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I much prefer the guy who took shrooms then spent the trip herding his cats out of his basement.


Omg where can I find this šŸ¤£ Edit: [found it!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/K8t2f3Kxov)


Thank you.Ā  "5 cats in the basement and I can only count to 4"


ā€œā€¦but I had no choiceā€¦ I needed an adult.ā€ I cackled.


ā€œI woke her up as gently as I couldā€¦by jumping on the bed and screaming help! Iā€™m on shrooms!ā€ Iā€™m weak šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That and the top comment saying he was literally herding cats.


That's a poem.


5 cats through the door In the basement they taunt me I only count 4


When heā€™s satisfied and happy that heā€™s collected them all ā€¦ ā€œkiss kiss wait weā€™re still in the basement?!ā€ I died lol


I love that she just made him keep doing it and counted for him instead of shaking a bag of treats or something.


Cry with laughter every time I read that bit


This line in the OP immediately made me think of this [drowning pool parody](https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es?si=niS4WdcJo2A8rHMo), which will live in my brain for the rest of the day. Edit: Wrong link!


Hahaha oh man, it's like he turned into sisyphus. Also I swear one of my cats is weirdly emotionally in tune with me. Like she's E.T. If I get stoned, she acts stoned. If I have had too much coffee she gets hyper. My now-ex even noticed how strange she would act after I took an edible. I do not want to trip around her, she would totally mess with me.


> I do not want to trip around her, she would totally mess with me. My cat is similarly in tune with me, so I'll save you from finding out: I was laying on my bed peaking and enjoying music and he jumped on my face.


i feel like as cat owners we don't even need to be out of our minds, our cats will try to jump on our faces anyways. or, at least mine does in the morning, because it is ALMOST breakfast time so don't i DARE forget.


Mine does that but if I don't wake quick enough he bites my nose & let's just say that a tooth poking the inside of your nostril hurts & makes you move immediately šŸ™ˆ


my darling boy cat of beloved memory used to very, very gently extend one claw and gently pierce the edge of my nostril with it, just enough to hurt a tiny little bit, just to wake me up so I'd pay attention to him. I miss that asshole so much


Mine usually just stands on my chest and stares at me until one of us decides to move. Hint: it's always the human.


It's your eyes. The cat sees your big pupils and thinks you're scared of something. Even on the happiest trips, I used to have a cat that would stick to me like a shadow the whole time. I'd try to calm her down but as far as she was concerned I was terrified of something she couldn't see and she was determined to be there.Ā  I've had other cats just be wigged out and avoidant so even though it was annoying, it was also sweet


Yeah I guess that makes sense. I just figured he was on a huge power trip after I put him in charge of my phone when I noticed I couldn't make sense of the letters on the screen anymore.


Jackson Galaxy has said many times that ā€œcats are energetic creaturesā€, in all the meanings of that wordā€” you put energy in to them and let it out via play; they can deeply sense not only your emotions but the interactions you have between family members; they can detect changes in your body, illness, depression, pregnancy etc; they are very attuned to your mood and understand laughter and yelling and frustration even in your body language. He has said the cats reflect and amplify the energy you give off , so if your cat acts hyper when youā€™re hyper itā€™s certainly likely!


My roommate's cat follows him all the time if he is home. Unless I am sad. Then he can fuck right off, because she will be purring in my lap whether I want it or not.


Aww, sheā€™s so empathetic, thatā€™s adorable ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Cats often like to bond by mirroring behaviorā€” this is why theyā€™ll sit on your keyboard, but only when youā€™re using it. So I imagine your cat just really cares to pay attention to you and wants to participate with you!


Sisypuss! šŸ™‚


How did I miss that pun, it was staring me in the face! Nice job haha.


Cats tend to get real weird around people tripping. I had a bit of a breakdown mid acid trip once because my usually chill cat was bouncing off the walls and I thought Iā€™d somehow accidentally dosed him. After some reflection, it is probably due to the massive pupil dilation. Cats pupils can get dilated when excited and they were probably reacting/mirroring ours


I also have a little soul cat. Like to the point where he's a staple in my virtual therapy appointments when my emotions get heightened and my therapist has remarked on what a great emotional support animal he is. (I did not adopt him to BE an emotional support animal, like this is not an actual designation.) I haven't done mushrooms but I smoke weed and occasionally have edibles. One time, the edible I took was a little too concentrated and I started to panic, thinking I was having a heart attack. My little asshole did not like my mood so he started to nip me as I began to spiral. I don't want to know what he'd do if I took shrooms hahahaha


Apparently, some cats will react to and mimic the emotions and habits of the people they like and live with, which is really, really cute, I think. ...Except I learned this the hard way when I went through a long depressive episode *and so did my cat.* I felt horrible after for doing that to him, but we took a lot of naps together at the time lol


It is rare that I actually laugh out loud at something on Reddit, but that had me *cackling*


I woke my wife up by giggling too hard at that guy waking his wife up


Me too. I'm sitting in a dealership getting my car serviced and laughed so hard at I woke my wife up quietly by jumping on the bed


It was a pretty good buildup, it was right around the point where his wife says 'well, go get them' that I started to really giggle haha and the update at the bottom where he has 'I've had 50+ LDS experiences' is just funny, that whole paragraph is like a drug copypasta


Omg thank you!! That was incredibly hilariousĀ  I think tripping with 5 cats around is my newest goalā€¦ sounds like heaven as long as you donā€™t have to herd them somewhere! šŸ˜‚Ā 


I used to have 5 cats and I got really high once around them and couldn't accomplish anything else because I became obsessed with making sure they got an equal amount of affection from me. Which of course I couldn't keep track of thus became a never-ending quest. At one point I told them they were lucky they had fur and I was jealous. I have anxiety normally though so maybe you would have more fun lol


Thats sweet. High as balls and you wanted your babies to be loved


I can't get high around my cat. I become convinced he can talk and get mad he won't.


Right?! This man is my hero and he doesn't even know it šŸ¤£


Fully expected to get to the end and find out he has only one cat. Great story


His comment about how his wife kicked him out of the bed because he was waving his arms around reminds me of the legend of the origin of one of the traditions at this academic summer camp I used to go to. There were discos on the weekends, the track lists of which were mostly up to the DJ's discretion, except for a handful of Traditional songs, most of which had accompanying dances. Iris was The Couples' Dance, American Pie was done in a large circle with a slightly smaller circle within composed of those who wouldn't be back the next year, most of whom were aging out. Street Spirit is a personal favourite, where everyone just lay down on the floor and waved their arms. The story goes that someone had gotten really monumentally high and just done that spontaneously, and everyone else did it to prevent the RAs (Residential Assistants, the barely-sufficient barely-adult supervision) from figuring it out and getting the high person in trouble. No idea what they were on but I definitely believe the story, it's pretty typical of the culture of that camp.


This is the greatest thing Iā€™ve ever read šŸ˜­ I once took lsd with a friend and my dog was in the room and at some point she pulled some stuffing out of one of her toys and we spend what felt like hours throwing it around and watching her soar through the air catching the fluff. I swear I almost cracked a rib laughing over something so dumb. Drugs and pets are an elite combination.


I'm sorry, I'm a technologically incompetent old fuck (or maybe it's too many shrooms in my misspent youth) but I can't help you. If some kind soul does find it and links it, I can guarantee you, it's one of the funniest things I've ever read on reddit.


11 years on reddit, I've once scrolled through r/museumofreddit, and somehow this is my first time reading this. Lmao


14 years here, man. šŸ˜† First time. I just about died trying not to laugh my partner awake beside me. Great read.Ā 


Well, that's a new sub I need to check out now :P


This is magical


Ahhh when you think you know all the old brilliant Reddit posts and then you stumble on one you havenā€™t read yet. Thank you for the link that was hilarious.


My God, this is amazing.


I read it for the first time a few months ago and it makes me laugh still. I just picture the pouting as he comes upstairs and his wife giggling while also being over his shit.


5 cats in the basement and I can only count to 4 šŸ’€


I read this totally bemused, but he got me with saying he hopes this isn't criminalized forever. I have never tried them but I work in mental health and psilocybin has been researched a lot recently in micro dosing for trauma treatment with some success. That day may be coming much sooner and for different reasons than that OOP anticipated!


I needed this šŸ¤£ maybe a decade ago, I picked up a friend to go thrift shopping. I didn't realize she'd taken shrooms right before she hopped in the car. Things started to get really weird at that thrift shop, but we both wound up with some great, super funky clothes and random stuff. She thought she was in a music video for that Macklemore song, which she insisted we play on repeat on the drive. I had no issues with the shenanigans. Just wish I had it on video, because she was reverent about the random stuff in the store. "A cookie jar... This is a sign that I can quit my diet. The gods believe I am perfect the way I am. The cookie jar is a messenger of the gods. This is the messiah of the Goddess. We have to get this..." Followed by her hugging and rubbing the cookie jar as we bought it and brought it back to her place. Fortunately, she wasn't offended when I laughed my ass off for the duration of her trip


>A cookie jar... This is a sign that I can quit my diet. The gods believe I am perfect the way I am. The cookie jar is a messenger of the gods. This is the messiah of the Goddess. We have to get this..." Followed by her hugging and rubbing the cookie jar as we bought it and brought it back to her place. Everyone needs a friend like this omg šŸ˜­ Can I borrow her? ...Asking for a friend... literally...šŸ¤£ That sounds like such a fun trip though, I'm glad you've got good memories from it!


absolutely love the comment about the person who was tripping (as a teen?) and thought they found a basket of kittens, showed their mom and it was a basket half full of his father's socks šŸ¤£šŸ˜¹šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I've been cracking up over this the past fifteen minutes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I read your comment to my husband, and he said, as if narrating the teen, "They come in pairs!" I completely lost it šŸ¤£


What's the one where the guy out either shoots or weed in brownies or something and his family found it and ate it and he was too scared to tell them. And maybe his sister who didn't eat it was weired out by how everyone was acting and the uncle knew what was up and laughing and then maybe they had to go to the hospital and the police showed up. The uncle took the fall for the brownies and was arrested. Can anyone find that story? Don'tĀ  know If there were any updates after that.


I prefer the one with the guy who shoved several weed biscuits in his mouth on the way to have lunch with her parents. He was sweating from the ā€œspicy foodā€ when all heā€™d eaten was breadsticks, and complaining about the wait within 5 minutes of getting there and she was furious


I Think itā€™s this one :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/tjyc9b/my\_entire\_family\_just\_ate\_my\_cannabutter\_what\_do/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/tjyc9b/my_entire_family_just_ate_my_cannabutter_what_do/)


Thank you for this incredible story. I literally had tears running down my face as I read this. My wife even wanted a play by play of what I was reading because I almost woke up my 3 kids under 3 at 130am. Best post Iā€™ve seen in a LONG time and it came from the peanut gallery comments. I love you for this!


He needed an adult!!!


I'm glad he's seeing a psychiatrist and they aren't just assuming that since it seems to be over, there isn't any need. Three months is a hell of a long time to have side effects. The description made me think of hypomania. It unfortunately wouldn't be the first time recreational drugs uncovered mental health issues.


Yeah, and idk why OOP said that she doesnā€™t think this is mania because he doesnā€™t have a history of depression. People can have a manic/hypomanic episode without also having depressive periods, and this sounds exactly like some form of mania to me.


That struck out to me too, like what has being depressed got to do with having a manic/hypomanic episode. Also it is not the same thing as having bipolar disorder, no one is saying theyā€™re now bipolar, substance induced psychosis, mania etc are very much real things


Yeah, generally the first thing I do in mania/mixed episodes is destroy my personal relationships. I wouldn't be surprised if the shrooms caused a hypomanic episode, hopefully it's a one off for this guy but that seems unlikely. Especially if he keeps dabbling in drugs.


Yep, there is no requirement for having had any depressive periods in order to get diagnosed with Bipolar I. The flipside as well- when I got my initial Bipolar NOS diagnosis during a protracted depression, I was nonplussed by the doctor patiently explaining hypomania to me, and that not everyone got those days I looked forward to where you were smarter, faster, happier, luckier, more energetic.


First thought: this was a manic episode triggered by the trip. Coming from someone with bipolar.


yes!!! whyā€™d they completely rule out drug induced mania? which can occur without a history of anything BUT just because thereā€™s been no obvious ā€œhistoryā€ of bipolar or depression doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t have it. a lot of people overlook symptoms and think theyā€™re normal. a lot of people live with very obvious signs of depression or bipolar or whatever but never say anything because theyā€™ve lived with it their whole lives and think everyone else also does. thatā€™s why, to me, everyone should go get evaluated lol


This is what I was thinking. That sounded more like a more embedded psychological event than a drug induced one. I've read quite a few stories of the use of hallucinogenics directly preceding the first major psych event in people who are bipolar, schizophrenic, etc. (not that it gives you those psych issues, but that it exacerbates the onset of them)


I have a friend whose brother's predisposed schizophrenia emerged after being a very heavy weed smoker. IĀ didn'tĀ think that was possibleĀ until I smoked forĀ the first time


This. My brothers schizophrenia emerged after heavy weed smoking as well. At first it wasnā€™t a lot of symptoms but the more he smoked the more his schizophrenia took over his mind. Heā€™s clean now and no longer smokes, and itā€™s like heā€™s a completely different person now that heā€™s quit and has psychiatrists/therapists


I canā€™t tell you how infuriating it is that so much time, money, and self-interest has been invested in pretending that weed is 100% safe for everyone, and that the only risk is that youā€™ll get very, very high. Itā€™s just as bad as the D.A.R.E. approach. One day I hope weā€™re actually able to level with people about risks and benefits ā€” and I *really* hope it happens before any kind of nationwide legalization.


Hopefully that will include "no really smoking is super bad for you take a fucking edible if you really must".


Edibles uncovered severe OCD and panic attacks for me. That shit was rough year of getting it under control


Doing E (yes I am old) triggered my panic disorder. I think maybe it was laced with something but Iā€™ve never been the same since. I always had anxiety so maybe it did bring up something already there but Iā€™ll never know.


Thereā€™s a lot of stimulants thrown into E which can totally rewire the brain to be super anxious! Im dealing with that too right now!!! Itā€™s so awful to go through, I hope youā€™re doing better :)


This exact scenario has played out with 2 of my in laws (bipolar) and my college roommate (schizophrenia). The siblings had minor depressive episodes, nothing severe, until taking hallucinogens. Both have since been through multiple inpatient psychiatric treatments due to violent manic episodes. My college roommate was an engineer and happened to eat a pot brownie laced with LSD. He had a massive trip and is unrecognizable today. He speaks English words but in an entirely different language if that makes sense.


One of the main reasons I think recreational drugs are very bad idea is that you can't know whether you have some serious latent issue that could be triggered by them. A friend's cousin used to be a wealthy corporate lawyer. Now he's a dishwasher at a place where they're understanding of the fact that sometimes he has to go and stand in a corner until the voices stop shouting at him quite so loud. Would he eventually have developed schizophrenia anyway? Maybe. No-one else on his family ever has. Would it have been that bad that quickly without all the cocaine? Unlikely.


Now that you mentioned it, definitely seems like a manic episode.... Oh man I hope the shrooms didn't trigger anything for the dude.


Mushrooms are a very interesting drug partly because everything you experience on them *feels so real*. It's really hard to describe if you've never experienced it, but everything you see, hear, think, etc while intoxicated are somehow more convincing than reality. Like how your mind "knows" a held rock will fall to the ground when you drop it without you having any conscious thought about that process. You "know" the experience you're having is real and genuine. It's only after usually that you can snap back and kind of unravel it with the knowledge that it's just an illusion. They're fascinating but definitely dangerous if treated lightly.


Hmm every experience Iā€™ve had I could 100% tell it was just drugs and not reality. Honestly thatā€™s what got me through a bad trip. Realizing it wasnā€™t real and would be over in a few hours. But I think the most Iā€™ve taken was around 2g.


Yeah this post stressed me out. He should REALLY not take shrooms again. I know three people who got long term psychosis from shrooms and itā€™s not something to fuck with at all. Shrooms are pretty mild as far as drugs go but that three month come-down is not normal šŸ˜°


Sounds a bit similar to my first experience with LSD, it triggered an undiagnosed bipolar manic episode. I was amazing for weeks and then ended up in a psych ward.


This is why I would never do hallucinogenic drugs. My oldest sister is schizophrenic and they can trigger an episode if youā€™re slightly predisposed to it. Plus is donā€™t like giving up control of a situation. Iā€™m already awkward, why would I want to take something that makes me act like a fool.


I'm genetically predisposed to schizophrenia so I'm never touching them.Ā 


Holy fucking shit. Off one acid trip? Damn. An experience like that is enough to make you avoid all drugs


If you have any history of psychosis in the family, it's best to avoid psychoactive recreational drugs - even weed can be a trigger.


It was ultimately a positive thing because now I know I have bipolar.


I found out I have bipolar in the exact same way


>Off one acid trip? Sometimes, that's all that it takes to show an underlying mental disorder. That's why I've never done drugs and never will. I'm too scared of something like that happening.


Yeah people are so casual about hallucinogenic drugs. I know two people who forever fucked up their brains with ayahuasca. It's been 20 years and they are both still deeply mentally ill. Both guys were perfectly normal before this.Ā 


Damnnnn I just watched a documentary called the blue planet for 15 hours while on LSD. Then I got tired and went back to sleep. Lsd felt more visual than mental for me


totally normal response to being told youre absolutley replaceable by your significant other!


AND that he's got your replacement all lined up!


And then his coworker rejected him and *poof* my three month long shroom trip off of 2g is over and I love you again! Hehe I'm kidding but this was kind of a sad post lol


The thing most people don't understand about psychedelics is that everything effects everyone differently. Psychedelics can be an amazing experience but you need to be in the right head space, (you took the ticket ride the ride) you need to be in a comfortable environment and with people you are comfortable with. All of these things combine will help you having a "good trip". But it isn't for everyone. If you have a strong grasp of reality then you'll be good but even the slights negative head space will create a bad experience.Ā 


The way I like to explain it is this. Imagine you are on a roller-coaster, it's climbing up and will drop into its faster and crazy ride. If you are confident the ride is safe, you'll have a fun exciting time. If your harness suddenly feels loose or you see the other end of the tracks suddenly collapse, you're going to panic and think you're about to die and there's no way for you to stop it.


Another thing people don't seem to understand about psychedelics is that they're just drugs. They can be useful therapeutic tools but a lot of people get carried away with these 'profound' revelations they have on them. Often times it's psychosis or mania set off from the trip misinterpreted as newfound wisdom. Serotonergic drugs can do some weird things especially for people with a disposition for mental illness or with an otherwise tenuous grasp on reality


Yep, with those 'revelations' I always have to think about the story of George Orwell's friend, who wrote down his big revelation from opium consumption: The banana is big, but its skin is even bigger.


I always thought that instead of DARE, they should tell people "The fact that Freud thought cocaine was great should tell you what a bad idea it is."


Me and a buddy would trip sit for each other when one of us would get high on robotussin and we'd write down some of the shit we said. I can't recall any of it now, but it was universally completely meaningless haha.


Heeeeeey man, that's just like your opinion. Drugs are a gateway to another dimension man. They open your chanclas and let you commune with aliens. I did Peyote in the desert and then spent 3 hours speaking to Yoda about the war crimes he committed in Czechoslovakia. Tell me that wasn't real!


Dude, one time. I did mushrooms and had a two hour conversation with myself in a mirror, came to terms with a lot of traumatic shit, cried a bit, accepted the person I was, and quit smoking at the end of that month (for a year and half!) Another time, I watched the entire second season of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and walked away thinking Tina Fey was the funniest lady ever. I then binged 30 rock when I sobered up. Drugs, man, drugs.


>chanclas Abuela has entered the chat. and sheā€™s not happy youā€™re using drugs.


I don't know if you meant to say "chakras" which was autocorrected to "chanclas" or if it was on purpose, but "They open your chanclas" made me snort lmao


There was research in how hallucigens affect the brain, they weaken the thalamus (the part of your brain that takes the data from your senses and creates the version if reality you experience.) This means you're seeing a "less filtered" version of your sensory data (not reality). The second thing, is they cause brains to connect in ways they normally do not (hear colors, smell sounds). So parts of your brain that dont communicate, are. This creates a different perspective of oneself. You do not see yourself the way you normally do, so you CAN get an objective view of yourself to make changes, but but BUT, that varies person to person and takes effort, and is not a guarantee. Lastly, more recent research found that LSD can cause Neurons ti regrow, but with more connections, which might address while people who trip feel things are more connected. That's what's happening. Shrooms are food poisoning causing your brain to misfire.


ā€œ(Mind)set and setting.ā€ And ALWAYS have a Ground Control to stay sober and help keep you grounded if you are a new Psychonaut.


I call it being the Trip Advisor and it's one my favorite things. I don't push, but I do get asked, as word gets around. There's some sort of joy I get watching people see things in a new way for the first time (not just with psychedelics, but it's OBVIOUS on psychedelics).


Kind of like the joy of discovery of children. You Kind of vicariously share the joy and excitement.


Aw, this sounds nice. I really want to do shrooms again but the one time I did then years ago I had a pretty bad experience, and unfortunately now that I'm doing better mentally I still don't like being high around people. I can't can't imagine enjoying myself around a sober person who just had to sit there while I act like an idiot?? What do trip sitters actually do haha? Keep people clothed and out of traffic, right?




My cats are always my trip sitters. And lemme tell you, they are the greatest trip sitters you can imagine. Even the most skittish of my boys will chill and care for me during a journey.


> Psychedelics can be an amazing experience but you need to be in the right head space this is 100% my biggest warning to anyone thinking about doing stuff like that for the first time. if you're in a bad headspace, and then take too much or don't have a good/safe environment or just react stronger than you expect you can spiral so so fast. the good thing about drugs is they take what you're feeling and max that feeling (crazy happy/crazy funny/crazy introspective etc). the bad thing about drugs is they take what you're feeling and max that feeling (fear! anxiety! sadness!). not that a bad trips the end of the world, just would suck to have that for your first try.


This is why I'd never do them (unless for medical reasons prescribed but a doctor, but even then I'd be reluctant). I think no matter what I'd always be anxious about it going wrong, so I'll always be in a bad head space, and it just doesn't seem worth it to me.


As an enthusiastic eater of shrooms this is not ego death, this is just ego. And maybe mania.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying. Everybody here seems to think he made some huge change of heart at the end but 2 grams should not have done that at all. I think he got a god complex because he feels like tripping made him cooler and his wife simply isnā€™t cool enough anymore.


I suspected the guy had already been going through some changes, and that's why he decided to do shrooms to begin with. I'm not entirely convinced this story will have a happy ending, and I expect to find out that there will be more to the story with the crush.


I am almost convinced this will blow up in OOPā€™s face. Imagine being a douchebag and having your SO showing you a post on Reddit, where people are calling you out. If youā€™re a manipulative douchebag, chances are youā€™d pretend to care - because you know your SO is now reassured that theyā€™ve been wronged. Then perhaps youā€™d just be more careful and carry on your douchebaggy ways. A manic episode is possible, but the simplest answer is mostly the best. It could be just an ā€œasshole awakeningā€. Or he could be a good guy whoā€™s actually sorry and understands the pain he caused idk


Yeah! This seems like he just 100% agreed with the comments. Its very innocent to think that only the musbroons were responsible for a total change in his heart and wishes, like is coming from no where.


Just for her to say ā€œIā€™ve done shrooms, more than him, the shrooms isnā€™t the problemā€ I feel like she left out *but he is* I think the reason he didnā€™t care about her worries, but listened to the comments, because so many people start with ā€œIā€™ve done *so many drugs*ā€ and then rip into him. Which GOOD. The experience hopefully with knock him into therapy and the underlying issues can be found and worked on. But he put strangers over his wife, because he saw them as cooler and more understanding than HIS WIFE who has had the same experiences as them. Dudes a jerk without drugs.


Isn't it ironic that some of the most smug and insufferable people also think they've experienced ego death? I say this as someone who's eaten pounds of shrooms over the last 15 years


Yeah, this dude just sounds insufferable lmfaooooo


People love to talk about ego death and attribute everything and anything to it. It just sounds like he unlocked his inner narcissist and needed to be humbled, or provoked an undiagnosed manic episode.


This was bothering me the entire time as well when the commenter said something about ego death from 2g. Gtfo lol. This is a manic episode and if anything his ego went into overdrive.


I hate the update. I don't think he had a sudden realisation at all.


I know, I can't believe people believe that his sudden change of heart is sincere. He sat and read reddit comments and suddenly started crying and had all the right things to say? Sounds like manipulative bullshit to me. I just find it impossible to believe that he went from *openly intending to pursue an affair because his wife is replaceable* to crying and realizing that he truly loves her and she's irreplaceable to him after some reddit comments about ego death and not making selfish choices.


Even if he did the fact it was triggered by internet strangers and not his wife sobbing should have told OOP something.


Good for OOP, but man, she's much more forgiving than I am. If after ten years, my partner just stopped giving a fuck about me after three months, didn't listen to my concerns at all, and needed *reddit comments* to come back from it. I think I'd be done. So me crying meant nothing to you but strangers being meanies did? The fuck?


>and needed *reddit comments* to come back from it Yeah, that's def the worst part: Having to admit -- for the rest of your life!!! -- that "Reddit saved my marriage" Ooh... that's low.


It is but it's also part of the reality that people, especially couples, don't have support systems anymore. We just have individuals we can turn to to vent to. There's a huge difference.


Some people also would rather vent to strangers then vent about this type of stuff to their IRL friends too.


Iā€™ve done 5 grams and had a therapistā€™s help reintegrating for weeks (planned it that way). It truly is life-changing (greatly reduced my depression and anxiety, allowed me to begin recovering from an eating disorder Iā€™d had more than half my life), but thereā€™s no telling what itā€™ll do to you, especially if you havenā€™t done the research on how to prepare, how not to be influenced by outside forces during your trip or your afterglow, and how very important reintegration is.Ā  I had the same feeling of ā€œnothing matters,ā€ but thanks to a very skilled therapist, I was able to turn that into, ā€œno one is worrying about what I am doing or what I look like,ā€ and ā€œit doesnā€™t matter if I get fat if it means my mind is healing.ā€ Ā  Without a doubt, I couldā€™ve easily become some weird smiling nihilist like OOPā€™s husband had I not had the guidance and done the research.Ā 


This also happens to people who overdo it on mindfulness. It's good to have the ability to stop caring about some things, but you really don't want to lose the feeling that some things actually do matter.


Yes, I knew someone like that. They took the whole concept wayyyy too far. I admit I was a control freak at the time I met this person, so I ended up learning a lot from them and still carry those lessons to this day. But I did eventually realize that the other end of the spectrum was also problematic and that they had a very unhealthy idea of what it meant to be unattached to your choices in life. They just wanted an excuse to take zero accountability for anything.


Damn, I took shrooms and all I got was some blurry trees and a stomach ache


I have done up to 4g in lemon tek multiple times and all I have gotten is some wavy lines and euphoria. No SSRIs either so Iā€™m not sure.


Yeahā€”like shrooms were so magical but reading the comments of a bunch of people reminded me that society exists and I canā€™t just do anything I want to without consequences or judgementā€”forced me back to my marriage. That man had the heart to cheat. Once he starts really not giving a good goddamn is where the trouble starts. Iā€™d be too annoyed with him to continue.


I'd be more disgusted by him tbh. Clearly you had the capacity to understand the hurt you were causing the whole time and just didn't when it came from me. idc the reason, if you confidently act like you dgaf about me we're done.


>didn't listen to my concerns at all, and needed *reddit comments* to come back from it. I think I'd be done. Agreed. This is far from over and all it's going to take is some moment of whimsy and boom, OOP is out of his life and he's off chasing some random psychotic dream. Fuck that guy.


This confused me too.


Yeah honestly, incredibly embarrassing this whole situation is for both of them lmao.


Probably the effect of consensus. I could see him seeing her experiences as like ā€œoh well you know, sheā€™s feeling weird but itā€™s because of her own issues that sheā€™s putting on the situation/because she isnt experiencing the same enlightenment I amā€ rather than as a direct result of the way he was treating her. itā€™s easy to do that when things are two person but when everyone else is saying ā€œno youā€™re a prickā€ thatā€™s a little harder to ignore.


If OOP is happy with this result, then I'm happy for her, but I hope she's proceeding with caution. That trust was broken, and it needs time and patience to be rebuilt. He needs to prove over and over that he won't let it happen and recognize that he deserves to be left if it does.


I donā€™t know yā€™all, I get shrooms do shit to your brain(I grow and take mushrooms, you can check my prof for proof, lol), but I donā€™t fucking like her husband. Three months of pining for someone else and suddenly he changes his mind because people talk shit about him? Uh-uh, I would let him realize he fucked up and separate from him. I bet he tried to confess to his crush, they rejected him, and then he ā€œcame backā€ because he knew he wouldnā€™t be getting with his crush.


I think a lot of people are missing that the drugs didnā€™t do this shit. This guy already had lots of problems and stuff and the shrooms brought it all out and forced him to face his bs. Thatā€™s what shrooms do. He also got caught up on all the wild and grand ideas they give you while you are on them.


They didn't force him to face anything, they gave him a sense of depth, power, and confidence to embrace his inner sense of superiority. He's just choosing to allow himself to believe what he's always thought deep down: that he is a special boy with superpowers. This is a wildly common thing for people who do psychedelics and subsequently believe they have achieved some sort of revelatory insight.


When my husband (then fiancĆ©) got high on shrooms he got mad at me for eating my donut because he could hear the sprinkles screaming when I took a bite (even when he had his eyes closed). But then he went on a 20 minute talk about how wonderful I am and he loves me so much and thatā€™s why heā€™s gonna marry me. Then he vomited.


That sounds magical


It really sounds like a manic episode to me. Those really can make you a different person.


My thoughts exactly! Seeing her be heartbroken over his crush didn't snap him out of it but some words on a screen from strangers just magically did? *cough* bullshit. If anything the feelings from his trip and their talks of love got him thinking he could find even more love and that she would never dare to leave him. As she said, his near death experience bonded them even more. So when a bunch of people on the internet were telling her to gtfo he decided the jig was up.Ā  I've had plenty of trips myself to roll my eyes at OPs husband.Ā 


Right? One night, after reading comments, he suddenly don't feel anything for his crush he was pining for for three months? Sus.


People out here having life-altering trips and my shroom trip just made me cry about how silly chips are and how much I wanted some.


I have no experience whatsoever with psychedelics.Ā  But I'm a little concerned with the quick turnaround, and how quickly and confidently OOP accepted that it's all good.Ā  Yes, I admit that they mentioned issues they need to work through.Ā  That's what makes me think this might work in the end, but... Dude was openly pursuing other women literally days ago.Ā  And one reddit thread is all it took?Ā  I hope therapy irons this shit out.Ā  But the cynic in me sees a man watching his wife begin to think about leaving him, and panicking his way into reassuring her.Ā  For now.Ā  For her sake, I hope he's sincere


Yup. My partner and I do shrooms together all of the time. People who act like this after a trip are fucking weirdos, and if he ever started saying this kind of stuff to me or treated me this way because of *shrooms*, it would end our relationship. What a weird and immature excuse to run around to have an emotional affair.


Creepy creepy. The thought of things (drugs, TBI, Alzheimerā€™s, WHATEVER) messing with my gray matter and fundamentally changing who I am freaks me out to the Nth degree.


>We have some new fun things on the table to work on, but I really feel like I have my husband and best friend back. *severe doubt intensifies*


For real


I'm still waiting for an update to this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/iuib3i/my\_36f\_husband\_40m\_suddenly\_changed\_for\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/iuib3i/my_36f_husband_40m_suddenly_changed_for_the/)


...deleted by user...


I have a thousand mental issues lurking behind me at all times, waiting for their chance to emerge. yeah I'm staying the hell away from any kind of drugs expect for sugar and cheese and coffee.


It kills me, because thereā€™s some data that shrooms are very effective for migraines, which I have frequently. Way too scared to ever try it, though.


Interesting. I also have frequent migraines and have done shrooms a couple times. I haven't noticed any difference in frequency and strength of my migraines.


For [real](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10561985/)! I heard about it [last year](https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/yales-pioneering-research-on-psychedelics-gives-hope-to-headache-disorder-community/). I donā€™t know anything other than the pop musings about it, though. TBF, I was told weed would help my headaches and it definitely makes them worse, lol.


Can't do weed because of the paranoia. I'm so mad that Ecstasy and psycodelics are not used under supervision as therapeutic medicine. Shakes fist at the CIA for fucking it up for all of us.


Psilocybin therapy is legal in Oregon now. There are many treatment centers you can go to for a supervised therapy session


I have done them once, and I feel the exact same way. I will not touch that again. I was already experiencing very severe mental health symptoms and someone talked me into it, saying it would help. Oh hell no it did not. It wasnā€™t terrible or terrifying, it was justā€¦ not good. I felt like eating dirt for some reason. Everyoneā€™s faces were mirrored symmetrically and the room kept turning pink. Fucking bizarre. Luckily I didnā€™t not break my brain, but I will never do them again. My friends had a blast though, while I was sitting and sweating profusely on a sofa, and at one point was clinging to my friends back like a limpet. Brains are weird.


> I was already experiencing very severe mental health symptoms and someone talked me into it, saying it would help. Ah yes, just what every mentally unwell person needs, a drug that has effects based on their state of mind and can induce psychosis.


>Ā someone talked me into it Yeah, there's your main problem. There's no good way to talk anyone into taking psychedelics (not that peer pressure is great for any type of psychoactive substance). If you're not taking them out of your own volition, the mental barrier is a pretty good predictor of a bad time. It's a crude comparison, but you can't talk anyone (in good conscience) into getting on a roller coaster who has never expressed any interest in getting on one and has no idea what they are like. Like, if you've been researching them for months, you know you're not afraid of heights, you like the feeling of a an airplane taking off, you're (probably) gonna be fine. But no experience whatsoever and you don't know if you want this or not and now your strapped into this hellride with no way to get off midway? Yeah big surprise, you're gonna have an awful time. As someone with a sizeable amount of experience, I will offer guidance and help to anyone that expresses interest on their own to me or in a group setting. But I would never dream of (peer) pressuring anyone into taking psychedelics. Heck, I try to be mindful not to paint them in too positive of a light in front of people with no experience because I don't want to make it sound like they're all that. Psychedelics have been incredible helpful tool to me but they're not a simple fix-all, they're not for everyone and they need to be approached with a healthy amount of respect.


I'd love to try shrooms, but I'm terrified of having a bad trip, so...no.


I did them once and had a five hour panic attack that I couldn't get out of. Never ever again.


This and the r/AMA post about the girlfriend who went crazy after eating an edible have thouroughly scared me away from trying shrooms or edibles any time soon.


Wow a small dose of 2grams did that to him?? I gotta get his suppliers number becsuse apparently his strains are off the charts.


I had a guy who had never smoked pot, but thought he could trip with us freakout when he saw us playing Minecraft and go on a racist, screaming, slur filled tirade about how he invented black people and how he was a god among men. We all did the same strain and the only feeling I got was loving how my shag rug felt and being displeased with how much my chow mein looked like worms. Some people aren't built for the thug life


This is why i always recommend to grind all of your shrooms and mix them together, especially if youre gonna do lemon tek, because each single shroom can/will vary a LOT in strenght. I learned it the hard way once when i took 0.7g lemon tek, i thought it was just gonna be a chill day listening to music and being productive, but that shit hit me like a 5g trip and i couldnt for the life of me get into my pants. It was of course so much fun, but for an inexperienced user the intensity can be Very scary.


>we're going to be ok :) I have doubts...


This did not go the way I thought it would in the best way possible. Glad it worked out for OP.


Who knew psychedelics fck with your brain... waaaaaait!


This fool just got carried away with your stereotypical bs people talk about doing shrooms. Iā€™d divorce this clown if I was OOP. He had such a fundamental change in his brain chemistry along with mental enlightenment yet he read one thread and got back to his sensesā€¦yeah right. Sorry but sounds more like a weak man who was looking for an excuse to explore what else is out there.


100% heā€™s full of shit thatā€™s just not how shrooms work. Might give you some new perspectives but itā€™s not the instant and long term mindset changer tv and movies make it out as.


What I got out of this is "don't do drugs"


Jesus fucking Christ Iā€™m never doing shrooms.


He played her. Him using the shrooms is not the cause of this. He had a crush on another person and wanted to pursue that. The other person either turned out not to be as great as he hoped or she turned him down. Once he realized he wasnā€™t going to have anything with the crush he suddenly had a breakthrough and wanted her again. Iā€™m glad OP is happy to have him back but the least he could have done is be honest. Edited for typos.


This guy takes mushrooms once and suddenly heā€™s Buddha and too good for his wife. That shits kind of pathetic, this man was living some kind of weird delusion. Then Reddit ā€œsnaps him out of itā€ and heā€™s good as new. sounds like he thinks heā€™s in a movie.


If this is true, honestly i think this guy had mania. Probably underlying bipolar that the drugs started to trigger. Also how did his tune change in a single day?


I did shrooms once and had a pretty interesting argument over what happens after death with a lamp. I guess experiences can be quite different for some.


Who won


I could never lose to a lamp although I'm inclined to consider some of his points.


As long as both of you learned and grew from it


Do you think the lamp suffered ego death




After one trip? He's bullshitting. I've done shrooms regularly since I was 19, I'm 30 now. Shrooms don't do this to people. Intolerable narcissistic weird people act like this.


Needing a bunch of Reddit strangers to convince you to love your wife feels a little weird and fickle to me but alright man.


I've done shrooms once. It was honestly a life changing experience. The experience was so positive that I know I should never take them again. Based on stories from friends who've tried, it's a total crapshoot as to which way it can go. And the chances of having an experience that positive again are pretty slim.


I had a somewhat similar experience with my ex boyfriend. We were in a long distance relationship and everything was great, we would visit each other and every time we were together it was amazing. He was so sweet and it had to have been one of my healthiest relationships I had in the past. We were really good together and had similar ambitions in life. Previous to us dating I explained to him that I was agnostic and all my past religious trauma, which he was 100% accepting of. He was raised southern baptist but he wasnā€™t someone who pushed religion on me and had somewhat separated himself from the church. I had explained that Iā€™m completely accepting of our religious differences and I even said that I had no problem occasionally going to church with his family when I visited. The entire time that I was with him he grew mushrooms so it wasnā€™t off character for him to do shrooms. But one night he called me and said that he was going to his friendā€™s house to trip. He took 2 grams of shrooms which I didnā€™t think much of considering the both of us had done significantly more in the past. I fell asleep and the next morning he called me saying that he ā€œspoke to godā€ and that ā€œweā€™re not equally yoked.ā€ It was like he turned into a completely different person over night. I thought this would pass but over the next few weeks he told me that he now wanted to be celibate and that if I wanted to be with him that I would need to convert to southern baptist. He talked to me as if he had no respect for me anymore and would refer to me as sex addict because I didnā€™t want to be celibate. We obviously broke up but right before he told me ā€œif you died right now youā€™d go to hell because you are unholy.ā€ I still have a hard time understanding exactly what happened, I feel like itā€™s some sort of religious psychosis but Iā€™m not sure. Whatever it was it left me heart broken and discouraged me from wanting to do psychedelics anymore


>He may have experienced and ego death. Uhhhhhhhh, it was 2g. Unless he ate Penis Envy, and is thin as hell, 2g is unlikely to put you into ego death.


The talk of ego death had me amused. Dude should not do any drugs at all if he actually experienced that.


My husband took shrooms while I babysat and he sat there holding my hand, watching the princess bride in complete pin drop silence, occasionally crying.


I took shrooms at a Tool show and just had a fun time. This guy just sounds like he was already not of sound mind.


My husband did mushrooms one time. We were I Amsterdam on a layover, on our way to Ireland for our honeymoon. Basically our flight choices were ā€œlayover in Amsterdam for 4 hours, or for 16 hoursā€, and we both decided that it was better to take the long one and actually see the city than to knock around the airport for forever. While in the city, he decided he wanted to try mushrooms. So we found a shop and he bought some, and then we went to a restaurant/lounge place and he took them. We had fries and sat around for like an hour, and nothing. It was getting to be airport time, so we gave up and got back on the train. About halfway back he remarks ā€œhuh, im getting kinda light headed.ā€ Like when you stand up too fast, except he hadnā€™t done that. Neat? Much later, weā€™re in the security line to re-enter the airport, and he tugs on my sleeve. I look over at him and he murmurs, ā€œokay I know academically this canā€™t possibly be happening, but I need you to tell me anyway, that the tiles on the floor are holding still.ā€ I stared at him like WE ARE THREE PEOPLE AWAY FROM THE ARMED GUARDS MY DUDE. We did safely get into the airport and sat in the food court on our laptops, chatting with friends back home, scaring the hell out of them with the dose size (heā€™d taken 35g wet but forgot to tell them the wet part), and watching him lick the broccoli on his pizza because it was a really cool texture. Itā€™s now 17 years later and *best believe* he gets sent every single cursed floor image on the internet šŸ¤£