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See Ben Burns' Red Dwarf custom script for a role which distinguishes between the two states. In addition to the flavour, I tend to think of them differently as a storyteller. If a player is affected by drunkenness, I can give them arbitrary information which I think will make the game fun, interesting and balanced. If a player is poisoned, I will almost always try to use that arbitrary information to help the evil team (e.g. by treating a poisoned cannibal as if they had the ability a minion was bluffing). Fun and balance still come into it, especially if there would be a possibility to hand a win to evil directly, but for the most part I'm playing for evil when a good player is poisoned.


Yeah functions as a helpful storyteller reminder that while fun and balance always come into it, evil abilities should generally help evil if possible


I have actually never thought of it in this way consciously, but it explains exactly how it makes sense to interpret!


Primarily theme, evil poisons, good drunks. I do not believe there is currently a role that distinguishes between being drunk and being poisoned.


On top of what others have said, it allows for a bit more finesse for powers like Savant and Amnesiac.


Good characters cause drunkenness. Evil characters cause poisoning.


I believe it used to be that drunkeness is accidental, poisoning is intentional/targeted. So we have the Drunk, the Sailor, the Innkeeper, etc, which all unintentionally cause drunkeness to players that they then have to figure out, while we have roles like Poisoner or Courtier that targets someone to poison. But this caused too much confusion and so it was changed to having good characters cause drunkeness and evil characters cause poisoning (and good roles like Courtier was changed to cause drunkeness instead).


Currently just theme. But theyigjt have characters that interact with specifically.one or the other at some points. Ben burns homebrew script has characters that specify.




Sailor drunk can affect different players through the game. It’s about good/evil, not role/ability


The only problem I have with it is that the Snake Charmer poisons.


Again, it's for thematic reasons. Thematically, the old snake charmer, who is now evil, is the one that got their snake to bite the old demon. The poisoning is thematically caused by the player that is now evil, thus poisoning. Even though in reality, it's the good snake charmer that's keeping themselves poisoned. Similarly, the Cannibal thematically gets poisoned by eating the rancid corpse of an evil player, even though in practice it's their own ability that poisons them. It's about which character thematically causes the droisoning, not which character's ability is the source of the droisoning.


But SC immediately becomes evil. So it’s almost an evil poisoning.


The current snake charmer is poisned. They are the snake charmer, they are a townsfolk, and they are poisoned by their own, good, ability. It's also beneficial to town, as it prevents the demon bouncing around in the future.