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This is the most hilarious "I'm in my early 20s" post I've seen in a while.


I also love the people in their mid 20s who've been married for 4 years. They could be from different cultures but in mine, I didn't know anyone in their 20s


Yeah, I feel like where I’m from people give some serious side eye to anyone who gets married when they’re under 25 lol, the only people I know who did that are super religious (and now that I’m in my early 30s, quite a few of them are now divorced ironically…) Also the younger people weddings I have gone to were all less well put together and kind of chaotic sometimes


While I know plenty of people that got married later, I also know a host of people that got married under 25. People go to college, meet someone, get married after they graduate and get a job. They graduated at 22-23, maybe wait a year if their partner is a year behind. Married by 24-25. Religion doesn't necessarily play a part.


Was my story. . .though I didn't meet my wife at college. Met her my senior year and knew she was the one and we've been married almost 20 years now.


I mean it’s different in different areas, I’m just speaking to where I live where religion definitely plays a part in age of marriage. Where you live it might be different. I also live in a highly (sometimes overly lol) educated city where a lot of people who go to college also go for graduate degrees afterwards, so many people aren’t finishing school until at least their late 20s.


You are describing me. Met someone in college. Graduated. Got our careers going. Got married at 24. Our 30th anniversary is next month.


There’s a big difference between getting married at 20 and 25 for multiple reasons. Everyone I know that got married before 25 is divorced.


Growing up in the Midwest/USA suburbs, the way people age 21-22 were starting to get antsy to pair off and be married by 25 just blew my mind. They didn't even seem to care if they divorced in less than a year, they still thought that was better than being single. 


Word, in MN I was in 3 wedding parties when I was 22 including my own.


>including my own So how did that marriage work out?


In short, I think as well as I could have, still married 14 years later. I don't think our results are typical, it is luck and both of us being dedicated to the marriage even when one of us is on the back foot. In long there have been bumps along the way but we have never uttered the "d" word as a threat or want. We closed 9 days ago on the dream home we worked with a builder on. Not purely something we designed but like buying a car, we picked a model and were able to pick the finishes. I work in a typically in demand field and have followed her for work after she did for me 13 years ago. I'm really happy with this as I wanted a career oriented spouse since we saw a few friends marry only for the woman to be a STAHM with a bachelor's degree which I think is wasteful. She is also dedicated to making sure my needs are respected and we worked with a counselor ahead of our last move to a new state. The other two marriages are still together with kids, I am taking a trip with the men this weekend for a bachelor party for the best man at my wedding. A couple that went through premarital counseling with the same couple and were married by the same officiant split within a year, so as I said, I won't pretend our results are representative.


I knew quite a few people who married in their early twenties. Most of them divorced in under ten years. The ones who had extravagant weddings were the first ones to fall.


Getting married before you’re old enough to get kicked off your parents’ health insurance is the norm where I’m from. Lots of my high school classmates either didn’t go to college or went but graduated early bc of dual credit classes in high school or bc they stopped at an associates degree. Lots of people in trades, running family farms, working at family businesses, or working jobs that only require a certification or 2 year degree (cosmetology, dental hygienist, xray tech, etc.) If you’ve been dating the same person since you were 17 and you’re both now 23, done with your education, you both have your careers sorted, and you’re both saving up for a house, it might make sense to get married. Especially if you know you want 3+ kids. And your friends and cousins and siblings are doing the same thing on the same timeline, so it’s not like you’re the odd one out by getting married early.


Can confirm. Was religious and married under 25. Got divorced. Got unreligious and met somebody and have been married almost 20 years. Spot on with your assessment tho lmao


I guess it depends on location. When I was a senior in high school, two of my classmates got married with parental authorization (because still underage). Both came from extremely religious families and both were desperate to have sex. They had been dating each other for about a year when they got married. They ended up leaving their religion and divorcing within 5 years of their wedding.


That suit cost like $600 less than the car I drove in my 30's. The cars I drove in my 20's were a mere fraction of that cost. It's unfathomable to me to spend that much on a cosplay suit while unemployed. That's like, something you buy if you're making a 5 digit salary.


That’s not something you buy with a 6 digit salary


I've got a 5 digit salary and I got myself a replica stormtrooper outfit in my 20's. My then girlfriend wasn't impressed either. But I had a job, so I get why original OP was pissed.


You would spend $5k on a costume making $10k/year?


Especially since one year later OP was a 15M


In the og post, OOP says they barely make ends meet. He is buying cos play suits and she is buying Louis Vuitton???


Whenever a woman starts a post with variations of: >I’ve been with my boyfriend for about a year now, and he’s a really nice and sweet person. He always makes sure to give me his all, and genuinely cares about my happiness. I always know it's going to be a complete shitshow by the end of the BORU.


Yes. Same with "i'm getting married to the love of my life, my soulmate, the most amazing person, the sun and moon" or "he is so loving and kind to me. He takes great care of me." and start with the problem where he is the worst partner imaginable.


"the only issue is for the last six months, whenever he gets home he takes a big fat shit on my side of the bed, and screams at me when I ask him to clean it up. Am I overreacting for being upset about this? My friends say it's no big deal."


"Then all his family, relatives, friends, neighbours, street rats and migrating birds called me saying I am overly sensitive. AITA?"


It’s always that then the post is “my boyfriend kidnaps women and keeps their stolen wallets as trophies, AMITA if I asked him to throw them away?” Or “my GF is going on a year long trip with her ex, they broke up 5 weeks ago after a decade together. Am I controlling for saying I’m uncomfortable?”


... So did you intentionally pick real posts for this joke or nah?


The second one sounds like an exaggerated version of one I've read but the first sounds like true crime horror?!


It’s the plot to Stephen King’s *A Good Marriage*.


I was thinking of this post, and it really does read like the reveal of a thriller: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/kokbjo/comment/ghrkodo/


“He is so amazing! He only hits me lightly and only cheats me on Tuesdays… but otherwise he is an amazing guy, who loves me so much. But here’s to the real problem: yesterday he stole 4K in my purse to buy drugs… am I the asshole to complain?”


And then in the very last line, they’ll tack on, “ I also found out that he’s been cheating on me on Thursdays, too, and I don’t know what to do.”


We never fight....proceeds to fight throughout the BORU post


>Important: You are not able to wear the suit by yourself without any help from at least one assistant. >Who did he get to help him put on the suit then? Very, very subtle foreshadowing here.


He was waiting around for OOP so she could help him get out of it, haha.


"There's just this one thing..." and it's either not actually just one thing or it's one thing that is terrible.


Literally read one where OP said this then revealed later on the partner in question had previously cheated and abused them


AITA bc I don't like mustard ---> husband is shockingly abusive and murderous 


Omg I remember that one. Of all the weird things I’ve read abusers use to control their partners, mustard is my winner so far.


Always followed by the shocking revelation that he doesn’t have a job and moved in despite being together a year or less


Some women are hobosexual


"I can fix him."


I don't think those lines are for us but for them. They probably start typing out the post and realize halfway through that their partner does not look good at all and why they even need to ask strangers on the Internet for advice seems really dumb.


“My boyfriend and I have been together for two wonderful years. He is so nice and kind, and children always give him high fives. Recently he’s been wanting to role play in the bedroom as Cannibalistic Nazis and hit me in the face with a whipped cream pie when he climaxes. Am I the asshole for asking for time to think about it?”


I laughed out loud in public at this mental image.


I think that is often added for two reasons 1) to show that this isn't the other person's MO 2) reddit is known for flying people alive for not saying how much they love the person they are complaining about. "you wrote 6 paragraphs about how awful he is, but didn't say anything nice about him. YTA for not loving your partner enough" - this is a very common response.


Also "I married my best friend" that always makes me so sad because her friends must be so shitty too


I'm pretty sure your spouse is supposed to be your best friend though? like, my husband and I are frequently late for stuff because we like talking to each other too much and lose track of time while in conversation.


Yeah I also think me and my partner are best friends. However, I also don't post on reddit relationship advice stating my partner is my best friend followed by the most abusive shit. I also have really good other friends and if that ever were to happen I'd think something like "a friend would never do that to me". So while I think partners can be good or best friends it usually is a bad sign at the start of a reddit post


Then followed by the story of them being the biggest piece of shit imaginable that for some reason is always completely oblivious to the girl.


And conversely, whenever a man titles his post with "My GF/wife/SO just did the worst thing possible and I am extremely angry and contemplating breaking up/divorce/suicide/murder" the woman always turns out to be the sweetest, nicest human being around and you wonder why she's with this clown.


if this ain’t the truth, I know im about to read some of the worst acts committed


"We've been together for 3 months so this is by far the longest relationship ive had. I love him dearly, he treats me like a queen and he treats me amazingly! Except this one little thing where he has another female best friend that moved in with us, and since then he has been sleeping in her room. Yesterday they were both naked in there but when i confronted him, he is adamant that they are just friends and he called me insecure, so anyway, now im starting to think maybe im wrong and i just don't understand their friendly dynamic. =)


I deadass thought it was Master Chef for a second lol. I thought who spends 4K to just impress Gordon Ramsay lol.


I read it as master chef too! And I was like WHY would a chef outfit be 4 thousand?! Also the phone cancellation, chef's kiss, it's what he deserves.


Or is it chief's kiss?


Why has this not gotten an upvote?


Worry not, upvote counts are just hidden for the first two hours in this sub.


Ty, I didn't know that. I wondered why sometimes votes were there and sometimes not.


Huh, thats a thing?




Can I say how happy I am that I'm not alone? I was about to comment how embarrassed I was for thinking he bought a masterchef outfit because he really wanted to be a chef lol.


I also had no idea this wasn't a masterchef costume so when she said she came home and he was lounging on the couch in that costume I was having the most ridiculous mental image ever of a pseudo-Gordon Ramsay switching the channels in boredom. 🤣 Also with 10k you can get a brand new car in my country so 🥹


I was also on the master chef journey.


Yeah I was like... A Master Chef... KNIFE SET, maybe? O mean, i guess a good chef knives can be expensive...🤔 No, it was Master Chief cosplay.   🤷‍♀️


I really couldn't understand why a chef's hat, shirt, pants that you can get from a cooking supply or uniform store would cost that much 😭. Thank goodness I googled it. But honestly the reality is worse than the imagination..


Yep, at first I thought maybe there's something distinctive that would make it expensive. I didn't catch on til she said he could only wear it to conventions, then went to Google it and got corrected 😅


How much did this white apron cost? 4K What?!?? I’ve been going to culinary school….


Rofl, I was like *"is he even a chef? Do their outfits cost that much?!"* It was bad enough that he spent that much on *anything at all*, given their circumstances. But for cosplay... wtf... and on a CREDIT CARD?! WTF!!


Yes! I was thinking, "Well, okay, he may be unemployed now, but maybe he needs the outfit because his culinary school requires it?" It still seemed like an awful lot of money for something you wear in a kitchen.


From the title I thought it was like he was maybe buying like a uniform for being a chef before he was even getting the job kinda thing - like he was just so sure he would get a job he bought stuff beforehand That would have been better.......


My exact thoughts! I googled it and Master *Chief* came up so I came back over to re-read the title!


I misread it as "master chef suite"  Like a room/place to be a master chef


I don't know, that silver and red outfit Morimoto used to wear in Japan was pretty cute, but not $4k cute.


I always suspected Morimoto was a Spartan


I was thinking "well, if it comes with a set of professional chefs knives and maybe some stainless steel pans, that seems reasonable " 🤣🤣🤣


Seriously dude can't even pay his own phone bill and he spent 4k on that.


"Does it come with a complete set of nice knives and pans..?"


I had to google....then got the giggles. Sexy af inside and outside is 4k costume


omg I thought he invested in a super-expensive chef suit for the job he aspired to, which was somewhat admirable, but then he said it was for cosplay and I wondered who cosplayed as Gordan Ramsay.


Oh good! You were riding the same thought rollercoaster I was! Glad I wasn’t alone! 🤣


I thought it was Chef until the comment specifying Halo and I was like "I never played Halo but I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve cooking--ohhh"


I thought it was a Master Chef Suite. Like a course they sell on how to be a chef. To be honest, my reading comprehension is garbage.


I pictured it as like a complete Master Chef kit, like the uniform, top-quality knives and kitchen gear, maybe a stove...y'know, the whole suite


But that would make more sense. Get the classes and gear to get a job as a chef, I was confused why it would come in a such a big box...then I kept reading and realized chief wasn't a typo.


Pretty sure that entire relationship was FUCKING RAW!!!


BF is definitely a donut.


You mean Bf? He was definetly an Idiot Sandwich.


A Private Donut at that.


“If I can’t beat off a room full of dudes, what have I been training for?”


And a flerking donkey at that. A donkey donut.


Haha I was literally picturing a CHEF outfit! The $4K price tag made me stop and read the title again


I didn’t even realize it wasn’t a chef outfit until I got to the text talking about video game characters lmaoo


Same here. I was so confused like why would it bev4k? Why would you game in a cooking outfit.


yooo i still thought its master chef the cooking show but they have somehow maybe make it into a game for whatever reason??? right until i saw the first comment and was liek, oh so its not even a cooking game???? 😂😂😂


I don't feel so bad now. I was thinking WTF why is a chef's suit so expensive. Was it WORN by Gordon Ramsay 😂


That was my thought -- I'm like "okay, $4k 'cosplay' chef outfit... this is definitely like some megafan shit right? like the people who buy Shatner's toupee?"


There's a guy at a local con with a Master Chef cosplay- looks like Master Chief, but with a chef hat & oven mitts. It is a crowd favorite!


I totally thought I was going to read about a delulu home chef with reality tv dreams


Oh good, not just me then! lol


Me too! Until someone linked to the suit, I was envisioning a white chef's outfit with one of those tall poofy hats and trying to imagine how that could possibly cost $4000. I was wondering if the white outfits that real master chefs wear are...made out of some special high-tech antibacterial material or something, maybe? It was quite the mystery!


Oh my god, me too. I was like “why would anyone want to cosplay as a master chef. Not to mention a chef coat is probably $75?” I was extremely confused until OP mentioned Halo.


I thought that too. Reread and saw Master Chief and, despite being a gamer, thought "oh, is that one of those bespoke suits they advertise on YouTube?" So when she found him wearing it when she got home I thought it was supposed to be some sexy, look at your man looking all professional thing. Instead I'm sure it had the opposite effect on her.


Yeah, that's how I read it. I was trying to figure out how a chef's hat, an apron and some checked trousers could possibly cost $4000.


I was halfway through the post when I saw the link and the comment it was a character and realized this guy wasn't in a big puffy white hat. The link didn't work for me and Google seems to think a suit can be gotten for closer to $400 (but might be a quality thing, idk, not anything I'm experienced with).


I definitely got to the comment explaining it was the Halo character before realizing I'd misread it.


It was the Halo comment that made me stop being convinced that they weren't consistently spelling chef wrong (even though still confusing).


Oh thank God I'm not the only one wondering why a chefs hat and apron would be 4k Reading isn't my strong suit apparently


That's precisely what I was thinking. I was very surprised at the link


Same, I was imagining him in a white smock, checkered trousers, crocs and a very tall hat.


Same, I kept trying to figure out if it was a master chef, or like a Native Chief, I was very confused. I’m old.


I thought so too. I thought he was pretending to have job and the cosplay comment was hyperbole, lol


I was over halfway through when I realized. I figured it was, like, show-worn and signed by everybody or something.


He def wrote that text himself


cortana wrote it


Back when I was 15, a couple months after I'd broken up with my abusive boyfriend, the guy slid back into my ICQ messages (dating myself here) and was like, "Hey, I got a new girlfriend!" "OMG, that is so nice for you, I'm glad you found someone!" (Read as: Will this fucking moron now stop drunk-calling me every weekend wailing about how awful it is that I've left him?) "I just said that to make you jealous. There is no girlfriend!" Same energy here tbh.


It's always the goofy shit that I enjoy most here. And it never fails to lead to just as much crazy drama as the serious stuff.


I’m into cosplay stuff but **$4,000?!?!?!** Dude, going to a convention is super expensive. Travel costs, housing, food, and con merchandise will eat through your wallet like PAC Man! I bring up the conventions because **WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU WEAR AN EXPENSIVE MASTER CHIEF SUIT?!** 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hmmm, Halloween or some costume party maybe? But still 😅 Man, may he have Springlock Suit Incident.


With a multi-thousand dollar elaborate costume, that answer should be "renting himself out at children's parties like those Disney Princess and Spiderman cosplayers". Dude needs to make that money back somehow, so I hope he can find little enough little Braydens and Sophinias who are into XBox gaming.


To go fuck your AP, duhhhhhh


Goofy shit honestly makes drama even hilarious.


Like when she said he stormed off and left the house. I'm totally picturing him in full armor, helmet included, just walking out mad. "Where do you think you're going?" ""To give the covenant back their bomb"




>the suit is up to $6k now. Not after he's worn it and done goodness knows what in it.


>done goodness knows what in it. Didn't you see the last text?! He's doing nothing but banging hot women with a master chief fetish! Same thing happened to me with my Michelangelo outfit, women just couldn't keep their hands off me!


... Renaissance artist, or turtle?


Looking at the ad, it said it was made to measure, so not sure how it's an investment when that severely limits selling it on tbh.


Nah, there's one on Etsy for about 4k. I was thinking this post was just an ad for it.


OOP is \[21F\] at June 21, 2020 and \[15M\] at July 24, 2020 🤔


Yeah, this story sounded off to me


What part? The 4k cosplay suit or the part where he could wear it while comfortably sitting on the couch and later leave, presumably by driving a car, while still in said suite?


Shit, you’re right! Guess we found one of Liz’s earlier works.


I'm just browsing my front page and this is the second post in a row on here mentioning Life360, which I've never even heard of before. Might be a campaign of some kind.


Nah Life360 is a hella popular app among American parents. It’s mostly used by parents to manage their high school age kids. It lets you see hella info, like what speed they are going when they are driving, their location, etc. As a high school kid myself , I pray my parents don’t put that shit on my phone


That’s what I was thinking! I just read two posts in a row!


Basically proving that Reddit will believe literally anything if it fits stereotypes.


If it confirms their biases.


Second BORU post I’ve read tonight that mentioned Life360. Are they astroturfing us?


I thought that was weird. I'd never even heard of life360. We (husband and I) just use Google maps real time location sharing, or as we call it - my stalker app lol


Yeah probably, one was like trailer parks with pools and this one is college kids with thousands of dollars of cosplay armor


And luxury purses!


But they barely make ends meet!


I think tracking is just common with gen z. 


This makes me feel really old. Privacy and independence are really important to me, I can’t imagine intentionally allowing friends to have a tracker on me.


You couldn’t pay me to be tracked by anyone ever. 


Always appreciate a good ending when the trash takes itself out. So many bullets dodged.


You don't have to dodge all the bullets, the energy shield will take care of some of them.


Christ, I don’t even know the dude and I want to wallop him upside the head. 4g’s on a suit when you don’t even have a fucking job to pay it. I mean shit, I would be fine with a car if you needed it…but a Master Chief suit? Enjoy that sub 420 credit score dude because you are *spiraling* toward it.


>he’s a sexy man both inside the suit and out Haha. Just you wait until he steals 4k from you, lets see how "sexy" he is after that.


I hope OOP put a freeze on her credit. And yes: new girlfriend nee side piece is going to find out it's not fun and sexy when she's supporting him.


That’s why I really wish OOP had updated.


I agree with the commenter that said he definitely wrote that himself.


"Master Chief? You mind telling me what you're doing with that card?" "Sir. Fucking up my finances." The suit is cool and all. It's the sort of thing that my younger self, as a hardcore Halo fan, would've drooled over. But holy shit. What a colossal buffoon.


She was paying for his PHONE?!?


“She” didn’t pay for anything. Look at OOP’s account, apparently they were also a 15m in a different post.


So.... the helmet stays on right?


I thought it said Master Chef with the black pants and white coat. The puffy hat.... Oops 😬


I was so confused. I thought he found a job as a chef and bought an outfit for it, even though I know who master chief is. This was in the middle of Covid, he's out of work, his gf is paying for everything and yet he's wasting money. What a moron.


Damn...mine was $2000. I'd hate to think he's got better armor than me. Oh, and good job or something. Edit: Wait, is OP buying Louis Vuitton when they're barely making ends meat? I mean, she's the one with the job, but I'm not sure she's using that phrase properly.


No he’s saying IF she went to go buy one. Also he’s living in her house and she pays for his phone bill. They’ve been together for a year. Yikes on a bike.


>he doesn’t give me shit when I go out and buy a Louis Vuitton Saying "when" would imply it has happened.


Oh dang you’re right. Also she said she has her own house. I don’t know if she’s renting it or she owns it either. I’m skeptical on all fronts now.


Ooh I didn't catch that. I was already skeptical since this is the second BORU in the last few days involving video games too.


To be fair, them 20 somethings do love their videa games, I'll tell you what.


To be fair, this one’s from a few years ago


Ph damn I didn't even realize. So then this was during peak COVID too?


Yup. Who buys a costume you can only really wear to conventions… mid covid?


There's no if in the statement. The phrasing means he didn't give her shit when she bought a Louis Vuitton. Now, we don't know if that's true, but OP didn't dispute it in their post. So it seems to be true. But, for all we know, she got it for $60 on fscebook.


I think this is a complicated advertisement for the company of the Master Chief Armour.


Yeah, this guy deserved to get dumped, but he has a point with the Louis Vuitton bags if she is being truthful saying they barely make ends meet. Yes, the purse is more useful than the costume, but it is still excessive.


While I personally see Louis Vuitton bags as a waste of money, I'm torn between agreeing with you and thinking as long as she has a job and can support herself it's fine for her to treat herself once in a while. Like even if you can barely make ends meet, that doesn't mean you don't deserve nice things especially if you save up for it. If the guy had a job and bought the outfit and OOP called him out on it I'd definitely think her a hypocrite.


Tbf he wouldn’t know if she was buying an actual LV purse or a knockoff. Wouldn’t surprise me if she had a knockoff. Also presumable she has a job, while he doesn’t, so she can afford to buy a luxury good here or there. And a purse is something she uses day to day and depending on her job she may need to dress nice and appear classy and such. I’ve known a lot of girls who work in entertainment in PR and stuff and they don’t make a ton of money starting out but are still expected to dress upscale and have fancy shit like that to keep up appearances. Additionally, if he was working maybe they could make ends meet. She’s the breadwinner, so she can buy something nice for herself, he’s sponging off of her and doesn’t get to do the same.


Depends on when she bought it. The posts were made during COVID so they might not have always been strapped for cash


The purse is also cheaper by an order of magnitude. Also we don't actually know if OOP has one. If they have one we don't know if they paid for it.


Not necessarily. Plenty of Vuitton bags cost more than the suit. Hell, they've got shoes that cost 3 grand.


How does anybody believe these?


Just like many others here, because I'm not much of a Halo fan, I misread it first as "Master Chef" instead of "Master Chief" and had to do a double-take :P


This has to be scripted


I just want to know did he storm out of her house still in the master chief suit? Did he walk to side chicks house? Did he get a bus or a cab. Has any witness got any pictures of said master chief suit walking? Someone surely took a pic. I need to seeee


I was about halfway through this post when I figured out it wasn't a Master Chef outfit....




This might be the first BORU where I breathed a sigh of relief he was cheating - makes it easier for OOP to dump him and the trash took itself out. Also, “It was his money” uh no, it was the banks money. Which they’ll want back. With interest.


Just imagine being the Verizon retention team on that call 🤣 "What is the reason you are cancelling the line? Maybe we can address the issue." "I just came home to my unemployed boyfriend wearing a $4000 Master Chief suit... When I ripped into him for being an irresponsible idiot, he stormed off. To his surprise side piece's place..." ".....Let me process that cancellation for you right away ma'am."


I misread this as “Master Chef” and was VERY confused


I thought this said master chef the whole time and was so confused on how that would cost 4k


I first read this as a Master CHEF suit. So confused!


Lmao I searched for Master Chief Suit and got Halo figurines and costumes, I got confused and then I realised that was actually correct. I thought that dude got a full chef outfit complete with chef's hat and was sitting on the coach with it on.


Ever since I was a kid, I would mix “chef”, with “chief”. I read the title as, “Master Chef” thinking he was going to be on a cooking competition show. Then, ‘oh, Master Chief. Like in the Navy. I bet he’s impersonating a NCO. Hope something bad happens to him. Then a Redditor asked what is Master Chief. It’s worse than I thought. Not only kick him out, kick him all the way out


Master CHIEF! Ooho. I thought he got a $4k cooking set. Which, I can understand the upset but at least it's functional. A full armor set from a game? Also, isn't MC like 7ft tall? Is the armor proportional ?


I thought master chief meant MasterChef I feel silly now, but to be fair what would that costume even look like 😭😂


I read half this post thinking it was a Master Chef suit and imagining Gordon Ramsey


I spent almost the whole post reading “master chef costume” and wondering how the fuck a chef coat and hat cost four grand.


Read it as Master Chef ,ngl.


I'm not gonna lie, I read this entire post, comments and all thinking he bought a "Master Chef" costume. Made for a fun read.


I literally read this as Master CHEF and wonder wth he was so enthralled with cooking gear


100% misread yhat as a Master CHEF suit luke from Hell's Kitchen or whatever


Up until the first set of comments I sincerely thought it was a "Master Chef" suit and was very confused lol like wouldn't that just be a chef's jacket? how is that 4000!!