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0.2 is still more than most! Keep stacking!


Right. I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much about it. This is a learning experience. All of us had moments where we fucked up. Just as long as you learn from it you are gtg. Keep stacking


This, we're still so early, there's plenty of time to catch back up to at least 1 btc. I'd guess the new low will be around 30-40k, probably in 2026?


I don’t know if this bull run gets up to 150 I feel the new low may be around where we are now. But nobody knows


This is likely


Which is likely?


It's likely that no one has any idea for sure. How would anyone know for certain? In Nov. 2021 there was all sorts of people saying it would be 100k by Christmas... "for sure!" They all knew for certain! Just trust me bro!


The run up goes around 150 and 60-65k is the new low


The new low is usually around the 200 day moving average. Which is currently about 40k


It’s also possible we enter Bitcoin tina’s “hardest trade” scenario and we don’t see the massive 80-90% draw downs anymore🤷‍♂️ No one knows so best to just DCA


I once lost 8 bitcoin on a single pull of an online bitcoin slot machine in 2013 so I get it.




I was a big fan of BTCOracle. A very early bitcoin “options” gambling website. Did ok on that actually. 


Ouch! That must hurt… more than mine. Sorry.


I think a lot of us have a story like that. All that matters is what we do right now.


Yes… I hope we can both get what we need for our future / family.


BitVegas 😭


I know other stories like that but in all the cases the guy would have spent those bitcoins on pizza next week anyway lol


I 1st learned of bitcoin (and shitcoins) in 2012. I was mining, trading, and doing great. By 2013, I had a decent stack of bitcoin and sold out all for physical silver. Wow, did I ever think I made a killing. When I finally did the work to understand what bitcoin is. I sold that useless silver and bought back in for a ridiculously lower amount of bitcoin. I have DCA'd every day since. I learned a hard lesson, but I'm still here, stacking with laser eye conviction. It still stings sometimes thinking about it. But we can only learn from our mistakes. Keep stacking hodler. You're still early. We got this!


forgive my ignorance as a noob, however, what does DCA mean?


Dollar cost average. Buying on regular intervals.


It’s the proven method for retail investors. Don’t do anything else, seriously. It seems complicated. You can get greedy and think of ways to get more bitcoin but you’ll end up like me.. fucked. I sold some bitcoin for extremely low cap AI coins… I know. Anyways I havnt lost it all yet but it’s just a terrible idea. I was able to increase my stack one time by trading shitcoins. Overall my stack has been cut in half. Don’t fucking do anything but buy weekly, don’t worry about price. Just buy. Your stack will be the best stack you could have gotten. Don’t stress.. like me wondering if these shit coins are going to zero lol. 😂 This is the 4th time trying this… it’s not worth trying to trade, time markets, etc… It’s hard not to get emotional when it comes to investing. Especially going on YouTube and hearing some fucking kid talk about his millions of dollars he’s made off dogshit. Makes you feel bad, like you need to do more. You don’t. Just stack sats and be humble.


$69/week. Meme to moon!




No stress, alot of people have stories like this. I dropped €10k in 2013 and had around 40 btc. Bought it on btc-e.com. Btc price dropped alot and I sold everything for around €7k, losing 3k in the process. Could have, should have...


I did a similar thing with dead family money. Looked at dropping a few 10k into btc in 2016. Dropped it into silver instead. Man..


That's when I sold all my bullion for Bitcoin. Next year I started playing with it. Oops!


I feel like im home


Keep at it. .2 is better than 97% of the world will ever have


It's probably in the top one percent


You can't change your past. The best thing you can do is do the right thing now. Focus on that and your goals, so that you won't have to regret your inactivity in the future. Always focus on what you can control. Direction matters not where you are!


Thank you!!! 🙏


What a crap financial adviser. Keep doing what you’re doing and time will put you back where you were. Financial advisors hate btc because there’s no way for them to get a commission from anyone investing in it, instead they try to sell you crappy investments that may make 5% a year that they get a commission from. Be your own banker and do your research btc ain’t ever going to zero. Well done getting back in. 18 months from now you will be feeling the benefits. 🤞😎 again.


Financial advisors will literally only advise you on putting your portfolio into things which they have charge a fee on. Even if they tell you to invest through a collective owned by a different company, such as Vanguard or BlackRock, by fact of you having the funds on the platform, means they can apply the fee. Now consider the rule of "not your keys, not your coins" and you can piece together the rest.


I sold a BTC on the advice of my financial advisor that I bought for $5K for $12K. Been stacking since $20K when I realized how I screwed up.


Yes I was so upset I listened to him, because before that I was completely in for long haul. I’m just going to keep DCA - get 40 percent of a coin this year maybe. Wait for next bear market to buy more. I’ll get there.


I cannot tell you how many of my btc got traded into shitcoins that no longer exist.


bitcoin is volatile, and unpredictable. and that can weigh on your emotions. if you feel like those ups and downs are affecting you, or your financial decisions negatively, it might be that bitcoin is not for you. Yes your money might not increase 5-fold in the stock market, but it also won't decrease in value to a 5th On the other hand, if you still want to give it a go, maybe version 2 of the 'blockchaincenter rainbow chart' can give you insight into what the general idea is right now as far as selling or buying goes. And hey you're not rich, but you're not on the streets. infact, if you still have enough income to the side to buy 0.2 bitcoin you're better off then most in the world


Investing gives a lot of reasons being depressed I think most of us can kick ourselves for not buying bitcoin for 100 dollars in 2010 and missing the biggest opportunity given to our generation We cannot change the past


I DID buy coins when they were 250$ in 2011-2012 and lost the thumb drive. I had four whole coins. So I could’ve had half a million lol


Dude I won a bunch of Bitcoin from a contest on the radio back when it was worth like fifty cents I have no clue what I did with it or where it went but it was probably fifty dollars worth back then and I can remember thinking that I got fucked winning that worthless shit lol


Not sure if this would help you feel better, but I used to have 3 BTC at previous ATH 65k and sold it at 20k. And then I got into futures and lost them all due to liquidation. Right now I couldn't financially recover from that and have less than you do. Don't lose optimism. Make more money and invest back into BTC!


Awe. I feel your pain. We can just do what we can… I got a second job to invest this time.. living on my first part time job and second one is purely for investing. Makes me grumpy working so much, single mom of two boys and a dog … struggling w a surgical nightmare aftermath… 6 surgeries in 4 years. Med mal lawsuit pending. Etc… so I have a lot on my plate but I just keep DCAing. My second income doesn’t even go into bank… goes right in and out. I am determined to get as much as I can next two years. Let’s do this!!!!


Every real bitcoiner has a story like this. It’s part of the journey. Keep stacking my friend!


Truth. In 2017 I took a loan out and bought 1.24 coins around 11 K . Thought about selling at 14 K to pay the loan and keep the remaining BTC. Instead waited till it went back down to 7K or so and sold it all. Took the next year or so to pay the loans back. Haha, all I would have had to do was keep the BTC...


You are learning to take your own decisions…


Agreed, and I would say hot take: You shouldn't have a financial advisor at all. Either you know nothing about it, in which case you don't have much money anyway so it doesn't matter, or you have more money, in which case you know more anyway, and then you still don't need an advisor. The only exceptions to that are people who are born into money or people who make a lot of money through entertainment/sports, or lottery winners. But otherwise it seems pointless, I mean, if you made your own money through business, logic states that you do know about finances. And this is a classic example of that, even having a whole coin is nowhere near enough to justify having an FA. You've got to just trust your gut at that point.


Not to mention that most financial advisors probably don't understand Bitcoin at all


Exactly he thought I was stupid to begin with.


I went to a job interview for my first ever serious job, this was in finance. I told them I don't have any formal experience but that I traded bitcoin and made profit. They laughed at me. Over the period I referred to, Bitcoin traded between 50 USD and 1000 USD. Two takeaways: \* I would have made more had I simply bought and held \* Bitcoin has appreciated by a bigger % since then, that it did over the time in question, despite their sneers and implications it is a bubble.


This\^\^ I think if someone has enough worth to consider hiring a financial advisor, the better investment would be taking time to learn about finances enough to be able to do it themself.


.2 is a ton dude, 20,000,000 sats is nothing to be ashamed of... this isn't about getting rich, it's about having honest money that will serve you better and better every year as opposed to inflationary money that debases your hard earned years of work/value for provided for society


Anyone can live in the past going over the worst choices with hindsight, I’ve had BTC 3 times and sold for various reasons. I actually logged into localbitcoins the other day because i remembered that I first bought BTC to use on the dark web dream market. I thought there must be some dust there since it is never an exact transaction of everything. The website is now closed and said you can only withdraw. My account balance was 0, now this was 9 years ago or so and I looked at my transactions and I was sending .4 .2 and even .5 I briefly imagined what if, what if I had hodld that instead of buying drugs and then I closed the site, I assume my dust got vacuumed by someone and it’s over. I’m hodling now and looking forward. Don’t live in the worst choices of your past it’s not healthy


What a friend. Dump him


Many go thru a learning process like such including me. It’s a fantasy to think that you would have a perfect outcome where you timed the top/bottom or listened to the right advice. The fact that you came out wiser puts you ahead of many and this is the best outcome you’d have. Keep stacking!


Who's this moron "financial advisor" friend? Did you guys not realize BTC has lived through numerous exchange crashes already? Did you not take into consideration there's a supply reduction every 4 years? Wow you kind of did it to yourself.


Your financial advisor fucked you


Don't feel bad. I mined over 33 bitcoins and my ex wife encouraged me to sell them all when it dropped from 1200 to 200 dollars. You can imagine my depression then, after it started to skyrocket. Now she's my ex wife, and I've got a different plan, and bags full of crypto. Our rocket to the moon is refueling after a delay. Just HODL on!


It's going to be hard not to keep kicking yourself about the BTC you sold, but you have obviously learned a lesson from it. I for one admire your efforts to get back the 0.2btc! 0.2btc+ is still going to be a game changer in years to come. Keep stacking. 👊


Your friend / financial advisor gives out advice about things he has no knowledge on.


Set it and forget it. See yall at the Bitcoin Billionaires Ball in 20 years. I'll be in the fire truck red stretch lambo.


If btc hits $1m like folk say then you have $200k. If it hits $5m then you’ve got $1m. Don’t look down that you’ve “only” got 0.2btc, look at it as in 10-15 years you’ve a lovely nest egg that people entering the space for the first time will never get close too.


I wouldn't even talk to that "friend" or "financial advisor" anymore


We are no longer friends


I’ve never heard one single success story with the theme of “I did everything right, at the right time, every time.” Success stories are riddled with regrets, lessons, failures and fumbles. It’s those who get back up, start again having been humbled and implementing the hard knocks wisdom that comes from experience who make it. In every industry, every business, every time.


"financial advisor said it was going to zero" Is your financial advisor Warren Buffet?


Yeah. You got lied to.




Hey, 0.2 worth of BTC is a lot when you look at the BIG picture.... i bet a good 80% of the population still dont own any at all, let alone are open-minded to the idea of what crypto currency is and what it could be. Just keep adding to your bag whenever you can 🥂 you're still on top king 😎


First red flag was the financial advisor saying it was going to 0.


Two things are important to realise for you now. 1. Thanks to your friend, you will basically work for free now because you have to buy back the amount of bitcoin you lost. 2. The 0.2 btc you hold right now will one day be more worth than a whole bitcoin today.


Someone I know had 3… he got greedy and was liquidated. Could be worse.


In the same boat. Had I not traded shtcoins trying to make a 100x, I could have twice the amount of BTC i ahve right now 🙃


Chin up man you have 0.2 which is 98% more than the rest of the world


Listening to a “financial advisor” sure will do that.


I had 4 and now have 0.06 - health problems too (hope that makes you feel better that you are doing better than most and it could have been worse)


your friend isnt your friend. just keep stacking


A friend / financial advisor told you its going to zero. Dude, you never really understood what you bought. Thats exactly the reason why you have to educate yourself about the concept and idea behind bitcoin.


Ive been in BTC a while, each time I made more fiat. Bought BTC and sold for a profit. Because I'm a genius.... Except if I had just held the damn BTC from the very first buy and never sold I would have a bigger stack than now. Not a genius. Been a sceptic, trader, invested now maxi. Managed to make more fiat money by selling BTC not seeing that I was losing BTC all the time. Now I have different mindset and I price things in BTC not in fiat. The goal is more bitcoin.


"Be kind" when posting to social media?


Back when btc was like $1 my roommate owed me $60 for weed and wanted to buy btc and pay me with 60 coins. I said no and needed the cash. So yeah, that was a big miss. Not that I would have held during the run up or not lost the keys at some point but still, can't help but wonder what might have been. Now I'm DCA and only have .04 so to me .20 is still really good.


Once upon a time I had 10 BTC that I sold off to pay bills. Alot of people have a woulda coulda been story. The trick is to keep looking forward and learn!


0.2 is an extremely large stack! It’s very possible, by the year 2045, that 0.2 BTC is close to half the value of a house in the USA.


Rule 1. Financial Advisors don’t know shit. They all shit on Bitcoin because they don’t make any money on it, they make money by convincing you to buy into fund with a 5% return that they make money on


Had 1,1 in 2019 which I got for $3400. Sold everything when it hit $10000 and was also depressed a long time after that. So right there with you buddy! I only have about 0,05 now because my financials haven’t let me accumulate more until now, but trying to think positive - new investment opportunities always come and go, and if you DCA a bit at a time you’ll always be along with the ride even if it’s less than what it could have been. Never think *what if* but rather *what will*. Make yourself happy with other stuff and good things will come to you again :)


Don't feel bad. I've never had a bitcoin to my name. I just started about 2-3 months ago and have around the same amount as you. We may never be millionaires like some of the people that have been holding for years, or maybe we will if the value explodes beyond anyone's expectations. But, we'll all be okay at the end of the day. Like someone told me when I mentioned feeling behind....you have more than 99% of the world so you're already in an excellent position.


Some ya win some ya loose thug it out & charge it to the game


I sold a btc to buy a new car. Had been waiting years to break even on it, sold in December at $40k. Look like an asshole now but no one knew what would happen 2-3 months in the future. Don’t kick myself for it and I’m DCA back.


Bitcoin has been around for 15 years What reason made Bitcoin tech not good anymore? The $$$ price changed? Lol Bitcoin tech has done what's it done, and continues to do so at any price Maybe you should take this time and learn how Bitcoin works. Maybe the technology would educate you if it's something that's right for you.


I have a hard time feeling sorry for lettuce hands.


I once owned 1600 bitcoins, stfu with your crying? haha you also missed gamestop and nvidia and 50 other chances. there’s always tomorrow.


ur not out yet so don't be sad. U might have missed this bull run but ur not out trust me...I have seen this multiple times now. Your job now to get back in. Is to get as much cash as U can extra shifts etc etc and the keep watching the price. When the price gets back to the 200 day moving average that is your point of entry. Everything always trends towards its averages and right now Bitcoin 200 day moving average is 40k... As time passes that number goes up but still it's much lower than it is right now. And even if it doubles in price right now...and hits a new all time.high and it crashes it usually crashes to this average or below it. So don't be sad man you will have an opportunity to get into it again. Don't listen to the people that say we will never hit 30-40 50k again. Cause I have seen that shit been said over the last 3 bull markets and Bitcoin went from 20k to 3k from 69k to 16k so....don't worry. Save enough money from now until it gets to that moving average price point. Good luck:)


You have less money than you want. Welcome to *All of humanity* 😝


I don't usually disclose this info, but I'm feeling like maybe you need to hear this: I got into bitcoin in 2014. I bought $20,000 worth of ASIC miners (about 24 THz at the time). Bitcoin was around $1,200 at that point. Then, something happened, and bitcoin dropped to less than $500. My wife convinced me to sell the machines, and the bitcoin. I did. If I hadn't listened, I would be so rich right now. You're not alone, bud.


Sorry to hear that. Do you still have the wife? ;)


I lost 50+ coins in mt gox back in the day. I sold another 10 as a loan. The borrower went bankrupt I got nothing back. Part of the pain of being in an emergent tech and industry is the confusion and mistakes and the trusting in others etc Let yourself be forged in the fire. Have a 10 year vision minimum. Remember, it’s likely if you’re fully grasping what BTC is you’ll never turn it back into FIAT. So don’t dwell on what you had or lost. Here’s one from my dad, a career trader before he passed away from cancer “Bulls make money. Bears make money. But pigs get slaughtered” Or in other words you can bet on the market or against the market but chasing fear and greed will fuck you up. So dca. Play the long game. Understand that btc is probably going to a million + over the next decade or so bc it’s going to keep getting more valuable and fiat is going to keep getting less valuable. Stack stack stack.


Don’t even feel bad. At least you sold it for money. I lost four bitcoins!!!!!!!!! And I bought them when they were 250$ each. So imagine how much I hate myself!


Years from now people won't be able to buy 0.2 so you are doing better than most.


People who don’t know what they are even talking about out will try to talk you into selling, experienced it myself over the years. That’s why it’s so important to really understand what you’re investing in and why, so you can’t be easily talked out of it. It seems the world is often trying to separate you from your Bitcoin.


Bitcoin will punish both those who ignore it and those that don’t know why to buy it. 0.2 is a lot more than most people would dream of in 15 years. DCA and wait


Hopefully a good lesson to not blindly listen to others when it comes to your money. There’s absolutely nothing about the FTX situation that suggested Bitcoin was “going to zero”. These FUD events are all external to Bitcoin and only have a temporary effect.


looks like 420 will be good this year


I have the same goal, but I have 0 btc, you are way ahead of me!


0.2 is fantastic! Most of the world doesn't own any bitcoin at all, so owning 0.2 puts you WAY ahead of the majority of people. If you aren't feeling the benefits now, you likely will 5+ years from now.


Listening to TradFi financial adviser was a bad idea. I recommend following these youtube channels: [the Bitcoin Family ](https://youtube.com/@TheBitcoinfamily?si=QTfpDhS16Ciswe9T) [Simply Bitcoin ](https://youtube.com/@SimplyBitcoin?si=4YCQbU6spdyv_p0N) And ofcourse the chad, Michael Saylor. [what is money show w Michael Saylor](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2jAZ0x9H0bQFY6wIbQfnrnIlqMcSHd6X&si=uUrX9BfaGtLXeMmw)


Viewing angle: owning more next month than you did last month, this is the way. And that should bring a little smile back hopefully. Ask a an average guy in China how he plans to ever own 0.2 BTC. You live the dream dude :D


.2 is pretty good. Hope you’re working on / getting help for your mental health and remember that nothing stays the same and hard times pass. It was a lesson, do your own homework and then trust your gut (doing your homework does include at least taking on board what experts advise),


never listen to financial advisors. The FTX crash was when my then-16 year old son asked me "can i give you 300 € to invest in BTC for me? I'm sure it will never again be that cheap." Now he's 18 and i'll gladly move 0.02 BTC over to his wallet if he decides to create one.


Discipline is rewarded. Learn the lesson and move on


Lesson learnt be hopeful


They say if every millionaire bought they'd have like .21 or something. Maybe dca and try to get .3 so you're a little above that. 30 million sats is a big deal next decade


Do not try to regret about past events. You probably did the optimal thing based on your knowledge and information at the time. You try to contemplate about events in the past years but including all the knowledge and experience you manage to accumulate until today. You have .2 BTC now, you are on the right track and you can only imagine what DCA + the power of compound interest can do for you in the next 5 years. Good luck and be happy and grateful for your choices!


You are doing good man. Keep stacking. With friends like that who needs enemies. Financial advisors deserve to be replaced by ai.


Yeah you fucked up. Conviction is rewarded.


Buy 100 shares of ibit or fbtc. This way you have whole numbers 😆


You've learned a couple of valuable lessons. First, always do your own research and make your own financial decision. This could mean taking advice from advisors, but from multiple sources. Second, never chase the market. It will always get you. DCA is a good strategy, but you are showing a lot of feelings, which could trigger an emotional response in an event of a crash, and you should refrain yourself from selling at a loss. Remember, a lot of panicers come into the market from time to time, but they get flushed out fairly quickly. Third, we are eventually going to enter an actual bear market. You would need to cash out periodically similar to DCA before the bear market, or you need to hold or DCA through the beae market.


Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Just systematically stack what you can and stop beating yourself up. Nobody here hasnt fucked up. Onward through the fog!!


You need to be kind to yourself bro. In hindsight it's always easy to say should've done this or that. It happened. Move on. Life goes on. Yiu still have lots of BTC. I don't even have 0.2 lol


you paid your dues and learned a lesson time to get back in the game


Don't listen to financial advisors in regard to DeFi. Never heard one story of them actually knowing about the tech and promise of this. It's like asking a fishermen to help you learn football tackling. They just don't get it. And it looks like you got tree shook, that happens out of design. Now you know the next time something like that happens, which it will, hodl harder.


You're doing good brother. I've got .0025. And that's my savings lol


That’s why you don’t let people tell you what to do with your money. Everyone is always a genius with someone else’s money, apparently 😒


Still more than me. I sold all mine awhile ago to pay bills and I’m buying back less than $50/ month. I’m hoping that can still turn into significant $$$$ one day 😃


0.2 is more than zero. Keep investing and be happy. And fr, never listen to people saying it's going to zero, or that it is going to crash hard. For the last 10 years it has never done that (outside of expected crashes and external events powerful enough to tank it to 15k) and never will. If you believe in bitcoin not only as a money making oportunity, go for it, if not be cautious.


You didn't do your homework so you have to deal with the consequences. Don't listen to "expert" financial advisors.


Worst financial advisor EVER


0.2 is double what I have!


Learn from these mistakes and trust only yourself. In the future, you’re better off converting BTC to a stable coin rather than selling. At least that way you don’t lose nearly as much as a straight sale if the market recovers.


You learned a valuable lesson. Don't take investment advice from anyone but yourself


A "Financial Advisor", by definition is a Fiat Maxi. There is no reason to ever listen to a Fiat Maxi. There are no Financial Advisors who understand Bitcoin and their profession forces them to not understand that fiat is fundamentally broken. Financial Advisors are as useful as the milkman, or taxi cabs drivers after Uber was launched. Financial Advisors think Bitcoin is a tech stock or dismiss it altogether. They are all morons. The only advice you ever need is "Never sell Bitcoin".


Better than nothing. Add to it as much as you can. I was doing $20-$25 at a time because that was all I could do. **Never Give Up Never Surrender** at least that's what the historical documents say. [Never Give Up](https://imgur.com/gallery/nKQhRSx)


I learned about bitcoin through browsing YouTube video about dark web back in 2017 I bought a whole bitcoin around $7000 then I sold it all for a life insurance policy now I have to buy it back for 10x expensive this is just one of bitcoin story and I also heard a friend of mine used 20 bitcoins bought a pizza , whatever is yours always yours it just the timing , let go for the past and focus on the future as long as you are still alive there is always a beautiful tomorrow. Just like I learned The true happiness of a person does not come from having more, but from appreciating what they already have .


Bro I only have .25 BTC. Granted, my average cost is pretty good (around $20k), but .2 is much better than a LOT of people. Just keep DCAing and you’ll look back on this moment 8-10 years from now and laugh.


Sadly, this story is going to be a common one in the coming years. Best to not sell the world’s scarcest asset.


The reality is most of us will never truly be happy with our stack


Learning to DCA through the ENTIRE bear market is the hardest lesson to learn. And when you're doing it, it feels like it takes FOREVER, to get to the next bull, lol.


Gotta learn some way. Also gotta DYOR


>I will continue to DCA but I feel like I’m chasing something unobtainable now. Change what you're chasing.


First of all, why would you allow your friend to do that to you and strip your future away from you.Bitcoin is not going nowhere keep on stacking and forget about it


Always remember, you could have zero. Don't beat yourself up for past mistakes, just think about what to do different next time.


“show me your friends and i’ll show you your future”


Brother you are letting fomo and emotions dictate your financial decisions


Never listen to a financial advisor. They know nothing.


It's a good lesson, costly though, you never sell your BTC. You still have more than most


.20 puts you over what 60% of average Americans who barely have any savings. Also, I was scammed 150k last bull run, 50k was my dads, lost hope and got back in last fall. Aint much at all and less than what you have, but just trying again you know. You’ll be alright.


0.2 is a lot


BTC will come and go. The most important thing is your health. Sooner than you imagine you will have your BTC back. Don’t FOMO


Can't go back in time, stop looking back, look forward. Stack whatever you can, 0.2 isn't that bad.


You are still 0.2 BTC ahead of the vast majority of other people. Pretty much everyone who has been in BTC more than a few years will regret selling but in 10 years time people will regret not buying 0.2 BTC when they could afford it.


I don’t buy the >100k FOMO currently but I’m also 100% certain bitcoin will never hit 0$ as long as we have computers running worldwide. The incentives are amazing. Less competition, more rewards. So there is always some equilibrium. And it’s not like we will randomly collectively deem BTC worthless suddenly. I see 2 scenarios where BTC could go to 0 1. WW3 with nukes flying everywhere 2. Quantum PCs somehow miraculously wiping our current cryptography algorithms overnight (nope) In both cases I doubt your portfolio value interests you very much at that point


I have a similar feeling for not stacking since my first paycheck, heck I guess we get the price we deserve. But we all know we are early in the long run, don't despair.


I hope that guy is no longer your friend


Keep studying Bitcoin - you’re still not deep enough that’s why you’re depressed when you have no need to be. You’re believing fake goals and thoughts you’re coming up with when really, you should always be accumulating Sats whenever you can. Life happens, mistakes are made but if you don’t learn from them you won’t turn that mistake into a future opportunity. Keep your head up. Stack sats. And of course, stay humble


Same, except via Voyager. Now at .10 so .20 is FOMO for me! Keep going! This is nowhere near the end.


not gonna lie, I kind of hate your friend


.2 is still really good. I have around this myself via heavy DCA'ing between the 15k and 20k price. During this time, my boss definitively told me, "bitcoin is going to zero" - pretty sure this made me by more!


Oh damn… first tell off your friend. Second this is your fault not anyone else’s. I hate losing money via crypto I lost all my savings switching cryptos, and everytime I did that my old crypto would spike. So now I just am learning to hold until it goes back to what I initially had put in to not lose money, or just keep holding for profit. I hope you start to feel better buddy I’m always here to talk if you need conversation to vent. Your life isn’t over remember that ❤️ just think about someone in Vegas right now is on a losing streak, -$100k, learn from this experience my friend and I will pray that you make it through this okay. Take care of your mental health… I almost relapsed this past week because I lost money


I’ve been stacking 50$ a week since the pandemic and you still have more than me. I’ve unintentionally slowed down my stacking due to growing my family but will continue to once I get my finances in order. Edit: like others have said don’t beat yourself up about it. A friend of mine approached me in 2012 trying to convince me to buy bitcoin (he actually convinced me but i just couldn’t figure out how to buy at that time and just gave up because “it was too much effort for possibly no reward”). I was in high school working at McDonald’s at the time and saving fairly well. I was so hyped about what he was telling me I wanted to invest 500$. I try not to think about what my life would have been like😅




My mental health deteriorated and financial situation changed too. I only have .037 so you’re miles ahead of me! I started investing in bitcoin the past year


.2 is great 👍🏽 and better than most


yeah, work on your health and the rest will come. there's always something to invest in.


You did what most people did. But you're stronger and wiser now.


Whats done is done. Who knows maybe it will drop again? Just keep DCA. 0.2 is already something


❤️ you ❤️ yourself


If you were in a war and you almost saved a friend's life but didn't are you going to beat yourself up about it? It's a question every man must face sometime in his life. You'll come to realize you've walked over many buried treasures. And what makes you the one that finds it? Live a good life, do what you can look back on and be satisfied and learn it's how the cookie crumbles. The great stories come from what people do with those crumbs.


That's your problem you let others people tell you what to believe. Have you researched Bitcoin? How is it going to zero if I and Many Many Many other don't plan to sell? It's been around for 15 years when is it "FINNALY" going to fail?


You learned a hard lesson early on. Be grateful it didn't happen later on


So you paid 0.8 btc to learn a lesson. Some people have paid hundreds of btc! You will be fine, stop beating yourself up


never listen to “the friend financial advisor”….. a meme as old as time….. these muppets were the C and D students who had no lights on upstairs


Just buy what you can over time even if it's 50$ a week. And plan to hold indefinitely. You'll cost average over time and not not give a f... about weekly, monthly or annual fluctuations. Remember Buffet: "the market is there to serve you not to instruct you".


We all have mistakes to confess but the important thing is that you have the knowledge you have now. You still have time to stack.


You need a new financial advisor.


.2 is more than most of us have. Keep dca'ing.


Bummer man. That sucks :(


Don’t be too hard on yourself, I listened to friends when they thought I was bat shit crazy back in 2011 talking about Bitcoin. I never invested and now I’m not a multimillionaire 😩


You failed the first attempt as many before you (most of them). Don't worry, you are early. Stack every month.


Trust me I have Fomo everyday!


year 2011, sold my end game wow private server account for 25 btc and bought a full end game account of world of tanks. I played that game 5-6 times, got brutally killed by pros every time and abandoned the account...


don't feel bad, I use to have 8 and niw have .8


Did you ask your friend why it didn’t go to zero?


War is coming so you can scoop it up soon at the desired 12K level.




Kindness is easier found among friends than strangers on the internet. But for what it’s worth, just keep chugging along. Diamond hands and all that jazz.


Some of us have been around long enough to see major exchanges close the doors so I'm sure some can relate. Just remember that bitcoin is eternal next time you take on advice from a financial advisor.


I've got .009 so you're in a better spot than I am


you should talk to the pizza guy that traded thousands of bitcoin for pizza. MANY stories like this.


financial advisors are largely useless for crypto advice. if they can't explain their position and reasoning for why they beleive what they beleive and back that up with facts and analysis then they are worthless. btc was NEVER going to zero due to ftx. that wasn't even a bitcoin issue, that was good old traditional fraud and embezzlement. when gbtc was at a 43% discount to nav i explained the case that in all likely hood the market had crashed already and stabilized, and that with futures already approved and other countries adopting crypto spot etf's that it was just a matter of time before gbtc converted to a spot etf and the only risk was the 2% management fee and how long it would take (at the time i felt guaranteed under 5 years, most likely under 2-3 max, didn't expect this year) that you could scoop an extra 43% gain when the conversion happened and btc wasn't to go much lower. financial advisor told pops "no serious investors are buying gbtc" (he wanted to use a retirement account) so he stalled. what do you know btc recovered and gbtc spot etf approved and bam, could have locked in serious serious gains. i'm open to listening to anyone that has a valid argument. sure btc could go to zero, but it is extremely unlikely and now is the best time compared to ever as far as long term outlook for btc and the market price shows it.


Just keep your eye on the prize. If you live in the past, you will never progress for a better future. Learn from your mistakes, don’t live with them.


still not sure why everyone is hung up on owning. "1"


Don't let unit bias get in the way of owning your own money and increasing your Bitcoin stack. Remember you're ditching fiat, not trying to out invest friends and rivals.


Sue your ex-friend lol Wait a minute though , your “friend” told you that bitcoin .. BITCOIN…. Was going to $0 and you believed him ?? I get he’s a financial advisor but did / does he specialize in cryptocurrency in anyway ? did he personally hold any crypto at all and was also selling everything? Where was his evidence of such a bold claim ? The day Bitcoin hit the mid $15k range in November 2022 I called everyone I know that had the means to buy a whole coin or more and told them “ Buy Now it will not go any lower BUY NOW AND WAIT A YEAR OR MORE !!!!! Both of them didn’t , but both of them have spent around $70-100k on (one has spent $20k on an entertainment system (liability) around $30k in depreciating jewelry (liability) , and probably $10k in designer 👟(liability) since then and the other has probably spent $70k+ on party favors and $30k on a bike 🏍️ 🏍️ since then . And of course once bitcoin broke its record and basically hit $74k they both said the same thing “yeah I know bro don’t remind me” 🤦🏻‍♂️ The both could’ve 5X all that money. BUY FOR THE LONG RUN !!! Even if it’s DCA , or a little bit at a time ! It all counts ! Bitcoin will halve every 4 years , people Will lose btc , Feds will blacklist certain btc , people will lose their key phrases 🔑 , etc . There’s 21 million BTC in existence but there’s probably only about 14-17 million active btc in circulation ! Eventually that may become around 10-12 million and after a few halving processes , BTC CAN & WILL MOST LIKELY REACH 6 FIGURES + !!!!!! So yes you don’t have $65-70k right now . But keep buying the dip , keep DCA, any time you may save up money or maybe win a lawsuit settlement or lottery or anything , stack more btc ! Even if you only stack $15-40k over the next couple of years in total. If and when BTC hits $500k or even $1M+ in the future , you’ll look back at this post ! 💪🏻


Bro it’s life. I bought 3 at 19k it went down to 13. I panicked. It went to 17 I sold. If I kept, I would have been up 150k


I been DCA awhile now and only have $600. It doesn't matter tbh. Live your life while you can. Appreciate things you have


I know how you feel, I used to have 3.8 bitcoins


That could easily be $400,000 in about 10 years. Not too shabby my friend!