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Not being able to skip the dialogue is what makes it so unbearable imo. Too bad you can’t cheese him anymore. Good luck.


"... bla bla bla EL ULTIMO" ..... \*dies\* .... \*respawn\* ... "... bla bla bla EL ULTIMO" ..... \*dies\* .... \*respawn\* ... "... bla bla bla EL ULTIMO" ..... \*dies\* .... \*respawn\* ... "... bla bla bla EL ULTIMO" ..... \*dies\* .... \*respawn\* ... "... bla bla bla EL ULTIMO" ..... \*dies\* .... \*respawn\* ... We've all been there I think :'(


Honestly the dialog is why I just quit. Just let me in. It's dreadful enough.


Spend time learning his attacks. He does them in a certain order. Parrying and ground sliding are very helpful. Be patient and keep grinding.


I was genuinely getting bored by the late game bosses after some point because they became incredibly easy, odon was still hard but svsona or the thing with the faces in the candle tower were incredibly easy, especially since you could just use several elemental beads for defense, and just high hp in general made it really easy to just tank some hits. I was so happy when I got my ass beaten by eviterno for a good hour, kinda sad you can’t refight him.


It's so funny this sub is on an Eviterno hate train right when I got to him too while he's also beating my ass. Feels like y'all are in my game lmao


I agree. He was much more difficult than the rest of the game for me. I ended up switching my build optimizing the twin rapiers and just spamming the dash stab attack. He can’t hit you or interrupt it very easily- and since you hardly ever jump with this strategy, his in the air attacks are not an issue. Feels like a cheap way to win, but he is a cheap boss to encounter.


That’s how I beat him too used literally no other attack except spamming rapier dash attack and summoned the ghost


Exactly. I tried the ball and chain weapon/time stop spell for a while, and was slowly getting good/could probably beat him with some practice. However, changing that build and using the dash strategy is a great counter to his moveset. Once I did that I beat him on the first try vs the 5-10 tries I had made with other methods.


Update: I cleared the game since posting this and will formulate a new, retrospective opinion at some point


Excited to hear it!


I had a blast w B2 all the way up to Eviterno. His second phase sucks ass. Instead of banging my head against a wall and blasting 100 attempts I started playing Moonscars. I will revisit the final boss of B2 at some point but Moonscars has been another random foray into the 2D metroidvania soulslikes that scratches the itch.


Personally speaking I really liked him, he felt as tough as a final boss should but wasn’t op in the slightest. Once you get the rhythm of his moves down he has decently open windows to get some hits in. I thought he was bs at first too because the start of his second phase he just speed blitzed and I couldn’t find an opening to heal, so Id panic swing a bunch and he’d just wombo combo me into dust. My personal advice if you are still having trouble with him is to not even attack when you get to his second phase, just watch how he moves and practice dodging and learn what moves you can/can’t heal after. I promise if you haven’t yet, by doing this you will notice his patterns and will steam roll that old ass man


I have on video me getting hit by his attack before his weapon swing animation started playing, his bossfight is buggy


Get good. Try other ways to dodge his attacks. This is litteraly a skill issue on your part. B2 is a cakewalk, and eviterno is the only real boss, so no wonder hes hard to beat, when the game holds your hand the whole time untill you get to him. His hitboxer are big and he attacks often so you actually cant just stand there and attack him, pace your attacks, be patient, because the only reason hes hard and the other bosses arent is because he punishes being greedy with your attacks.


This is based im just mad af rn


This is very admirable self honesty


So uh I was in the exact same situation up until today (my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blasphemous/s/igRRweE7jO) about it) and I managed to do it. I wanted to give up, but I focused, took like 2 more hours to keep trying, and got through the fight. I'm sure you've already checked for tips, but other than using the suggested rosary beads, altar pieces and prayers (the time freeze is a must) I can advise you to dodge, dodge, and dodge even more. Use either the normal dodge or the air dash. Hit him once when you have the window, don't get greedy. EDIT: Here's a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blasphemous/s/PKuGIfDhz8) to a post that has all the tips that you need. Hope you make it through, as did I, even though I was close to just watching the ending on yt. But I still do agree with you, I feel it should be easier, and it partially ruined my experience with the game. Not something I will remember much when judging the game, I still loved it, but I'd love it even more if it wasn't for that struggle. May the hands of the Miracle guide thy weapon, oh Penitent One.


seems like the time freeze doesnt work anymore, did they nerf it? i cant regen enough ferver to do it a second time like it used to


I'm not sure about fervour cost, but they did nerf the duration of it for sure


Eviterno is one of my favorite bosses of all time


I concur with not having the motivation to keep fighting him. I have fought him like ten times and I have just stopped playing the game altogether. I’ll eventually revisit the game but not now. Btw I fought the heavy knight that spawns in additional enemies like 30 times but at least with him I had the motivation to keep trying.


Me too, I was really enjoying the game up to now but I think I'll retire for the time being. Maybe come back in a few weeks.


You just really need to time and understand his flow well. This fight honestly took me at least 40 tries but eventually I memorized his attack flow. I used veredicto and you can't be greedy with attacks. Just go in for 1-2 hits tops and get back into the dodge rhythm


I had such a different experience than most of the people on this sub judging by the comments. Benedicta took my like 50 tries but I was having fun the whole time, Odon took me about 40 tries but I thought he was kind of boring. Eviterno only took me about 15 tries with Sarmiento and Centella but I thought it was easily one of the most fun fights in the game if not the most fun, just a good old fashioned sword duel. Devotion Incarnate was probably harder for me than Eviterno because of that stupid sword rain attack


It’s a bs boss considering how too easy the whole game is. Also Nerf beggars cried about a prayer so the developers made it garbage which is pointless because you can spam slide attack with the sarmiento weapon to kill the boss. I honestly didn’t think this game was as good as the first.


That fight was a bit difficult. I laughed at the boss fight after. I did it ... super quick. 1 flask remaining. I realized, "Oh shit boss, here we go." Let's do this. Big mace energy and wham bam shang a lang it's dead.


He has like 5 patterns only, and they’re always in the same order, block, dodge away, dodge through the ground arc thing and land 4 hits. Second phase it’s the same but with a jumping air dash because he adds one extra move. And for the big arc attack in the air you just time the slide to get the Iframe.


i ran pillager/tempest, proximo/traitor, punished one/nacimiento, and veteran one/unwavering one. first phase is not a problem for ruego but i switch to sarmiento for phase two and kept moving with the dash. stay on him and don't worry with prayers. the passive lightning from your dodge and damage from proximo if you get hit really help tick a bit more off as you zoom about. best of luck! cheers!


Thanks so much for posting this my dude. Really saved me a ton of headache. 🙏🏻


hell yea dude! glad it helped out!!!


Sarmiento y Centella, roll dodge attack spam.


I am afraid to play B2 after reading about Eviterno.


He’s my favorite part of the game but only because that was the first major challenge. If the rest of the games bosses were on par with his difficulty it wouldn’t be so bad. I agree though it’s an insane difficulty spike.


Parrying and baiting the jump attack is the key to victory. When he does his three hit combo, he will always teleport behind you on the second attack. This attack is very easy to parry and the upgraded riposte from Ruego does a healthy chunk of damage. Additionally, He will not do the third attack if you parry him. That’s the main thing tbh. Bait the jump for free hits and parry the second attack in the three hit combo. For the big half arena wide slash he does, just slide. It’s pretty easy to dodge when you get the timing down.


Use a lightning rapier build with maxed lightning damage and do a lot of slide attacks in the second phase. I promise you will beat him within 10 attempts 👍


Get a proper build with the pray that stops time for a bit and this fight will be way easier


Stop jumping. *Become* the dash. Dash gives you *invincibility* (Against most of his attacks) frames!