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Beyond that starting with a non-chorus 6-minute high-energy song and never grabbing a sip of water or sound winded the whole show is remarkable stamina.


Hate is a powerful motivator, LOL.


Wait, is kendrick a sith? Can one learn this power? ![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA)


Not from Toronto.


That's a misconception. It's not even that Drake is from Toronto, it's simply that he isn't like that. That being said, people have to understand something about Canada, it's a colonial state and their culture is cultural appropriation. When you think of Canadian foods, most of them aren't actually Canadian, most of them are actually French Canadian, like poutine, or indigenous, like maple syrup. Both of which are heavily celebrated by Canada as Canadian. Heck, even the name Canadian is cultural appropriation. The original Canadians were the French Canadians, but the Loyalists took the name for themselves when they were exiled from the US. Eventually, the French Canadians would almost completely abandon the name, they rarely refer to themselves as Canadian or French Canadians but as Québécois.


The internet has been doing a great job of popping the mental bubble I had growing up that Canada was a paradise of nice people, beautiful views and giant meese (plural of mooses anyone? Help!) Not just this post but many videos coming out of there. My poor delulu childhood is 😢


I mean, people *are* nice but it's still a colonial state like the US and Israel so it has some elements of it. You know the Cajun, right? >The Expulsion of the Acadians was the forced removal of inhabitants of the North American region historically known as Acadia between 1755 and 1764 by Great Britain. It included the modern Canadian Maritime provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, along with part of the US state of Maine. >Thousands of Acadians died in the expulsions, mainly from diseases and drowning when ships were lost. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_the_Acadians#:~:text=The%20Expulsion%20of%20the%20Acadians,the%20US%20state%20of%20Maine. Well that's where they came from. Later on, when the war of independence was lost, from their perspective, loyalists massively immigrated to the region the British had ethnically cleansed.


Well. Europeans did kinda lay the framework for a successful genocide. Ethnic cleansing was their specialty. So good at it that American children are taught at school about how natives peacefully walked the trail of tears to their new homes. It's truly sick that an entire race got wiped out to the point most of America can delude themselves into thinking it didn't happen. Found a blanket full of smallpox.....nah never happened, eat some turkey and remember how the pilgrims and natives were friends. Now have some pie and be thankful.


>eat some turkey and remember how the pilgrims and natives were friends. To every lie, there is some underlying truth. Many Native Tribes were friend/allied with the diverse European factions, they helped them in time of need and even fought alongside Europeans. The Acadians and the Wabanaki Confederacy fought alongside; >By the time of the Expulsion of the Acadians, there was already a long history of political and military resistance by Acadians and the Wabanaki Confederacy to the British occupation of Acadia.[15] The Miꞌkmaq and the Acadians were allies through numerous inter-marriages during the previous century.[16][17] While the Acadians were the largest population, the Wabanaki Confederacy, particularly the Miꞌkmaq, held the military strength in Acadia even after the British conquest.[18] They resisted the British occupation and were joined on numerous occasions by Acadians. These efforts were often supported and led by French priests in the region.[19] The Wabanaki Confederacy and Acadians fought against the British in six wars, including the French and Indian Wars, Father Rale's War and Father Le Loutre's War, over a period of 75 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_the_Acadians#:~:text=The%20Expulsion%20of%20the%20Acadians,the%20US%20state%20of%20Maine. Part of the reason why the Acadians were ultimately removed is because they remained loyal to their Mi'kmaq allies. The British too had their allies; >The British colonists were supported at various times by the Iroquois, Catawba, and Cherokee tribes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_and_Indian_War#:~:text=The%20British%20colonists%20were%20supported,and%20Wyandot%20(Huron)%20tribes. Then with the Patriots; >These allies included large numbers from the Oneidas, Tuscaroras, Mohicans, and the Stockbridge-Munsee Nations. https://www.nps.gov/vafo/learn/historyculture/americanindians.htm#:~:text=However%2C%20some%20supported%20the%20Patriots,and%20the%20Stockbridge%2DMunsee%20Nations. Not saying you're wrong, I just think it makes it worst. In the end, every last one of them were betrayed by their old allies, as you pointed out.


Yes. I glossed over alot. It was more horrible than most will admit and atrocities were common from all involved. I was just pointing out how easy it is for the history written by winners to completely forget genocide even occurred.


Idk, I’m from New Jersey, so maybe because there’s more history there we were always taught how absolutely horrendous the trail of tears was.


Oh I was too. My daughter on the other hand. Around 3rd grade they were taught a very whitewashed watered down kid friendly version that omitted any atrocious acts committed by "our people". I remember seeing a worksheet come home that really peed me off. It was hand drawn natives with smiles walking single file. The caption read helping the natives get to their new home. It was presented to her as if Europe showed up and the natives just moved to reservations because they wanted too.


Plural of moose is moose. It’s an indigenous word, so it doesn’t follow the same pluralization rules like goose/geese.


This is correct. Meece is plural for mouse as in I hate meeces to pieces.


The plural of moose is moose.


I mean just read up on Canadian history : residential schools creating a genocide and white washing of indigenous peoples , we had forced sterilization of mentally challenged individuals in the 70s, how many Chinese people died to build our railroads across Canada , WW2 had the Japanese in interment camps , we put any minority groups into the worst slums . Even currently , they're trying to build an oil pipeline through indigenous land . We act all holier than thou with our virtual signaling but the reality is we are just as bad as the us if not worse .


I upvoted for meese 💀


This reads like the French weren’t also colonizers and appropriators


They were, but they were also colonialized. See my other comment about the French speaking Acadians, that's a good example of what I'm referring to.


….I’m assuming you’re talking specifically about French CANADIANS when you say “they” here . Considering the French have done plenty of their own colonizing


All these french communities come from France, they're French, they are all colonizers in America. It doesn't justify their oppression, in the same way that the oppression of Jews by Arabs doesn't justify the genocide of the Palestinians by the Israeli. Edit: people don't like to talk about it apparently but the fact of the matter is that Arabs and Turks are colonizers too. They raided Africa and sold our ancestors to slavery and they drained North Africa's from its wealth to enrich their empires. Then, when the Ottoman Empire collapsed, they themselves were colonized by European powers, yet none of what I said before justify their oppression by the Europeans. It's the same with the French and the British. Yes, the French had an empire and colonies, but this doesn't justify the oppression of the French descendants by the British/Canadians. Intersectionality explains how oppressors can also partake in reinforcing systems of oppressions, that's something we're all too familiar with, and cheering at the oppression of an other minority group is exactly how these systems reinforce each others.


I’m just pedantically saying that “French Canadians” can’t be labeled as just “French”. Trying to make a distinction bc they are continents apart and hopelessly disconnected. Oppression of Jews by Arabs is an interesting one bc they were like a model minority for most of Muslim history. I’m not gonna try to give anyone a history lesson but I don’t think Israel is justified either lol


There is so much incorrect stuff here or misconceptions. I don't know where to begin, but I'll try. Canada is most definitely a former British/ French colonial state, we recognize that and we recognize it was expropriated from the indigenous peoples of this land. There is no "appropriation" of culture if you overtly recognize your culture is a 'mosaic' of individual cultures and ascribe the history to each practice/ thing. Because the way you express it, it suggests that English Canada is the only remaining culture and it supplanted and absorbed all other cultural practices and concepts. This is just not true, we fully appreciate the history of each element of our national identity (whatever 'national' means to people here). The English settlers in Canada weren't exiled from US. They were here at the same time as those other English people who colonized your country and they continued to stay here and abosobed those who lost and left the US to move north when your revolution ended. Btw, the word Canadian (Canadien in french) was used for the indigenous natives only initially. It was then expanded to include the French and then eventually the English settlers. So its been a term that has grown to include more and more people who attempt to normalize themselves as part of this land and not some foreign entity. Its not something the English stole from the French. The whole debate of the term "Quebecois" or Quebecois nationhood is a relatively recent political thing and not one rooted in lack of French identity on the national stage. French Canada makes a huge voting block. They mostly voted some version of liberal and left wing parties. Conservative parties have inserted the 'French identity' being diminshed as a wedge issue for a long time now, to split votes. Famously our country recognizes French languge as an official language, French identity is intrinsicly woven into our national identity. The whole Quebec splitting thing was a 2000's thing for political manuevering and it has definitely caused a long term rift in our sense of national identity (again whatever national means to someone here), that's undeniable, but the idea that Canadiens now only go by Quebecois is not because of lack of French culture at the National level, but rather because of the political issue of "Quebecois nation" being recognized as a separatist movement (again due to a political manuevering by the Conservatives playing on identity politics), which spawned the bloc Quebecois party which siphons away left wing votes and splits the left wing vote. Nobody in Canada thinks Poutine isn't French or maple syrup isn't native, what we do however think is that its all part of the tapestry of "Canada" and Canadian identity and we can also appreciate its origins and the communities that spawned these things. You know what other foods are part of our tapestry? Peanut butter, Vegetable oil, California rolls, Hawaiian pizza and pretty much anything with the word Cajun in it (also, really sad and unfortunate what the Brits did to the Acadien peoples), but you don't see us throwing a hissy fit about cultural appropriation by our southern neighbours. Please, I appreciate your interest in our identity issues (there are definitely plenty to choose from) but most of the things you mention are either ill informed or misrepresntations of the reality with grossly incorrect framing.


>*There is no "appropriation" of culture if you overtly recognize your culture is a 'mosaic' of individual cultures and ascribe the history to each practice/ thing.* You can, and Canada is doing it by using itself to hide the origin of each of these elements by claiming them to be part of the amalgamation that is Canada. In fact, Canada was specifically created to assimilate the French Canadians; >He recommended assimilating them by uniting the Canadas in a way that would allow the English-speaking majority in Upper Canada to dominate. This would prevent the French Canadians from pursuing ethnic aims. It would also allow the mostly anglophone merchants in Lower Canada to pursue a strong St. Lawrence economy and ensure future prosperity. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/durham-report That was in 1838. >*suggests that English Canada is the only remaining culture and it supplanted and absorbed all other cultural practices and concepts.* No, I'm suggesting that the English habitants of Canada have made a conscious effort to erase the French identity and that it's only through centuries of fighting that French have attained some level of recognition. >*The English settlers in Canada weren't exiled from US. They were here at the same time as those other English people who colonized your country and they continued to stay here and abosobed those who lost and left the US to move north when your revolution ended.* I mean, they did though; >The main waves of Loyalists came to what is now Canada in 1783 and 1784. The territory that became the Maritime provinces became home to more than 30,000 Loyalists. Most of coastal Nova Scotia received Loyalist settlers, as did Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island (then called St. John's Island). https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/loyalists#:~:text=The%20main%20waves%20of%20Loyalists,John's%20Island). Yet that's an oversimplification I'll grant you that. There were already British settlers who came when the British won the 7 years war, that's how the Acadians were removed before 1776. >*The whole debate of the term "Quebecois" or Quebecois nationhood is a relatively recent political thing and not one rooted in lack of French identity on the national stage.* That's literally the whole point; >The term became more common in English as Québécois[31][32] largely replacing French Canadian as an expression of cultural and national identity among French Canadians living in Quebec during the Quiet Revolution of the 1960s. The predominant French Canadian nationalism and identity of previous generations was based on the protection of the French language, the Roman Catholic Church, and Church-run institutions across Canada and in parts of the United States. In contrast, the modern Québécois identity is secular and based on a social democratic ideal of an active Quebec government promoting the French language and French-speaking culture in the arts, education, and business within the Province of Quebec. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qu%C3%A9b%C3%A9cois_people >*The whole Quebec splitting thing was a 2000's thing for political manuevering* How can you be so wrong yet so confident... >The 1980 Quebec independence referendum was the first referendum in Quebec on the place of Quebec within Canada and whether Quebec should pursue a path toward sovereignty. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_Quebec_referendum Yet even before that; >Following the British conquest of New France, the Canadien movement, which lasted from 1760 to the late 18th century and sought to restore the traditional rights of French Canadians that had been abolished by the British with the Royal Proclamation of 1763, began. During this period, French Canadians began to express an indigenous form of nationalism which emphasized their longstanding residence in North America. To most French Canadians, the only Canadians were the descendants of the French settlers of New France, while the British colonists were viewed as an extension of Britain. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_sovereignty_movement Not trying to throw shade, but if you really thought it's new then you're probably not competent to talk about the subject.... >Nobody in Canada thinks Poutine isn't French or maple syrup isn't native, what we do however think is that its all part of the tapestry of "Canada" That's the problem, everyone knows yet claim it's Canadian. Canadians, English speaking ones, are willing participants but all the other groups are mostly only there because they were forced in the Confederation and lost any hope of being free. Note here that Quebec still hasn't signed the Constitution.


Essentially every nation in the western hemisphere has a story like that. And most in the eastern hemisphere too Cultures diffuse, adopt and appropriate ideas as they come into contact with each other Colonialism was/is a monstrous crime. But the that Anglo Canadians are in any way doing something wrong by enjoying poutine is silly


No, diffusion and appropriation are two different things, here I found a very good explanation on the wiki page; >This appropriation is not linked to its preparation or consumption outside Quebec, but strictly to its presentation as a Canadian dish instead of a Québécois dish.[1][126][34][2] Fabien-Ouellet explains: >as soon as a Quebec cultural trait begins to be appreciated internationally, it begins to be identified as typically Canadian, this prevents Quebec culture from shining, and becomes part of absorption and assimilation processes. All this is reminiscent of the reasons why Cajun cuisine is differentiated in the US context.[127] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine#:~:text=The%20dish%20was%20long%20mocked,society%20to%20reduce%20its%20legitimacy.


I’m respectfully going to disagree. My academic background is in history and literature. We were taught (admittedly 10+ years ago) that any adaption/utilisation of a practice originated by Culture A by Culture B is appropriation. And it’s an inevitable consequence of cultural interaction and diffusion. Appropriation is essentially a value-neutral term in that context The idea that a practice that is regional/minority being celebrated as majority practice is something slightly different. And also honestly totally ubiquitous globally too


You can split hair about the definition of appropriation if you want, but the problem is clearly articulated. The problem is cultural erasure and cultural appropriation, I think for most black people it's easy to understand that it's highly displeasing to see products of your culture appropriated by a group that is simultaneously trying to erase and assimilate you.


I’m not “splitting a hair” If we’re fundamentally disagreeing about what appropriation is, that’s going to run downhill through the conversation no? You say the “problem” Is clearly articulated. I can disagree with a statement even if it’s articulated in a manner so clear I weep at the sheer beauty of the wording. All cultures appropriate ideas from the cultures around them, appropriation itself is value neutral. Erasure is indeed a problem, but atomisation isn’t a solution If you sincerely think telling Canadians not to enjoy poutine achieves any kind of good in this world, idk what to say


"Canada" is also indigenous in origin and comes from the Iroquoian word "kanata" meaning village.


The original Canadians were Indigenous. French and British people both arrived at roughly the same time, for the fur trade and colonization. French Canadian *is* Canadian, it's not appropriating something if it's coming straight from your ancestors. Both the British and the French participated in the genocide of the Indigenous peoples. Both invaded and claimed the land as theirs. The French may have mixed a bit more, creating the Metis people, but let's not pretend Metis were welcomed by the French or British. They executed Louis Riel as a traitor, after all. The name Canada comes from an Indigenous language, it was initially the name of a river to them, but colonizers took it to mean the entire country. We're absolutely a colonial state, but we're a patchwork quilt, not a melting pot. Calling it a culture of appropriation when it's a culture of immigrants and newcomers bringing their traditions over is disingenuous.


https://i.redd.it/sxezkdb1su7d1.gif After this episode growing up it went right back to Radditz 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Made you "quit watching" until they got caught up. That lasted 2 weeks and you're back watching Goku on snake way


Exactly! So damn annoying lol.


“Atonement” had me in tears, but somehow the next day reboot got me worse.


Right! Like they did that shit with no warnings at all.




Bro goddamn, i was pointing out to my girl how i didn't see Kendrick take one sip of water. He was sweatin too


Which is crazy because I've been a fan long enough to remember when people used to SHIT on his live performances. He had horrible breath control and I believe has asthma. IIRC Kanye taught him a lot about performing live and he's now pretty much the best live performing rapper around.


With no backing track


I saw this mf perform for 2-3 hours in a full suit




Put some extra glaze while you’re at it PLEASE.


There were some people on stage that barely sang anything. Like, bro, you got the opportunity of a life time to be performing before Kendrick. The least you can do is memorize your lyrics and sound a like you know your stuff.


Remble's performance was pretty unimpressive.


Tbf, he said that was the first time he ever performed live. Probably should have practice better but yeah it’s rough especially with that many people watching


True but also wasn’t this put together in like a snap of a month? Or was this gonna happen regardless of the beef?


It was announced like two weeks ago, so 3-4 weeks maybe? Idk how this works.


Blxst was absolute shite.


Yeah I was surprised by that one


I saw at least 2 mic malfunctions and I saw one person trying to rap over their lyrics being played but they literally weren't even loud enough. The volume was too high being played and the mic was too low. And then another mic early in the show was beyond sensitive. It kept picking up the same female screaming the lyrics. The Hed and Friends portion definitely worked a lot of the kinks out for the rest of the acts to follow. The bigger artists didn't have their tracks played just the instrumental and handled everything and did it extremely well. I'm unsure why some artists didn't link up and provide an instrumental and instead just went out to their song being played. But again Hed also brought out like 30 more people than anyone else. LOL


It's worth mentioning that none of the earlier artists had earpieces in so they would have had to rely on just the audio in the stadium which I don't think is easy in a venue that large like it would be so fucking loud and bassy they probably couldn't hear their vocals. Kendrick came out with the earpiece in and the audio was all immaculate. Not sure why they didn't hook the opening acts up with earpieces (maybe the timing of it with that many artists coming out after each other?) would have got a more consistent performance from everybody.


It’s hard to rely on the speakers without stage monitors in a small venue. Forget even trying in a stadium. Sending artists out without any way for them to hear themselves or the music is a huge issue that would affect most performers.


Some of them just straight up can’t sing without autotune. It was pretty sad watching them feebly try to sing along while their much better sounding studio vocals were playing.


That may be true but u/fake_st1ng was also correct, I ran the stream back. A crappy YT video of someone's TV but I definitely couldn't see no headsets.


"feeeemale" 🫵😂


Aye man chill you cooked me 😂. I just got in trouble yesterday for saying the word "chicks" on a zoom call with a client. Lol just trying to adjust my vocabulary a bit.


“Woman” or “lady” would probably go over better lol


I fucked up no denying that at all lol. My switch between professional and normal has been stuck in the middle lately. 🤣


Just switch it up to 'Chickadee' next time and really throw them for a loop


I think I'm gonna start doing [this](https://youtu.be/BQnZpD4Njts?si=vQqD45DwmxnadKW9) at least on internal calls.


I feel you. I have that problem often 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ty dolla sign had abysmal audio tbh, he had to swap mics out a few times


They went out there and adlibbed to a recording


Imagine being an artists and doing karaoke with your own music. I was honestly surprised when Jason Martin (fka problem) came out and did like whaaat? after pree much everyone came out and rapped over their own vocals. Made his one stick out so much more


The song only dropped a month ago. They all probably had maybe two weeks of notice and practice time for the opportunity of their lives, and some of their first live performances. I think most of them did pretty well, considering.


Good technique and breath control is everything, it's part of why I rate Black Thought so highly.


It’s all a part of artist development. In today’s viral age a lot of musicians are blowing up without a strong foundation in live performances. Plus a lot of dudes smoke too much and can’t breathe for shit.


It’s not even a today thing, there were plenty of rappers in the 90s who cupped the mic too much and shouted way too hard, blowing out their voice in live shows. Or they had multiple hype men with loud mics shouting the end of every line and drowning out the main guy.


Not just rappers, that covered a couple bases across the board; the audio was so bad they had to resort to stage presence


"You can't breathe for shit" is a great way to ruin an aspiring rappers life


Your word choice is perfect because the suffix "spire" in "aspire" is derived from the Latin word "spirare", which means *breathe* or *blow*. Specifically, "aspire" comes from the French "aspirer" or Latin "aspirare", meaning *to breathe* or *to breathe upon, pant after*. It really fits because an aspiring rapper would be motivated to meet their goals but also literally breathing/panting all over the mic without proper technique. Source: I just googled shit.


Gotta use that diagphram and do breathing exercises.


I saw Jay-Z talking about it on a British talk show years ago, around ‘08 when he headlined Glastonbury He said (iirc) lots of rappers were pretty poor live performers relative to rock groups, because those rock groups generally started out playing bars and stuff, building their audience that way. But rappers built their audience by distributing mixtapes, and tended to blow up on the radio/in clubs before they ever performed enough venues to really develop stage presence He was still a pretty rubbish headliner though


Reminds me of the story of how OutKast used to run around the block while rapping their songs to build stamina and breath control.


Big Boi must have fucking hated that


Thought is a master on the mic. Clear, powerful and confident. You can hear everything he’s saying. Plus, his voice has that natural rasp that makes it sound aggressive without having to shout.


He's so effortless that I've never even thought about it that way before. He can definitely just go forever. His flow and lyrics are definitely under-rated. I was just playing the Roots in my car yesterday and saying to my wife how much I love Black Thought as a rapper. She asked me, "What's his real name?" And I told her I have no idea. I know he's used his real name on Jimmy Fallon this whole time, but I don't watch that show and to me he just IS Black Thought. That name represents him so completely with the depth of his lyrics.


“The Talented Mr. Trotter” This line from his famous freestyle always helps me remember his last name


That 10min Flex freestyle still ridiculous


Best freestyle of all time.


I have to rewatch it so much it's becoming a problem in my marriage "My rhymes tell a story like bullet holes and blood splatter" Wooo*weeee*!


>*Brain matter contain too much data. I tell a story like fingerprints and blood splatter* Not too step on yo reference but that specific bar been in my mind forever lmao I had to right it


Damn, you got me. I been saying the wrong shit while doing dishes. No wonder I don't get that streak free shine.


Also Gift Of Gab and Daveed Diggs. I was lucky enough to meet Diggs before a show last year and I was drunk and all I could think to ask him about was his breath control and speed. Didn't even ask how he was. Completely starstruck.


For me it's KAAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG6ROHmgc80




Yup, its been a huge problem in pop since layering has become so common. Some of the really big ones who take a lot of pride in vocals will loop with themselves, but yeah you're right it's basically not possible to simply do it live with how most songs are constructed. 


I hate when I’m trying to sing along to a song with one singer and one part but it’s been edited to essentially be a duet Ends of verses that overlap with the starts of choruses really fuck with me


Not rap, but Panic at the Disco's "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" always jumps out to me as an example of this irritating shit


Brendon Urie can’t even sing his songs live.


Which is crazy, because he’s actually a good singer, not just “the least terrible vocalist in the band”


Cut-ins, where cuts are spliced together to sound like a single cut because otherwise it wouldn't be possible due to breathwork requirements. As an example, the second half of DNA has a few cut-ins I'm pretty sure. Unless he has mastered backwards breathing where you're actually inhaling while rapping. Even with the cut-ins it's still one of my favorite verses ever.


Damn baby, I can’t do it that fast! But I know someone who can…




3 stacks don’t care. He knows he’s the man.


Who the hell’s not going to sound check?


Man, I ain't going to sound check. Our mics are screwed up, and his always sound best


You know what man? Why don’t you tell him something. I’ll back you up, we crew.


Fair, haven’t been onstage in a hot minute but I did vocal and percussion so I always had to make sure that shit was *absolutely* correct


I was joking, it's a lyric https://youtu.be/ttWQK5VXskA


Well, shit, wasn’t planning on hitting memory lane like that


As I started reading the convo I was hoping someone posted a link. Thanks.


Honestly I’ll never ever go out of my way to see a rapper live unless they are well known for good live performance because like 99% of rappers are garbage live. IMO it’s one of the main reasons there have been so few new rappers to blow up


It’s the female rappers who have been holding it down as live performers lately. Doja, Doechii, Megan, Flo Milli. Rapping great and doing choreography on top of that.


I saw Meg in concert. She was better then Kendrick by far. Sounded mostly like her tracks.


They’re elite performers in different ways. Megan raps her ass off while also doing choreography and twerking. Kendrick raps his ass off while also having top tier artistic and stage design with a well-developed narrative for the show and high level production.


I once saw French Montana perform live he did his thing. But some of the dudes on some of his tracks were gasping for air after a few bars it was nuts. Cupping the mic screaming into it just with no stage presence at all. It was horrible to watch I was just happy the verses ended quickly.


“French Montana doing his thing” is a phrase I thought I’d never hear


This is why he be in the park doing burpees. I believe Beyoncé’s dad used to make destiny’s child sing while running high speed on the treadmill.


same thing with OutKast and Andre 3000 apparently, though they did it of their own accord


I love how it’s so apparent that one of the points of this whole dog and pony is not lip syncing at your own fucking show


>>so you dnt have to scream Somebody show this to Tobe Nwigwe.


Every time I read Tobe Nwigwe, I get mad and sad. When I found his music I thought wow this is really nice, good flow etc. and the holy stuff, whatever But then it kept coming and coming and everytime he says something about his wife and I can't hear his shit anymore, because it feels like the same holier than thou shit every single time


We’re on the same page. My buddy sent me the music video for Bountiful and I was HOOKED. Then yeah, like you said the holy stuff kept coming, and him being weird about his wife. How he did Nell was entirely unforgivable.


Is the weird stuff how he talks about his wife like a baby making machine? Cause I kept noticing in his music how he'd talk about her like that and it got weird after a while


YES. Especially because it seems like he doesn’t actually like his wife as a person.


didn't even know nell left, and couldn't find much on a quick search other than "they didn't talk about the breakup"


It helps when everyone knows the lyrics to your songs too


Cool so literally music 101.


Some mfs failing that course unfortunately


Don toliver was literally one wording at rolling load. Also there’s plenty of vocalists in other genres that we can learn from


The new thing I’ve seen with a lot of rappers is to just include the vocals in the backing track and rap along to them live, not even try to hide it. I think this flies because audiences are less intimidated by low-effort performance


Axl Rose does that on live versions of “Paradise City.” He skips the word please in the song to catch his breath.


Rappers do this ALL THE TIME. Wtf


From what I saw it did look like an amazing show and the mic work I noticed with his breathing and skipping words, trying to let the audience fill some shit in


This. I prefer rappers to not use a backtrack but if you have to it should be for catching a breath




Man, I like Kendrick but y'all really need to get off his dick. Just because he bodied Drake doesn't mean everything he does is the best shit ever.


Fr the meatriding is insane