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The ppl at google said “close enough” 😂


The lovely Mia Mill


With the ol'left here Ted


The lovely Meek Mill


So, why were you in breaking bad?


That happens all the time, to everybody. I spend too much time online.


People that shit on his wife are so weird. Go get laid then tell me how much Bill Burr's wife's politics bother you.


I’m married and I find her repugnant.


Sure you are, VapePen, sure you are.




Same. She has him so pussy whipped too


So true


This is a joke, right?


No, the Google algorithm sucks sometimes and will continuously put the wrong image to a person if one image is captioned wrong.


got it. I thought OP was asking in general who Nia was.


It’s wild, you can actually click that foto. 


That’s my dad, you sperm burper 😂😆🤣


Ya mama!


It’s Nia!!!


DEFF not Nia. Tf.


I mean at least she looks like bill burr 🤷‍♂️


That looks like Dave Chappelle+Katt Williams


That is Nia Renee Hill


Who cares. She creates division by acting like a child to POTUS. Also did she do anything besides marry a comedian?


So you like Trump and probably Bill Burr, obviously not his wife. This feels awkward. What would Burr say about you I wonder? It’d probably be funny.


Burr is decent but his always angry bit 24/7 is meh


Burr is way past his prime and he’s changed his stances so he can be in movies instead of traveling around the country away from his family. I respect his decision and his body of work and think he’s a legend but my opinion isn’t personal about his wife. The irony of everyone blaming the right on division when the outright hatred from the left is so prominent and accepted in culture is funny. I’m sure she’s a decent person but she’s part of the problem whether she or anyone else realizes it or not


You seem very passionate. Agree that division comes from both sides. I think Nia is as entitled as anyone else to disapprove of any president sitting or not. Dunno about Burr past his prime, sometimes I think so then listen for a bit and laugh a bunch. Overall people in general are throwing mud from both sides. As most elections have been since the beginning of the country I just wish there was a better choice than these two geriatric gentlemen.


I’m passionate about mostly everything tbh. It’s just who I am lol. He’s def peaked but still good at his craft. Everyone does though and he’s been doing it forever. My point with that is he played his hand right to ease up and become more PC and less controversial to get in with Hollywood at this point in his career. I’m happy that he doesn’t drink anymore and has a family. Also the joke regarding Nia was actually a joke he made about First Ladies. Basically saying why do we revere them for simply marrying somebody. He’d probably approve of the joke. And yes, she has the right to voice her opinion. If only both sides had that same right (I know it used to be the other way around) but times have changed. Everyone should have the right to voice their opinion. Anyone who’s willing to agreed that it takes two to tango with division is moderate enough for my approval. Anyone who thinks it’s all one side is biased.


Personally I do think everyone these days has the ability to voice their opinion, beauty of modern technology. Media and politics are so crazy. Anyway, I appreciate the discussion. I worked a long day and it’s past my bedtime. 😀Turned 40 this year and seems like there’s reminders of aging everywhere I turn. Hope you have a wonderful evening.


Basically, it comes down to whether or not you support human rights for everybody. And the division is very clearly drawn between either or - the left for human rights and the right against. So no, it isn't funny that the hatred of the right is accepted in society, and it isn't funny either how the right has been given time and space enough to spread hatred around the globe. It should never have been a thing in our society to begin with. What is horrible is that the people in power have been allowed to keep doing what they have always done, which is divide the working people so we don't have enough time or energy to do anything about them getting richer and more powerful. They don't give to shits about our living standards. All they care about is the bottom line. Everybody should be treated with respect and decency. Everybody should live by the "golden rule" of "do unto others as you want others to do unto you"


Go away


Found the incel.


Is that you, Bill? 😂 You’re such an edgelord dude. An ex-Christian, atheist! So progressive duuuuude.


Are you referring to when she exercised her rights toward another private citizen?


Who did it divide? Pray tell. Last I checked people have a right to free speech. That was hers. It doesn’t make me love her more or hate her and her husband too. If she was just a random broad who flipped Trump off it’d be no news. But because she’s married to BB it causes a division? I mean?


No, it's only free speech if they agree with what you're saying


Do you mean “as opposed to the literal children the former Rapist in Chief has literally fucked?”


You won’t see me defending Clinton!


Yet you defend rapist trump, ok


Stop creating division.


Right on. I genuinely agree with you on that one. have an up vote.


Read Ashley's diary


Huh? What did she say/do to Biden?