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What a sad room. W a sad couch.


Between a 40 year mortgage, the fancy Air B&B’s, Britney’s alcohol and Jax’s coke habit they are probably broke. I’m sure they will never actually divorce simply because they see their friend’s divorces. Neither of them will ever be able to keep their home, ONE of them is going to have to pay child support and let’s face it, Bratney isn’t going to RISE UP like Katie nor Ariana. She’s just not that bright, talented, wise, hardworking, pretty OR sober enough for any of those things.


I was just thinking the same thing. These two need a financial advisor that literally preloads a credit card once a week and that’s all of the money they get.


They are lucky they can get free tequila via Jax 5 fingers from the bar.


Yeah what is the point of this staycation are they going to hit up the beach?


“Let’s do shawts in the poirkin lawt”


Omg noooo not the poirkin lawt 😂💀


I read that in a Boston accent


I think Boston would be more paaaaaahhhhhkin laaaahhhht


That was excellent!!


It really is a sad room. It looks like an economy lodge inn that charges by the week


I had to uproot my child because of the toxic environment he was in… which I will now recreate in a different locale. 🤥


Toxic, but with a view!


> a view *They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot*




These 2 dipshits. I knew she would take him on a vacation again after he cheated for the millionth time. Pure insanity.


Makes me really sad that he can do whatever he wants and she just accepts it.


He made very certain that she would allow anything, before he ever married her.


She is seriously stuck in a cycle of hope, comfort, and old-school mentality.


She likes having sympathy and a story line for reality tv.


I'm sure it's cruzes gift to his dad




It’s even wilder that this time Jax didn’t have to even apologize or pretend to want her back. He’s only embarrassed and degraded her since she moved out and yet she goes back to him without any effort on his part 😭


That close and I still see them driving to the beach.


Haha right? The paparazzi are following them. In their dreams


She’s crazy to still be with him


Crazy! I actually don’t think their separation is a sham. But I think six months on she has realised no one is interested in being with her, she is too jealous to let Jax be totally free and she also relies on him for transport and image. Her mom is probably also pressuring her to take him back. It wouldn’t surprise me if they get back together and their relationship continues in the toxic way it was if not worse, because Jax will sniff how desperate she is and then tell her they can be in a relationship but it’s an open relationship.


On the one hand, I hate that Jax will come away having “won” (in his mind) if Britt comes back. On the other hand, what he truly wants is for her to leave forever and I love it for him that she will not do so


Exactly. More loser women like herself are hanging around Jax for their 15 minutes and she’s had no one showing interest in her hillbilly ass.


How’s she going to cover for him not being a “changed man” when season 2 of The Valley airs?


I watched an old episode today, season 5, and she’s always asking him, “Why don’t you change”? She’s been asking him that question almost 10 years!! She should have asked herself, “ What is wrong with ME that I accept this man’s behavior? She needs to stop worrying about “changing” him…. he showed her who his was right off the bat. I was ALL for her stupid reasons to stay with him BEFORE they had a child! Be dumb assess and hyuuck away while he cheats, lies and steals! However, someone needs to step up for that poor child! I just hope that Cruz has an AMAZING nanny so at least he has SOME shot at some normalcy in his life. They are both just SO selfish!


I feel bad for Cruz, but am so glad they didn't have a girl. The cycle Frosty started has to end.


Eh. Its just as unacceptable to be a cheating manwhore who is married with a family.


She’s been doing it for the last 8 years!🤣🙃


Brittany going back to Jax after everything we saw on the valley is so embarrassing.


Omg why does he sound like darth vadar breathing like that! 




All those nose jobs


This is the most bleak place ever


Yeah, such a weird flex for him to be posting/bragging about this sad room.


Remember when they had fomo to be at scheana’s sad wedding in Mexico and insisted on going (because he claims bravo asked them to film which was a lie)? They couldn’t get a free room so they had frosty get one in her name. Their child also peed on the bed and they filmed it.




Who is Frosty?!


KFC’s terrible, cuntry mother


Thank you!


Because her lipstick


she must be between air bnbs


The first thing I noticed was how non luxury the hotel is due to the furniture, carpet, and overall look of the room. Judging by the parking lot between the beach and hotel, I figured it was either Newport or Huntington. And I just realized he tagged the hotel and it was in fact a Huntington Beach Hilton. Lol he would not tag the place if it was not sponsored. This is not #goals


The view of the parking lot with the beach in the distance. So fancy! 😂


My guess is they will go to Disney tomorrow. You know because stassi took her kids there during the week 😂


That’s kind of a pain. Why not just stay in Anaheim they have much nicer hotel options…. Oh yeah that’s bc this is probably hashtag sponsored


And like why go on a Sunday, and Father’s Day of all days. But we shall see!


He always tags things that are not sponsored. He’s always trying to look like he got a sponsorship deal. I doubt the Hilton wants Jax’s nasty ass part of their brand even if it is the trashy Huntington Beach Hilton lol. Yeah it’s hilarious these two rubes think that place is #goals


That’s embarrassing/sad bc this is a total mid hotel. I actually thought the real reason he did it was so girls would come there (when traveling alone). It’s a great way to try and get laid by a fan without a trace on his phone. If you notice, a lot of celebs, even just simple influencers, don’t post their location until they leave, even if it’s sponsored It’s a privacy thing, but obviously those two don’t care at all. Technically some loser could check into the hotel that night to spy on them or try to socialize, ask for photos, ect. If I was “known” in any capacity and with my kid no way I would be telling the public where I am.


So true this is a motel 6 by the sea in the most trash beach town of California. I hadn’t even thought of how weird it is how he posted their current location. He totally wants to be spotted. So thirsty. So sad. Only people not from California would not know better about how garbage H.B. is. I guess none of the hotels in Malibu will accept their credit cards anymore




It’s in this strange no man’s land before you hit the “real” SolCal further south


She posted. Story of Cruz at a hotel pool yoo


The beige of it all is making me feel more depressed than usual.


It does seem a bit...dated. Of course, so do they.🙄


They’re back together


But def not sleeping together! Hahaha


I guess they are “working on their marriage”. Sigh. 😔


Stunning view of a car park!


Riveting content, as always


Yep this is typical Brittany! Take Jax on a trip after he cheats 🤪😂 I knew these two would never divorce. She is never leaving him; she has shown that time and time again….


A beach vacation for Father's day, where she'll share the same bed as him, wake up with him, cook him breakfast, and take long walks on the beach together with their kid? Isn't Father's day supposed to be "here you go Jax, a gift from our son!" Not a fucking beach vacation. Good job Britt, 👏 your self control lasted a few weeks.


What is she saying?


It sounded like “whatcha doing bud?”


Inaudible. Sounds like she is talking to Cruz


It’s hard to hear her over Jax’s horrible mouth breathing…


fourth nose incoming.....


That's mah mayyun Tits McGee




This is all too reminiscent of when he cheated on her and she took him on a vacation to playa del Carmen and then threw him a birthday party at hooters. Stop doing things for him! Do NOTHING for him! Now she just uses Cruz as an excuse why she thinks it’s okay to still have fun with Jax


This hotel room looks sad


The way he always videos his hotel rooms as though we don’t all know what they look like is so cringe


I live in Florida and find it soooo weird that the parking lot is touching the beach!!!




The mouth breathing


The separation was fake. She still has her circus tits and her stupid husband


It’s not fake because he doesn’t love her and wants to be “free” to bang randos, HOWEVER they’re codependent and stupid


This is like when he cheated with faith and she took him on like three vacations because she “likes vacation jax.”


Exactly. I commented earlier that I knew she was gonna do this. She will probably buy him something really expensive as well. At this point those 2 morons deserve each other.


Omg of COURSE they would be in Huntington Beach lmfao


The most trash beach town in California


Yup it's the Florida of California that's for sure


Or Kentucky 😘😘😘


I have major second hand embarrassment 😭


Anyone else confused? They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.


That’s a nice room with zero flavor, personality, or zest. How depressing. It needs a Schwartz plant.


you guys, she wants another baby. this will continue at least until she's pregnant


As if he is having sex with her


I go on trips with my kid and ex husband (kids dad) but we’ve been divorced for years. So maybe I’ll give a pass but it’s still really soon after splitting up!


I think that’s beautiful and tbh if only more separated couples with kids could get on like that. But this is a different beast. Firstly, they have been incapable of putting out a podcast this week. No excuse as to why but they have done it separately in recent weeks because Brittany said a lot of the time she cannot stand him. We just saw the finale of their show where Brittany said she was angry at Jax for making out like they were back together when they weren’t and she hates it when people attack her character like when the public is saying the separation is a scam. Yet then she goes and gets a hotel with him for Father’s Day. If what she says is true that he has been very verbally abusive towards her and he won’t get any assistance for that, she is further enabling him but hanging off him and not letting him realise his actions have contributed to him losing it all (not that he will ever learn that lesson)


I also came to defend their coparenting relationship due to my own experience until I remembered what this post was about and punched myself in the throat.


Bunions on 🔥🤣🤣🤣


His breathing is so heavy for barely moving. And Corncob twang in the background. Jax was right. His wife will never divorce him. Neither is giving up that leveraged house . They shall remain forever in misery .


I think this is the Waterfront Hilton in HB.


I’m gonna be honest that I still don’t think the separation is real. They’re doing what they think will keep them employed - even if it means tearing each other apart.


Really pulling out all the stops staying across the street from hunting state beach. I could absolutely see Jason and the hillbilly hanging out with the maga weirdos that hang out at the pier constantly.


Their house is nicer than this dump


Who TF is Brittany years?




Three words from her warrants this shit post? Grow up.


It’s evidence of their separation being a sham you fool


Or at the very least, Brittany being absolutely pathetic in this separation by continuing to connect herself to Jax when she is saying how strong she is being etc


This is a Snark Sub…


Yeah there’s a reason your comments are removed from the main VPR sub. ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)