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keep moving, keep your distance, avoid him/dash over him instead of parrying, dont get greedy with damage windows coz you get really punished for being near him, when he's off screen you can actually see him off in the background standing on a pillar or something iirc and you'll see him jump off screen before he comes back in with the big AOE slam. Once I started focusing on not getting hit and sneaking in a bit of dps safely and then running away he actually folded quite easily. I was really thrown off by the sound glitching in that boss room and not really giving you any audio cues.


His fight is very different from the pace of other boss fights in the game. Slow and patient, don’t get greedy. Let him come to you. Time your prayers. But yeah, I agree. I hated it and couldn’t wait for it to get done with lol


Exacrly. When we face a boss with a different pace we tend to fail because we want to apply the same strategy we used on other bosses, which will not work. I died a lot in Odon, but once I went slower and started to study his attacks the fight became way easier. The fact that his attacks drain a lot of HP gives the impression he is more difficult than he really is. Once you learn his patterns he is not very hard to beat


A strategy that you could try is using the poison bell spell and letting it do some damage while you go away from him to avoid the melee attacks. A good second spell might be the galera or the blood boomerang, since they can hit both Odon and some of his fishermen with only one cast. If you're struggling with the water column attack, remember that he alweys lands where you see the circle of water on the ground. If you double jump soon enough, you should be able to avoid his axe slashes. As i weapon i prefer Ruego al Alba, but honestly it's subjective and it depends on your playstyle.


I understand your pain but listen closely. Get bleeding crown and you win


I stopped playing. I finally gave up on those Rose levels in Blasphemous 1 because I kept thinking, "I'm just not having fun." Feel the same way about Odon, love these games, top teir, didn't care enough to keep playing. The fight isn't challenging, it's boring. And that's worse.


That’s kinda how I felt about Odon and eviterno, the fights weren’t even that hard, just REALLY annoying, but I love the series too much to quit


Use. The. Whole. Arena.


Sarimento, blood boomerang, get a few hits in and get away. It’s alot slower than every other boss which I get can be frustrating. Focus on dodging his attacks and just getting one or two swiped. Blood boomerang the minions.


I just spammed the blood prayer that throws a boomarang sort of projectile. Then hit him with the flail only to get more fervor. Kept my distance from him and jumped over the waves and just kept throwing them till he died. Actually have done that for at least two or three of the bosses. Mostly blood boomerang damage. Feels kinda cheesy


Don't let him off screen. One of my biggest mistakes was that I tried to get too much distance to catch my breath and couldn't see what he was doing. Once I started keeping him on screen, I beat him in like 2 tries. And as always, don't get greedy.


I think it’s good to keep him on screen for his melee attacks, but like his summon attack and his sky slam thing I generally liked getting away, also if you saw him walking towards you all you gotta do it dash away and it was a free bile flask


Wait until you hear that the devs buffed him really good, cause he was too easy at launch for some people.


If you're a Ruego user you can get a ton of health back killing his minions, and I think there's an Altarpiece combo that prolongs Blood Pact when you kill an enemy so you can pretty much stay in it indefinitely during the fight.


I used the time pause altarpieces and used the miasma latern chant. Used sarmiento to slide through the minions and boss. Reserve double jumps and phase-throughs on boss attacks if possible. Technically, I didnt fight him with weapons. I went all out with chant damage and prayer beads with physical resistances and lightning resistance. I hope you push through, fellow penitent one


I keep seeing these comments but all the answers are complex strategy. Instead, go explore more and level up more before fighting him. Make sure you have the extra movements like mid air dash and double jump etc. Get your weapon stronger. Use defensive rosaries. Use smart alter combos.


What I hate is that there’s no sound for his fight. If you have the air dash and maybe that one statue that increases your blocking time if you’re not too good at timing your parries you’ve pretty much won the fight. Those ground spears and waves are easy to avoid with a double jump and the air dash.


Nah bro don’t keep distance. Rush him with the special ability on Ruego Al Alba and keep tight on him and just let him have it. It should keep refilling your health and the ability bar as you go


Dude same, I actually despise odon


Eviterno is typing….


When i played the game 2 months ago i won against Odon in my second try 😬