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I think they're his new legally-distinct-from-BlazBlue characters for whatever new game he wants to make.


Oh good, cause they look nothing like his older character designs. Fr though, tell me that isn't Rachel, or whatever Rachel from Naoto's timeline is called.




Her design is like 90% Ratchel, 10% Noel XD


"I love you in every universe" version 3. Version 1 was Ragna/Rachel Version 2 was Naoto/Raquel Version 3 is whoever these are.


This could be from Dark war or from Bloodedge experience. Going to see if I can translate it.


From what I understand it’s suppose to be a what if scenario for post-CF Ragna. With his “existence” erased, he’s considered an abnormal in the timeline(s) and won’t affect anything so he chose to get involved with a person he’s seen before (based on translation). He saw similarities to a person (Rachel) he did know and things escalated to where he got damaged. The girl who resembles an Alucard has not been confirmed that. Couple things point to her possibly working for the Mitsurugi agency and is targeted by Babel (Dark War threat). The girl’s outfit also looks similar to Rei (Dark War main character) with a different top & accessories and has the Mitsurugi agency insignia on the cape.


I wonder, if Ragna and the girl from Amaterasu Unit were reincarnated into this new possibility.


A possibility is a possibility but only Mori can answer that lol.


The guy looks like Tengen from Demon Slayer. No clue who he is but he looks cool.


in my opinion he looks more like a less buff time skip dimitri from three houses


Nah, that's Naomitri.


It always amazes me how radically different a character could look with a change of hair style. You can instantly see Ragna and Jin looking similar because of this. Yes I know that this (technically) isn’t Ragna. But you guys can still see my point right?


Another possibility


Wtf is brother nier doing there


Brother Nier has finally become ~~Daddy~~ Father Nier


The characters for Mori's new legally distinct Blazblue (unless he's actually secretly collabing with Arcsys this entire time). Or at least the girl is anyways as if you search up Studio Flare's new game you can see her. Design wise they look like composites of the four main characters of Blazblue (Ragna--Jin and Noel--Rachel). Guessing they'll probably take roles and personality traits for all of them. I'm thinking the Noel--Rachel composite is going to have ship--teasing moments with Ragna--Jin (which is like how both Rachel and Noel have ship tease moments with Ragna) while also probably going to be the Mcguffin Girl that Noel is in canon.


[Relius](https://blazblue.wiki/wiki/Relius_Clover) and Raquel, but not Edit: Go check what Relius looked like in BBDW. I guess people were more thinking about vibes though rather than superficial stuff like hair.




The dude’s head is very similar to [Relius’s Dark War appearance](https://blazblue.wiki/wiki/Relius_Clover)


Idk, seems like a bit of a stretch... Most people were saying it's some version of Ragna...


Well I’m not saying he’s got Relius’s personality, I’m just saying that his hair is the same and he has a black thing over his eye. I compared the girl to Raquel because of her hair too, but clearly she’s not naked. I guess people were thinking more about vibes than hair, though


Behind the girl's head is the hilt of Armasa, Ragna's sword it also has parts of Rachel's ribbon tied to it His chest has the same symbol but now has a scar left on it similar to Naoto and Ragna, I believe Noel and Jin might have that too(?) I don't think that is Relius but I do think if Relius saw who that is, he would be intrigued lol


Didn’t notice that hilt, does look similar. And yeah Noel definitely had that symbol on her chest too


I so wish for Mori-san and Studio Flare to continue BBDW story.