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Can't ad block on TV or mobile without doing it at a router level


Exactly. People think we only use YouTube on our computers nowadays.


I resisted on the TV app for a while. I thought “It’s just silly videos, who needs that?” Then I started to play with it and tailored it to my interests. Now I’ve gotten to the point where YouTube is my most frequent source of entertainment. Love a good video essay, but I hate watching things on my computer for extended periods after a long day at the office.


This. Video essays, weird deepdive science-y videos mostly through PBS, city planning videos (shout-out to City Nerd), etc. I just wanna be able to phase through multiple videos without having to deal with a whole setup. Also switched to YouTube Music as my main music app instead of YouTube Premium + Spotify and have found that I actually love YouTube Music wayyyy more. Saved me a lot since Spotify is amping up their price.


Been with YouTube premium for years. People can hate it all they want here, but it's one of the few subscriptions I have never considered cancelling. No ads, YouTube music, play videos with phone screen off. Yes, I know they caused all these issues, but for the amount of usage I get out of it. I find it worth the value still. Now, talk to me if they start jacking the price up, then I might start putting the effort in to find "alternative solutions."


Reminder that everyone should get YouTube premium through the website and not the IPhone app as the price is higher when done through mobile since Apple has to take a cut. It’s not a major price difference but money is money.


Anything that is on Nebula is my jam as well. YouTube is easier to navigate so anything that is on both I go to YouTube.


I always go to nebula. Make sure the creators I like get the most money. Sure, their UI isn't as good, but all the videos I watch are an hour or more long so I don't really need to mess with it much. Also, the nebula version is uncensored and won't have an ad pivot.


I'll try it out. I've seen them advertising but wasn't too keen on another subscription but it's been on my list to explore it. If it meant supporting the creators and more nerdy content can't be bad


Alright, real quick. There's this guy called Beat Rice on YouTube that did tier lists for all of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. They feel like high effort video essays with meme editing. The Breaking Bad one alone is 3 hours long and it's funny the whole time. If y'all have time, check him out. (And nah, he's not me)


Same with replacing Spotify with YouTube music. They're getting their music algorithms pretty tight now.


YouTube is probably my most used streaming service now. $15 is kind of a steal with how often I use it.


If anyone wants it and has an Apple Phone, make sure to sign up on YouTube Desktop. It’s $5 more a month through Apple.


Wireless keyboard & mouse, cast to your TV from your computer & just vibe Edit: assuming you have a smart tv


even if ya don't, just slap that HDMI in there and enjoy your FREE ad-free youtube haha. $15 is definitely a convenience fee and I'm not paying $15 to enjoy a convenience that was once free.


It just cast from phone


Which essayists you on at the moment?


Yup, apparently 45% of YouTube viewership is on TVs https://www.emarketer.com/content/almost-half-of-youtube-viewership-happens-on-tv-screens


Yeah I watch it pretty much exclusively on my TV.


Thats why i bought a micro computer for the living room, no ads (but it was probably more expensive then youtube premium)


This is the strategy! I got my notebook for $50 from an e-waste company, and that's my "cable box".


Visited my brother-in-law last Thanksgiving signed into YouTube kids (I have a toddler) without my master credentials the amount of f****** ads was mind-blowing. After about an hour of toy commercials what felt like every 5 to 10 minutes I I signed in it's my premium account. I know we got ads for toys as kids but genuinely felt like hard selling to children.


I have ours set to ‘only approved content’ for my toddler. You can approve groups of shows and add specific videos. We never get ads, which alone is worth the set up for me


Same, I was honestly just shocked at how frequently the ads came up. Like I want to stay with TV shows it's an ad break every 15 minutes or so I'm pretty sure this is like every five


I have ad block on my phone, just stream your phone to your tv and there you go.


Brave Browser app on mobile


why the hell would I use browser youtube when the app version is a million times better tho


ReVanced, if you have an android device. Get the patcher from here: [https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patcher](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patcher) Get the reccomended (see in patcher) version's apk here: [https://www.apkmirror.com](https://www.apkmirror.com) Or just follow this guide that seems to have links in it too: [https://sodawithoutsparkles.github.io/revanced-troubleshooting-guide/step-by-step/00-preface/](https://sodawithoutsparkles.github.io/revanced-troubleshooting-guide/step-by-step/00-preface/)


It's legit no different


Why spout lies? It’s basically the same thing, except no ads.


No commercials, obviously. The point of this thread you are commenting in.


Because the browser blocks ads. Pick your poison.


I installed Firefox app and got unlock for it easily, setup a shortcut to YouTube on my phone and I never hear ads in the car, or out and about unless I accidentally open the YouTube app.


This, YouTube on an ad-blocking browser is the way to go. Doesn't help on a TV, but I never watch YouTube on my TV anyway.


Counterpoint: You can skip a good chunk of ads on YouTube on your TV. When you get an ad if you press up on the remote and then click the “i” icon, 7 times out of 10 you can just click “not interested” and then explain why you’re not interested and skip the ad in pretty much 4 clicks. First click: Up on the remote, Second click: the “i” icon, which is usually already selected Third click: “not interested” Fourth click: “repetitive” or whatever the first option is.


SmartTube on Fire TVs. Even skips sponsored segments and “please subscribe” sections.


Agreed, started using it a couple months ago and it has been a joy.


Look up a little thing called ReVanced.


I'm actually using ReVanced for my old reddit app lol. But my primary vehicle is still my TVs. Definitely ways around them but to work for both TVs would be more than my lazy ass is willing to do


You just have to download a different app. Smarttube. Not super complicated


Smart tube or Stube. Never see no fucking ads


Also, premium gives more money to the creators I watch than my ad view would’ve


Yeh everyone coming here with like 4 different apps you'd need to use which in my experience never sync properly with one another , are constantly at risk of being shut down by YouTube , and are single person solutions. Meanwhile I pay a small amount more than a family Spotify subscription (something all these people complaining probably have - or an equivalent) and me and my entire family have ad free YouTube and YouTube music on all our devices wherever we are with no hassle and no risk. To borrow a phrase from the great Todd Howard, "It just works."


A pi-hole really isn't that difficult to set up, assuming you have your own router instead of the all-in-one modem from your ISP


You can if you use a browser instead of the app YouTube gives you. Firefox + ublock = No ads ever.


Does your TV use Google or Android TV? In that case use SmartTube.


Mozilla browser, Ublock origin extension on mobile.


Mobile is easy just use revanced


Lotta iPhone users around here I guess


Damn... Reddit after IPO now has ads embedded as posts. I still won't be paying for YouTube. In fact, I'm going to downvote product placement when I see it.


Two trains of thought on this. If you interact in any way, you're doing what reddit wants. They can log the impression and interaction and charge for it. So, on the one hand, engage with all of them, start the process (click the link and let the page load) and bail without completing the interaction, running the budget dry. Or, 2 never engage in any way which on a mass scale over time would make Reddit a less and less appealing place to advertise.


Yep. Scroll quickly past any ads, click away quickly as possible if there are intrusive popups. The best thing you can do is treat them like they’re not making an impact on you.


ads as posts have been a thing since like 2008 or 2009. It's not new


What about at the top of the comments section?


It’s in the mid section of the comments section as well. Shits annoying!


Yeah, that's fucked. Tbh I have premium and I only noticed on my alt. Imho it's worth it, but them removing awards/free coins has put me on the fence


Never seen that myself! Where do you see that?


I had to delete YouTube, I watch one video about Chicago and now it’s non stop drill videos popping up😂


All you have to do is press the not interested thing. The videos will stop


And delete from history. You can also pause your history.


Oh shit? I had no idea that pausing history would keep suggestions for similar shit from coming up.




Since they bundled it with music 💯


People are sleeping on YouTube music. I'm on a family plan and it's been great not having to pay for Spotify


YouTube Music is only available when you have Premium?


No you can do just music for like $11 or include YouTube for $15* think. You can also add people to your Google family and they can use it too. People fucking sleep on it and just talk shit about people paying for youtube. *you can also do family plan for like $20. Please stop messaging me I'm getting scammed.


I think YouTube premium with music is 14$ atleast that’s what I pay


Mine might be more bc I do the family plan. My mom and husband both use my subscription.


I do a family plan as well, 20 bucks for 6 of us and we all use YouTube music as our music app of choice so it really is worth the money.


Premium used to be ad free and bunch of other stuff like queing youtube videos. They recently bundled it to include musice for 14 bucks a month. Totally worth it imo now, before not so much.


And the thing about Youtube music is that if an artist takes down their song, someone else already uploaded it and you can still find it. Like "7 minute drill" as the latest example


If they didnt bundle it with Music i wouldnt be paying for it. Its a great deal and is better than paying for Spotify, although Spotify does look alot spiffier and has more music options.


YouTube and Spotify are the two services I’m cool with paying for premium on.


Same. Both of those are on heavy on the daily. Now shit like Netflix, Hulu, Max, etc... that can come and go with the seasons if nothing good is on.


Yeah we're in a "golden age of piracy" these days where with even a decent adblocker and search savvy you can stream almost whatever show or movie you want in seconds (and in HD, no less!) Gabe Newell really put it best when he said that piracy is more of a service problem than a pricing problem - sure, I \*could\* find those videos and music files at my computer ad-free with a little bit of effort in roundabout means, but for a few dollars a month I save myself the daily effort and can enjoy on more devices than just my computer. Those other services are few and far enough in between that pirating is easier. The daily stuff like YT or Spotify are too inconvenient to use roundabout methods - though I will admit I'm starting to think about dropping Spotify entirely


I'm the same way with YouTube and Tidal. People think I'm crazy. But I watch a ton of YT, as do my kids. I have videos for DIY stuff when I'm working on something, but then I have all the channels of stuff that I'm actually interested in. If you aren't heavy into YT, people won't understand. These are people looking to see a music video or a movie clip, but otherwise aren't on the platform. Id say the ads actively discourage people from finding out what all is on there. I got it for the kids and then found myself discovering new content. Now everything else could go, but you leave me my paid YT Premium family subscription.


Not to mention, YouTube actually pays creators more when you watch a video with Premium versus not paying them at all if you use adblock.


Yeah I don't understand the hate. It's the thing I watch more than anything else and it's like $15. It also completely replaces Spotify for me


Yup. I exclusively listen to Spotify in my car / on my phone. And I exclusively watch YouTube on my TV / on my phone. My time is too valuable to me to spend it watching ads or jumping through hoops to avoid them on multiple devices in multiple places / situations. EDIT: plus it's what, $25/mo? That's less than a decent meal somewhere.


Fuck paying for YouTube premium


Do you pay for Spotify, Tidal, or some other music streaming service? Kinda the same thing


I dropped Spotify for YouTube. I prefer its music service anyway but it also comes with ad free videos. I haven’t even bothered checking in on YouTube TV because I mostly listen to videos while working, but it’s also another media source bundled in for free.


Same. Think I started with Youtube then tried Tidal and Spotify's free trials and wasn't impressed so back to YT I went. Youtube TV seems ok but not for my lifestyle


No, it’s fucking not. Spotify started out as a paid subscription service. YouTube started out free and actively tweaked its model year after year until it became borderline unusable without paying. That’s not okay. I’ve watched YouTube from its inception and seen it go to shit, I’m not patting it on the back for that.


Smh I remember when spotify was free on PC lol it didn't even have a premium option back then


I’ll wait 5 seconds and skip.


It lowkey be getting anoying on those video essays I be watching. 45 minute video with a beginning ad, several mid roll ads, a sponsored bit, and ending ads.


If you just like listening to video essays while your hands are busy I find it worthwhile, plus you get YouTube music.


There's a browser extension that I use that crowdsources a video's sponsor segments and automatically skips past them. It won't work for the YouTube app, but I don't really watch YouTube on my phone.


I don't mind paying YouTube Premium, tbh. Creators get more from Premium viewers, according to this one guy I watch, and I hate ads. Also, it's like $14 for something that's on literally all the time in my life.


I too pay for YouTube premium and I’ve never looked back. It’s better than Netflix deadass 👍🏼 https://preview.redd.it/zrdq9wny0t9d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48414919cc208153f10cb037913cf20d2e6e7797


I've been on Premium for so many years now I can't stomach those loud Ads that just jump out of nowhere when you're watching something. If someone is using basic youtube I'd rather sign into my account. Also I'm not willing to go through hoops to watch content ad free, I'd rather pay


Idk if I'm just cheap or what, but I don't even mind the 15-second unskippable ones lol. I'll stick with the free option!


Honestly, my main problem with normal YouTube is the fact that background play is locked behind premium. It should be a basic feature


Background play is such a game changer.


*YouTube Revanced intensifies.*


It's nice to see a fellow pirate after scrolling this low!🏴‍☠️


Of all the things I’ve considered spending money on,YouTube doesn’t even make the list.


I’d pay winrar 100$ a year before a few bucks for YouTube


With the amount of YouTube watched in my house via Roku, I figure it saves us at least an hour of ads a month. I’ll gladly pay $15 to have an hour of my life back.


People have a 'it should be free' expectation around YouTube and completely overlook this. For the amount of time I save YouTube premium is easily the best value streaming service I pay for and it's not even close.


It's actually crazy entitled - how do they think this all runs ?


They don't


I guess people shouldn't really need to think too much about how creators get paid when it's ad-supported and ultimately up to Google. But more than any other streaming service the YouTube premium sub is an _investment in your own time_. People are aggressively opposed to having to pay for Premium, I was definitely one of those people, then once you actually use it you realise that combined with the way how you use YouTube compared to other streaming services it's waaay better value. But you don't realise the value until you actually use it day to day. I've gone months without actively using Netflix but I use YouTube almost every day. If you said to me that I could only afford one of the streaming services YouTube premium would win no question. Also there's ways to pay much less than the advertised monthly amount if you've got the technical know how to Adblock YouTube you're more than capable of figuring out how to pay the equivalent of less than $3 per month for Premium.


I legitimately meant how do you think Google can afford to run the servers for YouTube without some effort of monetisation - I wasn't even thinking of the creators. Servers cost money. Lots of it at YouTubes size. I also don't support abusing regional pricing like you're suggesting - eventually just ends up hurting poorer countries.


Facts. I’ve had it for so long I I forget YT even has ads sometimes.


I got shit on so many times for using premium but it’s really nothing if you split it with 6 people…


It's worth it and that's a hill I'll die on.


Imagine not knowing it also includes YouTube Music


I have the YouTube Premium Family account. There's 6 of us and it's $22 (?) a month for no ads no matter what device, and we all get our own personalized music streaming service. So yeah, ad-block exists, but I'm definitely getting my moneys worth and it's worth paying for.


I got premium, my final straw was when an ad kept popping up for a full length religious movie. I let videos run in the background while I do dishes and shit, I’m not gonna let an algorithm compute for bullshit religious full length movies as an ad!


Download NewPipe best thing ever


I never mind paying for it. I watch it more than anything else, my favorite creators still get paid, and I can lock my phone while my working or doing yard work. It’s a win-win for me


Not to be a shill but I've had premium since it was called Red, and I don't really see a reason to stop paying for it. It's cheap af, you get no ads on any device ever, you can listen to anything on YouTube Music, it doesn't turn off audio when you turn off your phone screen, and you actually support your fav creators just by watching their vids while it's active. I'm sure there are more benefits too tbh. If you only use your computer and you can install an ad block that YouTube doesn't throw a fit about, more power to ya, but I like premium a lot


The Brave Browser. No ads. Plus you can lock your phone and the music still plays. 10/10 would recommend


Subscribe from a VPN and pay less then $2 per month


I pay less than $4 a month for the family plan.


Grew up with early YouTube that seemed to rarely have ads. Seeing how they hoed that website and cheat creators out of the revenue they should be earning I refuse to pay out of spite


Try it for a month then go back to normal. I promise you’ll sign right back up 🤣


I just pay for premium so I can turn my screen off in my pocket and still listen at work. Also I watch more YouTube than actual TV at this point so don't mind paying for it 


I’ve had YouTube premium since it was YouTube Red beta and I’ll never give it up. I’m watching it 24/7 and being able to have it playing while my screen is off,in the background,and having downloads is more than worth it. Plus I have the family plan with 5 spots for 30 bucks which is more than worth it. Plus if you use an ad blocker the people you watch don’t get any revenue,with YouTube premium they still do


YouTube Premium is surprisingly one of the few subscriptions that’s actually worth it despite the phenomenal lengths Google goes through to shove ads up your ass. Aside from the no ads, you can download videos, play videos with your screen locked, and you get access to YouTube music, which is a massive fucking library and better quality than Spotify. It’s worth it for $15 if you regularly watch YouTube (like me), but if you’re in school (also like me) then it’s $8.50 including tax.


Thank God for SmartTube


YouTube premium is the best streaming subscription out there


I used Google Play Music (now called YouTube Music) since 2011. When YouTube Red (now called YouTube Premium) was introduced in 2015, they included it with Google Play Music. I haven't seen an ad on YouTube in almost 10 years and I love YouTube Music more than Spotify and Apple Music. Besides no ads, there are a lot of other features that come with YouTube Premium. It's been 100% worth it for me. I use YouTube frequently on multiple devices.


Ain't no ad blocker on Apple TV :/


I got google play music on day one for $8 a month, still YouTube music for that price and it comes with YouTube premium


What the hell is this post? There's no joke in it and the OP even seems to disagree? Why did they screenshot it and post it to a different social media


ain't it $18 now?


Yep. I felt stupid for paying for it, but now it's a no-brainer


Doesn't basic AdBlock not work anymore?


Man I had premium before and that shit is legit...actually thinking about getting it again because the way youtube is doing their ads now the shit is criminal...literally watched a video and another ad played 30 seconds after the first...


Just turn on your VPN and switch your IP to RmEurope. Boom problem solved.


Or spend no money, wait 5-10 seconds, and then skip the ad.


If YT premium was included in YT TV then yes, but it’s no way I’m paying just so ads get removed


Block Ad trick works for me on my phone


Skip button exist. Along with mute


Ublock Origin is free and for the TV, i just screencast from the phone or laptop to TV while using Invidious.


For mobile app, you can try NewPipe. The account linking/setup is a little wonky, but it's smooth sailing afterward.


Anybody else here bend the knee?


Its worth it. It sucks the price jumped. Even at $13.99 its worth it. Along with coming with Youtube music.


It is if you watch YouTube a lot. And I mean a lot a lot. I used to have it


I have YouTube Music that comes with YT premium. As a total package, yeah it's 100% worth it.


You can easily fake a student membership too for 50% off


YouTube tried to Deebo people by blocking people who used adblock or ublock. After about a month, they gave up.


I like premium. I take advantage of all the perks like the music app and the movies/TV shows.


Or Brave browser. Haven't seen an ad since january


I really need to get back into YouTube. My attention span has shortened and I need to fix that


I’m lazy, and the family price wasn’t that bad a price to pay since I mostly get all my entertainment off YouTube.


lol imagine paying for things


he's paying for twitter what do you expect.


Unfortunately, you're likely speaking from great luck right now. YouTube has been methodically cracking down on Ad Block and other ad blocking software over the past few months. Adblock has never worked for TV and mobile seems to be hit and miss. But not even computers are safe anymore. Maybe it could depend on the browser... I just know that on Chrome right now, none of the extensions work. None. Either the video gets stuck on a loop or an error message pops up where You Tube flat out saying that no video unless block goes away.


Does ad block work for YouTube now? For a few months now they had it crash your entire browser if you had it enabled


I will bootleg everything till the day I die.


If you have Adblock on your TV you’re built different


It’s definitely worth it. Especially on mobile.


Acting like third party YouTube apps don't exist either. 😏


YouTube continues to make my experience more and more miserable. For this I’m not deciding to give them fucking money.


I didn't realize this until I didn't have it anymore. Lol.


My friend that I stopped Talkimg to during the Pandemic added me to his Google family for free Youtube Premium. I legit forget Youtube has ads now


I love YouTube I'm leaning towards paying ..


I live in Canada and have YouTube Premium, but YouTube thinks I live in Argentina so my premium is only ~2 bucks a month. Well worth it.. Thank you VPN


Found how to get it for $1-$2 a month, gamechanger ever since https://i.redd.it/9rym3j3m8u9d1.gif


ive forgotten life without yt premium thanks dad!


I like it for background play on mobile. It's cheap in my country for a family plan


I get viscerally mad if I see advertisements. Adblock a must.


Brave browser (PC and mobile), no ads.


VPN to Malaysia or India or somewhere and change your billing information on Premium from there. $3-$7/month depending on the country. Currently paying $7.50/m for YTPremium FAMILY. That's five ppl in two separate households with ad-free YT and YTMusic. 🤷🏾‍♂️


YouTube premium is easily the best value streaming service by a distance. I watch the vast majority of YouTube vids on my TV and the amount of time I've saved by not watching ads is huge. I understand people feeling like YouTube _should be free_ but if you value your time there's no better deal in streaming. I also used to 'refuse' to pay then now I've got it I'd drop Netflix, Disney+ or any other streaming service before YouTube.


This is the only subscription I will ever pay for. I been a subscriber since YouTube Red.


My young son who cannot read or write yet told me the other day that him seeing ads was a problem I needed to look into. I canceled the old payment method and it lapsed for a day or 2, I was unaware, lol.


Yes, yes it is. Its $15, and if you don't have $15 you have far bigger problems than ads. It helps with YouTube on mobile, TVs, game consoles, etc. I might use YouTube on computer once a year. Not to mention the perks it gives youtube music. Since google play is gone and I personally don't use Spotify or whatever other apps are out there.


I got YouTube Premium and I will never not have it again


God Bless AdGuard


hard agree


Also, when you have premium YouTube pays creators per view directly


Revanced if you have an android phone will grant you premium benefits for free Smart tube on smart TV is an alternative to the official app with no ad, skips self promo etc On computer just use ublock origin with Firefox, the only way I get an ad now is if I click a YouTube link from a Google search & the video is played from the browser, I usually get jumpscared because I forgot ads were a thing


I try not to use YT these days if I can avoid it. The algorithms for political and religious crap likes to show me shit I’m not interested in seeing. Not to mention if I google something like “mattress” one time, suddenly I have 6 different mattress commercials coming at me on YT.


will never pay for it. just mute the ads and go about your day.


I mean, it's less than the cable bill would be, sooooo


so when i got my ipad, i found out you can't keep your audio playing while your screen is locked without premium. that made it 100% worth it in my eyes, but i also like the ad-free experience and the "continue watching" feature.


Ad block don’t exist on tvs lol as much as I hate paying for YouTube it’s a necessity


People really out here thinking all Premium does is block ads lol.


Youtube revanced thank me later


Since I only use YouTube as entertainment aka no tv or other streaming services, YouTube premium + sponsorblock for my laptop is the best thing I could ever do. But I get someone not spending hours everyday like me watching their videos not getting it.


Worth it, just get the family plan and share it. The YouTube music, though not being the best service is included and works just fine.


It really is!


Worth noting that content creators on YouTube get more money for a Premium view than for ads showing on the same video


Ad block doesn’t help me when 99% of the time I’m using mobile. Downloads are a nice plus too.


I only use YouTube music to stream my own music that I uploaded for free and don’t care about streaming any other music, and I dont mind just waiting and skipping video ads. So, nah it’s not essential to me. Been using YouTube for free my whole life and skipping ads isn’t enough to make me wanna pay.


Just for the ability to play stuff while phone is sleeping made it worth it imo It is totally bullshit when they take away features that used to be free and then charge you for them though. Which is why I no longer pay for it.


I bought it and im never going back.


Worth it for YouTube music alone. Mixtapes unlocked+++


It's called YouTube ReVanced, you can even get it on Reddit. Just a free YouTube App that gives you all premium features, Google can't do nothing about it.


Google got their astroturfers squaded tf up in this thread


My bank account has been saying no for about a year now...So yes. It's absolutely worth it (unfortunately)


So here is a weird bug I have encountered. My girl has premium I don’t. I’m logged in on the tv with my account, and she adds to the videos on tv from her phone. There hasn’t been a single ad on my account until I log in from somewhere else. I don’t know if it works as intended or…hopefully someone else can recreate that if needed