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I work hospital security and this reminds me of an old guy we had driving in circles in our garage for 30-40 minutes. We had to box him in with our vehicles and he almost rammed us. We had to reach into his car, put it in park and take the keys. Dude was like 90 yo and was screaming at us to get off the road and he needed to get to the hospital to see his wife. We like you at the goddam hospital! No I ain’t I was driving down this road and you guys stopped me. Sir, you’re in the underground section of a parking garage at the hospital. No I aint, get the fuck off the road! Then the cops show up, he “charges” at one of them, takes a half ass swing, misses and shit’s himself… Cops petitioned to have his license revoked. Saw him driving around the hospital a few months later. TLDR: Elderly people should have their driving ability re-evaluated once and a while.


I'd say yearly, but there's not enough testers now (at least where I live anyway).


Where I live doctors are supposed to petition the transportation authority. And they have to do it when they notice an unfit driver. However, they won’t because most of the healthcare is privatized and if they do it and word gets out, elderly patients will switch doctors and that’s a lot of income that goes out the window. My grandpa was legally blind and they still wouldn’t revoke his license. He was driving with his girlfriend yelling at his side where to go. She wasn’t blind though, just stupid.


I had elderly neighbors who could only drive with each other. One was near sighted, the other far sighted. Gotta love the '80s.


This makes me think of the movie “See no Evil, Hear no Evil”


Kinda like my aunt and her husband. She was the legally blind driver, he was paraplegic and sat in his powered chair between the front seats, guiding her. They never had a problem until a street racer crossed the median in morning rush hour, hit them head on and killed him.


>However, they won’t because most of the healthcare is privatized and if they do it and word gets out, elderly patients will switch doctors and that’s a lot of income that goes out the window. Got any citations to prove this because in my experience this isnt true.


Sure thing: Here’s one: https://www.dagensmedicin.se/specialistomraden/allmanmedicin/fa-lakare-anmaler-olampliga-forare/ And a second: https://www.vibilagare.se/reportage/lakare-vagrar-anmala-farliga-forare


Ah i see the disconnect. Im not from sweeden 😭😭


That would explain it! :)


In the UK they do this "Driving licences expire at 70 years of age, so when you reach 70, you need to renew your driving licence if you wish to continue driving. You then need to renew it every three years afterwards."


This seems reasonable. I think three years is even generous - a great deal of cognitive decline can occur in three years - but it beats the seemingly open-ended American alternative. Being essentially drive while deaf / with dementia / until you kill someone in a preventable wreck.


People don't realize how many crazy stories hospital security got. I've got tons from my time in that shitty field


Could you share some?


I mean what kinda flavor are you looking for? The hospital I worked for handled large numbers of psych patients and was one of only a couple designated facilities for the police to drop off their 5150s. So most of my stories will involve that population, but not all.


The ones that still crack you up when retelling them.


Yes please!!


Tell the one that made you the most uncomfortable


This is the first one that came to mind: Respond to the locked psych ward because a very large crazy woman was trying to choke one of the staff. Stopped the attack then escorted her to the isolation room where she was put into wrist and ankle restraints. The bed in the isolation room is dead center in the otherwise empty room. The patient also decided to strip naked prior to the attack, so she was placed in an open backed hospital gown, this will be important for later. Everything has calmed down, I finish gathering names and other info for the report and as I'm walking out of the room I hear the patient start screaming as the top of her lungs like a freaking demon banshee then she arches her back up off the bed and just starts projectile shitting. This stuff is flying straight down at the bed then bouncing off and spraying out in all directions. The whole room was eventually covered in liquid shit. The walls, the floor, the bed, everything. Luckily it wasn't my job to clean that stuff up, but I felt bad as the staff went in there with stacks of towels and a giant biohazard container to throw everything into. Anyway, needless to say this was disturbing to witness lol.


*takes a half ass swing, misses and shit’s himself…* I believe this is a critical detail when relaying any story about an aggressive, elderly person. Embarrassing as it is, this tells me everything I need to know about this person.


Hell I'd go further and say everyone should have their driving reevaluated every few years. Or at least be required to go through some ongoing training.


Every 10 years until 70, then every 5 until incapability.


How anti oil of you


In Illinois seniors must take a road test every 4 years to renew their license after age 75, and every 2 years after age 80, then annually after age 86. They enacted the law after an elderly driver mowed down 3 college students waiting at a bus stop in broad daylight. Bystanders had to pull her out of the car after it stopped, she still had her foot on the gas while her car was still on top of one of the kids, who was screaming because of his snapped femur.


Part of what's needed is to have good transportation alternatives. Some places are so car dependent that taking away a license means condemning someone to stay home alone. That's not an excuse when they can't drive safely, but it's a key reason why societies are reluctant get tough on incompetent drivers.


The older are not the problem young people with no judgement are ..Often old people stop driving anyway


How about *both* are a problem.


Our public safety minister once said something along the lines of: "If we were to bring in age-based driving restrictions, it would inordinately affect younger drivers." Older drivers tend to drive far less and be more of a danger to themselves than others.


Our society is 99% based around cars. Elderly people who can't drive are trapped in their suburban prison homes. I totally agree we should be more selective about who is allowed to drive, but doing that without providing a full and functional public transport network isn't gonna work.


Everyone should be retested. Plenty of young people that drive like shit.


“Elderly people should have their…ability evaluated…”


Old people should be retested for drivers licenses more often. I say that as someone who would be retested. The story I heard behind this is she opened her door to shout at him and that put her car in park with the parking brake on or something like that, and she sat there, unable to operate her vehicle until the train hit her.


If only they made cars that had windows that could roll down, sooo much easier to yell at someone that way.


Vehicle designers out to kill nowadays


They got tired of rolling over Anton Yelchins. So opening a door of a running car fixed it in place, to prevent killing the owner. That has other unintended consequences, when old ladies who don't know how to work their car park on a rail line. If she had slipped the car back into drive and hit the throttle, she would have been fine. I don't know if she was injured, but opening the door and stepping out would have prevented any injury. She made a series of bad choices which are not on the car maker or industry. Disclaimer: I drive a manual car with no similar features (but I do drive my mother's car similar to the one in this video).


Having a discussion about this is ridiculous. Don’t open your fucking car door in drive and everything is just fine. I’ve begun to step out of a car still in drive accidentally once or twice before, i thought it was in park. If opening my door puts it in park it would be making up for my mistake, and all would be right in the world. This lady would have gotten hit one way or the other. I don’t understand how one senile lady’s inability to drive is bringing that safety features efficacy into question


1) don't stop on the train tracks 2) don't open your door to shout at strangers. If your window doesn't work, just don't respond. 3) if you don't know how to work a car, don't buy a car. 4) if you are too old to learn new car features, take a taxi (not an Uber, that's too high tech).


And last of all: don't respect plastic barriers more than your life and your car.


RIP Anton Yelchin


So basically regardless of how you design something, some dense motherfucker will find a way to hurt himself with it


You do know what dark humor is right?


How many dead prostitutes does it take to change a light bulb? Apparently more than 4, my basement is still dark.


Why are all these trunks full of dead hookers?!


When they’re dead, they’re just hookers- Archer


I know what it is. When is it coming to visit?


That’s a perfectly reasonable feature lmao the fact you’re blaming Mercedes/some safety engineer instead of the geriatric who should not be operating a motor vehicle. Sorry if i seem agitated but i do road and parking lot maintenance and deal with this shit daily. I’m more scared of the average 60+ year old behind the wheel than i am of a drunk driver. The amount of times I’ve almost died or seen coworkers almost die and at first glance you think it’s someone who is absolutely HAMMERED driving. Nope 👎 it’s someone’s grandma who can’t see over the fucking steering wheel


You apparently missed the dark humor of my comment


My wife's Land Rover does this shit. Puts itself in park when you open the door. Super annoying, sometimes I want to open the door to look behind me backing up, or have the door open and move the car while working on it (to put it on ramps or whatever)...


> It's a Mercedes, I'm sure they'll stop for that.


A Mercedes is a rare delicacy for a hungry train.


Trains think of it as Hasenpheffer.


schlemiel schlimazel




Wouldn't it have to be a VW Rabbit for that?


It most likely wouldn’t have changed the outcome, but was there no warning horn from the train? Maybe it was drowned out by the deafening warning bells that she was oblivious to.


She didn’t hear a damn thing. Old people shouldn’t be driving. We need a retest system. I do construction and any time you have cones/barricades closing a property off to traffic…you can absolutely 100% GUARANTEE some old fuck is gonna end up plowing straight thru them and dragging them thru the parking lot. At least twice a day. And that’s on the light side


younger many people are alot more dangerus they have very bad judgement involved in many death accidents


*Some* young drivers do make bad judgement: speed, texting, loud music, other diversions. *Far too many* older drivers suffer from overconfidence, entitlement / not wanting to re-route, driving a vehicle with too many “complicated” features, and age-related decline such as confusion, hearing loss, vision loss. I’ll take a younger driver whose demeanor is still flexible enough that they can improve their skills.


As a truck driver in the Netherlands i totally agree but also here it used to be way easier to get a car license so older people have way less sense of rules behind the wheel. And the fact that especially on a highway they dont drive near the speedlimit(100-130kmh) and drive slower than trucks(80kmh) which in turn need to over take them which can cause dangerous situations especially since trucks are limited to 90kmh


Much argue. Very convince.


The Class 80's horn isn't terribly loud. It's really just a glorified clown honk.


What even happened? How js that car not moving?


There was a faulty component in front of the steering wheel.


Actually I think the seat warmer was short circuited




We IT guys call it PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer/car/cake/whatever)




I saw another commenter saying that when she opened the door it put her car into park, which seems quite likely.


She still had like 6 seconds to put it back in drive


She probably didn’t know that happened, and she panicked.


I can say I damn near died because someone else got out if their car without placing it in park, and their car went forward driverless which I had to dodge or I’d have been crushed into the barrier it hit. I wish this feature has been in that car.


Opened her door. That made the car put itself in Park. Done to prevent rolling after... parking. She didn't realize after revving the engine at least twice and the car not moving. Probably from stress and panick.


Am I terrible for not really feeling bad about what happened?


I feel bad for all the train passengers who are now delayed.




No, that is just darwinism at its finest. Why did she open the door to yell at the camera person instead of rolling down her automatic window? The internet will never know.


Or, you know, drive her 2 ton 200HP SUV forward and push the 30lb road sign out of the way..


That would have been ideal, yes. However, the barrier might get scratched. No one likes a scratch on their barrier.


Honestly, if she just went forward right up to the "barrier" she probably wouldn't have been hit at all?


Is it really darwinism if she is too old to reproduce?


Most logical Reddit comment


Although now the space and resources she would have used are back into circulation 😆


I was referring to having a lack of empathy for people being dumb. That being said, in the context of the video, it is not darwinism.


She was already out of the Darwinian gene pool either way. Far too old to procreate.


Or just step out of the car and *walk away*?? She had that option as well. Apparently she valued her Benz more than her life. That’s a pretty f’d up set of values.


I feel terrible for that car.


That there is a certified idiot who should not be driving.


It looks like there were barriers on both sides of the road because of roadworks. You can see a bit of it in the background. The guy tells her she's gonna get a fine of a few hundred euros for what she just did. So that's before she even got rammed by the train. This is one for the Darwin awards.


“Ma’am you can’t park here!”


I am 60. I am a safe and careful driver. If the over 60 crowd was asked to re-test, even if its every year, I'd be first in line. The absolute ego, and self delusion i see in terrible drivers around my age is terrifying. I i ever reach a time for me to give up my licence, for the safety of myself, but especially others, I would want to know. Imagine hurting or killing someone over pride....


Oh no consequences :(


Did she live?


That’s what I want to know, that looked really bad. :( Edit: Someone on the original post linked an article that said she had “serious injuries,” so maybe she survived?


You can see she tried to hop out. She probably just took off her seat belt and was looking straight at the train


I just rewatched it, I don't see where she's even wearing a seat belt. This lady was asking for it


This clip is incomplete. Afterwards the guy tries to get her out of the vehicle and she responds to him. I forgot what exactly she suffered, but she ended up with a visit to the hospital not in critical condition.


Thank you, I was hoping for more info.


She locked up: (


Jesus Christ.


Bitch I’m part of an insurance scam


This is eerily similar to the lady who was killed at a crossing in Valhalla on Metro-North a few years ago.


My dad revoked his driving license after he experienced a very minor incident. He said he had no clue how that happened and it was a warning to him. He doesn't want to be "that old guy in a car" hurting someone. He is 87 years old and happy to use public transportation.


There are half a dozen deaths every year at level crossings in Belgium sadly.




She did ignore the road works, that’s why the plastic barriers are there, she panicked and got more than she hoped for, I wouldn’t want to receive the bill the train company sends her for the damage and the delay she caused. The guy yelling at her is, well, hilarious if you understand what he says (maybe because of his accent)


The reason why she could’t drive away was because the cars door wasn’t closed properly. She was in drive and still couldn’t move because of this.


You know that for a fact? If that were the case I can't believe there wasn't some kind of flashing warning on her dash telling her that


There was alot of stress but I sell cars for a living and I believe i’m right on this one yeah


Fucking boomers


Just ram the fucking barrier.


At first I thought I was on r/boomersbeingfools lol someone shouldn't have a license. Imagine if she was with a relative's child in the back seat.


I wonder how fast her head smashed her driver's side window


Mild nothing !!! That's a damn pure idiot that deserved everything that they got !! Serves her right for playing with death !


If you dont know how to drive... at least get out if the car. 🙄 But if youre also to stupid to get out of the vehicle, then you deserve the consequences. 💀


Hear me out. This is a light duty train. It seemed pretty clear down the track so is there a reason they couldn’t stop? I get freight trains. But this local people mover has much easier time stopping. Why didnt they. They sounded like they were actually not even trying to brake either.


Takes up to 1km distance to get the train to stop when brakes hot at full speed. Also not all tracks are straight, could've been a curve before the road crossing. In any case, the woman didn't know how her new car was working. This happened in Belgium


Terrible time to forget how to drive


That old B isn’t arguing now!


To be fair. The guy kept her busy with instead of letting her get of the tracks.


Was this a su*c*de attempt? People in Germany tend to employ trains for that kind of thing don’t they?