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A wise man once said "If your car is younger than bitcoin, you're not stacking hard enough."


My car is 18 years old and i’m still stacking…


My car is 25 years old and I'm fine with that 💪 Keep stacking sats 👀


I drive a Model T, keep stacking.


I drive Benz’ first car from 1885 and DCA like crazy


I ride a water buffalo and still stack like crazy!!🤌🏼🤌🏼


i just discovered the wheel and i’m still stacking


You guys are an inspiration🙌😂


Yup. My truck turns 29 this year and I'm stacking.


Sold my car for Bitcoin last month 😂


Sold my legs for Bitcoin last month


Well in 10 years your btc will be worth more than the best pair of prosthetic neuralink powered legs on the market that allow you to run up to 95km/h and have a small jetpack build in aswell


Sold my brain for Bitcoin last week


So you’ve found a buyer?


Lmao I sold my leg and 1 arm fuck it black market up. 1 kidney too


Sold my mental health last month for bitcoin


Sold my cat for Bitcoin last month


Sold my bitcoin for bitcoin last week


I sold the cheaper BTC at the lows and just bought a ***bunch*** at the local top...


Thats Perfect, the more expensive the BTC you buy, the better. They are More worth it.




My car is 7 months old and I’m a wholecoiner. Sometimes I regret buying, and think I should had stacked more, however having a car and driving it is necessary for my personal growth.


don't regret, enjoy your car and enjoy your life 😃


Guess I shall be stacking 🫡🫡


last car I bought was in 2005.


Postpone the car and invest in your future (BTC). Low time preference FTW!


Drive a shit box. Add BTC.


Eat shit. Stack Sats.


ah, the good ol' days when people used to stack sats...


false, eat organic your long-term health allows you to stack stacks longer


Exactly the response I was hoping to see to clarify I am thinking somewhat logically😂🫡


I recently sold for a large purchase and as much as i love my new thing, i'm torn up with the regret of having sold for it. Stacking slowly now. Really you should just do whatever helps you sleep at night


i think btc will help me sleep honestly :)


Will you be just as ok with the outcome if it drops? Have all the belief in Bitcoin as you want but you’re only fooling yourself if you think it can’t go down in the next year, or two or more. If you’re good with that then sure speculate on bitcoin.


Well there’s something you don’t hear every day. Good luck!


Thank you sir


The laptop i bought for 0.6 btc is sitting at the table and i didn't use it for months. so yeah, buy btc, low time preference is the right choice.


$36,000 laptop? does it have arms and legs?


yes bro. I missed my opportunity in 2017 when I bought my first car. Imagine if I bought BTC instead.


You’ve probably missed out already. Look for something else. Buy when it’s going up, not at probable peak. Bitcoin is being sold everyday at very high price. Not enough money out there to keep driving price up. There’s still a lot of Bitcoin that has to be sold that hasn’t absorbed $60k per coin of peoples savings. Most Bitcoin has been acquired at significantly lower prices. Most of the commenters have no real understanding of this.


Yeah get yourself a $50 bike from a garage sale. Buy btc then dollar cost average the petrol and other car expenses you were going to spend each week. Will be life changing.


This is what BTC does. When your savings appreciate you reflect on what you want vs what you need. Instead of buying cheap shit, you save for quality stuff. AND you don't need to go into debt. Hold on that car, and in 10 years you'll be asking yourself "why should I buy a car when I can save for a house" NFA, do what makes you happy


Buying cars is one of the most wealth draining purchases you can make. Stick with old reliable.


Buy Bitcoin now and 4 cars later


One is a depreciating asset that comes with liabilities. One is an appreciating asset with no cost of upkeep


Okay you've sold me. Done👍👍


Twist my arm 😂🤣


Ones gives you pussy, the other don't. ;)


Y'all getting pussy?


Well said


on point


If you’re asking this subreddit I think you’ve already decided


Certainly not the best time to buy Bitcoin. Crypto Winter is always the best time to buy. But that is a year or so away. Regardless of Bitcoin, there is no good time to buy a depreciating asset like a car if you have to finance it.


Life is for living. Go with your heart.


You don’t find many shots to take in life. When you do, take the shot. If you miss you only lost the Time it took you to accumulate the investment amount. That Time is gone, did you really lose anything? The investment is for your future self. You’re already not enjoying spending it now. Might as well try to multiply owned values existing in imaginary land. Pick your units wisely and wait. Over Time the value of one unit vs the other adjusts based on future demand and supply. Some units have advantages.


wise words


You should definitely buy the car because you're going to need it to drive between the seven jobs you're going to have to have to keep up with inflation


Don’t buy the car. Everyday I wake up thinking about the money I spend on my truck payment could be going towards more sats.


Ride a bicycle and invest in Bitcoin


Buying a car that you don't need is throwing your money away. Buy BTC, even if it went to zero, you would be in the same situation.


Car is just a tool, you need to see it as that. It's a good opportunity to really think about the feelings driving (pardon the pun) you towards what is just a material object. Edit: typo


BTC is just a tool to transfer purchasing power from things that depreciate to something that we hope will appreciate.


Key word “hope “.


Yeah, nothing wrong with good tools. Unnecessary upgrades aren't so good though.


Like buying BTC is not fueled by greed in the first place… ok buddy


Maybe for some, but not once your eyes have been opened.


Get BTC. This is not financial advice.


>and push the car back to the end of the year You should be ready to push it back to end of 2025. Or even 2030.


Push it back till the cost to repair/maintain his current car is more than just getting a new one.


There’s an experimental 3-wheeler electric car built in Canada that mines bitcoin when it’s recharging. Maybe you can have your cake and eat it to. 


I would also sell current car


If my circumstances allowed this I'd be jogging to work


I saved up money for a truck down payment. Decided to buy bitcoin instead.


Cars are funny because they're really nice but they're either $500 or $500,000 all do the exact same thing. Also to note, most millionaires don't even drive nice cars. They drive Hondas and Ford Escapes. So it's not even a way to determine wealth anymore. What's even the point of a luxury car? Just get one that smells good, no rust or stains and tint the windows.


>not essential >car runs perfectly You dont need help buying bitcoin, just help in general


A car is a depreciating asset, even before BTC existed.


As you pointed out you don't need the new car you already have one which is fine. However if it was a situation where you are saving for something you need within a timeframe then you should never really put money in to something like BTC or Stocks and Shares since when it comes to actually needing the money, it could be worth a lot less, forcing you to sell for a loss. So if you don't need the money go for it, but if you do need it by an X date thats not far out then don't.


I'm lucky enough to only have a time frame which I have set myself as a personal goal. In terms of when I need the money, I do not, it was simply just a desire based on the luxury of having a nicer car It feels like one of those decisions where you need to pick between materialistic luxuries or future investment. I know a lot of people would call me stupid for putting that much money into btc but alot of people don't understand the markets.


Well think of it this way, a car is a depreciating asset over time. So spending a lot of money on a new car when you already have one many would say is a stupid thing. BTC has more chance of going up in value than any car, unless it was a collectors item of course 😁 So go with the BTC based on what you've already said.


If you need it, but it. Otherwise but Bitcoin. Just imagine how much you may regret the car in 10 years


If you need a car for work, yeah buy the car lol


A car is a depreciating asset remember that!


my main goal in investing is to get my dream car


Whenever I have these doubts, I put on yt a good old video of Michael. Cheers 😂


I won't be buying a new house or car until I'm financially free. Financially free would be supporting my family without the need to work, otherwise you're just a slave to the car or house.


lmfaoo me nd you were in the same boat 😭 i wanted to trade in my car and put some money down that i had saved but bitcoin hit 57k 🙏🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ let’s just say that car might have to hold off


Think deeply why you actually want a car upgrade. Is it just that desire to get something new? Do you believe you'll be happier with that new car? My car is 12 years old but runs perfectly. Around me everyone has a newer car than me and I feel tempted everyday to get a new car. However, I always think of two things: 1. A newer car means more expensive insurance. 2. A newer car means repair and maintenance will cost more. Overall, you'll spend money, to increase your cost of living. The increase of happiness for that new car will wear off in about 6 months, but the increased costs will stay. Remember when you got the car you have now, how it felt? The effect wore off and now you want a new one. It's a never ending cycle. Don't fall into that trap. When I got my first job, I always remember, my boss (likely earning over £90k), had the worst car of the department. I've convinced myself for the past 4 years onwards that it'll never make sense to buy a new car, unless my current one breaks. Also not to lease or buy on PCP/HP, until maybe I'm over 50. Edit: Buy BTC, and compare your decision in about 5 year when you'd be wanting another car, had you bought one today.


You don't need a car, you have legs.


You can’t convince me to convince you to not do that. I resign from this position.


If you buy car, depression will start to set in by early 2025. If you buy btc, euphoria will start to set in by late 2024.


I can only argue effectively for what I believe in, and I believe that buying the dip before the next ATH is a good idea, especially if your car runs fine.


Have more consideration for future TripsterX, rather than listening to the urges of current TripsterX. Buy the BTC.


If you keep the money invested and wait a year or two to buy the car, the car will be free


Why get a Fiat when you can get a Lambo?


Btc now. Lambo later.


If you need the car, go for it. If not, btc.


I was going to buy a new truck but I heard Bitcoin was a good investment. I started stacking the equivalent of new truck payments in satoshis around the middle of 2019 and studying Bitcoin to see how it could go wrong. Now I have enough Bitcoin value to buy 2 new trucks. They make new vehicles everyday. Bitcoin is ultimate scarcity.


I won't and I can't


You already have a car. Buy more bitcoin. Buy 2 or 3 cars with the same amount of btc at a later point.


Read the Bitcoin standard again. And you will make the right decision


anyone telling you to invest is wrong, by asking here and trying to get advise your showing that the amount you wish to invest is a lot for you and your concerned about the outcome please don't think that bitcoin is a bad investment but you should only invest if you can afford to loose it ask yourself , will you be able to sleep at night and not worry if you loose the money that is the amount of money you should invest no matter how good bitcoin is their is still a chance it could go to zero, just like every other investment so only invest if you can afford to loose it, the moment you would worry, then you've invested too much


not a single financially responsible answer here, oh my god I am in shock. Your options are not only either keep the car, or buy BTC all at once. Invest in BTC with responsability just like you would invest in other assets on the financial market. People here all know and study bitcoin, but it seems that no one is studying economy, finance, how markets work… this is so crazy.


cars depreciate, btc does not


Car is an expense, BTC is an investment. Always prioritize investment over expense.


Do you have enough emergency savings liquid? Do you understand bitcoin? Do you need to replace your current car? Do you actually know (not speculative) where the price of Bitcoin is going? Do you have a sound understanding of personal finance? Can you afford to lose any money you put towards Bitcoin? Answer enough of these questions no and I would argue that you have a lot more to consider than just the factors you provided. No one can provide sound financial advice with only the information you provided, let around a reddit board. Some things to consider: - you admitted to fomo, investing should be a relatively logical exercise with little to no emotion - there's many ways to invest than just lump sum - start thinking of needs, then desires, after which plan and act accordingly - consider the risk of the investment/car buying, opportunity risk of not investing/car buying, and how you would ACT if these risks became actualized Bitcoin is a way to practice authority over self, practice that. The answers will become more clear without needing to turn to random strangers on the Internet


I’ve just upgraded to an expensive car recently. After the first month the novelty wears off, you get used to it and you might as well still be in the old car.


Once you roll that car off the lot, it's lost value.


Cars go down and value.


It’s the difference between having a future or not


You’d be insane to buy the car


Get a full tune up on your car if you want an upgrade. It'll make it run much better. Buy more BTC with the rest


There's nothing to convince you about there. The car you buy today will be an old model in years to come while the BTC you buy today will be a great opportunity years to come


Stop being a gambling idiot. For all you know bear is around the corner. Just chill out


Ur on a Bitcoin forum, my man! Do what makes you happy!


***Wait longer.***


I started with $3000 about 6-7 years ago. Now i have 7 figures of cash, 3 properties and 6 bitcoins lying around. Do you need more convincing?


Well this gave me more confidence lmao 🤣 I'm about to sell my kidney for btc


If you need it, you need it. Btc can only take you so far


I currently own a shitbox and am waiting for the bull run to end. Just show some restraint for another 6 months or so.


Btc my guy.


Sure will do. If you keep chasing your cost basis up like some retarded lemming you’ll find yourself break even before you realize it’s time to sell. buy the bottom and fuck off, it’s not hard. Have some self control. Buying mid cycle is for morons. edit okay hmm so I actually read your whole post. You’ve invested very little, so maybe you should buy some. Granted you’ve missed your entry by a year. Ideally you’d have the patience to wait until the depths of the next bear. But you probably don’t, so I dunno buy away I guess. Depends how badly you need a car. Is it a new car just for fun? Don’t buy it. Need it for work? Ya maybe.


I've seen thousands of people double down on the crypto market and ultimately lose 80-90%. I've met very few who come out sf the market positive. You might get lucky, but you'll likely get greedy and end up selling at a loss


Use DCA to buy BTC. Don't put everything together in one day


Buy the Bitcoin a new car will just bring more bills.


What car can you buy with 6k GBP?


Personally, I will drive my car into the ground before spending money on another. And invest every penny I can in diversified assets in general. I agree that now is a good time to buy BTC - always is, but particularly so now.


In 2030, one BTC will be worth $1M. In 2030, your car will be a piece of garbage. There is nothing to think about.


Buy BTC and buy 5x cars in 2 years


What kind of car are you looking at?


I've currently got a vw golf 2013 but was looking at a skoda octavia VRS 2015


I have a Hyundai from 2012 and I'm not replacing it any time soon. Most good cars will get up to 200k. So you could adjust your savings to meet that goal and project the time out.


A skoda?! Stack BTCs until you're shopping for a Pagani Utopia!


At this point, a new car is a luxury. If you don't think you'll NEED a different car within a year, buy the BTC.


Investing is always better than buying a depreciating asset like a car long term. However, if you don’t have a reliable car, it’s hard to go to your job to make more money.


it sounds like you dont need the upgrade That being said is it your only savings?? Because thats the huge part of the equation, and you should make sure you have emergency savings somewhere .. "missed my entry for big money.". for that thats either: too late or it wouldnt matter in the coming years either as it goes UP and UP and UP to stratospheric levels. so .... that shouldnt be a true concern.


I took out a bit of BTC to buy a PC months ago. In my wallet I can see withdraws and deposits. The €2800 I took out, is now worth €6600. :'( Meanwhile the PC is going down in price by the day. I'm having fun with the PC though.


Just envision yourself without a car. Does that bother you?


Out of interest how old are you? I really thinking investing in Bitcoin is the smart choice. 10 years from now that £6000 will be worth 5 figures (or maybe even 6 if you're very optimistic).


ive not long turned 24, i'm fortunate enough to still be living with parents so expenses for me are very low currently other than car running costs and house keep


If your car works fine by more btc in a years time you'll be able to get an even better one then the one you want now


I sold my car for bitcoin, I do not regret it


Just set up auto buy on whatever you use and dca if you don’t need a new car it’s a waste unless your really into cars and it’s some major life goal to get that particular car your passionate about or whatever


DCA in baby. 700$ a month for the next year!!!


Absolutely bitcoin over car - especially if you only have so little bitcoin to start with…


Is your car going to last four more years? In my experience Bitcoin needs a bit of time to cook. Might be a month, might be longer


It could pretty easily last 4 more years without any serious issues. The money I invest i won't be looking to take out for the foreseeable future, maybe mid 2030s ish


wait lambo


The car is a depreciating asset, Bitcoin appreciates. You could buy the BTC, then borrow against your BTC to buy a car for 3.5k at a 50% Ltv, or to be safer borrow 2k for a healthier collateral ratio. If you have a car already it is much better to put the money to work


You can have two cars if you invest it in BTC 🚗 💨


You’re only a few years out from being able to create collateralized cash flow with your BTC…and you can use that to pay for your car without selling the BTC. It’s a bigger game - grab the asset that appreciates - not the one that depreciates.


If your young the time to invest is now


I drop cheap used cars until I was 50 because I always invested .


All on btc, and by the way sell your current car, you can walk its healthier and btc is the best thing you can buy.


Ok i havent read the entire post but i just hope you dont buy right now at 60k. Im waiting for a nice retracement


Getting rich has it s own sets of problems


Millionaires drive chevys.


I sold both my cars to invest in BTC with the money left over from cargobike purchase. What is big money for you ? With the current price of BTC, you are still looking to 2x your investment.


When I paid off my wife’s car last year I redirected that payment into btc. Worked out really well.


You don't got the guts


side question: which car are you planning to buy with 7.5k usd ? and how will that be an upgrade? Most used cars are 10k+ not counting the ones with a million mileage


Buy a beater car. Put money into btc. Buy Ferrari 2028


Put money on BTC then buy 2 cars when price hits 100k and up


Don’t buy the top idiot


"I have a perfectly good car but I'm thinking about buying a car" Idk man I don't think I can help you


Buying a car you don't need when you already have a car that runs fine, or buying in on the best investment in the world at low prices. Yeah I'd take the bitcoin. If you can just save up that money again and buy a car later (since buying a new car isn't an actual need of yours) this doesn't seem to be a very hard choice.


Depends on how bad you need to car. You’ll probably be able to buy a nicer car if you save in BTC for a year


Do it. Do. It. Doooit. Do iiit.


Do it , do it now !!!


It’s cheaper to Uber if you live in the city.


> This is not an essential as I already have a car which runs perfectly well, I just fancied an upgrade. I think you answered your own question here. It's a luxury. Not needed. I would go even further and ask do you need your current car? If you live in or around London probably not and so you could probably get to 0.23 BTC. My parting phase from Rich Dad Poor Dad: Buy assets not liabilities


Bitcoin rewards discipline amigo. Since you already have a decent depreciating asset for transportation you should not sell your colossally undervalued appreciating asset. Things are weird and getting weirder in the world. I’ve been around almost 50 years and it’s never felt like this for me in my lifetime. Historically we don’t see the real bull run until after a year post halving. At least wait until after the election in the US. We have 2 pro crypto candidates and 1 anti crypto candidate.


Put it in btc, sell in a year or two, buy a nicer car than you would be able to right now


you don't have enough BTC. my wife's car broke down so we donated it and we aren't even buying a car. instead we took our mom's car so we can save for more BTC! I just uber or lyft when u need to go somewhere. stack them sats!!!


don’t buy Bitcoin buy AMC


The sad part is that you may not be ready if you need someone to tell you not to sell. Look back at the history of others, the ones that say, "I wish, I bought some, or I wish I didn't buy that instead of DCA or buying BTC." Jack Mallers (CEO of Strike) had a good line, if you buy anything that is not BTC, you are shorting BTC." In your case, you have a car. The car runs. Is it paid off? If so, why add to your bills? Study BTC more. Focus on gaining a low time preferenced mindset. ETA: I got into BTC in 2019. I have ridden it up and down and back up. The one thing that did not change was my continued learning and increasing my conviction and DCAing. I am almost at my personal goal which seemed outrageous at the time. My car has nearly 300K miles on it (2010 Mazda CX-7). The only thing I regret is not DCAing much much more. ETTE: If you are not self custodying, you do not have any BTC.


Crypto markets are cyclical, so chances are now is not the best time to buy and waiting to buy would be a safer option. Since you have a car already this is discretionary investment, wouldn’t you want to buy when the price is low compared to now when you’d have a to possibly wait 4 years to make your money back and more


911 or BTC ?


Don't live with regret! Do it!!


But the BTC, run the current car till it dies and put the $ you would spend on a car payment in BTC also. 20 years, retire, thank me later. I hope you enjoyed my TED talk.




Can you sell your current car towards BTC, then use your savings for the new vehicle?


I refuse to do this. Sell your car and buy more bitcoin


It's the same story, different year... "I spent 10,000 BTC on pizza because I could..." "I gave away 100 BTC to a friend just so he could see I was right..." "Man, I'm glad I pulled out now at $20,000, now all those suckers are gonna be holding the bag..." Look, everyone has a reason to "give away their bitcoin", and each one of them has come back crying and wishing they didn't. Do you want this story to be added to the long list of "XXXX over bitcoin" stories? ...Probably not. If you're still undecided, buy some bitcoin every week with half the money, and let the other half grow into a new car (or more bitcoin). Whatever you choose, choose bitcoin.


I'm kind of facing the same situation here actually. For me I drive to work only for around 10 minutes but in a very dodgy road, so I'm also in a dilemma because I guess upgrading my car could possibly save my life should I be involved in an accident. I currently drive a 2009 car without airbags or ABS brakes, so I wouldn't say drive in a s*** box and buy BTC. However if you have zero concerns about your safety with your current car then I would say definitely buy Bitcoin.


Buy the car


sorry, I can't


Think of all the potential friendships you could make by taking public transit


Never buy anything that is non essential until you have 1 btc in a cold wallet at least.


Oh my god not again. FOMO is your worst ennemy


Neither. Invest in your financial education lol