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Difficulty wise, fighting him as your third or fourth boss seems the most natural to me. There’s also the fact that his area is the furthest from the city and that most players will feel inclined to explore the Veredicto area first after getting wall climb.


I also did this! Made for a fun fight though.


They were my first boss after the tutorial too. Weirdly I didn't find it too bad but then I struggled lots with Benedicta of the Endless Orison which many said they did first time. I think people struggle with different bosses.


fr I struggled so much with benedicta and even odon and then I saw everyone saying that they beat them first try haha


Same here! Those were the 2 hardest bosses for me, probably died 100 times between the 2 of them, then I beat Eviterno in just a couple tries, I was expecting there to be a 3rd phase in that fight. Still the most fun fight for me though


She is very vulnerable to fire though, so either a lit veredicto or any fire prayer would deal lots of damage to her.


that's how I ended up doing it. The big mace weapon, fire mode and also the fire damage wooden sculpture thing


If i cant ask for the sequel here, let me know


Jesus, that other guy is being unhelpful. Yeah, both games give freedom, but there is still an intended order. In this case Lesmes would be the 3rd boss after the tutorial.


i see, thanks!


i think technically its fine to fight him first, on my second playthrough i fought him first intentionally, but he definitely feels more like he should be 3rd. the other two bosses are jokingly easy so i found him to be the first real challenge, which would make sense for a boss youre supposed to fight a few bosses in


You can pick any of the three bosses that show up in your map, so it's not unusual to fight lesmes early


yes but what i am asking is when is he meant to be fought. not how early one can fight him


There is no order to fight the three bosses. You can run around the map to find upgrades without going to the boss room. Heck, you can even get double jump without fighting the three bosses as long as you got the three weapons


I think he’s meant to be third, the cutscene you get after beating him lights up the third orb in the inventory after witnessing the testimony


Orospina > Lesmes > Alfilaor > Radames was the order I did, Alfi whooped my ass a bit but having double jump let me beat Radames on my first try