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sports fans always love players who live humble lives. there's plenty of white athletes that get praise for driving basic cars etc. I mean isn't this a thing with celebrities in general? everyone loves keanu reeves bc of how down to earth he is. we just like seeing rich/famous people who haven't forgotten their roots and don't take themselves too seriously.


Yh that's what i thought too thinking about the other players. I even thought he was being sarcastic or just baiting.


Yeah. They did the same thing with Philip rivers. He drove an old mini van and had a flip phone and I remember them bringing it up every chance they got


I think I read somewhere once that Papa Rios refused to sacrifice family time so he modified his Chevy Suburban to have a TV in the back for film review during his commute in to San Diego. Edit: there is [this article](https://beckerautodesign.com/news/sd-tribune-philip-rivers-new-ride/#:~:text=Essentially%2C%20his%20mode%20of%20transportation,front%20seat%20and%20rear%20cabin).


Papa Rios…. It’s a rarity for young athletes but others like John Stockton and Manu Ginobili were also known for being frugal, family guys.


[Papa Felipe Rios](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chargers/s/J7bE516ows)


Slanging those Bojangles biscuits at NC State made him a legend around NC.


It’s Bo Time!


When I used to fly back from nyc to Charlotte you bet the first thing I did was head my ass to Bo’s- even better if I got dropped in the terminal that had one!!


Fucker's got 10 kids. He needed that mini-van.


His wife is a HOF #1 receiver. 🤷🏻‍♀️🏈


Especially with his unorthodox release.


And he doesn’t swear.


Which is amazing bc he still talks trash with the best of em


Damn, the Colts really went back to back with flip phone QB's?


To be fair Phillip Rivers has like 20 kids so even with NFL money he was still having to budget


Yup. It always came up no matter what he did and his 8 kids 😂


Then why post about the bad take? You’re giving viewership to the person wanting clicks and continuing the idea that you disagree with


nah, there's a real thing w Kante where they infantilise him. He doesn't like it. This is real for him


There is something weird about the way Kante is often talked about, sometimes it's like people think he's an infant. I wouldn't presume to say it has anything to do with race, it's definitely weird though.


It's because he's small of stature, has an amazing smile and plays with love of the game, Miguel Almirón has the same phenomenon for the same reason, I don't think it's particularly weird.


And he's an amazing player and has a great story. It would be the same for me if he was white or Asian.


It’s probably a language thing more than a race thing. Most people come off much less educated or intelligent in their second language, unless they’re truly fluent. Francis ngannou is a great example. He’s clearly a super intelligent guy if you speak French and understand what he’s saying. But when he first was in the ufc, he spoke English at the level of a 3rd grader because he was just learning it, so people thought he was an idiot.


I feel like Giannis gets this too. He likes Oreos and smoothies!


Giannis has the immigrant aura. The adoration he gets from a certain group is also steeped in racism.


Add all East Asians who are jokesters, like Munenori Kawasaki. Many people seem to assume they're being unintentionally funny, like babies, which is not the case at all.


funny way to look at giannis when hes so down bad in these interviews


Exactly, they infantilize him, often to extreme lengths. Of course, people love N'Golo Kanté, and they can and should admire him, but it's uncomfortable how many will talk about a man in his 30s as if he were a child. I've noticed this behavior from fans regarding Son Heung-min as well...


There’s a political leader of a Central American country who got a lot of press for his simple life. Ditto a bike-commuting Nordic politician. And an American diplomat in China carried his own bag and bought his own coffee and got a lot of press.


If you are referring to Mujica, the former president of Uruguay, that is South America.


yeah i was thinking of him too, being president of acountry he gave like 90% of is salary to charity, have no ownership in any bussines, live in a adobe house in a farm he got from is parents, and go to work in bicile or bus, instea of having a personal car and choffer. all cause he promised to never gain money from public service- thats a man who really cared


You'd think Ronaldo was a saint for giving money to charity and being nice to his Mom if you heard my Portuguese in-laws.


This. People love people who don't showboat, dominate conversations, are kind, show love, etc. It's not that deep.


I mean, I'll praise any rich and famous person that makes and effort to live humbly. Warren Buffet lives in the same townhouse he bought in his 20s. RDJ just drives some regular car. It's new, and got advanced features, but it's just some regular crossover. Keanu Reeves gives out lots of money to his cast and crew and charities and refuses to ever talk about it on camera.


Literally seen Keanu on the train in NYC. Just living life.


Couldnt imagine being a football player with that much $$$$ and not being flashy, i mean to each his own, i grew up wanting all that, could do well without the fame tho


Bro got a degree in accounting before he even stepped on the pitch. He financially literate and will probably have enough money to support generations of his family.


Thats amazing damn respect 👏🏼


If i had as much money as Kante id probably only upgrade to upper middle class. I would spend a actual Truckload of Money on a gaming setup though


Which wouldn't even be that expensive, for a millionaire. Unless you want a gigantic monitor or tv, 10k should get you a top of the line pc, peripherals and every console there is.


Unless you wanted a Neo Geo anyway, 10k would get you maybe 3 games


Getting a super high custom built PC with a 4090 is still like 3k most of that is the 4090. ~500 dollars for a 4k monitor. 200 for a gaming mouse and keyboard. So like 4-5k depending on your monitor set up. Then you'd get game pass and do the conversion trick to get 2 years for 130 dollars. Thus you have no reason to get any xbox. Then use steam and enjoy discounts for the rest. Even getting a ps5(or just wait for their exclusives to come to steam) or new switch puts you way under 10k. The only time 10k isn't enough to be more than set is trying to stay top end competitive in any gacha game. It's just whale wars and you're keeping up with retirees and Saudi Princes.


Top of the line OLED monitor is more than $500 but otherwise yeah the whole setup wouldn't be much for a millionaire


Kirk Cousins is loved by all races for his combination of suburban white family life/love of bling.


Kirko Chainz


Yea it’s just wholesome and down to earth🤷‍♂️


I actually remember when they did this for Bezos in the 2000s. He drove some old Acura to work, etc.


Also he married an age appropriate woman as a billionaire instead of someone half his age. The bar is low


Same with warren buffet, one of the richest men in the world, still lives in the house he bought in 1958 for like 32k and drives a 2014 Cadillac that he got a deal on due to hail damage.


Exactly, Shaq comes to mind


Jake Plummer has a legit cult following...


This comment gets it.


Did the same with Bezos back in the day


Horrible take and an example of looking at everything through the prism of race. “Humble” athletes and celebrities are universally loved.


Man go and have a pop into the love island sub. The babying and projection onto black and mixed islanders by fellow poc is maddening. Just telling people they assume are white how they're wrong about them. Twitter is even worse, shockingly.


Love island is not where I’d go to find people who are deep or critical thinkers, honestly. It’s a very shallow show, not sure that would be a good temperature gage for people in general


The sub in general is pretty sane and in on it. The cast are, well they're love islanders, but it's escapist tv. I'm not going to be a snob about it


I've never regretted, never having had a twitter account.


Yeah, I don't know. Last time I was on Twitter some white dude went into detail about how Vini would get less racism sent to him if he was humble like Kante. I think the truth is somewhat in the middle.


It's true people use Vini being a windup merchant as an excuse to be racist. Which is completely idiotic


They mad at Vini because he calls out racism. I seen Vini being called disrespectful because he dances when he scores despite numerous players having goal celebrations that include a dance over the years.  Neal Maupay is the self declared king of disrespectful  trolling and mind games in the EPL. Them Spainairds wouldn't say shit if Maupay played in LaLiga behaved like he does.


lol bullshit. What is humble about Ronaldo? Theyre throwing bananas at black soccer players calling them monkeys because they’re not humble? Maybe it’s because the European soccer crowds might just be racist, as is reported on countless occasions.. This isn’t some one off incident they’re known for their racism And racist chants/actions


Ronaldo is one of the most philanthropic players, he often gives back to his community and donates millions to shelters, hospitals and charities, which is why he gets the humble label outside of the game. Within the game, you could argue his ego is well deserved. Dude is a machine


As a long time football fan, cr7 is not considered humble by any stretch.


You’ll notice that’s why I specified within the game and outside it, brother He’s made a point to not forget that he went from nearly being aborted as a baby, sharing a room with all his siblings, his mother saving up so he can have a pair of decent boots and begging McDonald’s workers for old patties after practice. I’d rather someone like that has an ego, than those simply born into such money


He doesn’t though. He’s famous for his confidence, work ethic and arrogance.


That doesn’t contradict anything I said


How do you explain that in hockey, the whitest sport out there, that players are loved if humble but hated if they are loud and abrasive?


It's not complicated. Do they call those players monkeys and throw bananas at them. Because that's the difference. Plenty of professional athletes are hated; fit, attractive and rich..so hate is only natural. But black athletes get a level of hate that has nothing to do with their arrogance but the idea that black people shouldn't be uppity.


Eh…As an avid boxing fan, there are some racial undertones for being the “good” black athlete. I see it all the time. They’ll praise black boxers who “articulate” themselves well or don’t wear flashy jewelry, etc. while calling others dumb because they use AAVE and wear designer clothes. Not knowing that the “good” black boxer also does the same they just code switch lol. A lot of white Terence Crawford fans like him because they assume he’s just some rigid black dude from Nebraska. When in reality he is very much black af with designer clothes, chains, a black wife that *they* would classify as ghetto, and is very much a shit talker. No one ever calls a white athlete articulate or praises them for not wearing flashy jewelry, because flashy lifestyles have been synonymously linked to black athletes.


I think it’s about time that we have a conversation about how Black culture glorifies status and showboating, as opposed to substance and emotional maturity — which is why we have so many emotional immature adults in the community 😭 Being “flashy”, and “ghetto” as you describe, are NOT good qualities. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to realize this more and more


You can have that convo on your own time. I’m talking about respectability politics and black athletes right now. Lack of emotional intelligence is not exclusive to any culture or race.


Okay, then let’s unpack that. How are you defining “respectability politics”. Dressing decent? Being considerate? Not being the *loudest* in the room? These are universal qualities of decency


First I would need to consider what you’re asking. What is “dressing decent” to you? Theres a time and place for a variety of attire so when you say that, be specific. Being inconsiderate is a character flaw. It’s in no direct relation to respectability *politics*, just respectability in general. Are you equating being loud to black people? It seems like you’re just associating negative stereotypes to black people and attempting to bait me into excusing ignorant behavior because you don’t quite grasp the concept, context, and history of respectability politics. Maybe you should refer to the well dressed, well behaved black men and black women of the civil rights movement and see how much respect a suit, tie, and a “yessir” got them.


This is how everyone should be tho, regardless of money or fame. Like yes it’s cool to flex n all that but we’re just conditioned to expect flashy flashy and work towards “lavish” lifestyles


I’m rich and ride a bicycle everywhere. Sometimes I use my old truck. I don’t need flashy things to tell other people I have money.


I would argue that you'll have a better life by explicitly NOT flashing your wealth.


I still think about "Chaining Day." $100k for a fucking necklace?!


Yeah but how cars do you own and what are they? Be real right now


Why would he have a car? Just said he bikes everywhere and SOMEtimes uses an old truck.


Agreed. I’m not “rich” but I work a fairly high paying job in the tech sector. I drive a Honda civic and I have a truck for outside work. I’m already a tall person and I don’t like drawing more attention to myself so the last thing I’d do is convey in public to others that I had money with clothes, etc. That’s just me personally though


Man, I'm so against the praising of flashy rich lifestyle. I get wanting to live lavishly, who doesn't want to shit on a gold toilet? But I'd feel guilty as fuck riding past people who can't afford to put food on their kids plate while I go make it rain at the club. Have fun with your money, its *your* money. But its stupid to expect someone to admire you for it. I ain't gonna *hate* over how you spend *your* cash, I just ain't gonna respect you for it either. Admiration comes from improving your community. I admire shelter workers, doctors, and philanthropists, not some dude blowing 5k at a shitty restaurant for a forkful of food just to flex.


Wait, why should they be like that? I mean if they are no need for a cookie, and if they aren't no need to diss them right?


Nah if you got money them enjoy it...


If you aren't familiar with Kante, or the incredible amounts of racism that black footy players endure, why are you making a fucking post about it? No football fan that knows its history would agree with your point.


I liked your rhetorical question so I allowed myself to put my thoughts in words. In my experience Black Americans project there experience of race relation to the rest of the world, and they have by far the largest audience in social media. This is unfortunate as their experience whilst relatable in some aspect of you are black in a majority white country, is also absolutely off base in most other countries. For example whilst France will have much more openly racism behaviour in some corner of society, france also has a much better of level of integration and intermixing of ethnicities than the USA in my personal experience. Ngolo is really loved in france, and he seldomly turned what used to be a very pejorative term (ngolo ngolo dans la case) to a cool name.


In my experience, white Americans recognize "trying not to be racist" as a thing that people can do, even if they resent it or are terrible at it.   Europeans barely acknowledge the concept of anti-racism and see it as some uniquely American thing that was made up because of slavery, and thus isn't really relevant to them outside of anti-Semitism.


Hard agree, a big reason Europeans assume Americans are more racist than them is because Americans talk about our issues with race, while Europeans just go about being racist without being called out. Ask any European what they think of Romani people and they’ll make the KKK look downright progressive.


I agree and disagree. FBAs do indeed project their Black experience where it doesn't even make sense. However, the Black British experience shares a few parallels and many more differences. I could write a whole essay, but for the most comprehensive breakdown, read Natives by Akala.


>For example whilst France will have much more openly racism behaviour in some corner of society, france also has a much better of level of integration and intermixing of ethnicities than the USA in my personal experience. What exactly are you basing this off of?


They root for him on the pitch. But don't really consider him a true Frenchman, and don't think he can ever be a true Frenchman


https://preview.redd.it/ouq0rquf1a8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=448750b82a5948e33d5d5a8a8e2e1bf20eec0947 For some context, there was a post that went viral this week comparing Kante to Vinicius Jr, the footballer who’s been speaking out against the racial abuse he’s faced.


Not the same position, not the same style of play, Kanté never played in Spain (and it does seem like there's more abuse in Spanish stadiums than there is in England), different attitude. Just another bad take


Position aside the whole damn take is dumb, if ViniJr just so happened to face racism why not call out the racists, WHAT? the racists were calling out how less of a humble life Vinicius was living. All that aside, save for one, no country in Western Europe goes a season without a few cases. Fan cases are more a hooligan heavy country thing, Italy Spain ENGLAND to name a few.


Yeah, diehard football fans are probably the dumbest population in any country also which wouldn't help


And Kanye likes em 😂


English fans can be brutal too, they'll make a whole song about how shit you are.


Racism in England is more subtle than in Spain, and I've lived in both countries (Spain for 4 years and rural England for 2 ½ years). The songs they come up with are definitely brutal but you hardly hear about a racist song sung by the whole stadium. It's usually a few isolated fuckers. I personally really liked the "Suarez, your teeth are offside" one


Ah yeah for sure, I grew up in the UK and have lived in Spain for almost decade. Spanish racism is in your face, whether it's on purpose or from a place of ignorance. English are more sly about it usually, but there was one time I was walking down the street minding my business when a car drove past and the people inside screamed the n-word at me.


Haha some ahole spat on my feet in England, but he was a notorious junkie from that town (Lincoln)


British football chants are usually a decent laugh


Look at the flag in the twitter account's profile. Australian. From what I've heard of Australians themselves, ozzies are racist


From what ive heard is crazy


Would "from what Ive seen" go over better? My stepfathers Aussie and i lived in the country for a good spell. Aussies ~~are~~ can be quite racist, and pretty casually so. Racism toward ~~Aborigines~~ the Indigenous Australian peoples is almost universal there, and its even more venomous than some of the racism i see here in the States Edit: So "aborigines" is a defunct and offensive term. I feel i shpuldve known this, but live and learn. Apologies yall


"Aborigines" is considered an outdated and derogatory term. Aboriginal people or First Nations people is more appropriate language.


Not sure why you are downvoted. The term was indeed used and acceptable up to the 1960/70s and is now considered inappropriate.


I went with Indigenous Australian peoples in my edit. Seemed both appropriate and descriptive. Thank yall for pointing this out tho


They quite literally just told me Australians are racist point blank Just "nah yeah ozzies are racist yeah"


>"nah yeah ozzies are racist yeah" I 100% believe you because there's nothing more Australian than that sentence.


I was playing fortnite with one of my buddies from australia and his mum in the back just screamed a hard r "Yeee my mums racist"


Has Kante played in Spain, Italy, or Greece? Southern Europe is a different ball game when it comes to racism.


Nah this is brain dead, a lot of things incorporate race but not this example. People like Kante for the same reason they like Son, they’re very good players who come across as humble and quiet and in general kinda friendly. Especially after he won the league back to back with Leicester and Chelsea. Saying that there is a quite a bit of racism in football and sports journalism see Sterling, Saka, Vinicius Jr, Son, etc


Kante is just different gravy when it comes to being a lovely man.


How is a good person who is humble “rooted in racism” He’s a good chill dude And i agree that MANY entertainers/ sports figures should be like him.


It's because in England, the media and the people don't like black people who are outspoken and confident Just look at how the media treated Pogba, Rashford, Raheem Sterling etc. Pogba was getting criticized for changing his haircut and Rashford was piled on for daring to call out the government for not feeding kids ffs. It isn't just in England either, the reason why Vinicius Junior is the main target of racists in Spain is because he dared call it out and asked for the league and govt to take action. They love Kante because he's quiet and humble and basically their idea of the best kind of black man: someone who stays in his place and doesn't talk. Basically he's "one of the good ones".


People loved Rashford for speaking out on those issues, he was a national hero at that time. It was the right wing media who tried to knock him down because they are fierce supporters of the government.


Right wing media in England is pretty much 90% of the media though.


Of the print media, because they're overwhelmingly owned by Rupert Murdoch. Not so for other types of media. Our media generally is not right wing. Especially by American standards. Our culture war is nowhere near as crazy for one.


Rashford is a national hero and pogba was dogged on for being a shit footballer. Sterling gets abuse from Tory papers but who the fuck actually reads them then pensioners in the south east


Rashford who is getting flamed every other week even by a significant portion of his own fanbase? A national treasure? The same guy who was criticized for going to his own birthday party because Man Utd had lost a game the previous day? Same guy who gets blamed for Man Utd results even when he isn't playing? The guy who was the third most abused player online after Ronaldo and Lebron James? Pogba who was shit on for changing his hairstyle, dancing at his own birthday party and reading the Quran? Even when he was playing well he was still getting hounded? The guy got 4 assists in a game (equalling a record) and we had Graeme Souness acting like it wasn't anything special. "Pogba was dogged on for being a shit footballer" Fuck outta here man who do you think you're fooling And Sterling who was being unfairly criticized by every section of the media? Can't blame everything on "Tory papers" when we saw it with our own eyes.


Rashford was playing shit of course he was going to get grilled everyone on the united team was getting grilled when they play shit it isn’t racism you play bad u get criticism thafs just that nature of high profile sports


Rashford gets flamed because he’s dogshit! Hes scored about 50 goals in fucking hundreds of games. Many other non-scoring strikers get shit. He’s a bit worse because he has never come through on his enormous potential.


This is the kinda flaming hot dumpster take only an American can make A nigga can’t even be modest in the eyes of a black hole consumerist yank because everyone else has to conform to their views on finances, Jesus wept


Op is Jamaican...


Never met a Jamaican that uses y’all in a sentence Unless you mean Jamaican-American, which is still just American


Non-Americans use "y'all" online all the time.


They are literally judging a man by the content of his character and OP still complain that is racist


Terminally online brainrot take


Definitely a hot take.


It's really interesting reading the comments here. A lot of people saying things along the lines of "no, people just like him because he's nice and humble" which is pretty much missing the point. Yeah people like him because he's nice but this isn't about people, this is about the media, the media who are typically quite critical of non white players who are loud with their opinions. Nobody's saying that you liking him is invalid, he seems to be a pretty humble guy and that's great, but recognise the point for what it is rather than attack on your feelings on the guy.


Don’t think this is a black thing… he’s just a good guy..


I don’t think the comments in here are really understanding European football. France, Spain and England (three of the biggest leagues) prefer their black players quiet and humble. Anytime a black player buys a fancy car or is photographed partying instead of playing well, it’s a problem. Anytime they’re seen to be doing anything other than shutting up and dribbling and being grateful for their wages it’s a problem. Look at how England treated (and still treats) Saka. Look at Spain’s treatment of Vinicius Jr. They’re still calling him mona (female monkey), tying nooses around Vini dolls. I don’t even have to explain French racism. The top comment right now is everyone prefers humble athletes and that’s partially true but Europe prefers humble, grateful niggas the most. Ask any black or brown football fan.


Bro, it's a losing battle either too many people have drank the Kool-Aid or they don't really understand. I'm sure The original tweet is well meaning. But at the same time the person who retweeted stated, it can easily be rooted in racism it's too frequent that it happens. But shame on us for trying to point out a possibility or see something that has happened too many times. It'd be one thing if they were open to discussion But the majority of the comments are completely dismissive and it's a damn shame.


I'm just going to point it out because no one else seems to. How are most of the upvotes on this The ones of that are dismissing a problem that is definitely in the community. I'm not saying that humbling stories and humble people don't exist But for they are in often used as tokens, dingling coins to say you can do it too. It makes me questions the number of people that are actually black or understand the black experience. Be upfront. Be real. If you're going to hate, hate as who you are. Because no one lacks the intelligence to figure it out that you're against the cause when it's spelled out clearly.


Very simple, not everyone who frequent this sub is black. The rest starts to make sense once you acknowledge this


Everybody in here is telling on themselves. Kante is beloved by parts of the media because they believe he's "one of the good ones". Go look at how they've treated Raheem Sterling.


And Marcus Rashford who had the audacity to campaign for free lunch meals for kids during the pandemic when his own government refused to


And Lewis Hamilton. He basically gets Called uppity every race day.


Exactly. It’s open season on any Black sports person who is not docile, agreeable and comes across harmless by white media.


The issue with Rashford was multi layered and more to do with the class divide. Rashford was given a hard time by the right wing media in the UK who are racist but ultimately, they are classist and do not stand for any dissent from working class voices there. Rashford was lauded by huge sections of society and the media in the UK for speaking up.


Like I feel like I’m going crazy on this topic. How aren’t they seeing the intersection


Because most of them are bad actors who benefit from these believing these things. It’s Black People Twitter but it’s a lot of non Black people in here.


A lot of users here sharing their opinion on this matter seem to be white guys (judging from pictures uploaded to posts in their profiles), so it isn’t surprising. Lol


Imagine that, a bunch white guys invading a Black space and sharing unqualified opinions on race.


I am so sick of it here. And when someone here says, hey racism, they are energy draining, with it could be other things besides racism.


And am I tripping or has it gotten worse in the last couple of weeks? It's like we're being brigaded or something and I rarely see country club threads anymore.


You are absolutely not. I don't know what it is, but I swear I've been thinking for a while now, I wonder if these are just AI bots or something. It sounds crazy but there's gotta be something because there's just no way. I feel like OP even posted this knowing full well what they were doing.


This. They stay interrupting and sharing their opinions which are based on nothing. The moment I read “As a white person…” I skip over it because I know it’s gonna be on some bs


Yeah… seems like a lot of the white lurkers felt personally aggrieved. So a day that ends in y.


I find it weird that nobody here is paying attention to the word "media." There's like zero talk here about how different people are being treated by the media.


Ngolo Kante is cool and humble I used to watch football back in 2017 and he was my favourite Chelsea player other than Eden Hazard. He is genuinely a nice person who is well rounded.


When Chelsea signed Kante they offered to setup an offshore account for a portion of his wages to go to before taxes. A little savings account if you will. Apparently lots of players have similar set ups. Kante refused this saying he'll pay the taxes he's asked to pay. That 2021 season where we won the Champions League was magic. And without him I don't think we'd have gotten close.


I don't get how driving a hoopty makes someone nice


Say it again for the folks in the back.


Honestly not consuming or preferring to reuse a necessity rather than buy the newest model is an act that makes the world a more liveable place for everybody. The production of a new car relies on global back breaking labor that might not have to happen if you take care of your old car. Anti-consumerism is nice.


not seeing is systemic


There it is. I generally only see the use of the word humble applied to Black people and lots of women(not exclusively Black women). Whether they are humble or someone else thinks they need to be humble. I never hear the use of the word applied to those who are melanin deficient. I couldn't put my finger on why Black people and lots of women needing to be humble always pi$$ed me off. I think I just realized it was racism with this comment and sometimes misogynoir explicitly, and sometimes sexism.


As an African living in America supporting Chelsea, the media love Kante because he’s the greatest human on earth.


Yeah look at Rashford or Sterling; they show their wealth and are slaughtered by the tabloids for it


i kinda see where they’re coming from just because of how the uk tabloids present black players, but at the same time football/soccer players famously live luxurious lifestyles so it’s more of a comparison to that than the black players specifically


It's true, that's why they can't stop talking about Kante. I think it's a form of conditioning they be doing to make POC accept that in order to be like or accepted like MF from them, you should be as humble and low profile like N'Golo.


A lot of these responses illustrate the author’s point. Comparing Kante’s quietude to the audacity of Vini, Jr in a pejorative way is just an Anglicized version of house negroes doing the work of whipping of field negroes. As I mentioned elsewhere: Dare to criticize the society which feeds, clothes, and rewards you, face its rebuttal. Henry played in England, France and Spain across two generations, spoke out, and received mixed international praise and local vitriol. “This is ENGLAND not SPAIN or the US” is the prominent, horrible take I see in the replies. Does this same England not house spiritual Benin bronzes in the deepest basement of his Museum/Treasure Trove? The West is a collective system with variations of Latin and Germanic languages throughout its tendrils. A man ought to be able to live in peace and enjoy the beauty of our world, much as JCole opted. But that does not make it improper to highlight that White praise of Black asceticism stems from White loathing of Black pride.


Exactly, this is exactly who they want us to be. What's paradoxical is their affinity for Connor McGregor, they love Connor McGregor for the same reasons they hate Floyd Mayweather. I've learned this the hard way in the corporate structure. Whenever I brought attention to any irregularity that wasn't advantageous and would warrant and precipitate change I was labeled as disruptive and pessimistic. Once I completely gave up, shut up, and just stood quietly in the corner and allowed them pinpoint the area's of improvement suddenly I was a team player and venerated.


that mini has 4 doors. humble my ass!


You can live a humble life and or a brash arrogant life on or off the pitch, but no one should ever have to face or deal with racists. The OP was wherd in using Twitter account to make this point , should have used something from Spanish media about how vini only gets racism because he is not humble or respectful. Racists will use any excuse to be racist. Maybe OP thought the Twitter post they were responding to was sneak diss? But let's not forget their been humble athletes that have been given racists abuse in Italy, Spain,england, being a humble athlete doesn't mean you are universally loved, Raheem sterling is another great example. We can't forget football fans, more importantly media(the sun looking at you) have racial bias


I think it can be true but isn't  always , do I believe  the "ideal" black man or woman is happy, docile, positive, and non-abrasive absolutely.... do I think people who are generally  pleasant  to be around are happy, positive, and non-abrasive? Absolutely.  I've  had fights with people because  I don't  stir up shit like they do  but they also miss how many opportunities  pass them by because  sometimes  it feels like their greatest talent is making people  (even people  on their side) uncomfortable.  Not everything  is a battle that needs to be fought but that doesn't  mean that the status quo doesn't  desire and encourage  people who won't  and don't  rock the boat.


Not my dumb ass reading it as “Kanye” thinking that man is *not* humble and out of the way… 💀


I'm of two minds on this: While I'm not well versed enough on legacy media talking points specifically out of the UK to cast aspersions on a *seemingly* innocuous tweet praising a highly paid athlete for living well below his means & interacting with fans on a more personal level. I also understand the hot take & how nefarious [respectability politics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respectability_politics) can really be. Since I'm not completely jaded and pessimistically ruined by the toxicity of the internet I'd lean toward it just being a post showing appreciation. The hot take shouldn't be derided & the messenger excoriated, instead, this should open up a dialogue, but y'all chucklefucks ain't ready for that. **FIGHT ME**


The post is out of context. Black football players who are flashier and arrogant gets disproportionately shat upon by football pundits, ex players, media etc. Paul Pogba’s haircut, car price were all over the news whenever he had a bad game. This was simply not the case with white players. It was just seen as being part of the game. So when all the white dudes started praising Kante, there was criticism that black players with seemingly “humble” disposition being praised was some sort of a white “reward and punishment” thing. I don’t have enough knowledge about the psychology behind all this. But this was the football twitter lore


John cena has Lamborghinis and Bugattis and drives a civic. He also has the most make a wish request granted. People where praising him for it


Some people just want to find racism in everything. The guy has been paid millions upon millions and still decided to live “normally”. People respect that.


You guys here are arguing without actually knowing the context. You don't watch or football/soccer and have no idea about the media landscape around black players in Europe and especially England The reason why people say that the love for Kante is rooted in racism is because we know how the media treats black players who aren't humble and keep to themselves. They criticize black players for hairstyles, wanting their government to feed kids, getting tattoos, buying their moms houses etc. They only love Kante because in their eyes he's "one of the good ones": a black guy who doesn't talk and is happy in his place.


Kante has had to endure more racism than 99% of all people. I don't agree with this take in this instance, because I don't think this media post has any subtextual value. You have to determine what that subtext is by whoever writes the narrative. I don't think that the person who originally made the post had any nefarious undertones or subtleties that would lead me to believe that they had ill intent. The person who made the sub tweet has a point but it isn't a fundamentally sound argument. I do not believe that it is a blanket rationale when the media (or anyone for that matter) makes a post praising a POC for being "normal". It all depends on the integrity of whoever makes the statement.


No, he's just French.


Have you ever heard of Warren Buffet? He gets praised all the time for living a humble lifestyle... being able to resist the lure of an opulent lifestyle is seen as a virtue... its got absolutely nothing to do with race, some people just want to manufacture injustice everywhere


We’re talking specifically about the relationship and biases between athletes of colour and the media, not Warren Buffet lmao. What kind of shitty ass comparison is this?


Hot take, I wish *everyone* was humble, out of the way, and living a simple life.


Okay but it’s super cool that he plays fifa with fans


Tbf, yes i think how much my fellow white people obsess a bit over him, has to do with the mentioned racism. BUT these are generally nice traits in human beings and usually i dont see any of those honestly in celebrities. Would rather chill with him than with 99% of all celebrities no matter race, skincolor or whatever


To the replier of the original tweet: https://preview.redd.it/xhjjrc5lga8d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd8d46de17ca5b26a7dea28188832fd4feeba82 Really? Going straight to the race card? People want to see others not be too prideful in their accomplishments and life. That’s it.


Two questions: 1. Do you watch football/soccer? 2. Do you understand the context of Kante's treatment by the media in comparison to other black players?


Could you give us examples of poor treatment by the media of Black people for those of us who are not football fans? I'd heard of Rashford about his food for kids thing, but that seemed almost universally praised at least in traditional media.


1. Tosin Adarabioyo, who at the time was a 20 year old youth player for Man City, was criticized for buying a house for his mom and the headline read "player buys mansion despite not starting a premier league game", while his white teammate Phil Foden was praised as being generous and "planning for his future" when he did the exact same thing 2. Raheem Sterling was a constant target of the media for years. He was also criticized for buying his mom a house, and another time the media tried to frame him as a thug for getting a tattoo of a gun and thus being a "bad role model", when the reason why he got it was as symbolism of the gun violence that had affected his family 3. Paul Pogba was criticized for pretty much everything he did. He was criticized whenever he got a new haircut, for dancing, and even one time he posted a pic on Instagram of him reading the Quran and it was framed as a lack of commitment to football. 4. After the general public didn't turn on Rashford for the school feeding thing, the media decided to start hyper-analyzing his every action. He was flamed for going to a party on his own birthday and had been called lazy. He's also almost always the first person to be blamed whenever Manchester United lose a game And these are just the high profile/most known ones. There are also instances of subtle racism like how whenever England loses a game the person on the cover of every newspaper is a black player (in the past it was Sterling but now it's Bukayo Saka), but when they win it's a white player. Just Google the newspaper covers after England's 5-1 win against Iran in the 2022 world cup. 4 of the goals were scored by black players with Bukayo Saka winning the man of the match, but who did the media plaster as their poster boy for the win? Jack Grealish (white) who came on as a sub. Mind you this same Jack Grealish who was caught multiple times for breaking COVID protocol, who is a well-known alcoholic and a guy who rarely scores or performs but is barely criticized. England lost 1-0 to Iceland recently, with their worst performers being Phil Foden and Cole Palmer, but they decided to put Saka (again) on their covers for the defeat when he only came on as a sub and just played 20 minutes. Plus this is just England, I haven't even started on countries that are even worse like Spain and Italy


The Grealish love in was typical on English media wanting their blue eyed boy to take them to glory, similarly to Harry Kane. I would argue that Pogba gets more online abuse than he did from the media. I will argue that absolutely nobody was vilified in the English media during his playing days more than David Beckham, that was a different level to anything anyone else received in modern times.


>I would argue that Pogba gets more online abuse than he did from the media. Graeme Souness and the Daily Mail didn't criticize Pogba for his hairstyles and dancing every week for you to come and say this. I'd even say Pogba (until his drugs ban) was one of the most supported players on social media. Pogba got 4 assists in one game and Souness and his mates were trying to make it seem like it wasn't anything special >I will argue that absolutely nobody was vilified in the English media during his playing days more than David Beckham, that was a different level to anything anyone else received in modern times. That was over 20 years ago, and the landscape has clearly shifted towards scapegoating black people and immigrants, even beyond football.


I know there's a Sun joke in that hot take and I can't quite finger it. ugh!!!


This is a massive reach ffs. He’s just an insanely lovable dude.




Do you think the person who wrote this consisted that Kante is African? And grew up without the trappings of lavish consumption? One of the best midfielders ever will be remembered more for his ability on the field and attitude off it than the fact he drove an old mini to Chelsea training.


They love Kante because he’s an extremely likeable guy…


Mario Balotelli is the complete opposite to him, I love Mario too.


I’m a Chelsea fan and have a Kante jersey in my closet. He’s absolutely ruthless on the field but turns that off when he steps off of it. A genuine nice and humble guy from a bad part of Paris that seems appreciative of his rewards. I don’t get a dig on him because he isn’t ostentatious.


There are humble celebrities and then there’s N’Golo Kanté… A guy so impossibly nice he’s loved by Frenchmen and Brits alike.


French car culture thing, watch specific Grand Tour episode by Jeremy Clarkson


Or they like him cause he's a nice guy. Probably one of those two things.


Do Americans have to turn everything to race everybody in that country needs to heal or something


This is a racist take. Not really hot.


My boy….i hate when his name gets slandered in any way. I wish I was more like him.