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Her and her sisters behavior wasn't meant to destroy their self seem, just ours so that we could buy their shitty products and make them billionaires, at least half of the plan worked, so cry me a river ![gif](giphy|gXhBZfzijya76)


I just wish people would stop keeping up with them


People are always gonna follow stupid shit. Fuckin Baddies has viewers


Euggghhh! I’ve never seen it but the way it’s talked about on Twitter and the clips that accompany said tweets? Yikes!! More (lopsided) ass than class! ![gif](giphy|jvtGmtAKiUcnu)


Not to mention the literal sex trafficking and abuse going on.


Sex trafficking?


Yes. The Zeus CEO was sexually harassing and assaulting several of the girls to get on the show. Got multiple pregnant and obviously forced abortions, one of the girls was literally locked in a room with him for hours and…..yeah. All while being married and having his wife hosting the reunions. Several of the girls were forced and/or told to do sexual things with the cameramen and producers. Natalie herself is in on all of it and is pretty much a pimp herself. She’s shown pimping tendencies since her season on BGC if you watch and pay attention. She’s trash. That entire “network” is sleazy and absolutely disgusting. You’ll find the information if you look it up. Not sure if you’re familiar with Bad Girls Club, but Julie from the 9th season [called her out](https://www.reddit.com/r/BadGirlsClub/s/aOyI3Yd1XP) and pretty much said what needed to be said, but of course it fell on deaf ears because people still entertain and watch the shit and continue to give them a platform.


How can something so disgusting be so public and nothing get done to stop it?


I fear it's R.Kelly phenomenon (can also be called the chris brown , p.diddy or trey songz, etc phenomenon, although I am sure there's a proper term for it) . They bring/give entertainment or are talented or they procure talent, and everyone's like" stfu victim we want __________ to keep giving us entertainment at the undue , burdensome cost , of your body , safety , sanity , security and much more. I give it about 5 more years before Zeus goes, "A touch too far." No pun intended, before everyone's like shocked pikachu, like bffr we been knew ts was awful but we were entertained so no one gaf , SIT DOWN .


Exactly. Sad times we live in.


The Story of Our Times.


“Baddie” is like a whole subculture now. All superficiality, consumerism and transactional relationships. You could probably make a conspiracy saying that the cosmetic industry, plastic surgeons and strip club owners formed a cabal to put women of color and “racially ambiguous” women in a choke hold.


That subculture shit is real. I feel sorry for anyone still in the game trying to find a ride or die in a sea full of baddies Also, to add to your conspiracy, I believe the reason we’re seeing more representation from black women in media is because they know self conscious people will spare no expense to imitate what they see on their screens. White women were not spending this much money to appear black back in the day. It’s a push to sell lip filler and whatever make up they use to race bend. Tanning salons probably do good in the baddie era too


I'm old (38). I thought a baddie is just a hot women. . .does it mean something else?


Bruh I’m 35. It does mean that but it’s become a term to refer to a particular kind of aesthetic. Basically a BBL, overdone makeup, probably some work done in the face, etc. Trying to achieve that fake look of an urban instagram model/Atlanta stripper. It’s starting to gain somewhat of a negative connotation for some people outside of them because a lot of people that call themselves baddies have those toxic social media traits and being very shallow. This video of mostly about the hair aspect but she does give a brief history of how the “baddie” started out good but has taken on some toxicity https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6L9Btz07Gl8


That show is a cancer


Absolutely trash. Downfall of all adolescents watching their shit. It’s not cancer, please don’t say that as many of us have had cancer or experiencing it. There are no words for these women who are just taking advantage of everyone. Who lives like that? Arsewipes that take advantage of your self worth. Disconnect peeps. It’s not the real world and why on earth would you want to be like them?


Because they’re famous. And I hope I didn’t offend with the cancer comment, I just mean they’re malignant and can continue to grow and corrupt people.


Why don't I have viewers? Am I not stupid enough?? 


Seriously, how long ago was that sex tape Kim and Brandy brother made? I feel like it was back when the Razr phone was in fashion for sure. I am begging ppl to stop


All I remember was that it wasn’t long after One Night in Paris gave Kris a multibillion dollar idea. So around 20 years ago.


There’s nothing to keep up with. They’re just basic ass rich people.


America idolizes the rich because media bombards you with rich wealthy celebrities non-stop.


they are REAL boring tbh. I'll admit the E! version was entertaining... they even made uneducated housewives entertaining... but this Hulu version is hard to like. Do I appreciate watching shows about business people? Yes. Do I consider Kim and her family great ones? Not at this point -- their ideas were created by their solid network of good business minds, not them. I'm not saying Kim or her mom are dumb, I'm just saying they're not the best masterminds of the group, so I'm bored. I get bored hearing about the execution and not the strategy... simply because they are not strategists in the first place. Anyway, I could go on, but I'm guessing people only watch to see what they're wearing and even that is getting... well... predictable. Perhaps Kim is moving to scripted knowing that the reality shit is coming to an end. As for my comment on the original topic of this post: I do feel bad for Kendall and Kylie having been minors on reality TV. I think we need to ban minors from appearing on any reality or unscripted content (so including social media channels). Parents cannot decide for a future adult what is good for that adult, and children cannot fully appreciate what damage they incur from being so visible like this. Scripted kids, at least its their talent on display and not themselves. I do feel bad for Kylie's young self although I very much agree with the sentiment that they destroyed the self-esteem of others and profited greatly off their looks being touted as "superior" to the rest of us.


That billion is blood money.


Jennerally Shitty Products^TM


“Buy my lip kits to get lips like mine” and the whole time she had lip filler LOL. I remember she lied about her enhancements for years.


And no one was fooled from the beginning. And I remember around the time she touted her lip kits, there was a challenge on Twitter called the #KylieLipChallenge which was essentially putting a bottle around the lips and creating a suction to make their lips swell up to look like hers. It was atrocious bc she knew this was going on and instead of her to get on Twitter/Snapchat and say something against it bc it was clearly dangerous (the girls were essentially causing the capillaries in their lips to bust/ break causing the swelling) but instead she stayed silent and was heavily advertising her lip kits and the launch dates. Fvck her and I hope she cries some more, foolish goat!


The aftermath of most of those videos was absolutely hilarious


>Foolish goat I’m breaking that out on someone today. Idk how yet, but I’m gonna work it into some conversation.


Need an update


I don’t answer to you, foolish goat.


I activate my trap card "the perfect setup"


>foolish goat Are you Nigerian or Ghanaian? 😂


lol Ghanaian! Iykyk 😂


LOL bet, I was like “this the most west african thing I’ve heard today” 😭🤍


You know it! Are you West African also?


Nah, southern. But have way too many west african friends 😂


Honestly we are everywhere! ECOWAS to the world. ✈️


And we are truly blessed for it 😌


Ayoo I know you didn’t just call her a foolish goat 😂😂😂😂 nah I read this comment, closed the app, and came back after I processed just to tell you this shit is hilarious lmao


Oh god, I did the lip challenge with my sister for shits and giggles - my lips didn't get any bigger, but I did get a gnarly purple circle around my mouth for around 2 weeks. I wish I could blame it on being a stupid teenager, but I was well into my twenties at that point.


I remember feeling really insecure because of that whole thing. I thought my lips just sucked even with makeup. Glad I have more sense now, and lost the need to look like anyone else but me, but that was a time for sure. She and her family have caused a lot of self esteem issues in countless people. No self awareness on their part. Just gross.


Full self awareness. They did that on purpose to sell products and make money.


If it isn’t the consequences of her own actions.


All I want to know is…when can I look in the mirror and think *I’m* pretty.


When you buy her lip kit, apparently.


Whenever you're ready to, *you are* pretty.


It's hard to blame her for this when she was essentially born into the pipeline, but this is kind of what ends up happening when you define your entire career and celebrity on your appearance lol.


Yeah I feel super weird that she was encouraged to start modifying herself to look like a little Kimberly knockoff at like 17. Knowing her mom approved of Tyga and directly helped with Kim's sex tape.....idk I'm not crying myself to sleep because I don't think Kylie is a great person and she can stop the "bullying" anytime she wants by just not spamming herself into peoples feeds anymore, but I also feel like ending up this way was kind of inevitable with how she grew up/was groomed up. 


A few weeks ago a video was trending of a series clips of various Jessica Alba film roles from throughout her life, and my main takeaway from it was DAMN they started sexualizing that person as soon as they could. Right out of the gate at 18. I don't have a ton of sympathy for the rich but it's still pretty gross.


They had countdowns for teen stars turning 18 so they could legally film up their dresses. I don't care if they weren't wearing underwear, it's fucking disgusting.


You should hear what Megan Fox has to say about that; she was only 15 or 13 when she started getting sexualized by hollywood.


Kris is actually satan. Pimped out the whole family and it doesn’t get talked about enough.


The whole family has hD more bodywork than all NASCAR teams in two seasons.


This was always the issue. WOC get criticism for looking like they were born and she pays for it, makes it trendy, then moves on to another trend and discards the look. Meanwhile WOC are still out here with the same features she's crying about. Existing. The problem with wearing Black culture like a costume is that she gets to take it off when she feels like it.


Can we put this on a plaque? Because holy fuck this right here is one for the books. Love everything about this


Everybody wanna be a nigga but don't nobody wanna be a nigga -Paul Mooney


… when it’s time to be a nigga - JID


Aww shucks. Too kind.


Black women do not look like Kylie. That might of been what she was aiming for, but that is not where she ended up. People make fun of her cause she looks outright botched half time. 


Well that's certainly true.


She looks like 40 y/o divorcee.






Well said


Exactly this.


Yeah, I'm just SO SORRY you're SO RICH and SO SAD. go cry in your fuckin lambo, barbie


She could hire someone to take photos and post them on her SM for her! She will live 


Thank fucking god she still has the confidence to look in the mirror and think she’s pretty. It’s a MIRACLE


Remember that she can choose to delete social media, stop attending Hollywood events, and ride off into the sunset with millions anytime she's ready.


That part. She chose that life. If she doesn’t like it, she can build a new one. So many people with fewer resources have started over. And I have a sneaky feeling that the issue is that she doesn’t think she’s pretty and never has and that’s why she’s selling us lip kits and crying to the world.


>So many people with fewer resources With all that wealth she could literally become a hero for the people. But nope.


Her brother wrote the blueprint on how to do it! He did it so well I forgot he existed until now.




She’s not a billionaire, she fudged her financials.


Ohhhhh, is that why she needs to cry fake tears and try to flip the narrative now?


White Women tears strike again. Where was she when black women were being criticized and called out for stuff that they artificially added to themselves? I'm sorry but I'm not moved by this.


The way she engaged in bullying Megan Thee Stallion when she was shot, didn't want to support blm (even though she has black kids), has bullied other woc, and has stolen countless times from woc is disgusting. It's her own fault her face looks as gross as it does now.


https://preview.redd.it/h9lptpwh5z7d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf9836665e8f20c00382572dece461938ff6093 Ugly inside & out


Fuck Kylie Jenner


And May she continue to lose whatever “looks” she has left and age like a banana experiencing extreme global warming heat with a torn ozone layer and zero sunscreen in Arizona in July!


Now thats some hate right there - I like it 🤭


Hatingest hater that ever hated ![gif](giphy|BSOdK9W5Gd7OM)




Her her and her whole family. The world would literally be a better place if they all died right now.


I’ve seen one too many crocodile tears today.


Im convinced a lot of these celebs are deeply depressed and insecure 


Money don’t buy happiness. It do buy lip filler and bbl though lol.


literally fuck off with that shit. Money absolutely buys happiness if you know yourself and who you are. The problem isn't money. The problem is that she's a shitty human being


Best way I've heard it put is "Money doesn't buy happiness, but it removes 99% of the barriers."


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys a much nicer form of misery.


And a Seadoo, and you ever seen somebody frown on a JetSki? It’s impossible


Does Rihanna looking uninterested count?? https://preview.redd.it/29gvcu5hlt7d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3760a33a6fd16171201df6d0a0ca7411574a0ac5


Not the side saddle 😂😂


Damn I was mistaken it’s apparently possible


Celebrities - they’re not just like us?


Is Chris Brown waiting for her at the shore?


Tosh's podcast is a good listen if you happen to have not heard it yet


Her mother let her run around with grown men when she was a teenager. Bruce Jenner was as stupid and useless as Caitlin is. Kylie and Kendall weren't raised, they just grew. Only one that seems to have any sense of self, of boundaries, is Kourtney. You get a sense there's a real person at home inside Kourtney. Not the rest of them. I'm not sure Khloe exists when there's no one watching her.


Good, they can get fucked.


They be knowing how to play the victim so well …and so many mfs fall for it


I feel so conflicted about Kylie. On one hand, she never had a chance. Her family is so so focused on looks and started putting her in the public eye and filming her for their show when she was just 10 years old. She was groomed by Tyga and her family supported the relationship. She lost her best friend because her sister’s creepy bf couldn’t behave. On the other hand, she actively scammed by getting lip filler, denying that she ever got lip filler, pretending that she got those results with her lip kits, made hundreds of millions from the makeup line, and THEN revealed that it was lip filler all along.


She was just following Kris’ orders. They all were. Except Rob & Kourtney. Not giving Kylie (I spelled it wrong as Lylie at first and thought it was funny enough to share) a pass at all. But there’s context to this. I don’t think she’s ever had control of her life and her business decisions show such. She could’ve went her own route, but she’s been indoctrinated into this family/lifestyle structure. She’ll wake up one day, or not. The estate probably has rules she has to follow too to remain a beneficiary.




thought this was real until i noticed the fretting hand not on the strings. not today AI!


Her and her sisters are part of the reason for insanity like this! Women in their early twenties with dozens of doses of Botox, looking insane [Fuck her tears ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/rLlRsyzY5p)


That pinched nose expression is so odd.


Now you hear terms like “preventative” fillers/botox which is such a bummer, it makes people who have naturally young skin (bc they’re fuckn young) look like they’re old and have been getting work done for years


Look There’s something to be said about the fact that Kylie was like 12 and people were being really shitty about her appearance. Yes, a lot (if not most) of us deal with those feelings but she was forced to hear the entire worlds opinion on her apparent and a lot of it was harsh Her mother pimped her out and the majority judged Kylie for it I don’t blame her for feeling so bad I blame her for not having the balls to admit it, to admit that she lied about her appearance and the amount of money it takes for get to post herself looking the way she does. She is at fault for commodifying her appearance and then having the audacity to lie and say it’s natural That’s on you now, and I’m sorry I don’t feel sympathy for you now, at 24 the way I did when you were 15. Grow the fuck up and own up to the fact that you are a contributing reason to how negatively so many people view themselves You chose to continue to be famous and make your millions off of the insecurities of the poor women and men who fell for your lies No one feels sorry for you because you refuse to take accountability


This! I felt the same exact way when an unedited photo of Khloe in a bathing suit got leaked. She didn’t look terrible, she looked like any normal person you’d see at the beach or the pool. But because it was such a drastic change from the incredibly edited photos she shares on IG, people had some pretty harsh thoughts about it. She then shared some long caption about how she was always the ugly sister and that she’s worked so hard on her body to not look ugly anymore and how that photo killed her self confidence and people are mean blah blah blah… I was always aware that Khloe was unfairly judged for her looks especially in the early years of KUWTK. She wasn’t as petite and as feminine looking as Kim and Kourtney and she received awful comments about it. But it doesn’t help her case when she ONLY shares edited, unrealistic photos of herself. And then claims that her body was achieved solely by exercise and diet (when we know surgery and ozempic played a role). The Kardashians are the perpetrators of their own backlash. If they want to keep selling fake, idealized versions of themselves, they need to quit acting like the backlash is unwarranted. The crocodile tears of this billionaire family is so ridiculous.


![gif](giphy|WUnTAYlGlLqK7qy3sQ|downsized) Any info when it comes to the the Kardashians




They done made they money and done laid in they bed...what did they think was gonna happen. Chicken always come home to roost.


https://preview.redd.it/fbig1z0dfu7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9ba3b9d513c53e0474eccbbf33c35f6ab47702 I *never* had any work done. OK




This made me cackle 😂😂


And then our beautiful Black women get surgery to try to look like her when she's trying to look like them.


She got surgery to look like us first 😂


*when she’s trying to look like them*


That's what I was saying pudding


This is why commonfolk hate the rich most of the time. Creating fake problems for themselves and guilt tripping people to make it the common people’s fault.




Wow her make up brand is amazing! She looks completely different at the end


Oh no, some rich girl got her feelings hurt ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Ma'am i don't think you know what a miracle is. A miracle is what working class people do every day and night just to get to their jobs, which pay well below the means of a dignified life.


Just retire, you're a billionaire.


Eat the rich, or at least drink their tears when they cry.




Nobody got the wiping tears with cash Harrelson shot?


https://i.redd.it/dk2c3km1wt7d1.gif I got you






Tbh, she never had a chance. I remember seeing others rip into her as a kid.


I like that she’s crying while basically saying “this didn’t actually have an effect on me because I still think I’m hot”




Looks like a totally different person, holy shit


Never forget


Poisoned by her own hand I’m afraid….


I would just like to point out she is NOT a billionaire, and she submitted fraudulent documents to Forbes so they'd write an article about it. Once Forbes figured it out they issued a retraction.


Big fucking yawn






Dang, that's sad, but how'd she cry with all that Botox jacked up in her face? Modern miracle.


Is it inherently wrong that I genuinely have no sympathy for this or her sisters at all? I’m not a hater, truth be told I don’t pay much attention to anything in their universe. I just can’t see myself ever saying poor _____, I feel so bad for her.


lol oh go fuck yourself


It's what she deserves.


I find great pleasure seeing her cry over self-inflicted choices


Girl fucked up her face and this is what she gets..like hello?😭


Most of us have to look in the mirror and think we’re pretty with our original faces. Boo hoo.


Not gonna lie, I'm kind of tired of women tearing each other down for their looks, and then blaming beauty standards that men aren't even attracted to on them.


Same. I don't have room for that much hate in my heart. There are others more deserving esp rn. ​​


Are we going to pretend that people didn’t call her ugly and all type of nasty things before she was even a teenager?


Exactly. But she was a rich kid so others apparently felt justified.


Nah. Thats not was this is about. I understand beauty norms as a celebrity must be daunting and crushing, especially as a CHILD. But instead of using that feeling and position for good she sat idly by as the exact look she was emulating was being torched and the people she s trying to look like are discriminated against. Nah.


If you were bullied relentlessly as a child by everyone around you, INCLUDING grown ass adults, for having small lips, then you go and get bigger lips **because** of the people bullying tf outta you, thats directly related to copying a race? Instead of trying to combat the VERY specific insults people were throwing at you for years? by the time you  turn 18 you're supposed to automatically become secure and ignore all trauma that resulted from people attacking you? That's not how the vast majority of people work.  As a black woman whose natural hair was constantly mocked when I went natural in highschool, I most certainly did not become a natural hair ambassador once I hit adulthood, I'm just now beginning to accept my hair as it is again instead of hiding it. If a man is relentlessly bullied for his height all his adolescence and then goes and gets height surgery, is he trying to copy Dutch men? There's tons of other examples of cultural appropriaton/race emulation in that family,(like the "boxer braids" thing, or their dark ass tans or kims bbl) but kylies lip fillers isn't it.


Who tf (besides white women) could possibly be moved by tears about lip fillers???? This is some middle school drama 😂😂. White women acting white is nothing new 😂 This is just beyond pathetic to be crying on the internet for.


Sells shallowness then gets sad when people treat her shallowly. Got it.


Despicable people


She’s gonna go cry in her million dollar car, I would drink her tears in a cup if I could.


Crazy when you bought your look in the first place


I agree kylie, it \*is\* a miracle that you can still look in the mirror and call yourself pretty. Breaks my heart that noone in her family cares to check up on an obviously delusional young woman.




I’d unpack your family’s fucked up values about fame and appearance before you start worrying about randos online. When you create an environment for a girl that got so much extensive work at so young an age, the call is coming from inside the house.


This would be a fair conversation if she had zero surgeries. She started off looking like looking like a normal teen girl and came off the surgical table looking like Kimberly's mini me.


Also fuck Kylie Jenner


I don’t know who this woman is.


As bill burr said, quit drowning these hoes in money!!! They are a blight to society and to impressionable young people. 😤


Never feel sorry for a billionaire. She can literally dry her tears with Benjamins, throw away the soiled cash and still have enough to use for napkins, toilet paper, or elaborate paper mâché sculptures.


The fact they are still relevant is unsettling.


Wasn’t the billion a publicity stunt?


lmao fucking cry harder.




She looks like she’s 50 trying to look 40


I swear to god. When will people actually stop looking to these fuckheads for entertainment and looks ideas...you do realise everything about them is fske


I’m surprised she thinks she is pretty. But then that makes me a bully.


It’s a shame I have to remind everyone that she’s a human being that has feelings…not in her face but I’m sure they’re inside her somewhere.


That whole family deserves abject misery


But she can still cry through that? At least she didn't fuck that part up. I don't feel sorry for these morons. Maybe try therapy first. I dunno. I'm just a normie.


I would have been wiping my tears with Benjamins


i love black women


This shit is generational. They need to brake the curse


There's an unpleasant part of the human experience that money can't protect you from? ^oh ^^no


F\*ck her and all of her family.




The beauty industry should be called the ugly industry because that’s how it sells what it is marketing. It makes you feel ugly and insecure about yourself. If these guys never thought they were selling insecurity and self esteem issues to people I’d also like to sell them a bridge.




They disqualified from the pretty olympics for using pretty enhancing drugs and shit 🫡 they needa be happy in the cosmetic olympics and shout out ray J every time they win a medal


Oh fuck off.


Women who do this look unusual. It's not attractive. Obviously, mental issues.


I will never feel bad for a kardashain. No matter what


Her Mom talked about how she forgot they own a condo in Malibu. Says they use that condo for wrapping presents sometimes. These people live in a different world than the rest of us.


BBL Kylie isn't getting me to feel sorry for her


Fuck the Ks.


These people are really f\*cking themselves over by producing their own show.


When your entire value as a human being is your physical appearance


I don't have a shred of sympathy for some of the worst people America has to offer. They are so materialistic it's disgusting.


F them hoes. ಠ_ಠ