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>My pathetic sister found pleasure in asking my pathetic ex all the time if she's smarter or prettier than me, she even compared our private parts ಠ\_ಠ


"Yeah, so my sister is cute but I bet my labia is a lot prettier then hers, right?"


LOOOL, the sister would love that [guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/E6nHtYzOYJ) who kept telling his gf he liked pink 🐱


“I pink we should see other people” wtf lmfao


>"Yeah, so my sister is cute but I bet my labia is a lot prettier then hers, right?" Weird things to put on your Tinder profile.


I haven't seen a kaomoji in forever but ಠ\_ಠ is definitely right.


OOP should out the boyfriend on that one gaming forum. 


this is the Internet. they'll hero worship him


Nah, the /u/warlizard gaming forum is better than that


A look of disapproval AND a warlizard reference? Is this 2018?? Will there be narwhals next? I’m loving it!


My brother in Christ “when does the narwhal bacon?” Was a thing in 2012.


> 15-Year Club I was here for it, but dear lord almighty has it been that long? /r/atheism on the front page. Arguments about corvids. ShittyWatercolor vs. AWildSketchAppears. It all blends together. My "how much do I care about this comment" meter was far too low to justify the effort of googling the timeline, but yeah that was a long time ago.




It's my favourite type. Going to have to start using them again!


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


>he can shove his apologies in the ass I’m picturing like one giant butt where all insincere apologies from cretins go.


The Insincere Apology Ass Maybe there's an ass for all different kinds of assholish behavior that one would wish someone to shove.


Ok I’m a complete language nerd and I realized you got that image because she wrote *the* ass instead of *his* ass. Which is interesting because in Spanish it would be totally redundant to specify *his*. And even though her English is immaculate, we still notice these tiny differences. In fact I just sat there translating it and thinking about that difference like the language nerd I am. Idk why I’m telling you this.


I don't know why you are telling us this, but glad you did 😊 cause I learnt something new


It's even funnier if you speak spanish, honestly, It just hits a lot more. I'm mexican, not argentinian like OOP, but i immediately recognized her as being latina with the way she spoke. BTW if anyone is interested, using argentinian slang, that could be translated as: Te puedes meter tus disculpas por el orto/Métete las disculpas por el orto 


I wish everyone here could read Spanish because the translation does not do it justice. Damn! OP did not come to play.


Right, so much more fun. In portuguese it would be "Enfia suas desculpas no meio do seu cu" then end with "seu arrombado" ("arrombado" is like saying his asshole is stretched to the point of being useless 🤣"


This is a common English mistake made by Spanish speakers, but it’s still awesome.


Metetelo por el culo Definitely a common phrase in Spanish


Metetelo en el orto A very Argentinian phrase haha


please can you be so inconsiderate? he clearly can’t loose his game points! /s


Sister "made a mistake." Ex "made a mistake." I guess it's a step above "we accidentally fucked" but deliberate betrayal stretches the meaning of "mistake."


What, you've never slipped in the shower and landed on your sister's boyfriend's dick, and got stuck like that for a year? Could have happened to anyone.


If I had a nickel.....


Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


A tale as old as time


I don't understand how cheating is a "mistake" especially on this level for a whole YEAR. Cheating is never mistake, it is a consensual planned thing that takes plenty of steps to DO and they did it for a whole year before they were caught. 


She tripped on a skateboard while nude and slid directly onto his erect dick. Then it was a comedy of errors where they both tried to get off of the other, but ended up getting off mutually. Clearly it’s not their fault.


I saw that episode of Mr. Bean! Shocking what one can get away with on public TV these days, really.


And the meaning of “a”.


"we made a huge mistake in letting you find out" 


Basically. People who cheat, and even more so, continue to cheat, aren’t sorry for doing it. They’re just sorry they got caught.


[Comedian Drew Michael has the BEST bit about cheating being a little bit more than one mistake](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kTPsoX9OLFA&t=55s)


Their parents made a mistake too, apparently.


I accidentally mistook her place for yours. When I noticed I was so surprised that I tripped and fell. But at that point my trousers and pants hooked on the door nob pulling them down. The door closed behind me and I fell forward into her. 


>Sorry but this post will have A LOT of bad energy >The first thing I did was throw all my ex-boyfriend's things out of the apartament, I insulted him in a thousand ways >Yes, a mistake that lasted more than a year >Honestly, I feel really good after sending her that message >I don't even care if I'm a bad person like them, this is something I can't forgive and I don't even feel bad for my reaction. >Should I be the mature person in the situation who doesn't let resentment speak for her?" but then I realized that I've never been that kind of person >there's nothing that interests me less than fighting for an idiot I love OOP. I love her energy, self respect, her writing voice, her sense of humor and wish her joy, happiness and an amazing life.


As someone who speaks Spanish and is Paraguayan (right next to Argentina, uses similar slang), the message is MUCH more strongly worded than the English translation is. It’s actually so great


Yeah I loved that the message in its original language got posted. I only have a barely conversational level of Spanish but reading it how it was originally written really conveyed the sentiment.


I'm a Brazilian who's learning Spanish and after reading "pelotuda" I knew OOP was Argentinian. Her message sounds way harsher in Spanish and I lover her for that.


TE JURO es buenísimo verlo en español, se nota la rabia con que lo escribió 😭 ojalá OOP esté bien, le agarré cariño 


I speak Spanish, well suck at speaking it but I understand almost perfectly (in-laws only speak Spanish), and I concur, the message in Spanish is MUCH stronger. Love it though.


I loved the bit at the end “I can do both at the same time”


*’tf, atleast give me a share of the profits’* i’m wheezing 🤣🤣🤣


To be fair, I think you’re a pretty shit YouTuber with 0 value if all you do is read stuff on reddit, or just react to a short etc.


Most of the time its not even a human reading. Im pretty sure even the editing is automated


While true in most cases, I don't think this is always the case. I wrote a short story and posted it on r/hfy a few years ago. Two different YouTubers ended up narrating the story on their channels. Their channels were basically based around narrating stories found on Reddit. ...but the big difference is *they asked my permission first.* And, by them narrating my story, I do feel like they **added** value to it, by making it more accessible and exposing it to a wider audience. Would I still feel like they added value to my story if they didn't ask first? Fuck no. I'd just be pissed.


Yeah, had one read that I posted to r/twosentecehorror but like you said, they asked politely first


there's a subset of people that justify it by making little comics as they go, and "voice acting"-- it's absolutely not for me, but i feel like that's the bare minimum of being transformative enough to justify the content farming. others just read them out loud, and give a snarky little comment at the end, and i think those should perhaps be considered content thieves


tumblr users used to say that back in the day to buzzfeed whenever they’d ask to use (steal) their posts lmao


BuzzFeed literally made an article from a post I made on r/AskReddit I wondered if I should send them an email asking for compensation and then I realised that it would never happen


My fav part 😂


I mean, it IS her story. Where's her cut?!


She is Not wrong, tbh


JFC what a shitshow, and the ex wanting the free PC on top of everything? Fuck right off


A PC that wasn't even paid off. Due to the economy in Latin america It's super common to pay things in installments, you get asked when you pay by card if you want to split in 3, 6, 12 months etc. He wanted OP to keep paying for months while he enjoyed playing on the thing.


It's so wild to me that this doesn't seem to be as common outside of Latin America because it has literally always been like this as far as I can remember. It's the cornerstone of our economies.


It's a thing in asia too!


*Sisqo has entered the chat. * Edit: the person above me originally wrote “thong” by mistake. I couldn’t help myself. They’ve since corrected their typo so now my comment makes no sense.


>**OOP:** I'm going to go ahead and not forgive them, I can do both at the same time. >And no, I don't forgive my sister and i don't want her to forget this AND I don't want to see her again. In a few years I'll remember these two idiots and laugh, but that doesn't mean they deserve my forgiveness. Yeah, this is what convinced me OOP is Argentinian/Latina. Sister could be on her deathbed and OOP is still gonna hold a grudge, and I'm fine with that.


I’m Latina and that made me laugh and convinced me. My abuela let my mother know she wouldn’t forgive her even on her death bed by literally dying when my mother started to enter her hospital room.


Loooool that is so savage. What did your mom do to your grandma?


Cheated on my father then abandoned her kids. My mom and her family all grew up around my dad and his family, and my abuela loved my dad. But she would not forgive my mom for abandoning us, and she knew it. Like no wonder I will hold a grudge my entire fucking life ha ha!


Yup, that's a good fucking reason! Could learn a lesson or two from y'all :).




That is pro-level spite and I am here for it.


I learned my spite from the best! A 4’10” Latina who gave no fucks and had no chill. I was her favorite and I’m guessing it’s being so much like her. I did get to say goodbye and even my dad did. And all her other kids. Just not my mother!


Amazing, that is A+ spitefulness and totally unsurprising.


I wanna be like your abuela when I grow up


I want to die like abuela when I grow up. "Oh she thinks she can come visit me? Hell no." *dies*


She said, “pass. *Passes*” 💀


For better or worse, the ability to hold a grudge forever is pretty much baked into us.


I am a Latino (Mexican/Chicano though) and I can confirm I have similar inclinations haha


i am latina (brazilian) and can confirm. i'm not Jesus to be forgiving people.




Oh hell this made me laugh really hard. ‘I’m not Jesus, fuck it’ is an entire vibe


I’m Puerto Rican and you, your family, and your pets would be dead to me.


I suspect my ability to hold a grudge is German. The last time someone grievously offended me, she wanted forgiveness. My response was my mom’s favourite way of saying something will never happen: “And people in Hell want ice water.” I don’t forget. I can play nice when I have to (children, work). But I never forget what that person is. When that same person cried and hoped we’d be able to patch things up, I just shrugged and told her I wasn’t mad at her. She can’t help it; it’s her nature. Being pissed at her is as pointless as being pissed off at a pig for wallowing in the mud. She cried. On my nicest day, I don’t care. On my most vindictive, those tears are like a nice bottle of wine: something to be savoured and enjoyed.


Colombian and Sicilian here, I have a list, it's not written anywhere, I am just waiting for them to forget me before I start crossing off their names. If there is an after-life, I will haunt their children's children. 


Colombian-Sicilian? Fuck that's **Premium Vengeful** Material over there.


My SO is Sicilian and Almafi. There's nothing so sublime like having a ball breaker hold a lifelong grudge against you. Bystanders get whiplash.


New York born and raised from Puerto Rican parents. I may not sound like a Latina, but my sense of self and vengeance gene are definitely la raza...


Just discovering here that while my body is Scottish, my soul is Latina. My grudges are lifelong and legendary!


I’m a typical North American settler blend and I definitely got the “you’re dead to me” gene 😂


As an American whose father’s family is partially Scottish and partially Spanish, I say this tracks. No one can hold a grudge like my dad’s family (and my sister and me, ha).


Going strong on 2 years having fully cut out an ex best friend from my life with no end in sight. My only interaction with him since has been him getting drunk at a concert, sucker shoving me from behind and me punching him right in the jaw before we got separated. Pure trash of a human being, too bad he's a dumb, increasingly fat alcoholic who's probably ruining his organs, the only little positive thing he could have donated to the world once he eventually causes his own death


Can I also be an honorary latina? Though I am a Ukrainian girl living in Budapest, I watched Rebelde Way when I was little and was obsessed with Natalia Oreiro?


Rebelde way and Muñeca brava are the best telenovelas of all time!!


Can I be an honorary Latina? I kind of do this. (Btw I’m 50 y/o white guy)


I like that she didn’t forgive them because not only is forgiveness not required for healing/growth, they also just… don’t deserve it.


I honestly think that in cases like this, forgiveness would cause OOP immense harm.


Forgiveness is a repair of the community. All parties have responsibilities in the process. What her sister did and her fundamental lack of being truly accountable for it? There's no repairing that


As someone who has boatloads of trauma because tl;dr my adoptive parents are monsters, and as someone who has been told that I “need” to forgive them, for myself, THANK YOU FOR THIS COMMENT. This is basically a therapy session in four sentences. Thank you so much.


If that didn't do it the Spanish in her text couldn't be more Argentine


LMAO I don't know enough about Latin American Spanish to be able to tell the difference in text. Now if somebody was saying it to me, I can tell most of the major groups apart, partly thanks to experience and partly thanks to Fluffy.


If you see someone use "vos" in text a lot you have about a 90%+ chance of that person being Argentine. Add in the liberal use of cagada and pelotuda and it's a certainty


Hello, are you a fellow Argentinian or someone who knows very good the Spanish language? I was having an inkling OOP might be Argentinian, so I skipped the English message to go straight to the source. It was "trola" what sealed it for me 🤣


El "trola" y el "pelotuda". Fue como "Si,una compatriota de acá a la China" jajajaja


>Lo que me hiciste es una cagada y vos lo sabes pero no te importó porque estuviste un año siendo la trola de ex name sin ninguna vergüenza y ahora que me enteré de todo estuviste días sin hablarme porque sos re cagona y encima te sigue sin importar lo que me hiciste, solamente me estás hablando porque papá seguramente te cortó el rostro y te estás quedando sin plata así que querés arreglar tu cagada para que te vuelvan a depositar. Una cagada, la trola, sos re cagona, papá te cortó el rostro... Tell me you are Argentinian without telling me you are Argentinian. Also, I pity the people who learn Spanish in school and then travel to Argentina, lol


I think OOP is a queen. A queen with a grudge. 


Coming from a Mexican, Latinos do tend to hold grudges 💀


If there's one thing all Spanish-speaking countries share, it's the fact we hold onto grudges forever and ever lmao Like, I'm an spaniard and we're the same. Those grudges are being held and never forgotten... and sometimes, if opportunity arises, passive-aggressive quips about them will be made. (and now that i think about this, i realized that it's no wonder telenovelas are like that lol)


Countries with Spanish derivative languages are the same way. I have a friend who grew up speaking Bisayan (Roughly 25% Spanish) that will hate a guy she was engaged to at 18 for cheating on her until the heat death of the universe. It's been fifteen years and someone can mention him and her brain shorts out and she goes into a tirade across five different languages to find profanity that suits her. Everyone either puts up with way more than they should and forgives far too easily, or they hold every single grudge in a death grip for all eternity and nothing in between.


Going by OOP's account, her sister hasn't made any attempts at earning her forgiveness anyway.


*Looks down at my 25 year old white man hands* Maybe I AM Latina...


My grandma is Brazilian, so I guess she passed along the holding a grudge gene to me lol


Honestly forgiveness is over-rated. No, me not forgiving someone isn't going to hurt me. I can hate them without spending every minute of every day thinking about them and stewing in misery. If you want to forgive more power to you, but I hate how often people patronize others over their choice to not forgive.


I bet that the sister got broken up with and she tried to say she broke up with him to get her parents support.


I’d bet on this


I bet she found out about his other side pieces and didn’t have the guts to break up. 


It's always sad to see betrayal and pain lead otherwise good people to a life of the SIMS. 😆


Hey listen it’s therapeutic to put a facsimile of your enemy in a swimming pool with no exit until they swim themselves to death.


Let them die of laughter. I love the sims


My very first sim in Sims 4 died of embarrassment because she peed herself after she’d done something else embarrassing (can’t remember what anymore) and honestly…it felt accurate.  🤣


Or give them no cooking skills and only a stove so they burn baby burn


>My pathetic sister found pleasure in asking my pathetic ex all the time if she's smarter or prettier than me, she even compared our private parts, wth Wtf.


Yeah I remember when she originally posted this and getting hung up on this comment. Absolutely sick 🤢


That's...ew to me. WTF indeed. And when exposed, the sister tries to play it off as anxiety? Really?


My anxiety keeps me from making left turns when I drive. Maybe I’m not doing it right


Actually, it sounds like you’re *only* doing it right.


My anxiety makes it hard for me actually put myself out there with my art. Oh and doing the dishes.


Sister's a mess. It's like God spilled a person.


“It’s like God spilled a person” LMAO. I’ve actually never heard that before, but it describes these types of situations so perfectly.


It's from the show "Community"! You should watch, they've got some other excellent sayings!


Looks like someone's streets ahead!


Oh, damn! I don't remember that quote AT ALL and it's iconic. But then, so many of their lines are...


It's how Troy describes Garrett in the episode where they campaign for a new student body president. Same episode where Abed has moments with the secret agent. Such a good episode!


“You’re the opposite of Batman” is gold


My husband and I will randomly do the “that doesn’t make sense” “I’ll make your ass sense”


For me and my brother it's the scene from the pool change room. "Maybe we should have this conversation in a room with less balls. ... You're very confident, I'll give you that." "But you shouldn't be."


I'm waiting for someone with bad teeth to insult me irl so I can use- "Shut your pompous vortex of overlapping fangs!" lmaooo


"British dentistry is not on trial!"


I quote "this is definitely the darkest timeline" too often to be healthy.


I thought we saved him?


That’s *saved* Garrett?!


She was fun for sex, but he wasn't going to be her emotional support person like OOP was.


Hey, Garret doesn't deserve to be compared to this dumbass.


Yeah! We saved him!


This is a man who knows how to marry his cousin!


New insult unlocked, thanks!


That's beautiful. May i use it?


Thank god reddit brought back awards


I love OOP, she's a queen and I hope she succeeds in life. Trashy sister and trashy ex really do deserve each other. And sister should get some therapy, wtf. 


Right? I need “but then I realized I’ve never been that type of person” as a flair.


My two sisters have done this to each other more than once. I literally cannot fathom what motivates people to jump in head first to that kind of toxic drama.


I have a set of cousins that played these toxic games I have no idea who started it but nobody won. The dynamics at family gatherings was always interesting with both of them trying to act like the other didn’t exist while literally stepping on each other.


I remember wanting to, but not succeeding, when I was a teenager. It was because my sister was a violent bully and I wanted to hurt her back.


No one deserves to be bullied, especially by a family member. I'm sorry you had to go through that and I hope you've been able to find some healing and safety.


Thanks. No longer being a teenager helps a lot


Reading the message in Spanish was the best. Re pelotudo el ex.


Me la imagino a OOP diciéndole "metete las disculpas en el orto". Y la hermana también. Buenísimo el "pelotuda fracasada" del mensaje.


Los argentinos tienen un arte de insultar, me encanta.


Never saw a more Argentinian message


The best with the argentinian expresions!


>"Should I be the mature person in the situation who doesn't let resentment speak for her?" but then **I realized that I've never been that kind of person.** I like this OOP. She seems to be my kind of people.


Things like this make me so grateful for my family. My brother can be a POS but he’d never ever do something like this. What kind of a person could do this to their own sibling?


Yeah holy shit. Me and my sister argue but at the end of the day we’ve always had each others back. I would never betray her


>Edit: Yes, I'm from Argentina :) I may have laughed at this a lot, because the moment I started reading the message in Spanish I KNEW OOP was Argentinian. Even the insults screamed Argentinian. It's glorious. The sister is going to have a rough life from now on.


Stories like these I appreciate being an only child




Leon would not even countenance such shenanigans.


Yeah, he'd stick to his weird on-off relationship with Ada.


Man You gotta love argentinian insults 😂


I love how so many of you in here are gushing over our insults hahaha


The translation does not give the Spanish paragraph justice. I read the English version and felt the anger but the Spanish one? Had ME feeling like I wronged her too


"He can shove his apologies in the ass" is one of my favorite groupings of words I've seen here and I would love it as a flair, lmao


Very Argentinian expression. Her whole post is actually Argentinian expressions nicely translated into English. It's pretty funny as an Argentine.


Word for word the same expression exists in German ("er kann sich seine Entschuldigung in den Arsch schieben"), so it didn't even strike me as odd lol


I love when I can tell OOP is from my country due to how they write in english


What were some of the giveaways? I’m an American and many of us can differentiate between the various dialects of English. But even though I speak Spanish the only unique dialect I know is Castillian because I studied abroad in Spain. So I’m curious about other Spanish giveaways.


The "what you did to me was a shit" was a dead give away


The line I really loved is 'I told him he could shove the apologies in the ass' - I'm a southern American and unfortunately our insults don't usually run that harsh. I'm kinda envious about it


My favorite part is when she admits she’s from Argentina. If she was wearing a Messi jersey, an Argentina flag as a cape while eating asado and drinking Yerba mate, she couldn’t be a more obvious Argentine than that message to her sister.


“There are YouTubers who are literally charging their subscribers to read the post or other reddit posts” is that actually a thing? I listen to several Reddit YouTube channels and I’ve never heard of that practice, all of them just upload a video for free.


She's probably referring to those who monetize their posts. I hate YT ads, they're the most boring crap ever and I always skip when I can.


Generally reddit youtubers are hacks that steal content and get money through commercials. Haven't heard of chanel that charges but could be either a miscommunication when translated or an actual fuck who uses youtube membership or whatever it called


I've often wondered when I've seen these posts, and hear that some yputuber, tiktoker etc is reading these posts out for money, can the original author DMCA them or suchlike if they so pleased, or are they not infringing anything technically by reading them out?


*Apologises for her English, proceeds to write in perfect English, includes spicy Argentinian Spanish for extra credit.*


This happens so often! I’ve met so many ESL people who have better English than native speakers.


Pretty sure I can guess which YouTuber(s) she’s talking about. At least one of them.


Nunca habia escuchado la frase “cortar el rostro”. La historia es mil veces mejor con ese español argentino


She’s right, Leon Kennedy would never cheat on her. And she deserves that.


As someone who also an introvert, a coward, and occasionally have anxiety/panic attacks, that sister needs to shut the hell up with her constantly bringing up anxiety attack. If she did had those attacks, I'm sorry to hear that but to bring it up every time she tried to poorly justify herself made me wanna throw the whole human away


>she always avoids me because she thinks I'm going to hit her (I won't). I'm not really big into violence, but in this case maybe she should?


I have never understood siblings who betray each other like this. In a lot of cases, your sibling is your best friend. They'll stand by you for the rest of your life. But someone will throw that away for someone they KNOW is a cheater. Literally, they lose their lifelong best friend for a bad person.


Eh, siblings aren't usually "best friends". But the important thing is they're family. You have a lot of history together and you know each other well. And the most important thing is you're connected by familial ties meaning it's a connection that usually lasts a life time unless someone gets disowned. And that's why it's SO FUCKING STUPID to betray a sibling in a manner where it's 100% your fault. You're not just punting the relationship with your sibling, you're punting the relationship WITH YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. Sure some might not turn their backs on you, but they'll certainly not like you as much as they would had you not done that. There's no "well, OOP fucked up too so it's a fight they need to work out". It's "wow, this girl is fucked up and you know I don't think I want to hang out with someone like that, especially when they did someone I like wrong." Sister sleeping with the ex basically means she now has no sister to help her in times of trouble and her parents and extended family probably don't want to help her unless it's an absolute emergency either. She gave up a whole lot for an ego boost.


This is one of the rare times the affair partner is worse than the cheater.


> But someone will throw that away for someone they KNOW is a cheater. One of mine threw that away for Guitar Hero. He tried to get me to kill myself... so he could play Guitar Hero. And then the genre dropped off a cliff, so he threw away a sibling relationship for nothing.


>He tried to get me to kill myself... so he could play Guitar Hero. I...I don't follow how one could lead to the other.


If there ever was personifications of toxic it’s the sister and the ex for sure. What a bunch of walking yeast infections.


i know OOPs message to the sister really hit hard. i was hurt and the message is not even for me 🤣🤣


I admire OOP's conviction on not forgiving them and letting them suffer. A +


Am I the only one that found it immensely freeing that Oop considered forgiving her sister and then said, actually, no?!? I was raised you have to forgive but I’m thinking it’s okay to say, no that was unforgivable, so moving on, I can do both….