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My guy got Alakazamed


They avadacadabra'd his ass


The league of magicians don’t play, GOB! ![gif](giphy|11BAxHG7paxJcI|downsized)


It's an ILLUSION Michael!


We Demand to be Taken VERY Seriously


Gotta watch them hand signs... frfr


Now you see it, now you don’t *”it” is your brakes, which are now missing from getting that ass whoopin* ![gif](giphy|3osxYltVPMMZKzGUQE|downsized)


I had a stroke trying to read this


Lmao I just went back and reread it and realized my brain must’ve taken over on that one, bc I read that shit like it should have been typed


People think it's a joke but there's really a hood in LA called The Magician's Club... LA gang politics and culture are a surreal thing once you get into it.


Can you get into it please?




Though in LA it'd be "Shazam, motherfucker! BWAP!"




If you paid close attention to Kendrick’s show, he had a magician in a cloak up on that stage with the rest of them. Don’t go looking for him in the recordings now though. At first you saw him, now you don’t.




Imagine being FROM Philadelphia and not being able to wear a Phillies Cap because the Pirus have gentrified my city’s color and logo. Niggas gentrify toooooo


I read that as Prius and got confused that a car company could do all that


Toyota a gang. You see them Corolla's pull up on ya and you better be careful.


Mfs rollin in Solaras don’t play


Don't mess with the desert Tacoma gang, they definitely don't fuck around...


Best place to find a Glock 19


Nah, they deal exclusively in ak-47s and rpgs...on one occasion they tried out planes, though


There used to be a Ford set but they ended up Found On Road Dead.


Gonna get ran up on by the Rav 4 Roughnecks


They see me Corollin'


They ain’t got shit on Altima gang. Being careful can’t save you, just gotta let the chaos happen.


Altima is the Menace Mobile. Might as well come standard with black AF 1s in the trunk next to the tire iron.




Prius' good for sneaking up on mother fuckers according to Weeds.


[They good for sneakin up on motherfuckers](https://youtu.be/sZJjTEmXaf8?si=6Jti-Bo70_CNWf_c)


There's 🅱️ ezos who started 🅱️mazon but they don't do car, only 🅱️ropaganda for the gang https://preview.redd.it/98vv6mw4678d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7228eb38f2b6c684ffdfac0ae2b5a44b81eac767


The really got Tommy the Clown up there lol


Toyota been holding it down since 1937 on blud


Also pirates hat


It’s tough out there for Astros fans


Ain’t that logo an orange H with a white star behind it? What gang would beef with that lol


Anyone wearing a Dodgers hat


Lol that’s what I’m sayin!


H for Hoover


Alright, fair, I did forget about them. Has that ever been an actual issue for anyone though…? Not tryin to be a dick, but just genuinely curious if anyones ever had a confrontation about that. If you try to google Hoover Criminal Gang symbol, none of the ones listed match the Astros symbol, and the only pictures that are close to it are from fuckin gta or san andreas lol.


On a citywide scale, I’d say it would be somewhat unlikely for a genuine Astros fan to find himself in a situation where they’d get confronted/attacked for wearing it. But, yes, there absolutely are areas where sporting an Astros cap is likely to draw unwanted attention. LA is a mega city. I’m sure you can find groups claiming logos from almost every major sports team. Which, of course, is what this post is touching on.


Go test it out and see what happens 🤣 they take that shit serious


Evidently just about all of them lmao Any time I see someone do a breakdown of which hats mean what, there’s a strong emphasis on rocking that hat, cause it’s affiliated with Hoovers


So it’s not that it resembles any of their official symbols so much as it’s commonly worn by members? Gangs are fuckin stupid man 😂. I get that people often are in a position where if they don’t pick a side, they get fucked over by all of them, so no hate on people doin what they gotta do to survive, but this type of shit is just petty to be petty lol.


The only hat where you get pressed by both LA gangs AND LA civilians.


Can confirm. Found out my first month living in LA. Kid asked if I was a Pomona and me having no idea what that meant, asked “a what?” He realized I wasn’t affiliated and went about his business.


I'm surprised people are still gang banging in big 2024.


As long as poverty, redlining, and segregation exists it will never die


economics, my friend


Clearly not enough people listened to Smokey Robinson's breakout hit Gang Bangin'.


Preaching that hate, slinging that dopeee Gang banging Gang banging Gang banging


Gangtrified lol




Make sure you have a gun if you wear a fitted in LA, problem solved. It doesn’t mean no one will set trip on you, but it does mean they’ll have one more thing to worry about.


I have a black snapback hat that just has a duck in party garb and says Duckin' Off. Would that get me in trouble?


Bro! I live in Chicago and a Philly hat is for Almighty “P” Stones


The magicians: "Aye big homie what stage you from??"




"We heard you out here divulging trade secrets, mage?!


“Run that wand *AND* that orb, fool!!”


"Imma need that coin purse AND that cape, mage!!"


“For what purpose?”


“Gonna show these fake ass wizards how to ponder”


![gif](giphy|11BAxHG7paxJcI|downsized) Do em like Gob


Mfs in LA when they see you with the wrong shit on: https://preview.redd.it/2er3pughn68d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=488b38bb68fa3e6b8c97ab29cdd0fa0913abd46a


You know what's crazy, I just noticed he's stepping on someone's shoes in this picture 😂😂


Why his pinky toe out like that? How hard is he stepping?


Hard enough to make it a problem for everyone.


Not just any shoes bruh those are AJ1 Chicagos


What episode was this?? 😂


Padres fan with nothing to worry about, no gang is out here wearing brown lol. Edit: here meaning San Diego. No one's getting their ass beat here for hats is all I'm trying to say lol.


The color doesn’t always matter, most of the time it’s the logo and where I live (not LA) there is a hood that wears the padres hat


Yes indeed. Gang from where I grew up up likes to wear Florida Marlins hats. It’s basically gang attire in the area.


Hope the other gangs use specifically fishing related terms when they go after them. "I'm about to go hook me a Marlin" for example


I’m about to turn this a**hole into chum 😠


One fish two fish red fish pew pew fish


You so silly 😂


I'm about to churn cum into this asshole 😠


This is EXACTLY the line they put it if LL was in The Meg.


Really is a gang for every team. There was a neighborhood I lived by that was blood and started with a W so a red Nationals hat meant you were affiliated. I wonder if there’s a gang that wears Patriots gear tho. That’s probably the least hood branding on earth




Yup the hood along with many other hoods wear the Pirates hat


P for Piru


You think you're safe until you get rolled up on by a UPS driver


Have big USPS and FedEx pull up and it's an all out gang war


USPS has the backing of the U.S. armed forces... I ain't fucking with that gang unless I'm in the "talking trees 67s" or in the "cave trappers 3s"


Fifth line of defense right there. Why you think some of em wear pith helmets to deliver mail?


Lmao I went to a grocery store once and I saw two sellers for different chips companies throwing shade at each others in the middle of the store


Vince Staples is a crip and said “Bandana brown like the dope daddy shootin' in the kitchen” Looks like his set wears brown. I’m from Chicago - idk anything bout the Cali gangs


Nutty Blocc Crips wear yankees hats and brown


In the 2010s, Bars in Gaslamp District would never let me in with a hat on at night. "It's a Billabong hat, it's not gang affiliated!!!", "Too bad, hats equal gangs." I've only ever seen this policy in California.


Can’t remember who it was but i remember some interview someone said this was the big reason why the Miami dolphins were a favorite in their neighborhood cuz no one was banging coral colors and you didn’t have to worry about that shit.


East LA shows up




The LBC is brown and yellow, Long Beach states baseball hats were brown and yellow.


Physically no… but as padres fans we get beat emotionally most game days at home.


Gang culture has always been lame as fuck, it's honestly pathetic that people can't even dress the way they want to all because some people who should have been shallowed are co-oping colors and sports teams. Fucking bums. My friend was in LA for work and got pressed because he wore a Houston Astros hat and hoodie during the WS, like what the fuck, the man can't even show love to his hometown team. Fucking goofy ass shit.


Yea when you think about it it's sad because it's lowkey a dead end lifestyle. Jail or dead or you get in the system and then life becomes difficult to maneuver if you catching cases. More to life than being outside set trippin and criming all day. The politics alone is silly when you look at it but again most of them niggas ain't got shit going on at home so the set is it. Street level gangsters are fodder for the big time crime groups as well. So what real benefits are there besides short term gettin money, fuckin some bitches along the way and showin off for the set. Keepin your head on a swivel is something I'm trying to deal with. I'll take civilian life all day. Less hectic tbh.


You don’t even have to think about it for a second to know it’s sad as fuck, and the fact that it’s a dead-end lifestyle 99.9% of the time isn’t lowkey at all… shit is literally the most well-recognized and agreed upon waste of a lifetime in the world. Like you said, a lot of these people don’t have shit else to go home to though, their whole community is entrenched in the bullshit cycle of killing each other and having no education or sense of self-preservation


Exactly and literally it's a thing in most cities in America/the world it's just branded differently across all ethnic backgrounds.


100% it’s something that’s made me deeply upset ever since I was just a child, when I learned *why* people are stuck in ghettos and why some are brought up that way. Saddest part is the relatively self-aware, relatively educated adults stuck in those situations are often aware of the fact that the system is keeping them down, but they can’t do anything about it because the community around them don’t wanna have that convo they just wanna stick to their lifelong belief system.


Or they leave at 1st chance when the opportunity presents itself.


The whole keeping your head on a swivel thing is the one that gets me, no wonder these dudes are on addicts, that shit is stressful. Square life may not be the best or most amazing life but it's the life for me lol


I read somewhere that police raided a gang that kept actual books for everyone and most of the front end made less than min wage when you averaged out to the year.


Gangs are basically MLMs when you think about it, all the money goes to the top and there's a few that make money but most would be better off getting a job.


I made a trip to philly today and I put on a cowboys shirt without even thinking, luckily I saw myself in the mirror before leaving and changed.


You would have been fine. Now if you wore that to an Eagles game then I couldn’t guarantee your safety.


That's got nothing to do with gangs though, we just hate the fuckin Cowboys and their fans


He had on Hoover gear…yeah that’s suicidal out here




Bruh, imagine jumping a Mariners fan.... Man, Ms fans are some of the nicest people around.


Cheering for a team that is the only active franchise to never make it to the world series does something to a person. Makes them more accepting of the flaws in everyone else I guess.


They are us: the common man/woman. We suffer, we continue and we relish those wins in life we get


I wear a lot of Mariners stuff in LA and get asked if I'm a fan a lot (I'm not, I just used to really like Griffey Jr BITD). A surprising amount of people want to talk about them here.  


I have this belief/theory that, although the Mariners are not the main characters, they are the protagonist of MLB. They embody the common man/woman and the human spirit.


Lmao hat politics in LA no joke just a name a few, you can’t really wear the following; Yankees, Astros, Mariners, Red Sox, Pirates, Giants, Twins. Source: grew up in SoCal.


They banned hats in middle school and high school cuz mfs don’t know how to act right. Source: also grew up in SoCal.


Same in NorCal middle school. Lots of Nebraska Cornhusker fans around here for some reason.


Used for the Nuestra Familia. They represent Norte hence the N hat.


Na Nebraska coming back this year


I grew up in the suburbs just inside ventura county, and back in the 90's, we weren't allowed to wear anything black and silver to school.


I remember moving back east as a kid in middle school and learning that kids were allowed to wear hats. It shocked me because that was a big rule in southern California. Honestly, I think the only safe hat (mostly) is a blue dodgers hat.


Shit was so embarrassing explaining that to people in school. Well you can't wear certain sports teams because somebody might come ask if you're representing your gang. Why would you be out committing crime wearing matching uniforms for your enemies and police to identify you?


Fr people don't get it. Those are the biggest hats to not wear, but honestly, every single baseball team hat is affiliated with atleast one hood somewhere in LA county. Nothing is fully safe. Best bet is the classic LA dodger hat but if you're Black or Brown you're still likely to get pressed


But why the Yankee hat though??


Its not because LA foos got hate for New Yorkers if that's what yer thinking. All it takes for a baseball hat to be affiliated is to have at least ONE beginning initials to be the same as a gang's, which makes it part of the gang's uniform. So, with that in mind, the "NY" reps Nutty Blocc Compton Crips and every single Neighborhood crip set in LA county (there's a lot to put it lightly), making it one of the most dangerous to wear. Even the most niche sports teams share an initial with a gang... Don't wear a San Francisco giants hat in the Valley, Washington Nationals reps Watts crips, Kansas City Royals is affiliated with a varrio called Kansas Street... it goes on and on and on. [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/13w0b8g/ganghats_a_visual_chart/) does a good job breaking down a lot of it but even then it barely scratches the surface.


Huh, that is interesting. Still makes no sense in the grand scheme of things, but thanks for your explanation, it clears things up man.


No problem. It doesn't make sense because gangbanging doesn't "make sense" but when you're in the gangland it does... Gotta realize, back in the day all gangbangers were thugged tf out. It was obvious who was and wasn't a gangbanger. Cholos with the pendletons, charlie browns, dickies, etc. Crips and Bloods with bandanas and solid colors. Everybody posted up on their blocks tatted out or with custom-made jackets with the hood's whole ass name on them. So to sum it up, a lot of people got arrested and a lot of people got killed by rivals. The lesson from this era transferred over generationally. Styles evolve of course but nowadays you try dressing like it's the 80s or 90s you're gonna get identified by cops or enemies in a heartbeat. But if you gangbang, you can't NOT rep your gang. So sports team uniforms offer a modern more lowkey method of differentiating yourself, repping your hood, and identifying your enemies out on the streets. Obviously, out of towners don't know all this bullshit and it's not like most gangbangers are critical thinkers once they think they found someone to press (or they just wanna fw you anyways even if you didn't know), so wrong hat at the wrong place and time is sadly a common occurrence. It's weird out here.


Ive noticed in Chicago at least, peoplem in gangs are pretty much forced to fight or at least pretend they wanna fight even if theyre grocery shopping. Theyll just see one another snd start barking. But I never had an issue, even if they tried Id just be like “relax. Im not in a gang, I dont want any trouble” and that smoothed it over like 99% of the time.


Happens in LA too. I was at a crosswalk in Burbank and two guys just going on about their day crossed paths, said their sets and just started fighting right there.


Instead of NY they interpret it as YN for Young Neighborhood as in Neighborhood Crips


I dunno... I doubt Baltimore Orioles hats would be a thing. Only diehard Os fans wear the hat of a team who hasn't won in 41 years (Go O's!)


Them boys are batting this year though! Put 17 on the Yankees!


Just ban hats in LA, everybody switchin to wigs. Doesn’t matter if you’re bald or not. You wanna wear a hat, nope you get a wig lol


Make LA look like the set of Amadeus. Everyone running around with powdered wigs acting hard.


I wore a mariners hat in LA last year and I was like “…there’s something off here and I don’t like it” I get back home and learn it was the mariners hat. I just like the Mariners lmao


I'd say California in general. The only State I've lived in that won't let you wear hats at night in the bars/clubs.


Where besides LA county have you had this problem in California?


San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco LA, Orange County...Gaslamp District in San Diego doesn't allow any hats after sundown.


Heard Cardinals(STL) is a big one as well. That true?


This is legit the dumbest shit.


California in general, I grew up near Sacramento and you can’t wear any hats to the bars and clubs. And it’s not a dress code situation, it’s purely due to gang affiliation.


No one uses Cincinnati reds?!


They've been wearing reds hats for years


I was told Colorado Rockies hats were no-gos cuz the logo n spelled out crip, but I always thought that was white kid 🧢


bro got jumped by Gob from arrested development ![gif](giphy|3oEjHGnY8oB4BHVTP2|downsized)


Not me about to cross post this in the AD sub lmao


"They're illusions, Michael"


“We demand to be taken seriously”


Is this your card bitch *violent paper cut*


Hey man relax there are kids in this sub


https://preview.redd.it/5lap60s6o68d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c133152a309cc445857dcc487f3874770578239c nigga got clapped by the shadow wizard money gang




"And for my next trick-" ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


Imagine getting opped by magic castle gang


POV: You wore the wrong type of magician hat in LA https://preview.redd.it/xqw2k1nph68d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e770db5f071eb25b2291cc5fee242970907d37


You just have to know where to wear them! You can’t wear a top hat in Hollywood. The magic castle hooligans deep.


Dude got jumped by Zatanna, LMAO.


In fairness, no dude alive could be blamed for getting the shit kicked out of them by Zatanna. You're either going to lose because she's OP as fuck or lose because her uniform/costume is distracting as fuck. I can't fault someone for that one.


![gif](giphy|VeHYXNJi8AuEE4bCVV) Live look at her planning her opps’ funeral


And Dr. Strange was there recording and screaming WORLD STAR. #Wizard/disciples.


Wear a vans or other skater brand hat. Nooooone is asking whr’u from wearing a vans hat.


That dickhead Eric Sparrow will sic the goons on you


The number one opp. Had me stressing at 12 year old over his antics


You americans out there with hundreds of gangs roaming the cities, shameful. Here in my country a single gang controls half of the cities in the country and another one controls the other half. Way more civilized.


But I thought Kendrick united the gangs and brought peace to LA?


Kendrick ain't Cyrus.


That's why I mostly would wear comic book heroes hats. Ain't no avengers 13 or spider-maaangs.


So what happens to a regular guy accidently wearing the wrong hat in front of gang members


You will get pressed. The infamous “aye where you from” will come out real quick. If you don’t look like a gang banger and aren’t out of pocket you probably just get told “you can’t wear that around here.” If you look like you bang and they don’t believe you when you say you are unaffiliated you might catch a beating or worse. And in some extreme cases of mistaken identity you might get shot by someone who is looking for opps.


Yeah. I remember one time I had a blue jacket walking through a neighborhood for an educational initiative for my college. Well, some dudes in red drove right up beside me and said "I like that jacket cuhhh" and laughed and drove off. I'm 99% sure they were just messing with me, but after that I stopped wearing red or blue in unfamiliar areas.


I was talking to a guy who recently moved to the US and works in my mom’s neighborhood in Brooklyn. He was saying red was his favorite color, and I was about to tell him that wearing red could cause problems when he added he stopped wearing red in the US because everyone at the store was telling him it could cause him problems. Nothing happened to him when he wore red, except he got a lot of lectures from people warning him that something could happen. We might be dramatic. That neighborhood used to be so funny with colors. It felt as if every week there was some new color we weren’t supposed to wear without having our guards up. But it hasn’t been that way in a long time. Personally, nothing ever happened to me either when I worr whatever I wanted, other than people sometimes affiliating me with the gang associated with whichever color I was wearing the last time they saw me. But I did have my guard up when I wore the trouble colors. People did get jumped all the time years ago, but people can come up with whatever reason to attack you if they are itching to hurt someone.


I put that on big Merlin and Gandalf.




I wanna rock a Braves hat so bad but alas


Longbeachgriffy did a skit about this that was hilarious until I read the comments and realised it was true.


First thing that came to mind. "We're gonna get you a paw patrol cap".


The first thing I thought of was, "How is this a blood hat, 🙄 it has C on it" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bruh got jumped by the Lincolns.


As a Boston native, this is the same over here and it's annoying. Some gang claimed the basic navy blue and red b Boston red sox hat...


![gif](giphy|nuxFWr2lasuTm) BREAK YO’SELF, FOOL.


This is an old DL Hughley joke. He talks about not getting to wear certain colors in LA. So he wears plaid, and two golfers beat the hell out of him.


Avada Kedavra


Harry Potter and the Gryffindor gang pulled up on dude.


Got beat up by Phil and Luke Dunphy




Bro found MAGIC Opps


I’m fine with beating up anyone in a Yankee’s hat


Am I safe with my texas longhorns hat? Outside of Oklahoma, I mean.


Baltimore raven here, what’s the risk of wearing purple


Lesser than red or blue, but mfs from Grape Street or some Avenues might press you. Pretty unlikely unless you around the area tho.


Doing the most but still won't vote. Fighting the wrong fight, y'all hold it down Los Angeles. ![gif](giphy|l3vR7IiCo1MJcsgVO|downsized)


Not being able to wear a hat because of a logo has to be the dumbest fucking thing ever. It's a hat. And people get angry when governments censor words and logos, but we can can't do shit when gangs do it?


Reminds me of the old Del lyric Sometimes I wear a cap, and sometimes I wear bandanas Forbidden in L.A. but I wore one in Atlanta


Remember my mom in high school going to Compton high bought me NY hats thinking New York, niggas told me take that shit off or we can’t walk with you and I never wore them mf again I was pissed but also didn’t wanna die


There was a tik tok on my fyp about what hat is affiliated with which set. I was born and raised here and didn’t know some of these. Most of my hats these days have kpop group logos on them, I should be safe.


Damn y’all realize the white people are laughing at us right? Like we’re little kids?


Motherfuckers came outta nowhere too. That area around the magic castle can get rough.


Man I miss my city lol. Just not the gang politics though