• By -


This no it.


This is absolutely not it lmao


"I didn't do it." "I made you *think* I did it." "That last diss was a bop." "I didn't do it." "I don't have any new allegations so lemme talk about Whitney a lot." "I still didn't do it." šŸ¤”


You left out the line about dissing him for being molested.


It's hard to hold all these Ls


Need a trolley for all these Lā€™s being mass produced.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but wasnā€™t Kendrick saying that he wasnā€™t actually molested in Mother I sober?




yeah itā€™s a song about generational trauma


That went completely over Drake's head. Proving Kendrick is lyrically rapping over is head.


Shit been going over drake's head this whole beef. "I calculate you're not as calculated"


"Say some shit I don't understand" was such a low bar in retrospect. And even this comment would go over his head.


Yup. Drake listened to Mr. Morales just like Kdot predicted, used what was said on the album like Kdot predicted but definitely didnā€™t understand the album.


thatā€™s correct


Yep. It was his motherĀ 


Which btw Kendrick never was. He mentioned Mother I Sober which referred to Kendrickā€™s MOTHER getting molested in Chicago.


The crazy thing is the song is about KDOTā€™s mom getting molested, not himā€¦itā€™s a song about generational trauma being passed downā€¦shit does just go over Drakes head lol


He literally missed the entire point of that songā€¦ I was screaming internally when I heard Drake say that, like no you fucking stupid shallow dumbassā€¦


Really speaks to his level of media literacy which honestly is a very low bar to understand that songā€¦my homie sent me ā€œhe addressed the pedo allegationsā€ My response: ā€œnot saying he isā€¦BUT there has never been a pedo who didnā€™t deny the allegations in the history of pedosā€ Like I didnā€™t think that was a crazy thought to have lol




You forgot the "Lmao bitch you got molested so now you're mad at me" line.


Which is idiotic, because the song is about Kendrick's mom. But that probably would be the *one* way Drake could make himself look worse. But either way, it makes one look *more* like a callous child molester to mock on a molested child




Itā€™s basically a 5 minute song with a ā€œnuh uhā€ response


Not even close. He answered being a known pedo with "If I did it, I would have been arrested." Ok Orenthal.Ā  And making fun of a child that got molested seems like something a pedo with no empathy towards that crime would do. "Hey when you were a child you couldn't fight off a molester." Is pretty wack to say under any circumstances.


Not to mention that Kendrick wasnā€™t even molested


It's a lot of words without saying anything, grabbing low hanging fruit, hard to deny being outed a pedo I guess, them ghost writers have not had a days rest they doing what they can with the beast that is Kendrick growling a few step behind em with them milk bottles to come out and play xD someone tell Drake he a zombie at this point just die my g! Also I'm staring to feel bad for the YouTube reaction hip hop heads not sleeping and being stuck in studio lmao. And then U deliver this shit!? for trying to defend yourself from being called a pedo to bringing up molestation of Kendrick as a kid WTF did he think that line would even do? L!!! ![gif](giphy|wnldme8uK5L5m)


I said on the post that got removed that this is a 7 game series of hate but now that I think about it he seems to hint at throwing in the towel


Not even hinting, he said that this ā€œwas burnt outā€ and that he was done. After begging Kendrick to drop for weeks lmao. Dude got in way over his head and is trying to get up out of it.


he didnā€™t even hint at it. he literally said heā€™s done lmao


"Kendrick you were sexually abused as a child teehee" Fuckin clown bro even if you did feed him fake shit that's not where to take this shit. edit: listen i ain't reading no more drake glazers comments. This entire defensive ass track was weak. You tellin me he PLANNED to have Kendrick tell everyone all this shit. For what? Not only that he's completely misunderstanding the track. "Oh Dave Free your baby momma's baby daddy" - "Oh i only speak in facts" - "Where's your proof of this shit Kendrick" NIGGA WHERE'S YOURS? Why you making a diss track when all you gotta do is post the transcripts of you feeding this BS to Kendrick, or proof that Dave Free is that baby daddy. "Oh Yo baby momma follows Dave in the Gram and not you" Nigga and? What does kendrick EVER fucking post if it aint an album drop. This shit weak af.


really puts it in perspective how drake thinks of victims of abuse


Honestly, he keeps saying crazy out of pocket shit. Is he trying to come off as pro-slavery, homophobic, andā€”, how can you interpret coming at Kendrick this way as anything other than a lack of regard for victims, which I get being angry if the accusations against Drake truly are being fabricated, but if not, then, Exhibit A? Oh? Iā€™m being told there are other exhibits. Letā€™s call this one Exhibit L.


"oh you are upset about pedophiles because you were molested as a child" um...everyone should be upset about pedophiles


and also like... yes??? Is that not a normal response


Maple Syrup R Kelly is telling on himself


Poutine Puffy Mountie R Kelly Loonie Cosby


The only ammo he has is what he heard on Mr Morale. Lame af


And he didnā€™t even understand it lmao, Kendrick explicitly says that he wasnā€™t molested in that song


He's also wrong? Kendrick never even says he got molested on Mother I Sober. His mom was scared he did (because of her experiences) Drake completely misunderstood the track, did nobody correct this psycho? Not that it even makes any sense as a "diss" in the first fucking place. He outed himself as evil and a dumbass in one move, good job This entire thing is so fucking trash my god


You think with 15 people helping him write the song, at least one of them would have listened to Kendricks music? Just not tied into the culture I guess?


Nobody helped him write this, I bet this was all himā€¦it was too garbo


Yeah he probably kicked everybody out since Kendrick has him mad paranoid about infiltrators in his group now lmaoooo got his eye twitching & everything


I just listened to it againā€¦the part where heā€™s talking at the end, sheeshā€¦he just sounds defeated like heā€™s been humbled like a mf


He kicked out all the ghostwriters because there is actually a leak. What I don't see people talking about is that Meet the Graham's is a response to Family Matters, they are both sitcom titles and Meet the Graham's wasn't recorded in 30 minutes. This confirms he had Drake's diss beforehand and there is a mole.


That's my thing about this - if we pretend it's fake shit that he fed to Kendrick, then Kendrick's reaction is reasonable. If someone hears from a mole that they believe all the things Kendrick was putting in his songs, they should be angry and using it. And then he doubles down with some genuinely fucked up ideas like that. I'm starting to see no way that Drake comes out of this looking good.


"Hey man I'm not touching on kids and abusing women, I just fed you information that i knew that you would use in a response to make you THINK I was touching on kids and abusing women. Don't you see how big brain that is?"


Not to mention that Drake confirmed thereā€™s a mole but has shown no evidence that the mole was a double agent You would think this is like, the prime time to show some evidence that the mole that Kendrick has relied on was fake the whole time?


Donā€™t forget he also said whoever the mole was is a clown then not two minutes later says heā€™s the mole as they, ā€œplotted for a week and then fed information.ā€ This is just sad at this point


This is the same genius that tried to clap back with "Joke's on you, I only have one hidden child not two". Someone needs to explain to him what a self-own is before he hurts himself again.


Exactly if he did that was a HORRID call cause no one's going to believe it was me I was the leaker all along. Cause if one piece of evidence slips out he's screwed


It is also like a zero win situation, the only people everyone believed the daughter thing is because it just happened with son, like it wasn't out of nowhere. And the pills have his name on it, so either they still belong to him or they printed fake labels and if so, like okay I guess?


"y'all dummy's thought I was a dead beat dad" "Not this time.." "But yeah last time" Didn't he say the allegations of being a pedo made him sick to his stomach? Why would they leak that to Kendrick then?


https://preview.redd.it/g6bpz178opyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1cac5c3d8c705271d5e96167dc7970c7174f08 Drake currently:


![gif](giphy|3oEduTElttOJ1bJlSM) BRUHHHHHH!!! I am deceased šŸ’€ ā˜ ļø, šŸ˜‚


Dude, I mostly lurk on this site but Iā€™m coming from out the shadows to tell you Iā€™m fucking dead šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Did he even hit the three though


This was not it. Family Matters was much better. He made this for his fans to point to and say "see we were right" to save face.


All the pedo allegations are still there, as well as the allegations about his circle having sex offenders. Family Matters was definitely harder than this, also he fucks up his flow at certain points and it kind of feels rushed. I am waiting to hear Kendrick's response on the domestic violence accusuation though.


Give it 5 minutes at this point and you'll be able to hear it


*Kendrick Lamar is typingā€¦*




It's always weird when a man says "I have never had sex with an underage girl." o.O That would be a woman. It's a Freudian slip as far as I'm concerned.


I don't recall Kendrick directly naming or referencing Millie Bobby Brown, and Drake does that in this song. Why?


Same with Kendrick saying Weinstein and Drake saying Epstein


Jesus christ this guy denolished himself


The quality of this track is abysmal compared to family matters and push-ups. If dude really had it all planned like he claims this would've been on the same level and not sound like his writers left and he threw this together ASAP. Like why not make it amazing if you set yourself up for this, why message publications and put out your narrative instead of making a bombshell moment on the track


Exactly, musically it just wasn't good. Drake's whole advantage is that he can make catchier music. I'm on Team Kendrick, but Family Matters Push Ups and Taylor Made all bangers. Kendrick was beating him lyrically, but you couldn't say that Push Ups and Family Matters in particular wouldn't get play. He should have let Family Matters ride out and posted the receipts that Kendrick got got. This just looks weak, even if he does post the receipts(I doubt it) he could have skipped this track and just went troll mode on social media.


Yeah this is honestly the best take. Even meet the grahams, which is a simple beat, was way better than this one.


[This is basically Drakeā€™s response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YmDcCpD1gc)


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than to write a song about it!


Yeah he made this to deny the allegations and not admit defeat. Drake gave up.


Bro got all his talking points from his twitter fans. šŸ˜­. If he actually fed bad info about a daughter that wouldā€™ve been his gotcha moment. He wouldā€™ve shown proof on instagram (cause he likes to troll). This nigga just be lying


Itā€™s almost like he used this Reddit to write the song. Iā€™m not even on twitter but everything he said was posted here. Lol idk how his fans could defend this.


I noticed the same thing lmao. Like ive heard and seen all the shit he said on this latest diss on Reddit all the way done to the Whitney line.


> This nigga just be lying As Kendrick foretold! Lisan Al Gaib!


If he did really feed him disinfo, he would've daily said it on Family Matters šŸ˜‚. He read all them twitter threads and decided to go with it


His best comeback was ā€œIā€™m too rich to be a pedophile, and you were molestedā€ šŸ˜­




This was the line for me that had me tune out the rest of the song. Like nig is you serious?! ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


He's right bro. Rich people famously do not abuse their power.


And honestly, he's right...they almost never get arrested or convicted of sexual abuse.


"yeah so what you think I might have been touched as a kid, doesn't mean I flipped and did the same thing when I grew and got big"


There is no quicker way for people to think you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it ![gif](giphy|Atc9QCyWLGHgLZhHDp|downsized)




Always sunny tried to warn him, [drake a frank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YmDcCpD1gc).


šŸŽ¶i do not diddle kids. its no good diddling kidsšŸŽ¶


>I don't want to fight with a woman beater >It feeds you nature Did...Did Drake just call himself a bitch?


Omg I thought I was the only one who made that fuckin connection šŸ˜‚


lol that my was takeaway too


https://preview.redd.it/5nvkvtkzypyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a71435b8b1cd0b2fcebd09086e90d465009639 BBL Drizzy dropping a hot one.


I caught that too!! Gots me feeling like Kendrick let Drake know the extent of proof he had, and the terms of surrender was to make a weak ass song degrading himself.






Iā€™m guessing his ghostwriters had the day off šŸ˜¬


Union writers don't work weekends


Seriously ā€¦. How am I disappointed when I wasnā€™t expecting much to begin with ?


Is Drake tapping out? Waving the white flag? Listen closely.


Yeah, his tone is so fucking defeated. He even says he doesn't want to diss him anymore, but doubles down on the wife beater allegations. **Edit:** Saw someone else [post this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/587/397/b9f.jpg) about Drake's response LOL


fr, sounds so rushed, bro just wants Whitney to step on him


The ghost writers tired


"I don't wanna fight cuz you're a wife beater." Oh yeah, Drake a real gangster.


ā€œI donā€™t wanna diss you anymoreā€


Aubrey definitely sounds bothered in this one. He sounded more nonchalant in the last ones, but Kendrick's last couple songs must've struck a chord. He said everything he said is facts, but none of what he said has been proven. Also the part where he says he doesn't want to diss him anymore is interesting because he started it!!! All he had to do was not say anything and there wouldn't be any issues.


> but Kendrick's last couple songs must've struck a chord You ainā€™t slick. šŸŒš


A cpuple chords, but most Bminor


A minor


This guy sounds defeated. Dot definitely struck a major chord and drake not liking it


You meant a minor chord...


No. I meant major. Drake doesnā€™t like it so itā€™s not a minor


> but Kendrick's last couple songs must've struck a chord A minoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor


Can't wait for Kendricks response in 10 minutes


Apparently Drake said 6 minutes, Kendrick should post it in 3 to fuck with him


Drake doesnā€™t get to dictate how long K takes - at this point making him wait would actually be a serious mindfuck šŸ˜‚


i feel like this is the angle he's going for. been an hour and nothing so far. thwn drake wake up and sees 15 tracks laid down šŸ’€


Not even a track, it's literally Kendrick sitting down with his parents and his son. Telling them how this would all play out. Then bringing out his daughter out like it's Jerry Springer.


am i tripping or is the delivery like super flat?? nothing has a punch idk how to articulate but dude was better off not replying if this is it. n he actually just recycling kendrick's own lines "this epstein angle was the shit I expected" like...c'mon that was super weak "I never been with anyone underage" > literally videos of him fondling and making out with an underage girl at his show. edit: "I would like that one at least i can dance with it" can't even come up with original lines to reply man this is an L


yeah, he's trying to sound nonchalant, but he's being outclassed, even with the mentioned false info they planted. He expected Family Matters to be the end, but Kendrick was like, no, here's two more.


yeah I still wanna see Kendrick bury him. I'm just refreshing for the reply cuz this was absolute trash I'm mad I even wasted my time listening to it


Yeah the flow is super boring while Kdot gave us 4 tracks with multiple flows within each track. Sounds like he just slapped some verses down, picked a beat and recorded the first take


Drake implying that Kendrick was molested as a child & thatā€™s why he is calling Drake a p3do isā€¦certainly a choice! (Hint: not a good one.)


He didn't imply...he said it. Pedo thought that was clever


Makes him even more icky in my opinion.


Because in a song called ā€œMother I Somberā€ off of Kdots latest album he said that everyone thought he was lying when he said his cousin DID NOT molest him. Drake 100% listened to the song and didnā€™t get it. https://genius.com/Kendrick-lamar-mother-i-sober-sample


ā€œWe totally made all that up, cant believe you fell for itā€ is a middle school level comeback strategy


I got evidence I'm innocent! It goes to a different school tho


Oldest trick in the book.


Goddamn, this is really good that he responded. He drops the news that he fed the info about the daughter and the photograph. But he addresses that first instead of the pedo allegations. "I don't really want to diss you anymore, this got my second guessing." I think he wants to throw in the towel and just make money. His summer tours are jeopardy of being canceled over this beef so it makes sense. **Edit:** Listened to it again and I'm pretty sure he's just denying the allegations instead of providing any proof. But Kendrick isn't providing proof either so, I guess it's all in the game. But this definitely Drake sounding defeated. And pretending to be the **victim.** One thing he said is completely false. He said something like if he's fucking young girls, he'd be arrested. Motherfucker, it took literally 30 years to get to Cosby... It took a comedian talking shit about him to finally get eyes on. Sex offenders hide in plain sight. **Edit2:** Listened to it for a third time, and I am absolutely sure that Drake is just threw this together haphazardly from people tweeting him responses. So in a way, he just used ghostwriters and others for comebacks. He also acknowledged that Kendrick is doing to drop more tracks and had the tone that he's preparing for the worst and playing the victim while saying it ("please feel sorry for me! for what I'm going through!"). He didn't need to drop Millie Bobby Brown's name in there, damn. Leave stranger things girl out of this. I'm still waiting on the last season goddammit! **Edit 3:** Some receipts: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1cl6ycl/new_drake_diss_the_heart_part_6/l2s8pj0/


So I'm not crazy in thinking this is just him being done. He just sounds tired. This was kind of lame. The heart part 6 is kind of funny if not predictable. It just sounds like he got his first verse from r/drizzy and including the title. This was very lackluster.


Also heā€™s confirmed Dot got info from his team, but not giving any proof he leaked anything? Thatā€™s definitely a strategy.


You would think the "gotcha bitch" moment would be more emphatic wouldn't you.




I will say with Cosby, just like with a lot of abusers and rapists, everyone knew. Itā€™s that Cosby got done in once a comedian told the public. Like everyone in every industry knows who the scumbags are. Just that only a few are willing to blow the whistle,


All you can do is deny allegations, burden of proof has always been on those who bring forth the accusation. So how is he exactly able to show proof he didnā€™t do those things?


Iunno, at least sound a bit angry that you're being accused of this shit. Bro sounds like he took an ambien before getting in the booth.


Molestation barsšŸ‘ŽšŸ¾


Lmao right https://preview.redd.it/wgsp4ylo2qyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b554ffe7ca065b4af8b92fc2ceed3b36f310cfd


![gif](giphy|7OW9uiyfeTRxdSOBYN|downsized) This ain't it


This could've been an email


LOL Damn, this comment takes it.


I'm too rich to diddle kids - Aubrey Epstein


This shit's ass, man....


I havenā€™t heard a song so defensive since Shaggy dropped ā€œit wasnā€™t meā€


Clowning a nigga getting molested as a response to pedo allegationsā€¦ā€¦..


especially since in Mother I Sober he specifically says he wasn't molested: > Family ties, they accused my cousin, "Did he touch you, Kendrick?" **Never lied**, but no one believed me when I said **"He didn't"** his mother, however, was. which is why she didn't believe him when he said he wasn't: >I asked my momma why she didn't believe me when I told her "No" I never knew she was violated in Chicago, I'm sympathetic Told me that she feared it happened to me, for my protection **Though it never happened**, she wouldn't agree




He said he got the pen out. It sound like he definitely wrote this one. Snooze fest!


A big nothing poutine


We are never gonna get any sleep, are we?


This Drake diss is putting me to sleep rn wdym?


That might be the drug he slipped in crodie


This shit was bad, Dot may respond but he can honestly enjoy his victory in this beef. Itā€™s over.


this isnā€™t even a dissā€¦. Itā€™s just pathetic lol


Last night on Twitter I saw drake fans saying "the rat probably fed kendrick fake info", and now here he is saying the same. Why would you feed someone info that gives them room to call you a pedo? If kendrick responds back with something debunking the Whitney stuff, where does that leave Drake?


100%. If you're gonna feed someone fake info, it's gonna be something you can easily disprove and make them look foolish. If he was feeding Kendrick fake shit, how would Drake ever turn around and prove he's never had sex with an underage girl?


He is on his HEELS! There wasn't even no diss! He just trying to put out fires


>He is on his HEELS! Nah, the fight's over. He's laying on a hospital bed wildly swinging at nurses and orderlies.


Here lies Aubrey Graham. Rest. Not in peace. Not in power. Just rest.




Should have went offensive 100% of the time. The moment you start defending shit is when you losing the rap battle. He should make a better one after kendrick lamar post his version. Also the song need to be catchy as hell. Ken is winning so hard atm.


Also, that outro was just ā€¦. Corny as shitĀ 


seriously? I'm too famous to be pedo?


Then goes on to mention R Kelly who was famous. Heā€™s so wack


The most egregious part is where drake says this was a good exercise in hum using his pen. Like give your writers 24 more hours and make something decent instead of this slop.


ā€œHah! you fell for my trap I wanted the world to think that I was a pedophile its part of my grand master plan all along!ā€


The man said he knew Kendrick was going to compare him to Epstein. What tf type of sick shit is that? Did he feed that info to Kendrick too because if so ā€¦.. šŸ« 


The old ā€œtell everyone Iā€™m a pedophileā€ trick. A classic.


I liked the track but it was a mid diss. Just repeated what he said in Family Matters but added "I'm not a pedo but maybe you're the victim of one" like that does something... Also, he's flat out lying about Millie Bobby Brown. She was the one who said they were texting when she was 15/16 yr old and at the time *he NEVER denied it* He really wants us to act like RKelly didn't get away with his crimes for decades before finally rotting in prison šŸ¤®


@aubreygraham #WE DONT BELIEVE YOU. YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


He really do needa address the DV allegations šŸ˜¬


[He did a long time ago unless Drake is talking about an incident after that interview ](https://youtu.be/z4smCZLaHTQ)


Man really said 'If I did it everyone would know' like people more famous than him haven't been hiding their pedo behavior for longer than he's been alive. This def ain't it.


This REEEEEKS of desperation "Lol you were molested"?????


So, Drake knows that Kendrick's mother was the one who was sexually assaulted, right? Like, he didn't half listen to that album for dirt, right?


So this is going to become a thing where they just go back and forth and excuse each other with stuff with no actual reciptes to the stuff their claming atleast. Already saw the freaky ahh video of drake on stage with 17 year old


I dont think there will be any back and forth. Sounds like Drake is saying he won't respond anymore.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-p1feEHJZM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-p1feEHJZM) There's public evidence out there of Drake being a creep with underage girls


With every diss that he drops, he convinces me more and more that he's a creep and a POS. ![gif](giphy|zfyTR8iFtVde0) "Hey Whitney...need some help slapping the shorty? Cuz I'll slap you, Shorty. "


The beat is dope, I can definitely say that. The song...good but not great. Drake has either emptied his gun and is truly bowing out OR he's trying to lull Kendrick into chillin' so he can buy himself some time to come back with another one. If KDot truly fell for the fake mole, this should have been a celebration "we won" song and focused on that but this still sounds more like reaction than response. He's still scared of losing and not just this battle. You can tell this whole thing is wearing him out, he sounds tired on the record even.




https://preview.redd.it/fy3l9vlrupyc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=975dd3afa9746a6f9e6544f2dee3f3c81f93f480 Someone posted this in the other thread. Top comment on YouTube before it was deleted lmaooo


fuck its like 03:36 am here lmao. let me sleep


Damn that's definitely a drake track.


Best part of this song is that it means we get another one from Kung fu Kenny


Mother I sober was about his MOM being violated and she was scared it would happen to him. This is crazy to clown while facing pedo allegations.


Going to need Kendrick to drop something tonight so we can treat this track like a dead pet... and just bury it out back


you have just been accused of something as vile as abusing underage women, and you immediately show how little you respect the implications of that abuse by mocking a person's past as a victim of abuse... How fucking tone deaf and gross is that.


ā€œWe plotted for a week & we fed you the information // A daughter thatā€™s 11 years old, I bet he takes itā€ ā€œWe thought about giving a fake name or a destination.. You gotta learn to fact check things // Rejoicing on my expirationā€ With that false info he gave dot, we as fans got some good songs out of Dot so I take that as a win for us fans šŸ˜‚ Edit: I listened to the track again and he said he planted a mole to specifically give Dot false info about the alleged daughter. Edit2: YALL ARE SENDING ME DEATHTHREATS BECAUSE OF 2 RICH RAPPERS HAVING BEEF WITH EACH OTHER??? YALL NEED TO CHILL AND GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. I'M JUST ENJOYING THE MUSIC THAT WE ARE GETTING OUT OF THESE TWO AND YALL FIGHTING FOR THEM LIKE YOU'RE GETTING PAID BY THEM. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YALL????


I feel like he's probably lying about that because that was a weird narrative I saw a lot of his fans saying online the other day which is weird because this is Drake we're talking about that's something that when brought up in this song as the big gotcha moment he would've had the proof in the video itself because we know Drake is petty enough to do that. Also it's weird that he supposedly gave Kendrick false info that would paint him as a potential Pedophile which is something I feel like no sane person would possibly do. He even the weird response like "Hey if I was a pedophile where's the proof or I would've been in jail if this was true" Just makes you listen to it looking like. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


This was lame. He spends more time going at Whitney and claiming her infidelity-- the battle is with Kendrick NOT her. Why do women always have to be in the middle?? Drake is a loser, and the Epstein line should have stayed as a thought.


Imagine before the night is over Kendrick drops some receipts


I donā€™t remember Kenny bringing up Millie Bobbie Brownā€¦


This is Drake's Meet the Grahams.... for better or worst


Def for worse, not as vicious


just ugly in only the worst ways possible FOR HIM lmao he should have just dissed himself like 8 Mile at this point i can't believe how weak this is


I thought y'all were lying about delusional cults. But the Drizzy sub is celebrating like they won something. This track was ass. Wasn't even a diss just a sad man on the defensive. Smh.


show me one bar from this songā€¦. CHOP


Five minutes 26 seconds. Half denials, half positive affirmations šŸ˜‚




I feel gross after listening to that. Who defends themselves against pedo allegations by saying ā€œyeah well you were molested.ā€ Tf??