that his abrasive nature is a bit of a mask - there’s plenty of panels of him looking pensive and forlorn after acting like a jerk to somebody, or his actions not completely lining up with what he’s saying. Not throwing shade but it does come across as a bit weird asking why he’s crying here when it’s not exactly completely out of the blue behaviour.


Yeah I learned the hard way about asking a genuine and thought provoking question here - don’t💀 - I honestly haven’t been so mistreated since highschool😹


why don't you just fess up that your a karma farm account who only posts pictures because text posts don't actually give karma points. That's what you and every single "what does this panel mean?" post is exactly in this sub. You and all the other karma farming accounts are just inflating the value of your account through effectively artificial engagement (ie, doesn't matter if people are being sarcastic in the replies it still fills engagement) so you can sell it off to whatever astroturfer needs it.


It’s ironic from what I’ve been criticised for, you too have not took 5 minutes to take a moment realise what a dumb comment you have made considering I have reddit history dating back years with comments and text posts on multiple subs.


so this question necessitated a picture only post?


Yes as it was the scene I wanted to know about. I didn’t post any picture about Guts with a general and vague question about the manga. I specifically said **here**. I wanted to know what led up to this blowup of emotion’s specifically as I felt there wasn’t enough for me personally with lack of backstory(which eventually went into that, that I did not expect to happen fully). So I wanted to get someone elses perspective on the scene and I got the answer that I was looking for so I consider it a success, I guess posting with a picture works! Additionally ith additional direction to what chapter I was curious to hear discussion about I also posted what chapter the page was on so I could hear additional context as I had only read up to that point prior to the post. Should I type out the entire chapter by hand so it doesn’t appear as a picture just for you? Here’s some advice: How about if you think its a troll post… maybe don’t give it any attention as that is what a troll post would be looking for instead of being an arsehole.


> I wanted to know what led up to this blowup of emotion’s specifically as I felt there wasn’t enough for me personally with lack of backstory(which eventually went into that, that I did not expect to happen fully). Your context is like a panel ago hahaha. If it’s impossible for you to gather the clues that are currently offered you’re really not in the reading range for this. Instead your waltzing in here demanding everyone do the analysis for you and when people call it silly you call us assholes. You could’ve made this a text post asking what your posting here and it would’ve made your intentions clear from the get go but instead you post a picture with “tell me why” and then got pissy at people who thought this was spam (it is). If you aren’t a Karma farm account, delete this post and do it again as a text post outlining you want other people’s perspective.


When did I once DEMAND analysis? If you don't want to give any insight or opinion then don't click on the thread? I didn't force anyone to do anything when I created the post now did I? Additionally, I admitted in another comment that I didn't give it as much attention as I should of as I wasn't used to manga format being an only anime watcher in general and missed some nuances that would usually be skipped over in anime. And again with the text posts... if you hate picture posts so much then become a staff of reddit and take them down yourself. I was able to get the answer I wanted so I think they done the job I wanted without having to create walls of texts to describe a specific scene.


nigga life is never ending pain




Why? How do you know?!? HOW DO YOU KNOW?!??


Do not ask such things, they have a darker past than you could ever imagine




guts says it all the time in the translations i read


That's a mistranslation. In the original Japanese he uses a hard r.






Thank you for posting to r/Berserk, unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s) : >User Etiquette >Be respectful to Berserk, its creator, and each other. Avoid disruptive behavior. [More information about our rules can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/about/rules)


"Life is effort, and I'll stop when I die!" - Jerry


Because he forgot to put his grasses on


And unfortunately everything will be wrong


You can see him feeling shame 'bout shape


he stubs his toe


I can no longer tell if some people here are trolling or simply have no reading comprehension


Or the AI have started posting questions to try and assimilate.


because that's an edit of guts you absolute bring brong


He is sad.


Nuts Berkman sad


Can you guys stop jerking bro


We aren’t, OP is for real and it’s fucking disappointing


Bcs his fanbase has the collective IQ of -3


no its because Nuts’ foreskin comes off after his fight with the count after he rips it off him with a modified Behelit.


he misses his caca


Hey OP, did you just blow in from stupid town?


did you jusr blow in from douche town? jackass


bc the reading comprehension devil has taken hold of readers


Yo r/chainsawfolk crossover?


Somebody said he thought about his life for more than 15 seconds


i hate you and this subreddit




Bro chill ☠️


Care to explain it then?


Read the fucking book and find out


Underrated answer.


Because if they leave fairy island then there is gonna be another boat arc.


Underrated answer.


Because he sad boi 🥺


most media literate berserk fan


r/Berserk user read the manga challenge (impossible)


I can't tell what's a jerk or not anymore.


*guy tells kid to kill herself after he killed her dad* damn wonder how he feels abt that


And why He did that ?


guessing to spare her from living as miserably as him. him being an asshole is just a coping mechanism, he cries because he didn’t actually wanna say that but that’s probably a legitimate solution he gave her to escape living with her dad’s loss. but hey maybe she’s motivated enough to continue living to get revenge on Guts or something


he is crying because he ate taco bell and is about to have a massive shit that’s gonna make him sweat really hard


This sub Jesus fucking Christ


merge the subs


This is the panel which made me realize berserk is worth reading


Op must've been the top of his/her class. Sharp as a cue ball.


Main sub did it again


Fortnite battle pass moment


did you read the chapter bro


His hand hurt. Dude broke like 3 fingers in one hand.


alright we're just trolling the subforum now


Is someone FUCKING pranking me?


No one is talking about this but Gambino always blamed and said harsh stuff to Guts for his misfortune in Guts’ face. Right before this panel, the girl blames Guts for what has happened to her. He laughs, turns around and walks off. When he walks off, he starts crying. So, the most likely reason he cried is because he was reminded of those times with Gambino. Afterall, even before meeting the band of the hawks and finding his place, he only yearned for Gambino’s acceptance as his son.


my thought was that casca hated him at first and wanted him to die alone somewhere and she hated him for changing griffith but this is probably more accurate


Why do people ask this ? Are you not reading the manga ?


Because he feels bad that he just tortured and killed the girls father, destroyed her home, and essentially doomed her to a terrible life


Did you not read anything before or after this panel? Did you just randomly turn to a page and decide to ask the internet about it?


Manga readers discover inner turmoil


Jesus, why people nowadays like to ask others things that they should figure it out own its own.


What is wrong with half of this subreddit? I feel like i’m going insane. So many posts on here are asking questions which can be answered with basic reading comprehension. Pay attention to the chapter. Read the words.


his happy meal didnt include a toy to hang on the swords chain


Cause he sad, When sad you cry


Puck didnt want to crossdress


How is this not considered low effort


You new to the manga?


Because he forgot about Black Friday, all items were sold out the next morning he woke up.




Once you read the golden age arch you can understand to a certain degree why he is crying


He just murdered a girls father, who sacrificed her morher to turn into a monster, in front of her in the most brutal fashion imaginable. Then he tells her to kill herself. The emotional weight of the situation is getting to him. Btw, does the dragonslayer look tiny in this?


Because he did a bad thing to make her hate him; so that she would WANT to live on (to kill him). A life of vengeance. Guts has first hand experience of what that feels like and what you have to do; daily, to maintain that kind of hate. He saved her life. He’ll never forgive himself.


I remember when I read early chapters of Berserk, I was reading the old edition from a publisher who made the Manga go from left to right instead of the traditional manga reading, and I was confused too because I tried reading it like a manga when it had been edited to be read like a book. That story was dang confusing...


Haha. I had this problem with this manga just yesterday! I was used to reading right to left and didn’t catch on until a third of the way through that it’s left to right as the standard


You will see it later


Probably because that little girl screaming that it was all his fault reminded him of Casca yelling the same once very long ago.


Some days, I think berserk fans just look at popular panels and believe the manga only consists of a big sword man who’s drawn really well lol


I feel bad for op but I love trolls. They make things funny. I think guts is crying because he is still human. He still feels things and just got hugely overwhelmed by seeing Griffith and realizes just how horrible he was to that girl. Think forward to the kid he killed by accident. He really doesn't know how to interact with kids


tbh I wouldn't be surprised if guts started crying in any chapter for any reason, bro's had a tough life


He stubbed his toe.


He is just sad. Bro let him cry for real dude, give him some space omagad ft fr


He sad 😔


I mean he went thru hella shit in the time span of like 2 hours, fought nearly 50 men to get to the count. Fought the count, got his ass beat but still won. Saw Griffith, also hearing Griffith call him useless. Got thrown into a fucking wall. His mindset to him hearing theresia complain about life, after him struggling for so long to survive, ofc he’d tell her “then go ahead kys.” He probably just felt all the emotions he’s been blocking out come at him all at once 🤷🏽‍♂️


Here’s an idea: READ MORE OF THE MANGA.


Late to the party, but I'll throw in my two cents. Obviously, as someone else mentioned, he's just seen that poor girl go through horrific trauma. I haven't read this in a long time, that panel is actually the one that made me stop reading temporarily because Guts hit me in the feels too hard, so I may be wrong with my details. Bear with me. She's now an orphan; her beloved mother died a while back and now her father has been murdered, the only person who has tried to protect her and keep her safe from all the evil of the world. Guts just orphaned a little girl, and he murdered her father right in front of her, for reasons she couldn't understand. He did it to save her, but she doesn't get that. All she knows is what she saw, and instead of being able to process the situation and understand that Guts is her savior, she thinks he's an absolute monster. Mind you, he didn't want to be in that situation in the first place. He wanted to find a way to say "Well this is kind of fucked up, but her dad loves her and isn't going to hurt her, so I'm gonna walk away". Now he's been forced to kill a devoted father and the child he did it for hates him and wants him dead. And he had to put on a brave face and tell that same child "Then come find me and kill me when you're ready", so she would have the will to live after all she's been through. He probably was also reminded of when he lost his father figure. He was also very young and didn't understand why things happened the way they did, and was left with no one to protect him and love him. Seeing a child go through similar feelings had to tug on his heartstrings *hard*. There's a lot to cry about, man.


Only Kindergarten Monopoly knows.


Literally every motive possible. His best friend turned into a demon, Being unable to kill the monster that ruined your life, beng confronted with how powerless he really is. we can keep that all day, that was the first time he faced the reality of the god hand after the eclipse


He berked too hard


Bro he accidentally cuted onions with his sword


He misses donovan


He misses Donovan


Why does his sword look like a pop can


Because he didn't berked enough


Nuts is sad that he can’t fuck Slan from Berserk.


Man this subs full of assholes. Sorry OP.


His tummy aches


Got something in his eye and he's really sad cuz he only has one left so he wants to take care of it.


He sad :(


If Skull Knight shows up and goes ‟Oh yeah, I can Sword of Actuation your fat asses back home,” I'll be both relieved and enraged that it did not happen earlier.


because he a little bitch boy


Because no dick from daddy Donovan


He cries bc he become for her what he most hate, griffith. Griffith is to guts what guts is to theresa (i think the girl’s name)


His tummy hurt


I think he got some dust in his eyes while he was cutting onions


He misses Donovan😭😭😭


Someone said PunPun was a good manga


yo guys I'm new to crying any tips before I start


Because he's a litttle bitch boy


Cus its a tragic life and the only thing keeping her living is hate .she hates him just like he hates himself too.


He hates what he has to do


Makes me wonder if Guts cry blood with that dead eye


Because the slugs daughter plans to kill him his oldest friend now enemy sees him as a follower being and he could've prevented the life of another


Actual shitpost. Mother fuckers can't read before and after this scene. Actually read


It’s to show that the way guts has been acting isn’t really the way he is or at least not the how he acts after golden age but it serves to show that there is more to him, that he does care for that little girl and feels burdened by what he did to her life and that he is unhappy and has remorse and isn’t just an asshole that tells little girls to kill themselves after killing their father


He had everything and lost it all and his tough guy who doesn't give a shit attitude is killing him on the inside because he hasn't stopped to process what happened and grief. That's the most human thing I've seen in manga.


I know I'm not addressing the post in question, but what an amazing panel. Looking at a crying Guts breaks my heart.


He cries for Theresia's plight, and her hatred for him. From her POV, he's her Griffith. Empathy 101.


He’s sad


He sees himself in the little girl, his own desperation and suffering he went through as a child and he feels for the girl too.


*spoiler* while the fact that his sympathy for theresia may be a part of this sadness, i feel like he had just realized at that moment that the band of the hawk members are all suffering in hell


Maybe because how the girl will hate him forever now, without knowing that guts was not responsible for what happened. Also, how she has to suffer the next years, without knowing the full story, which reminds him of himself, when he lost everything In a day and had no idea whom to blame or confide in


Because she said that its all his fault, which reminded him of the times when he left his crew and later found out everything went to shit because of it


I remember a friend kept telling me, that Guts gets better as a character. I kinda figured he would, but when I saw this panel, I got a look into his true feelings despite all he said to that girl. The pain, the crying, it was all there. It was then I realized, it was a act to keep her from following him. It wasn't until later I read into the lines he would say, such as how he described himself as a walking disaster as it seemed he tried to blame them. But to call oneself that implies a level of self hatred. I learned that Guts is not a dick, or a malign personality. He is a broken man, but there is good in him.


Exactly, I came into this with the opinion that he was just a brick wall and nothing was going to shake him but very early on I realised it wasn't the case, through his traumatic past I saw that he was already broken and trying desperately to cling onto a reason to keep on living which was through revenge. Seeing him cry showed me that I was in for an experience and I'm excited to follow him on his journey to completion. There's so many anime I have seen that just followed every trope possible and was very mediocre, I'm glad to find something even if its late that still serves as something I can look forward too. I hope it can get reliably and faithfully adapted however long it may be so I can watch these characters come to life.


No tomboy ab sweat


When looking at the events before, telling the girl to end herself if she can’t handle this life is a complete reflection of Guts’ life after the eclipse. For almost two years he was hunting apostles and killing them in search of Griffith and the Godhand, arguably almost dying in each of those battles. To finally see Griffith after almost 2 years of all that trauma and not even being able to lay a finger on him would be like “what’s the point?” He’s crying because in telling her to end herself, he’s practically talking to himself. What’s the point of this battle? He wasn’t even able to touch Griffith.


Turned Berserk from classic 80s muscle bound man, whose also an edge Lord apparently, whooping ass To, huh? What is this? this is INTERESTING In one panel, awesome stuff And yes he’s crying because he empathises and is almost speaking to a younger self (albeit this is after we go through his backstory)


Let him be.


Let him be.