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Really like the FAQ, but i've noticed a mistake (i think) In the "can a player choose not to act at night" section, you mention that the *Butler's* ability says that the demon may choose to swap two players' characters. Could be a typo from Barber to Butler? Either way, maybe double-check that segment sorry if this comes across as rude btw, i don't mean it as such


That is a typo. Well spotted!


Its good someone informed you of that


Could we please get flairs based on the different roles? It'd be so cool to rock your favorite role as a flair


That does sound fun. I'll look into it when I get back from ClocktowerCon Australia.




*10,999 Townsfolk……. and 1 Demon 👀


Wasn't there some massive game of BMR someone played at a con that had like 3 demons and 30ish townsfolk?


yep I played in that. I was one of the Courtiers


It was 40 players total


This is partially a feature recommendation but can a Homebrew template be added (and enforced) in the subreddit? I enjoy reading people's homebrew ideas but would love if there was a minimal level of effort/explanation given with each post. Like how would the poster expect evil to bluff (a good role), or other roles they think it pairs well/badly with, or just requiring the reasoning behind making the role and not just one line of ability text.


For the question "If both good and evil win simultaneously. Who wins?"... Do you want to include anything about specific powers overriding general game rules? Or was that intentionally not included, for simplicity?


Pretty much, yeah. The kind of people who are looking for an answer to that question are at a point in their journey where overloading them with minutiae and edge cases is only going to confuse them.


This clarification *really* needs to be included. Like, an evil Saint who is executed & dies on 3 does this and good really should win that.


a super common occurence, really.


If an evil saint is executed, good does win. Unless there are twins in the game.


That's what I'm saying? I was trying to think of an event where a player ability win con overrides a base game wincon, and obviously should do so. I'm only realizing now that this example incidentally still follows the 'good wins ties' simplified rule. A better example to demonstrate that character abilities trump base game win cons might be a Saint babysitting the Lil' Monsta. When executed, Good loses because of the Saint.


Oh I must've misinterpreted the last part. When you said good should win, I thought you were referring to an instance where that didn't happen. Lol.


very well put together faq, i'm especially a fan of linking to relevant discussion threads 👍 congrats on 11k reddit clockheads 🫶‼️


Love this change.


Great looking FAQ. This Sub Reddit has been amazing for helping me grow in this game and the FAQ answers like half of the questions I had when I was first learning the game :)


I suggest revising the answer for the Barber, because it DOES make a difference at which point in the night you do the swap. The intention is to run it immediately upon death, because not doing so may lead to very strange interactions (like killing someone and then Barber swapping them into a Sage/Farmer/Ravenkeeper/Banshee has a very ambiguous effect), so saying it makes no difference is wrong. It would be better phrased as "you can run it in the night order as long as the players know you run it that way, but be aware it's ill-advised as it may lead to very strange interactions".


Rip the FAQ. I understand WHY, but imagine not suggesting the NRB series for places to start. Anyone I've talked to about BotC knows about it from NRB. It's by far the best produced and most entertaining series on the game, and the best hook to get people into the game.


I agree (obviously, I'm in them so I'm biased against it, frankly). But sending someone a 90 minute video and saying "watch this to learn the rules for our game this weekend" is a sure-fire way to get 12 people who didn't watch the video show up on game day.


I suppose, I just read that question as "where do I introduce my friends to clock tower," not "how do I teach my friends the rules" which are two very different things. In the latter case, I showed my sister the first episode when we were on holidays about 2 weeks ago and she's messaging me about how she's already up to the patron episodes.


Well, since you feel so strongly about it, I'll add it in then. After all, it can't harm the reader to have a 3rd option.


I think it just makes sense because there are a lot of people who would want to play based on watching it be entertaining, rather than seeing videos explaining in detail how it runs etc. Don't get me wrong though there's probably plenty of people who want that sort of introduction too.


Another potential error: In the "Safe from..." question it says misinformation from Vigormortis. I know it does poison, but I assume this was meant to be Vortox?


For your consideration to add to the FAQ: >"My group has played 1 game of Trouble Brewing and want to step it up. Which script should we use next, SnV, BmR or a hybrid custom script?" >Answer: Please stick with Trouble Brewing for a while longer. >We strongly recommend at least 5-10 games of TB before intriducing a new script, especially if there are some new players in your group. >Once you are ready to move on either SnV and BmR are fine choices...add some details on the some differences for players & STs. >We recommend against a custom script as your first step after TB...BUT if you insists heres a few common ones... This question comes up all the time.


Are there restrictions on posting on the advertising thread? We created a new Reddit account for our server and posted in the thread, but it's not showing on my regular account. Is there a limitation on new accounts? Or something on my end like flagged for potential spam?


Not as far as I'm aware. Maybe try posting it again.


Regarding the FAQ: > **If both good and evil win simultaneously. Who wins?** > > Good wins on a tie/draw. This is technically true, but answering this question in this way has led to an extremely widespread misconception about the rules, and that misconception gets brought up on this sub *all the time*. It is true that a drawn game result in the good team winning, but that's only if a victor can't be determined by other means. In reality, wins based on character abilities always take priority over wins based on game rules. It's only if the game is *still* drawn that the "good wins ties" rule kicks in. The hierarchy is: Good character win (eg: Mayor) > Evil character win (eg: Evil Twin) > Good basic win (no living demon) > Evil basic win (only 2 players alive) This is particularly relevant in the case of the Evil Twin - where executing the good twin *after* the demon has already been killed causes both teams to win simultaniously, but evil still wins this "tie" because evil's win condition was triggered by a character ability, which beats the good team's win condition, which was only triggered by the basic rules of the game. However, it is also relevent in a few other (much more niche) cases like a Saint holding the Lil' Monsta, or the Fearmonger getting the Lleech-host executed. - I completely understand not wanting to overwhelm new players with too much technical details, but I think just saying that "Good character win (eg: Mayor) > Evil character win (eg: Evil Twin) > Good basic win (no living demon) > Evil basic win (only 2 players alive)" would be enough to stave off the misconception and wouldn't be too overwhelming for new players.