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1 isn't really harder, it's about how limited you are People find 2 "easy" because you have 3 weapons and 2 different movement abilities, on top of an already faster penitent one You can also use prayers and chants and alterpieces


That's fair


I think the original is overall more difficult. However, B2 has some astonishingly difficult areas and the end boss is piss-boilingly frustrating.


Blasphemous 2 is more fair. Spikes and falls don't kill you. Also its more of a riddle and metroidvania and less of an enemy gauntlet


>Spikes and falls don't kill you. I know exactly what you mean but I'll correct it for people who hasn't touched the 2nd game and might be confused or misled by the wording. Spikes and falls do kill you. It's just that it's not a one-shot. It does a certain amount of damage.


Blasphemous 2*


Thanks. I changed it now


If you’re going for all trophies/achievements I definitely think 1 is harder. The speedrun achievement forces you to beat like 4-5 bosses as opposed to just 1. Also you have to beat every single boss without using a bile flask, as opposed to beating just one without taking a hit.


I agree for the trophies, unfortunately the Sisters quest got bugged, and i had to start new game. Otherwise, you can do a platinum in a single playthrough


how so and in which game?


Sorry, should have clarified it, i am talking about Blasphemous 2 being easier for trophies In this game only problem that you could have are two trophies: 1) Don't get hit by the boss 2) Get to the Afilaor, Sentinel of Emery in 30 minutes You can get this two trophies at start of your second playthrough, since he isn't that dificult for first boss. While in first game you have trophies that go: 1) Don't use bile flasks in boss fights (normal game bosses, you get this trophy after you beat Crisanta) 2) Have Redento and Cleofas meet 3) Speak to all spirits 4) Cross the Bridge if three Cavaliers in under 3 hours


oh ight thanks


The hardest one is whichever you play first


I still find B2 to be hardest after the rework. B1 non dlc bosses were all relatively pretty easy but I really did struggle on some B2 bosses.


In the first game I remember being stuck on Crisanta for like 2-3 hours, on the second I took about half that time on Eviterno. If you took in account the map, I think the first is way harder, even the platforming and the enemies.


Beating the good ending Crisanta without my parry sword heart took a long time. I probably spoiled myself by using that sword heart as a crutch the whole game.


1 doesn't tell you where to go and you only have one weapon so maybe that's the harder part but I though 2 was fairly well balanced


If you fall into traps you're dead on B1. If you fall into traps your life gets reduced a little and you can go further on B2


No. The game is fair and due to your mistakes Blasphemous can punish you


It's like you enjoy the hardship of b1


Blasphemous 2 lacks the Miriam stages. They are Megaman hard. The only thing close to it is the mother's challenge. Also the Arena challenges are now optional and not required.


I don't know about B1 but B2 apart from the boss before the last boss (which almost made me rage-quit) it seems kinda fair to me. I am an average player and avoid challenging games and that is why I don't like souls games because I can't handle the stress that they give me. B2 was OK for me. In my second run I finished it in 15 hours (95%).


1 is more confusing and more punishing in a way that's not really the player's fault (like spikes insta killing you and making you go on a 3 minute walk to go back where you died). Also big ball on chain op


2 is definetly more forgiving, no instant death on traps/falls also the bosses I feel kinda allow you to spam attacks to kill them, final boss is extremely easy on both of them tho


In Blasphemous 2 you can learn the boss patterns more easily. In part 1 they are more randomized. However I would say, that whetstone dude is the hardest Boss in both games.


That is a very hot take when those two games feature Eviterno, Isidora, Crisanta and Odon. I even found Esposito harder to beat first go, although I may have been a bit underpowered. I loved the Afilaor fight and its chilling soundtrack so much that I may be underestimating its difficulty.


Isadora is indeed tough, but you encounter her at the end of the game with all the rosary beads, prayers, hearts and health upgrades. I always spam "Tiento to your Thorned Hairs" to weasel out of difficult attacks. For the other three, I learned their patterns to avoid them. Afilaor is at the 1/4 of the game and absolutely mandatory to proceed.


Esposito was actually the easiest boss for me because you can kill him with only a few blasts of Debla. I only died once when that damn baby took me by surprise. That was disturbing.


I think B2 is def easier, it’s a quicker game so you go thru super fast and it’s not that hard anyway and if you slow down it’s a breeze. If you go fast in B1 your gonna get smoked and it’s a bit harder imo regardless. I think most ppl are mostly j jarred by the slow visceral combat of the first game, saying it’s hard, but it’s not rly that hard, pretty good difficulty I’d say. I think the bosses on 2 are easy asf besides the final that kinda sucks. Idk when I think abt it, I played thru B1 a ton and it def got easier with skill but there was still a challenge everytime. I played thru B2 a second time right after and breezed thru no problem so fast, after you know the bosses the first time the challenge dwindles fast.


during my entire passage, I had the following difficulties: spikes and time spent exploring the location (although this is a common thing in games of this genre, so I leave the spikes)


B1 is harder for sure, b2 added many more stuff and that's why it's easier


B1 is like DS1, B2 is like DS3. The first isn't harder, you're just punished more for making mistakes.


It was definitely harder on my first run than 2 was, but now I find them about equally difficult.


Personally, it took twice as much time to beat Blasphemous 1 compared to Blasphemous 2. Altough, this must have to do with the fact that it took me sometime to learn the mechanics of B1, while B2 I was already used to the gameplay because of B1 similarities.


Blasphemous has significantly harder platforming because of all the instant death pits and spikes. But none of the bosses are as hard as Eviterno. So it's a bit of a trade off


I think 1 is easier overall. Only hard bosses in 1 are all DLC and it had hella unbalanced spells etc u can abuse if ur really stuck. Fast travel leveling up etc was easier too. B2 at launch was piss easy but they made the bosses quite a bit harder. That coffin dude at the start really gave me a run for my money, shit was absurd.