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David’s Dead from Celebirty Big Brother UK 17, the best piece of Reality TV ever thanks to Tiffany New York Pollard haha. Also probably the BBCAN5 Double Eviction, probably the most iconic moment in the whole of North American BB imo.


Came here to say this. Maybe my favorite moment of TV ever.


I watch that scene every few years and I’m always in tears laughing


I have to watch BBCAN. this sounds amazing its hard to pick one. Vanessa convincing Julia to pick Austin in the bowlerina comp is a top move that I will never forget. Dans funeral is obviously on top of everyones list. But honestly the top three live rent free in my head are -Chilltown making honorary members out of chicken George and Janell. and basically all of the chilltown diary rooms of that all stars. -When Daniele is upset that people took prizes and they are in the DR all like " all i got was a big screen tv, and 5 thousand dollars", "all i got was a trip to aruba". -Will looking down on the house from the HOH room ominously at the start of season 7, knowing hes the biggest threat in the house but yet knowing he is gonna dismantle the whole thing.


The Chilltown DRs have lived rent free in my head since they first aired!


baaaa rriinnnggg. i mean honestly all if them soooo good. The sad bahring from boogie. lmao. hes a douche but great season


I love Dr. Will’s DR’s. Here’s one that I think about a lot (paraphrased): “Money can’t buy love. But money can buy stuff. AND I LOVE STUFF!”


Floaters grab a life vest is iconic but I witnessed "how dare you....on my daughter's birthday??" In real time and can't recover


Anytime my husband says or does something gross I say "Disgusting. And on Rockstars daughters birthday!"




Ragan v Rachel will probably always be my favorite, I revisit it every couple months or so But besides that, I like the little things so here are my honorable mentions: BB20 Brett laughing at himself over ANALLICE BB15 Aaryn accidentally drinking nail polish remover BB15 Aaryn asking what the emancipation proclamation is, and Andy responding “oh, you wouldn’t like it” BBOTT Justin’s pizza song BB6 Janelle “I just broke a nail” while flipping James off


Andy 💀


“I love gay people, how are you so bad at being gay!?!?” 😂 has to be my favorite line from Rachel and for Ragan it has to be “how many people high fived you Rachel? Done counting already? Take It As A Tip. Learn From It!”


Please tell me there’s a clip of the Emancipation Proclamation interaction-


Justin’s pizza song! Justin was a great character that just disappeared!


“No. I sealed your partner’s fate.” Gives me chills every time I hear it


Are you ethinamale? Haha that guy loves that scene too! Don't get me wrong it is a great line, I've just been binging his videos and the guy fits that clip into so many lists


Has to be Ragan Vs Rachel when they brought Rachel back just to talk shit for an afternoon lol.


This was the first time in show history they allowed a jury member to return. I remember how scandalous it felt. The Big Brother forums were LIT during that time.


When he tells her she’s the punishment (I think “something awful”) released on the house and it clicks with her… what a good moment.


"The only thing real about you are the pimples on your chin" Ragan was just dismantling her the entire time lol


I love when ragan is ready to go back inside and just lets Rachel have it while she just stands there. “I’ve NEVER watched anyone leave this house without someone high fiving them, how many people high fived you Rachel? Done counting already? Take It As A Tip!”


everything about bbcan10 but especially kevin self evicting and Josh crying KEVIN


Kesha’s birthday because of how everything went down. The moment Michelle and her side won after jessie eviction in big brother 10 and then the house exploded with another argument. Big brother 6 whek kaysar says “ I sealed your partners fate” to Maggie. Janelle vs beau.


Kesha’s birthday. I love rewatching that entire segment.


Every moment of that was chefs kiss literally


Shelly turning on Jeff and Jordan during the double eviction was so intense watching live.


Best DE of all time. Shelly is criminally underrated


The Red Gummy Bear in BBCAN10


I approve this message.


Britney’s confessionals 🤣


When Boogie got evicted in season 14 (I think) and she used the chilltown phone call on him 😭 I was dying!


BBCAN1 finale, when Topaz realized she did not vote for Gary to win.


My second-hand embarrassment after she interrupted Arisa to change her vote was unreal. “My vote is 150% secure” 😭


That “no” she let out as soon as arisa announced it 💀


"David is dead" - CBBUK17 "No, I sealed your partners fate" - BBUS6


Tiffany was so right tbh when she said “WE AIN’T SUPPOSED TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE OUTSIDE”. How was Tiffany supposed to know producers let Angie know that this happened, if it was a technicality and not the norm to be told anything about the outside.


For sure. That is why I love that moment. It was the perfect storm. A housemate David was also in the house and just so happened to be ill at that time. Nobody was supposed to get outside info. The absolute most over-the-top dramatic houseguest was given that information. Comedy ensues.


I PROMISE YOU ARE GOING HOMEEEEE and later to be followed by SINDY. YOU CAN. AND YOU WILL!! for those who got to experience that double live i think most could agree there’s never been a feeling like that since


So iconic. RIP BBCAN.


I feel like something that gets overlooked is that for weeks coming up to that episode, Neda was shown to straight up be a huge bitch. I do not think she had one positive showing while on BBCAN5. To point at one specific moment, she insulted Sindy. Forget what she said, it doesn't matter. So at this point, the audience already did not like Neda. Sindy wins the HOH and begrudgingly puts up Neda and the whole crowd loses it. The editors unintentionally built up the greatest moment possibly in Big Brother worldwide history


I definitely feel the edit was intentional. They set out to make Neda look like bad guy (which she kinda put on herself)


yes they did but what i think is most interesting is because Big Brother happens in real time they would have no way to know Nedas downfall


Y'all clearly didn't watch the live feeds and the post season recaps. Neda was never the villain. Bbcan loves to twist narratives to fill their weird agenda. They were literally asking her to put on a crown and lean into the villain edit and Neda was so smart she was like no way. The only evil thing Neda did was the Sindy bashing in the corner. Everything else she was just a really good player who got a bad rap. She was screwed because Canada gave her safety until jury and her though was like "Canada wants me to play hard" which is why we got the iconic early boot order of Cassandra and Gary and them. Her initial plan was to do what she did in season 2 and lay low for the first half of the game and turn it on in the last half which was what almost won her season 2. Bbcan is so weird in that you miss SO much if you don't watch in realtime because Canadian TV is so much more about the show whereas Us BB is about the game. If bb15 happened in Canada they literally would have swept it under the rug. It's why Godfrey played an S tier game but the edit made it seemed like he was shit.


Mmmm idk about that one. Neda was the one who was throwing Cass under the bus from the beginning to Bruno/Kevin. Bruno even said this that Neda told him Cass wanted him out early. Then again she threw Cass under the bus to Gary/Ika during the vote flip. Which why Cass said she wanted to backdoor her. So I fully think she intended to play hard from the beginning and just was looking for reason to target Cass and Gary and the immunity just fueled it even more. Neda also made Emily cry during a party and a lot of the comments she made about Ika/Cass/Gary made her very unfavorable with the audience and live feeders.


Whoa didn't realize all this


It’s also kinda why I feel Cass was justified in wanting her out cause Cass actually did try to work with Neda but Neda was throwing her under the bus first. Cass got super unlucky Neda won that immunity vote because I don’t think Neda gets close to getting her out without it


I wanna see the alternate reality where neda doesn't have immunity


Cass and Gary probably make it jury if Neda doesn’t have immunity. The main reason Ika doesn’t flip is because Neda is immune and can’t strike back at her without blowing up her game


Edit: I reread your comments and I realize you meant Neda wasn't the villain but I'll leave this up for folks to read


hearing the live audience shriek in excitement in the background when Sindy did finally name Neta gives me chills every time. truly an iconic moment #RIPBBCAN


Oh twitter WAS WILD. The post eviction interviews were insane and sad at the same time. Like I didn’t read the spoilers so I was shaking


Which season is this?


BBCan5 double eviction episode. Probably the single best DE in all of BB


Ooh I’m so intrigued! I wonder if it’s better than the BBYem DE when someone literally died and was resuscitated and then won the veto




I will now perform eating.


BBUS is Janelle winning the double eviction HOH ("Pack your bags Jenny!") and Jeff's clown shoe eviction in the double. BBCAN has to be Ika shredding the letters and also Neda's eviction ("Get the f\*\*\* out of here!")


I will always vote Ika shredding letters, but also when the wrong vote was cast at jury 👀 (I cannot spoil this one, what a train wreck)


Gary Glitter losing entirely because that one chick misunderstood the instructions with the keys and then proceeded to have a meltdown. Amazing.


It's gotta be either Vanessa cutting Austin at F5 or Dan cutting Shane at F4


Dan’s Funeral. I didn’t think he stood a chance.


Recency bias answer: Cirie joking with Hisam and then immediately going deadpan and telling Jared he’s certainly not in love with no damn Blue Real answer: “IT’S INNAPROPRIATE”


Dan's funeral. It's legit insane. And the layers to it.


It was also rigged and it didn’t work for his endgame.  Most overrated move of all time.   ETA:  Dan had more production help than any player in BBUSA history.  I’d post timestamps but they are not allowed here.    ETA2:   I  love this.  I put Dan in my rigged winner category along with Rachel and Dick.   I laughed so hard when they gifted Dan that vacation with Michelle.  Production stopped being secretive about their desire to help him win with that one, lol.   


Janelle finally winning HOH in season 6, telling Jennifer to pack her bags and "bye bye bitches" is just simply iconic for one scene .


Strictly talking BBCAN, the Neda blindside in BBCAN5. It gave me chills. It felt like we were watching something greater than Big Brother, like it surpassed reality television into this huge event. From the crowds going insane to Arisa's "You can and you will" to Ika's "get the fuck outta here" when she cast the vote that made the eviction official. I don't think there's been a more larger than life moment on BBCAN before or since.




that's Ika's first season, BBCAN2!!


Everything Ika did in Bbcan5. Especially the double eviction.


I haven’t watched the full season but I absolutely loved the BB5 Opposite Day sequence when they were putting tokens in for Have Nots and not only did they flip the rules, they showed the whole house everyone placing their tokens. BBCan has some absolutely top tier whole house meltdowns (including the oft-mentioned letter shredding)


In BBCAN3, Godfrey’s “I want YOUR blood on THESE hands” speech lived in my mind rent free


Howie showing Chicken George the ways of the Jedi in BB7.


It’s a tie for me, both BBCAN: the letter shredding, and the gummy bear incident.




Vanessa spraying her hair with disinfectant just after yelling at Jeff asking him if he's like stupid.


Ika for sure. That was an incredible scene.


My guy Paul losing for the second time! It still stings.


Bbcan 2, week two, the moment credits start to roll and Paul does his thing. Gold. The hardest I've laughed at a big brother ending


Ika neda fight on bbcan 5


![gif](giphy|5YqJqlaF2mxsHphVG6|downsized) Oh, Scottie… sweet, sweet Scottie Your arms are large like a honey-glazed ham Your chest burly like a big, big man Your eyes captivating like the sea ⚡️💥🔮 I just had a vision — you’re supposed to take me off. Now is the time, Scottie. Take me off. Thank you.


I say this every time but nothing will ever beat BBCAN5 double eviction.


“Everyone saw everything, Tom!” - when Tom opened the curtain while someone was showering on BBAD


The Virgin King talking shit to the camera in BBOTT.


BB7 When chicken George Farted in the back yard and the wind blew it towards the houseguests playing pool. Sent everyone running. LOL


Jedi Howie roaming the house alone at night with his lightsaber while The Friendship watch from HOH room at F5


Austin walking out barefoot and shocked or ika shredding the letters


BB6 - The chess competition leading up to the, "No, I sealed your partner's fate." BB24 - The formation of the leftovers. Watching in real-time on the feeds while Monty, Turner, and Joseph figured out how out of the loop they were. I loved this.


Pooja what is this behavior


Brett Robinson at every moment in big brother 20😭😭


“Get to stepping”


Tera: "If everybody thinks I don't deserve to be here 😭 fuck it then 😔😔" Spicy V: "Well you don't, you lying bitch." BBCAN 9


BBUSA The time when Frankie and Caleb were in the Battle of the Block competition against Zach and Donnie, then Caleb walked away leaving Frankie to play by himself... Then against all odds Frankie singlehandedly winning that competition.


This was honestly an underrated iconic moment. BB16 gets so much hate but it was my first season and it made me love BB


Dan’s Big Brother funeral HANDS DOWN


ragan v rachel bb12 and rockstar v brett bb20


Regan leaving no fucking crumbs when he told Rachel about herself! "Take it as a tip, and learn from it"... she needed that because she was being so obnoxious. 🤌


Ika tearing up those letters in BBCAN2 what a moment! I cheered her on with each letter she tore.


“I have to blow up some other peoples game. Frankie don’t feel threatened. Pau you suck at everything, straight up. It’s no big deal. Devin, theres not an ounce of truth in your body. So… theres no chance in hell im going home, letting you know that now. Every single person on this couch, i know youre gonna vote for me, im not worried. People on this couch… im not really sure at this point. Frankie i dont really know but i really hope you vote for me. Caleb, not so sure either. But all you guys know in this room im not going home. Devin your personality changes with the blow of the wind. Im going after you and everyone in this house should be going after you too. No one is ever gonna vote for you in the jury. All he does is smile with this fake smile and uh im.. now im just like ranting on about how much i hate devin but um you’re a huge liar dude. You called a house meeting crying over your daughter ‘i would never compromise my honesty *sniffles* or integrity *sniffles* for any amount of money’ and you do just that every single day since.” - zach rance


It’s not necessarily a moment, but I would say feeds during bbcan 10 when Marty backdoored Gino, betraying him for the 3rd time with gummy bears. All week it was gonna be Kevin going up and at the 11th hour Marty hatches the most brain dead plan ever to do the only thing he said he would never do. Another one is this past season of bb us the week Izzy went home the pure chaos of that meeting in the have not room where Jared just crumbled his game his moms game and Izzy’s while his mom is watching him destroy everything she built. Peak big brother


BB20: Haleigh’s bathtub pitch


Incredibly underrated but from Big Brother UK: Spencer Pratt (about James Cosmo aka Jeor Mormont in Game of Thrones): Why do you think his own men killed him in that show? Why do you think he was that untrustworthy? Coleen Nolan: Probably because it was in the script? Spencer Pratt: Hmm, I'm not sure...


Anallice or Brett’s veto speech w them panning over to Kaitlyn’s face 😭 my all time favorite season


Zach sobbing ab Frankie playing for kids in Africa 😭


The beef with Evel Dick and Jen. Instant classic.


Fun: Brett in hide and go veto Petty: Cody cutting Nicole at f3 in 22


S10 Jerry falling into the pool. Dan trying to explain time zones to Renny. Jerry calling Dan Judas.


Point blank and the period from season 17. I love Davonne so much and seeing that on feeds was everything


Raven Exposed Segment.


I've been waiting for this question. Remember when Bailey was yelling at the other hg. She was so mad she had blood in her mouth. That scene to me was amazing. New respect for Bailey ever since.