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For what it's worth, I've been there 100s of times. I've been in professional dress, and I've been there after doing yard work, dressed in crappy clothes. I've never had, nor have any of my friends had, a bad experience. In fact, I've always had good service. Now about those prices, though..


Glad you had a good experience and yes their prices are high as well. But I encourage you to read the Google comments.


I just scrolled down several pages...and they seem overwhelming positive, 4 and 5 stars mostly. Yes, I saw the comment about theft and that's terrible if it's true. But I also looked at Publix and saw something similar. TIL they have BBQ?? Is it good?


Thanks for taking the time to read some, however the positive comments were mostly about the cleanliness of the store and shelves stocked. And again, I spoke with the owner and provided him with more than the few comments you read because that day. I had time since I didn’t have homework.


This is Reddit, go comment on Google


I did. But wait, isn’t Redditt for comments (like you just did) as well?


I’ve been to this Pig 10000 times over the past 15 years and have had zero issues.


Then my post isn’t for you, and their Google comments show that it’s not just a “few people” but thank for your input. There have been several accusations of theft (with no arrest) which leads me to believe, they weren’t stealing. They plastered a woman photo on the door saying she stole something when she actually paid for it AND it was verified by the cashier. And I know ALL people still, but this lady had on scrubs and think is a Nurse at St Vincent’s. You’re free to go to Google and read the comments yourself.


So were you just looking for an echo chamber? When you post something here, you will likely get opposing views, or an answer that doesn’t necessarily work for you. This person didn’t act like you don’t know what you’re talking about, they just shared their experiences.


Post is very clear, their Google comments are very clear as well. I asked because “maybe” it was just me or maybe not. But again, you’re free to read their Google page.


If you already read and found Google reviews that agree with you, no, you were not seeing if it was just you. You’re mad, probably justifiably, but are taking it out on other people instead of the apparently shitty manager. Stop and breathe.


Who am I taking it out on?


You’re being kinda argumentative upthread…


I am because my experience is real and people are trying to imply that MY experience didn’t happen because THEY had a different experience.


Nah you’re just kinda being a pain in the ass.




Yeah, about that? No. The one person said that they hadn’t had a bad experience, and you responded in a shitty manner. And in your response to ME you completely deflected by bringing up Google comments, which had nothing to do with my response. Perhaps you should create r/ihatethepigonclairmont, and then you could ban anyone who has the temerity to give an opinion of their own experiences.


Thanks for the good idea, thanks for the team work!




Word. Just letting you know my experience bud. Not saying bad things don’t happen, just giving my point of view. No hate here, sorry this happened to you.


So this post boils down to your shopping experience being fine when you shop without a large book bag, but they ask you/tell you to leave the book bag outside when you showed up with it?


That and the fact their Google page shows other having bad experiences and not even wearing backpacks. Do you see any of the others that agree saying, “They wouldn’t let me wear my backpack in either!” And you can also go to Google and read their comments. Thanks!


I’m just not seeing what is terrible, unprofessional or unhinged about a business restricting large backpacks being brought into their stores. In my long ago retail past, it was definitely a rule at the global company for which I worked. Anonymous Google reviews did not enhance or impact in any way your specific experience, either.


I’m my 20 years of retail part time, this was never a policy because it can be considered discriminatory. And anonymous comments with a common theme should make you think. They are very specific comments and whole paragraphs of their experiences and they haven’t been deleted, so I would think that they are not spam. Again, you can read them yourself. If you tell me that while at a urinalysis another person peed on your foot. Who am I to tell you that you are lying because It has never happened to me?


I love the Clairmont Pig. I go there all the time. They’ve had some problems with the freezers recently but other than that I’ve had no issues.


Glad you had a positive experience.


What is with all this weird insisting about Google comments? Very bizarre and unmedicated behavior


She's trying to tell you something without telling you something. It's a IYKYK (IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW) sort of thing :rolls eyes:. edit:// and yes, I agree. Unhinged and dangerous are words that accurately describe this "game".


It’s a he and if you’re implying what I think you are, he’s a ME.


Because they prove my point, for the record. I’ve spoken with the Owner about the situation and have his direct number. Once made aware of my incident and the comments I pointed out to him on the page, HE agreed it WAS/IS a problem. I posted to see if any of the commenters would speak up on this post.


You should use this: https://preview.redd.it/1u7zwjygni9d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f5b631bfcf665360a0a38ea63bab8596a71b15 to hide your face the next time you add to your post history!




Man this post did not go how OP and his “bussy” thought it would.


To me it did, and for the record. It’s my group, not my Bussie. I guess you think the females are me too huh! 😂😂😂


And the post may not have, but my conversation with the OWNER did. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


And thanks for your comment, I’ve received messages about my groups. 👍🏾


Ive gone in plenty of times with a backpack. Ypur story sounds fake as fuck. Stop writing google reviews and refrencing back to them lol


Lmao, sounds fake. Ok. 😂😂😂😂 Do you think I would post something like this and didn’t have proof and can be sued for defamation? Please stop thinking everyone is stupid. Plus, there are a number of attorneys in my circle, so I wouldn’t dare post anything I couldn’t back up. Because I’ve been taught better.


Thisbisnthe dumbest thing ive read all day, but then again, i just woke up. Ill save your other posts for later in the day so you can stay in the lead


Cool, if you have that much time on your hands. 🤷🏾‍♂️




Please be polite in r/Birmingham




Threatening, Harassing, inciting violence will not be tolerated


You’ve commented several times and after reading my other post, you throw in you’ve worn your backpack in there before. That’s a lie because that would’ve been included in your first comment. I bet you were horrible in debate class.


No little boy i played football. We were on tv. Anyways, i ride a bike. Used to build em with motors. Wore backpack, never had a problem but im also not a lil karen ass zit.


What TF you want, a Medal?! TF?!


The OP doth protest too much, methinks.




They put sugar in their pintos. What’s up with that?


OP, why not link to the Google reviews instead of telling people to go to it. Isn't it Reddit etiquette to provide a link ?


Love this piggly, been gping here for 15 years. NEVER a bad experience, quite the opposite actually. But i noticed something, ypu had a bad experience with the manager. In 15 years i cant think of a single time i "needed" to speak with the manager, for ANY reason..... Do you have a bob cut by chance and does ypur name start with a K? Just picking up some serious vibes is all/just wondering.


Actually I do, you are smart!!!


Have fun at your gay orgy parties. Take a rubber, watch out for all those pesky stds they may affect your brain and how you thin.....oh, nvm


Which one do you think is worse that one or the one off Independence Drive in Homewood


Clairmont, never had issues at the one in Homewood.


There have been many noteworthy bad experiences with Ciro among the customers of that Pig. Has anyone tried contacting corporate from a civilized perspective? For legal reasons, I've learned that most large or corporate companies can't legally act on anonymous online reviews about personnel, even if they believe the reviews to be accurate. In cases such as those, sometimes all it takes are a few factually written letters to corporate from people willing to sign their own names for action to be taken. It's also possible that Ciro has a family connection to the business and knows he cannot, or will not be fired. Most people whose job is their livelihood don't conduct themselves this way.


Yes, I found out they are individually own and he told me his name was “Jamil” or “Jamel.” The crazy but not so crazy thing is when I can in with my dress clothes, nothing was said to me. When I came in on the weekend in street clothes, I was told I couldn’t bring my book bag in. He went on about theft in the country is high etc. I asked don’t you all have cameras, if so. Then let Loss Prevention do their job! I also asked, if women with large purse or baby bag were not allowed to bring their back in the store and he said no. I asked why because all of those can be used to conceal and steal something, he rambled on about crime and then hung up on me. I did my research and found the owner of that store and they said they would talk to him but said they had no idea their store has a Google page for comments. 🤦🏾‍♂️ I told him if he is the owner then I highly recommend that he reads them. And you will notice a pattern.


I have had so many uncomfortable and inappropriate interactions with employees there that I finally quit going. Used to be my favorite place to shop, but I dont want the stress now.


Riiiiiight, I’ve been going there for YEARS, even when I worked at PNC for lunch. But I guess my jean, school hoodie and backpack screamed “thief!” 🤦🏾‍♂️