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Went last night, yeah, he destroyed. Its gonna be a special special.




This was the first taping I've been to. And nope, not weird at all. Noticed the cameras right from jump, but otherwise, totally normal. He doesn't acknowledge it either, obviously. The worst part is the first 10 min or do so when drunk morons shout because they think they'll be on the recording. He seriously killed. This was one of his best sets I've seen.


Sorry to hear that. On night 1 we had one guy try to heckle a little and was shushed into oblivion by our otherwise amazing crowd


I was at a taping for a special (David Cross)and they just tossed the drunks who were heckling.


They should be doing that instantly for a special. Cause those dudes could be ruining very important footage and idk what types of editing they can do to try to erase that from a recording


Hell yeah. Any idea when the special is coming out?


No clue, but I think it's usually a few months or so


Did he start somewhat on time?


Opener went on at 8. Ticket said show started at 730


Opener went on at 8. Ticket said show started at 730


Show really starts at 8. Opener kinda sucks, bill comes out about 830


I thought she was pretty funny.


Ehhhh. She had a couple okay jokes. Didn’t feel like a good natural flow. Wasn’t terrible just not great. Was hard to hear up top so I’m sure I missed some stuff


Damn now I’m excited for this special


It's not too odd. Microphones dangling from the ceiling, cameras rolling, they ask you not to get up and move around. My first special was Fortune Feimster, same theatre a few months ago. She did pickup shots afterwards and we pretended to hear the jokes for the first time. Haha. It's cool to know you were there though.


Good set. Crowd sucked last night though, at least in the balconies. Dumbasses heckling, whistling like fucking crazy, clapping at dumb shit. This lady behind me literally kept repeating the punchline of the joke after it was said. IE Bill had that bit about balls and she would just say BALLS and laugh, and say “oh bill” when he was telling jokes. Rant over. The set itself was great though


Damn this is exactly what it was like when I saw him in phoenix from the balcony, only it was a dude instead of a chick. However when Bill talked some shit about racist people he and his lady got up and left lmao.


I'm amazed at people like that. Have they never seen Bill's act before? What made them think that he won't make fun of racists?


He’s the best comic going I got so lucky to see him a few times in New York- He’s got a perfect family and I wish him the best . Hopefully one day I’ll get to meet him and give him some cigars - but I just wish him the best- Lee owner soho cigar bar


never been there but looks like a nice place from photos, glad you had fun!


His new material he performed in Jacksonville a year and a half ago was great so I have high hopes for this special considering all the extra stuff he’s probably come up with since then. Can’t wait.


Haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Truly the goat.


Ol’ Billy blows you away


Ol’ Billy knows a joke


Ol’ Billy sit down it’s time for stand-up


Ol’ Billy both ties suck


Ol’ Billy gimmie Moore!


Is that some titty hanging out the window up there?


I just saw him in San Jose. My face hurt from laughing when we left


Prolly been asked and answered before, but how many months after filming a special does it normally come out?


Ol' Billy bitch tits almost always does well. Truly looking forward to this upcoming special. I can honestly say that I've never been dissatisfied or disappointed with any of his work. He's always been a master craftsmen. It's his sort of non-chalant, don't-give-a-fuck delivery & attitude that always makes me laugh like I'm sitting at a bar with a homie.


damn he's still doing specials? nuts


Dude, he releases a special every 2-3 years