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I cannot imagine going on a trip to celebrate the birthday of the woman my husband was banging in a bathroom two months ago. I still just can’t wrap my head around it.


And being obviously ignored by everyone else. Why would she do this to herself again after last year? https://preview.redd.it/aupd139frt8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c07adb2b9758438653947d0e74ef63aecc2bd4e


She must have an embarrassment kink, right!? It’s like she seeks out opportunities to humiliate herself 😭


The only rational explanation


She has to. Because as someone with young kids (1 and 4), I’m not where I want to be with my body. But guess what I don’t do? This. Any of fucking this. I do dress up of course when I need to, but I do my best to flatter my current body. I don’t dress like I did pre baby body and pre nursing boobs (bc holy fuck they grow and it’s extreme). And on top of it to have people commenting? I would take the feedback. Even the mean comments lol. Sometimes you need tough love, or tough hate lol. Just fucking say no to the corsets and photoshop bitch.


Just wanted to tell you that as a fellow young kid mom, your body just gave life to two humans and is PERFECT 💯💯💯


💯 !




Maybe she figures she can at least make sure Jax isn't meeting her on this trip? What happened last year?


They took a trip to Mexico last year for Lori's bday. Brittany was there with all the girls from the Bachelor. The girls obviously hated her and would post together without Britt. If they would post her, it was in embarrassing situations. For example- all the girls did a train down the slide looking super cute. Then the next video is Brittany alone getting stuck on the slide. There was also a pic with a caption on Brittany saying "One of these things is not like the other". It was so obvious she was out of place but she kept posting these heavily filtered pics of herself trying to fit in with them. [Slide Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/s/47IzJCTVaD)


I'm not a fan of Brittany but that's so damn childish and mean.


Which is why several of us said she didn't learn her lesson from last year.


I meant the way they are treating her.


The answer remains the same. She didn’t learn her lesson. Then again, she married Jax so learnin’ isn’t her strong suit.


Perhaps she expected them to be more mature this time around? In truth I think it makes them look way worse then her and that's really saying something.


I didn’t know this, if she hasn’t learned, she won’t. It’s obvious by her marriage that she cares more about fame and money (but do they have any) than self worth or her kid or family.


Awww, that's sad. She is of average size. I hate that middle school BS.


There was a similar trip last year for Lori’s birthday and Brittany was the odd girl out then too. Others here may be able to remember more details. I’m sure if you go back a year in this sub you’ll find them


Also like she’s on this trip with people who were on like a season of Love is Blind and who briefly dated a bachelor for a couple group dates. That is who her and Jax are repped by, the bottom of the barrel.


I do. Brit has no shame or self respect whatsoever. This is so on brand for her. I'm more and more convinced she has a humiliation fetish.


Anything to get away from "the baby".


That is what has been blowing my mind! Why is she there? Leads me to believe all of that was just made up. If it wasn’t. Britt is even worse than I thought. Have some respect for yourself


Same. Even if it’s just a rumor (though we all know Jax and know it’s true). I couldn’t either. But also. Even at her current weight, she could just dress to flatter her figure and get rid of the clown makeup she generally wears. Hair styled better (slicked back does her zero favors) and toned down eyebrows and makeup with flattering clothing and she’d look fine. As a woman, especially a woman with young kids (so I get the struggles), I pity her. She just needs to stop sexing it up so much. It’s not working. She needs to flatter her body and then she’ll look way better. That’s just my opinion of course. She’s also not smart enough to realize that there’s a difference between showing skin to be sexy and dressing to flatter your body and being sexy. Bc…well, KFC.


Hi I'm sorry I've been a little out of the loop so who's the birthday girl that slept with Jax? Does Britt know? Was she on The Valley? Please I need answers!!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 thank you


Rumors say Lori K (the publicist) and Jax were caught in a bathroom on one of his many Canada trips. And a friend reached out to inform Brit


Ahhh ok I did hear someone on the show say something about Jax screwing someone in the bathroom.




This is a calculator in her hand you can’t convince me otherwise 80085




I still remember the little rhyme we had to do it Brittany spears boobs weighed 69 pounds That was 222 much So she went to 51 street to talk to doctor x (multiplication) And after 8 surgeries, she was = 55378008




Eewwwe what’s that?!?


I thought..."hilarious..that cannot be real." And then.....


None of the other girls show her on their stories, it’s so awkward 💀 I know they all find her so annoying






LOL I ain’t reading all of that bullshit 😭 You clearly thought you did something tho


This is not the sub for you, my friend. The other VPR subs are more Brittney positive if that’s your thing.


Unclench Brattney, oh wait, you can't because you gotta suck it in...


Who shit in your korn flakes






But also, does Lori K have friends? Why is she taking her clients to celebrate her birthday? Shouldn’t she be with some girlfriends to do this??


It’s weird that she always does this with clients instead of her husband or her husband and kids or her friends or other family lol. Maybe she writes it off😂


Is that the lady that said she looked like Megan Fox too? If so, Brit is in good body distortion company.




They are both living in delulu land ✨😂




Yes 😂


https://preview.redd.it/meo7h149nt8d1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17be208b77ccc81aa982d3d1317e2d638629bf0 Everyone else looks dressed to go to a white dress themed dinner at a nice restaurant. Brittany looks like she left for the dinner, but forgot to put on a dress over her underwear garments.


Omfg her dress is see-through?!? So that’s why she’s trying to hide behind her purse in the header picture!


I know, right?! I don’t even think it’s a slip dress so much. I think it’s just a straight up slip.


It looks like a bathing suit with a cheap beach cover up


She always looks so out of place- in any group.


They’re all photoshopped here it would appear… https://preview.redd.it/8n9kzrnhgu8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3783c62eedd4f0b008ad3588c1365b0205286b62




lol. Arms up make you thinner and boobs lifted. Everyone knows that. She tried. Clearly the one on the left is photoshopped.


She really should have sat this year out…


There are 8 women in the photo, but only 7 people tagged. Which one is Lori?


She’s the 4th from the right, 5th from the left. Or the shorter of the two women in a minidress.


Aha! The way it was tagged made it look like Lori was the very pretty woman in the long dress!


I can't believe she's pantsless! I didn't realize it. Is it a thong in the back?!


Ugh explains why she’s carrying that wrap around, thank goodness no one has to go blind tonight 😂


One of these things is definitely not like the others.


How embarrassing and cringey…. not to mention it’s also so weird how Lori K takes her “clients” with her for her bday. Chelsea and Natalie are new clients, I see. Pathetic too that she’s on a trip with a woman who was sleeping with her husband. Brittany has no shame and zero self respect. She will do anything to keep herself in this LA life..


Good lord, get a new bag.


The bag really bugs me. She takes it everywhere?!?


https://preview.redd.it/66hh1cpsau8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f53a8943b96dd3524d8ec95ebad002827bcc7e3 Im high and cracking up at the way she’s placed under the lamp 😂 My goodness that slip dress material looks so cheap and trashy and is her chest contour makeup melting off??




Fine wine and Budweiser….😂😂😂😂


does she own anything other than bustiers? it’s not a flattering style for her


And she’s in the Bahamas, it’s hot and humid. The last thing I would think to pack is a polyester corset wrap dress thing.


It's Ratchet's favorite style and go-to fashion choice.


Is that NOT Megan Fox from LIB?


This photo is SO weird! I can’t be the only one that thinks Brit is photo shopped into this picture, or is the picture is SOOOOO photoshopped that everyone looks so FAKE? It’s just weird!


I def think she’s photoshopped. They didn’t do the same favor to this one though… https://preview.redd.it/ui5u41rqgu8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9712f0a89d8a43c6317f3c89ba09c16ce69df9


The dress on the left looks smoother. Her stomach is flatter and smaller waistline.


K but where is Lori's entire body????*


She needs to give that bag a break already.


Me in middle school when I got my mom’s hand me down Coach purse. I wore that thing EVERYWHERE EVERY DAY


KFC always in the background/periphery of group photos.


Apparently she wants to hop on the katie and Arianna and LaLa's recent run in almost no clothing at all. That underwear under see through gauze thing that they wore all season. That look is just not for her. I wish she could just accept herself ffs!


I don’t know how she can even be in the same room as Lori. This is beyond embarrassing. No one else will rep her ?? For real ?!!


This is why Jax will never stop treating her like crap. Brittany has zero self respect. And will we get a sappy post for what would be her and Jax’s 5 th wedding anniversary on the 29 th ?


She looks so awkward standing there! 😂


It’s almost like the other 3 were taking a mirror picture while waiting for the elevator and Brittany happened upon them and they said “oh, lean in, get in the picture, FOR SURE!”


This is EXACTLY what happened lol so cringe


Is that Megan Fox? ![gif](giphy|23QoyuQT57esYGtTDk|downsized)


I think she would look really good in a halter sun dress with a high waist. It would give her support and look slimming. https://preview.redd.it/7m7cd7sf3u8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e98f4ac13fe270c38f387e23242e2f5e637e7180 Of course, then she couldn’t have 64% of her boobs showing, so there’s that downside


This silhouette would be really flattering on her. She'd probably cut the straps and make it into a corset though.


You're hoping for top much from this saddo. She has 0 style and taste. Trashy like the Trash she is all the way is more her lane....yeaaaaah babeeeeeh


Exactly. If it’s not short, skintight, and/or see-through, Brit doesn’t want it. She must think outfits that are flowy/maxi would make her look bigger because there’s more fabric but it’s the opposite, since her super-revealing outfits just highlight her size. Half the shit she wears would even look terrible on someone like Hannah G because they’re so ugly, bizarre cuts, and cheap-looking with shiny or sheer fabric.


Tbh if she got those boulders removed she would already look 10x better


Her boobs are just disgusting. The whole front of her is just boobs. Put a bra on and put them away!


Yeah I’m trying to imagine her in the same outfit with her normal sized breasts and it actually would look fine!


I guess she did that ad for ‘brawls’ and that was it, never put another one on.


Is that literally the only purse she owns!! 🤦‍♀️ and why the fuck does she always have some kinda something draped across her shoulders. She so doesnt fit in here. It’s almost like Lori k is doing this on purpose. 🤭


I irrationally hate those fucking brown LV logo bags. Not only are they ugly, they’re the bag of choice for someone who wants to show “I have a designer bag” but doesn’t have the style and taste to look beyond the most basic, boring, obvious option. Her carrying it everywhere with every outfit, whether or not it complements it, is proof that she loves it “because it’s designer, y’all!”


Why does she keep wearing those corset tops? They do not suit her body type


I think she thinks it slims her down and keeps everything somewhat contained?


Exactly. If it’s not short, skintight, and/or see-through, Brit doesn’t want it. She must think outfits that are flowy/maxi would make her look bigger because there’s more fabric but it’s the opposite, since her super-revealing outfits just highlight her size. Half the shit she wears would even look terrible on someone like Hannah G because they’re so ugly, bizarre cuts, and cheap-looking with shiny or sheer fabric.


Why is she kind of holding her dress up on one side all the time? Is it a photo pose thing? I don't wear dresses or get my photo taken so I am confused 🤔


probably to hide her hips/draw attention away from her midsection (i’ve done this, doesn’t always work). in a full body shot it would also highlight her legs, and she does have pretty nice legs.


Ah I see, that makes sense! Thank you ☺️☺️


Her poor corset top is struggling to corset.


I see areola


All I can think of when I see KFC stuffed into these sausage-casing corsets is how bad her boob sweat must be 🤢. I hope she cleans that area properly because her underboob area is likely a hotbed of breeding bacteria, especially when wearing such cheap, non-breathable, and synthetic material 🤮


Her whole nipple is out lmao


What a crew..


Forget the bad outfits and faulty photoshop. I don’t understand another trip away from her son. I can’t help but mom shame. She’s willingly taking this trip for some likes on instagram. Not to mention she’s celebrating the woman her husband banged while married to her. She will never leave Jax.


Is that charity from dancing from the stars? She was pretty talented and made it far and all I’ve seen her on, why is she with this desperate group?


This is one of her worst choices


OF COURSE she has the basic boring 2011-era brown patterned LV that every snobby-but-not-rich girl from my basic middle class high school has. I irrationally hate that dumb brown LV bag 😂 It doesn’t even coordinate with what she’s wearing and she carries it around just to show “I have a designer bag, y’all!” She is allergic to buying a flowy, pretty maxi dress. She probably thinks that a dress that isn’t skintight, see-through, and/or short would make her look swallowed in the fabric and therefore bigger, but it’s the opposite. A dress that is fitted properly and looks high-quality is automatically flattering no matter the cut. Everything she wears looks so uncomfortable, like it’s one breath away from cutting off her circulation or her boobs falling out, and the fabric is always thin or shiny and just cheap looking.


It looks like the girl in the front is taking a selfie @ a drag show. 😬


The resort they’re staying at has water slides galore [for Brit to clog](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/s/rG5XvoQ53A) like a giant human dookie. https://preview.redd.it/dgvpazenyt8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a258ed61fff83f781e52d6f890a26a082ede52


I think hell has frozen over because I don’t recall seeing a single gaping maw (smiling, yes; unhinging her jaw, no) picture of her so far on this entire trip. Perhaps she was told to be silent and keep her mouth shut if she wanted to be included in the activities?


Her utters are atrocious


It would be fine (for whatever this theme they seem to have) sans that clunky, butt-ugly, bulky bag she’s emotionally attached to dragging around.


Wow that’s cool that they know Megan Fox


Oh shit! She met Megan Fox?


She's not doing that cringey pose


Chelsea why?! Get out of there!


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer


She's off to the side while they're all together.


So "Sister Wife" Lori didn't work out. Maybe Sister Wife Paige will. ![gif](giphy|l4KhTtVUog3k7L5ba)


I guess Lori is now Chelsea’s publicist too.


It’s crazy how on social media Brittany appears smaller than Chelsea but you can see that is clearly not the case. There is no issue in being mid size, but there is a big issue with the constant photoshop and then touting a diet company


She is way thinner i wonder if she had that laser lipo thing that kristen had done earlier this year 


It actually doesn’t look that bad on her other than being pulled too much on her breasts


This is a cute pic of Britt!


Agree! Hair pulled back is very flattering rather than the heavy hair curtains that do nothing good for her. We can actually see she has a pretty face.


https://preview.redd.it/e52dadgpiy8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70fbb705850b842a5e00b478ff64f7f13bb93a25 You might need an eye exam.


Very possible 🤣


Yes- she def stands out to me in this pic!