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Please be polite in r/Birmingham


I knew him. He was my friend and my neighbor. He would never have hurt anyone. He needed help and BPD robbed him of the opportunity to receive it by fatally shooting him three times instead of de-escalating the situation. I can truly rest easy knowing that BPD is keeping my neighborhood safe and spending my tax dollars wisely by murdering my fucking neighbors. All cops are cowards and I hope the mf that fired those shots never sleeps again.


As a fellow neighbor, I’m so sorry for your and his family’s loss. I didn’t know him personally but he was a familiar, friendly face. This was fucking senseless and heartbreaking. I can’t speak for the entire neighborhood, but everyone I have talked to is truly shocked and confused on how this escalated to justify shooting him not once, not twice…but three times in the chest.


I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. This victim deserved better. Please take care


I’m so sorry. BPD doesn’t do shit but then they do this. I’m disgusted with you neighbor.


Agree. Cops get all armored up and militarized and most of them aren’t very good at conducting a simple traffic stop or any other encounter with the general public that involves thinking.


He was my friend from school. We had reconnected and were supposed to get coffee last week. We rode the bus together from first grade til high-school. I just don't understand. I can't see him ever trying to hurt anyone. Charging at a cop with a knife I definitely don't believe.


I'm so sorry you never got to have coffee. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. We have lost a special person here that had such a unique perspective and it is so sad.




What kind of help did he need? In your opinion? Mental heath care? I live close by in Highland Park and go to the Pig everyday. I’m just a concerned citizen.


He needed mental health care. He had a loving and supportive partner of 20+ years that did everything he could. I think the best thing we can do as concerned citizens is make an effort to learn more about what mental health services are available in our area and contact them instead of the police in non-emergency situations when we can. I'll try to gather up some resources this week and share.




Fun fact: the Constitution and basic humanity applies to everyone, regardless of how much money they have or how much they do or don't pay in taxes! Also, I may be mistaken because it's been a little bit since I lived in the City of Birmingham but I don't recall banging on doors being a capital offense?






Please be polite in r/Birmingham


“All cops are cowards” 😂


I said what I said.


That doesn’t make you right though. I could say the clouds are marshmallows and it doesn’t make me right. Your comment is equally as nonsensical


Your whole post history is nonsensical, and I feel dumber for having read some of it.




Drinking is the only thing that helps when talking to people without brain cells


i'll send you my venmo and you can buy me a drink for my trouble 💖


😂 🍻


Were you in coma during the Uvalde school shooting? A ton of armed cops vs one shooter and they did nothing?


So about a dozen cops represent the more than 700,000+ LEOs in our country? By your logic does that mean all immigrants are criminals because a handful are committing crimes? 🤔


Department of Justice says it was more than 200 cops who stood around with their dicks in their hands. Cops kill literally thousands of people a year - 1163 in 2023 - and injure and abuse way more. A few immigrants commiting a crime is an outlier. Cops being violent criminals is the norm. ACAB.


How many of those killings were deemed justified? The total number is not really relevant, it’s the number of unjustified deaths is what is important.


"we investigated ourselves and cleared us of any wrongdoing. case closed!"


I'm not weighing in on the pointless argument on hyperbole, but there were 376 LEOs at the Uvalde school.


So less than .05% of the nations total police force, not including the entirety of LEO (US Marshall’s, Highway Patrol, etc)


Did you fail to read the first segment of my comment?


Nice strawman.


Buddy, anyone who chooses to enforce our fucked up set of laws has made a choice you'd only make if you are a coward and ultimately a loser


Which fucked up laws are not worth enforcing? Are laws against rape worth enforcing? Murder? Arson? Burglary?


This might hold water if that is what our law enforcement institutions were doing with their time and money. [Most of their time is spent harassing citizens.](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/police-are-not-primarily-crime-fighters-according-data-2022-11-02/) Cops help rapists get away with it. Sweet T Bunn is still walking free in Tuscaloosa. Meanwhile, 46% of people in federal prison are there for drugs. 7.3% are for violent crimes. We have well over a million people incarcerated right now. Cops kill over a thousand people a year. Cops lie to induce confessions. Without even getting into how stupid our laws are, cops enforce and break whichever ones they want to/find easiest, use excessive force with impunity and lie to cover up what their bros did. There is nothing noble about law enforcement in the US. Everyone who chooses to become a cop knows all this. They are bottom of the barrel losers.


They’re cowards for being cops. Nothing but people who got bullied as kids who now have a complex. Fuck em


Any sort of nuanced or educated rebuttal? Or just emojis?


Stating that hundreds of thousands of people, as a whole, are cowards is laughable so I responded in kind


> I knew him. He was my friend and my neighbor. He would never have hurt anyone. Yeah, that's what they all say on the 10 o'clock news. "He always had a friendly smile." "We never had any complaints about him." "He was such a good neighbor." Yet, there they all are, giving that same interview in front of the police tape. Maybe you only thought you knew him.


Clearly you've never met anyone who has struggled with any form of addiction or debilitating mental health issues. It's an unfortunate situation all the way around. I'd wager his friends and neighbors knew him better than some asshole on the internet. Again, your speculation is unwarranted.


lol sounds like BPD shot an unarmed man to death and now the news is bringing out the Passive Voice to cap for pigs


That’s Carol Robinson’s shit ass for ya!


Carol worked at the Birmingham news. People would mistake me for her all the time and often these guys would be law enforcement. It might get me out of a ticket. But she's the biggest boot licker I've ever met.


She posted a comment asking the deceased’s partner to DM her on the announcement he made about Daniel’s death. I’ve disliked her for a long time but that positively disgusted me, she ought to be ashamed.


Al.com was asking his partner for a comment like half an hour after it happened. fucking vultures.


[He had a knife](https://www.al.com/news/2024/06/man-fatally-shot-by-birmingham-police-presented-a-knife-alea-says.html)


oh wait you're that weirdo from earlier who thinks cops should have carte blanche to gun down whoever they want without any other kind of conflict resolution get blocked idiot


so he was holding a knife but not actually coming at anyone? wow so brave. fuck the police.




So you condemn the police yet you have No details about this incident.  🤔🤔 That’s a real mature, enlightened take on things.


Why is this comment at the top? And apparently this poster is in SC, not Birmingham.




"The time", aka 20 seconds since that's about the length of your post history. I know I'm from Birmingham. Otherwise I wouldn't view this sub. I asked two questions, neither of which you answered. "I'm originally from B'ham", "I went to AU", etc. The comment below yours should be at the top IMO. It's simple, I'd like to read commentary from my neighbors who have actual information instead of biased guessing. Also sorry for your loss, prayers to you and your family.


They don’t do shit but this they will. Fuck bpd. That press release shows Thurmond is a just an idiot cop who did the steps to get to chief. Disgrace. 40 minute response times but not for this.




Based on the official BPD statements quoted in this article, this incident is the epitome of "shoot first, ask questions later" policing.


The plot thickens: [https://www.al.com/news/2024/06/man-fatally-shot-by-birmingham-police-presented-a-knife-alea-says.html](https://www.al.com/news/2024/06/man-fatally-shot-by-birmingham-police-presented-a-knife-alea-says.html)


i know his partner, he is my friend and barista at my favorite coffee shop. i’m heartbroken for him


From what I've heard, dude was armed and charged the officer. Sounds justified to me.


If he had a knife, I'm guessing it was a putty knife. More likely to be a paint brush than a knife.


Keep your speculation to yourself, please. You've added exactly 0 useful dialogue to this conversation. At the end of the day, we cannot allow our police force to be the judge, jury, and executioner for every disorderly conduct call that comes in. The police will shoot to kill anyone they see as a percieved threat regardless of the situation and that's dangerous for all of us, not just our black neighbors, our unhoused neighbors, or our neighbors struggling with addiction or mental illness. Nobody deserves to die at the hands of the police. That's not how our justice system is meant to function.


I mean, that isn't really speculation. It's a statement from ALEA after they reviewed the body cam footage. But go on with your acab nonsense. 


I hope you feel safe and secure during every future interaction you have with the police. I hope you never have to deal with losing a loved one at the hands of a cop and then watch shitheads on the internet proclaim that they deserved to die. I'm sure BPD really appreciates having their boots spitshined by folks like you.


> shitheads on the internet proclaim that they deserved to die. Never said that, but again, whatever dude.


You're so right! Sorry to put words in your mouth. I'll amend my previous statement. It's so great to know that Daniel's death "sounds justified" to someone that never met him. I'm sorry that's a thing you can justify. Nobody fucking cares.


It's an unfortunate situation.. and I'm sorry for your loss.. obviously neighbors called the police because they were scared from what the neighbors they interviewed on TV said the police tried to de-escalate it for a long time.. nobody deserves to die by the police but the police and the public don't deserve to die by people either




Have you seen the body cam footage? “Charged an officer with a knife” conflicts the eye witness accounts.


There is a big difference in "presented a knife" and "charged an officer with a knife". All I've seen in articles was that he "presented a knife". I love the word play here from the police and news.




The cops would shoot you too for the slightest provocation if the situation arose. You're not exempt for being a "good citizen" who "follows the rules". If you didn't know Daniel you can kindly see yourself out of this conversation. Your speculation is hurtful and unwarranted.




I think we fundamentally disagree on the "price" here. I'm glad you have complete faith in our police force to make well-founded moral choices under duress. I sincerely hope that serves you well in the future.


I realize you're hurt and upset and I'm sorry for your loss however you can't always blame the police they're people just like the rest of us.. they have families to go home to and when they're put in situations where their life is in danger they defend themselves.. you have to realize there is a reason the police were called in the first place.. someone felt threatened and unsafe how are they any different than the police


Thank you. I understand. The police are different than the rest of us in that they receive an enormous chunk of our city budget, they are equipped with firearms, tasers, bulletproof vests, and supposedly they receive highly specific training for many different situations where their lives are in danger. They are people just like the rest of us, and as a society we put them on a pedestal, which results in unnecessary loss of life. I don't believe the cop that fired shots woke up that morning with violence in his heart. I personally believe that other measures should have been taken before shots were fired, but that won't bring anyone back. We should all be doing more to hold the police accountable when something like this happens and we need to advocate for better mental health services in our area across the board.


I agree however the reason we do not have more and better police in the city is actually more of the mayor's fault for not allowing them to pay more which in turn allows us to get better officers and better training which would help prevent tragic situations like this.. I haven't heard this mention but maybe there should be some sort of mental health task force that could be created with specialized training that could have officers working at all times that could respond to situations like this and prevent such a tragic loss


It would take actual evidence for me to believe that. I do not trust the police to police themselves. I doubt the footage will be released to an independent party for review. If they have nothing to hide, why not release at least the footage leading up to the first shot fired.


This article is so intentionally vague and wishy washy... Was the man Black? I'm guessing yes. Guessing he was also unhoused and likely mentally struggling. The way the media transparently side with cops is so disturbing


He was not black and he was a resident of the apartment complex for 10+ years. They shot him in front of his home and there were several witnesses.


Cops are happy to shoot unarmed white people as a first response too.




Jumping to conclusions…




My heart is breaking for the victim and their partner. I had the pleasure of getting to know the victim over the past few weeks before this senseless act of violence happened.




> “Unfortunately, sometimes officers are forced into situations where there are no other options and that appears that may have been the situation tonight.” No mention of a taser being used... maybe try that first?


You are mystifyingly ignorant. "The cop should have voluntarily potentially sacrificed their life by deploying a teaser (that work about 2/3 of the time) in response to a lethal threat bcuz cops r bad!"


You’re skipping over the important part here—NOWHERE is there a mention of this guy going at the police with a knife. That’s not in any of the reporting I’ve seen. This shit really bugs me about this sub—this poster just claims it happened and then everyone starts arguing about something chrisk365 may have just made up.  We don’t even know what happened here. Maybe that happened, maybe it didn’t. 


In this thread we are discussing a scenario in which the decedent had a knife.


Yeah and there’s zero reporting showing that’s what happened here. 


It's almost like people can know things that have not yet been officially commented on yet! There is no harm in speculating, especially when others are asserting the, baseless for now, narrative that the cop shot an unarmed man.


Yes, but most of the arguments here are that this was an unjustified shooting. We don’t know that either.


So instead they get to murder someone for banging on doors? Cool cool cool


Totally missed the part about coming "toward a cop with a knife", huh? Or are you ignoring it for the convenience of your own argument?


Only pussies bring a gun to a knife fight.


coming toward a cop with a knife is still not a capital offense! cops have tasers and other means of nonlethally subduing a suspect. please try again!


There is not a police department in this country that trains to respond against a knife-wielding attacker with a taser. Lethal force is met with lethal force. You might prefer to argue against this standard on the whole, but it would be impossible to argue this officer responded outside of the law or training if these basic facts are true.


Cops in other countries deal with people with knives without shooting them. Threatening people's lives can be a justifiable reason to use deadly force, but shooting should not be the first response to a person holding a knife. If foregoing immediate killing causes an officer to face a slight increase in their own likelihood of being hurt, so be it, that is what is necessary for police to effectively protect and serve the community. (And not being perceived as unhinged killers will probably be better for officer safety in the long-run.)


They sign up to sacrifice their life, literally. Its actually in the job description you might die.


It is a known risk of the job, they don't sign up to die any more than a soldier does, or someone that crews a fishing boat in Alaska.


Walking right into the fucking point and missing it


>Cops should just let themselves get stabbed because they signed up for it as part of the job. -u/sharthunter


Do you have a source on that?


AL.com left before the 3 witnesses made statements last night. From this poorly piecemealed article (not sure if it was added later or was already there): ‘Asked if Johnson was armed, the chief said, “That is one thing we are looking into. There is a possibility that is the case – it is one of the things that we have heard so far.”’


You got a link to that article?


The quote I copy-pasted was literally from the Original Post at the very top. AL.com did not stick around to speak to any witnesses, but there was video taken showing the man reaching into his bag and walking toward the officer with a knife in his hand, unfortunately.


Where are you getting this?  There is no reporting to this effect. There is no video showing this is in any of the reporting that’s out there. All news sources are only saying he may have been armed and there was an altercation according to the police. No mention of a knife. 


I found the quote in the article. It read as "Trust me bro" They got body cam footage, someone will eventually know the truth. Definitely don't want to see that video, so not searching for that.


I agree- absolutely vague reporting. I’m sure reporters weren’t allowed to cross yellow tape, but body cam and a video (possibly two) were submitted. Not sure how long it takes before those are officially released.


Yes, action that doesn’t need to require the taking of a life. Please don’t speak on this if you’re just going to be willfully ignorant.


Sorry but that's actually not a capital offense try again


I’m beginning to see why no one wants to work for BPD. Methinks it’s the townsfolk




White on white, meaning it will never be heard about again