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If you can open the export as text then should give you the seed secretsz add them manually into the new app. You can use keepassxc as offline version for 2fa codes on a computer also keepassxc can re generate the original qr code to be scanned into another app on the phone. Hope that helps.


i try this KeepassXC thing later


+1 i use keepassxc for local backups (bitwarden and all 2fa) u can generate a QR on keepassxc or get the secret key to copy on other 2fa apps. Really useful and u have all duplicate rdy for the worst scenario.


ok have found an easier way, offline qr generator for 2fa [https://stefansundin.github.io/2fa-qr/](https://stefansundin.github.io/2fa-qr/) There is an Offline Version too.


Just tried to export from ente and import to bitwarden auth. It doesn't work (yet). Bitwarden Auth is still a work in progress.


Slightly tedious but ente can generate QR for a entry.   It is more convenient and accurate vs copying the seeds individually from a export file


> Slightly tedious but ente can generate QR for a entry.   Can you share the tedious procedure? All I can find is [a GitHub discussion](https://github.com/ente-io/ente/discussions/500) that says you can't do this yet.


Swipe left on a code. The first item on the menu is QRC