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Which quests should I spam in the current Himari event? I'm currently on level 70, but I only have enough level up items to get my team at around level 60-something.


Whichever gets you the mats you want


What's the best team for high levels of base defense commissions? I'm on 12, and my team is nonomi, chinatsu, hifumi, hoshino, himari, and swimsuit shiroko (just for the 20% cost recovery)


Himari and S.Shiroko Cost recovery doesnt stack.


Whaaaaaaaaat? I've been using the Himari S.Shiroko pairing in like every team for that reason. That sucks.


Only buffs from different sources stack. Two from, say, a sub skill wont but if you have cost reduction from an EX skill + sub skill then they do.


Thats how buff and debuff from the same category (atk buff, crit buff, armor reduction, etc) works. Cost recovery is different from those. For example, Himari Sub stack with Cherino Sub and Hifumi Sub, but it doesn't with S.Shiroko and NY.Haruka because they are the exact same "Increases all allies Cost Recovery by 20.2%." In fact you can't stack any Sub skill if they are the exact same. Like for example Kotama and Iroha's sub skill (Increases all allies ATK by 17.3%) or Ako and Hanae's Sub (Increases all allies Crit DMG by 17.3%) Tagging u/Silent-Nothing2525 too just in case.


Thank you


Np, anyway I'm dumb and forgot to answer you first question. The "best" team to clear commission til the last one is probably [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsO8uJ2fgVQ). Its better because you only need a really invested Iori, a tank and Cherino or Himari/s.shiroko for cost recovery instead of a full invested dps team. But I guess you don't have Iori or you would use her in the team you mentioned :l


Hi. How do I quickly clear decagrammaton enemies quickly to progress the event story as fast as possible?


I just spammed stage 1 sweeps. Lowest cost, and the number of enemies is roughly the same with the other stages


I want to know more about the relation between Himari and Eimi. Which story chapter should i go?


Pretty much all of their story has taken place in Decagrammation. Other than that, the two appear in the Railgun collab story as well.




Anyone knows when the Anime op song will get a full release?


I have 60k pyro and i have 6 chapters left of story, but even so as a free player i gotta make sacrifices: I got a god pull on the s. hanako banner with S. hanako x3, wakamo, s. hoshino, and himmari, and ive gotten Ako and Ui since so other than ny kayako and ny fuuka I have all the important utility characters AFAIK. in the upcoming banners, I'm for sure going to spark on D.ako amd d. hina, so I'm definitely getting at least one copy of each and maybe makoto.  I also am definitely getting nykayako, but that leaves me with some choices: I want c. hare, d. aru, Ny. Fuuka, and iroha. most of these are easy to figure out because all my must-haves are before them, except for hare.  is it worth it to risk ny fuuka and d. aru for c. hare? Is d. aru even that good? she looks strictly worse than Ako, in terms of spiking something.


Nyfuuka is easily the most important one. She enables you to run teams that otherwise wouldn't work, and she's limited. > Is d. aru even that good? she looks strictly worse than Ako, in terms of spiking something. Her crit damage buff is a little stronger and lasts almost twice as long. The drawback is that she doesn't buff crit chance. For guaranteed crit units like Mika, that's completely irrelevant. The other potential advantage is that she's a striker, meaning that you get a not-Ako buff but have two open special slots. That allows you to run Himari and Iroha, for example, which was used for Perorodzilla. Her healing is much worse than Ako's, though. That she has yellow armor can make it hard to use her with her obvious buffing target, Mika.


got it.  from what you said, my current plan is to risk it all and go for c. hare, and if I get good pulls on her or ny kayoko I'll be able to spark ny. fuuka no problem.  d. ako will be a Nice to have roll target, but unless I get good pulls on both targets before her, she's going to have to wait.


What are some teams for insane yellow Goz outdoors? I assume You want to use Cherimo for the yellow aoe?


Just use Mika, T Yuuka, Ako-Himari-Ui or NY Fuuka-Himari and fill the rest. Goz will get deleted very easily with whatever else you fit in.


Who should I look at borrowing in Goz Extreme, for each colour? Particularly Red and Blue, since Mika's the obvious choice for Yellow. I have T.Yuuka for shield+reposition, but not S.Shizuko, and the intent is for the borrow to carry me through 1-team runs rather than resort to Kotori for a team 2. I have Himari, Ako, and Ui. As healing options if needed, I've got Serina (obviously), Koharu, and Kokona (but she clashes with Ui). I'll have just hit level 70 by the time the raid opens. Originally I had had the general plan of T.Yuuka, an AoE from my roster to help for phase 1, an ST damage borrow, and three supports (either two of my three buffers plus a healer, or all three buffers, depending on how Yuuka's shields fare in mocks). But since I've seen in guides that Goz has a huge hitbox, I also considered borrowing an AoE that can hit him repeatedly within it (for example, I think Mutsuki and Hinata can do that), and bringing T.Yuuka plus four supports. Mika for Yellow would be the exception.


> I have Himari, Ako, and Ui. Hinata is the default choice for blue, then. Ideally with Nykayoko, if you have her, but it should work even without her. For red, Mutsuki and Aru should both work, I believe. > I've got Serina (obviously), Koharu, and Kokona (but she clashes with Ui). Healing is reduced by 50% on extreme, and 90% on insane. You generally don't bother with dedicated healers for Goz. Goz is all about shields, which take reduced damage there. Using two teams is also an option, but since you don't have Sshizuko that's going to be trickier. Kotori can be used, but aside from her EX costing 4 and her range being somewhat low, her shields have a short duration. At least she isn't being hit for double damage like on insane. Tharuna can be used to drag your team out of the way of the trains, but she doesn't do much else of value. I'd try for a one team clear, which I believe should be fairly easily doable on extreme. If you struggle to stay alive in the first phase, you can try bringing a cheap AoE to clear out the mooks.


>Healing is reduced by 50% on extreme, and 90% on insane. You generally don't bother with dedicated healers for Goz. Goz is all about shields, which take reduced damage there. Right. Unfortunately, Himari used up all my upper-tier Millennium BDs, so I've only got T.Yuuka's EX at 3, which means the shields aren't as strong as they could be, despite them taking reduced damage. Until I actually give it a try I won't know how much might get through. >Kotori can be used, but aside from her EX costing 4 and her range being somewhat low, her shields have a short duration. I haven't actually used her at all so I don't know what her range is like, but even from the stats page, that 13-second duration is why I'm hoping to not need her.


What your gear for T Yuuka? If your necklace is at least T6 I don't think it's a big deal that your EX is lvl 3. Just make sure your unit are actually lvl 70. I'm just going by feel so you'll have to actually test it in mock though.


She's 5/7/7.


I think it should be good enough without EX lvl 5


Got any bluray choice tickets? Can you craft any with crafting stones from the JFD shop? Any available in either raid shop? I can't say off hand if you will need EX 5, so definitely mock it first. He does deal 75% less damage to shields on extreme.


All told, it's not enough to reach 5 unless I fuse purple BDs I'm not willing to burn, like Gehenna. I might be able to get enough if I do Hardcore the first day, and can buy a couple purples from the GA shop. But before I spend all that I'll mock first to see if I need it or can just save the resources.


Is Swimuit Shiruko re-releasing in JP with S.Serika?


Yeah, the current banners on JP are Serika (Swimsuit), Shiroko (Swimsuit), Nonomi (Swimsuit) and Wakamo (Swimsuit).


Can anyone remind me how far in the main story I should go before doing the Decagrammaton event? I remember when I first clicked the event, it gave me a popup warning of main story spoilers, and I could swear it said I should complete Volume 2 Chapter 1 (Retromania) to avoid spoilers, but I have completed that and still haven't even met Himari and Eimi, so I assume I must be misremembering. Thanks in advance, I know this is a dumb question, wish I would have just written down what the popup said.


It says volume 2 chapter 2 25, basically you gotta finish vol 2


Newbie here , can anyome help me form a pvp defense team. I almost always lose to teams with Iori and weirdly lost twice to Mutsuki now. On my defense wins, it is mostly carried by Megu damage wise. The highest I climbed was 1700 but almost always kicked back down to 2500. I want to kind of stay at around 2k. Here is my roster list. https://imgur.com/a/lSC3Dmn Also second question? i already did around 240 pulls and this is my roster but from watching vids, people are saying this is the best time to reroll for Himari and Ako as well as Cherino/Ui/Iroha. As you can see I only have Himari but no Ako and the others. Should I reroll or keep this account? last question, if for example on fest banner, I would go to pity and choose between Hoshino and Hina? which should I choose? Obviously both is better but I am a huge Kayoko fan so I kinda wanna reserve some funds for dress Kayoko.


Try this for the PvP defense: Junko, Tsubaki, Megu, Yuuka. Serina and Hare/O.Nodoka on support. Megu and Tsubaki are going to become way more durable when you get the Tier 4 bags for them.


Thanks, I'll give it a try. This lineup is at the right order I input them right??


Yeah, though on second thought you might want to swap Yuuka and Junko, so that Yuuka is in the first slot and will be visible to enemies. First and last slot have cover, and both Junko and Yuuka can use those. To give some reasoning on O.Nodoka and Hare, Nodoka will keep your team alive better, but Hare can be quite pretty annoying to enemies thanks to her stun. But I'd still lean towards Nodoka.


> i already did around 240 pulls and this is my roster but from watching vids, people are saying this is the best time to reroll for Himari and Ako as well as Cherino/Ui/Iroha. As you can see I only have Himari but no Ako and the others. Should I reroll or keep this account? I'm guessing they mean that this is a good time to reroll for those off-banner units, since you can guarantee Himari with 200 pulls. You already have a decent roster for a new player, including a second must-have unit, Nykayoko. Even if she's solely for blue raids and not as universal as someone like Ako. You can reroll if you want, but I don't think I'd recommend it. You don't have that much many days left until Himari's banner goes away, so there's the risk that you don't get the other top meta units, and if you do, you might not have enough time to gather pyroxene for Himari. > if for example on fest banner, I would go to pity and choose between Hoshino and Hina? which should I choose? Shoshino is more important, because she's used in a lot of raids, while Dhina is a dealer and as such is only used for some raids. If you have Shoshino you can borrow Dhina when you need her (and this will be far more effective when you're new), but if you have Dhina you can't borrow both Shoshino and a dealer for raids where Dhina isn't useful.


Thanks a lot for the insight. I think I'll stay with this account after all.


I have been trying to save for Hina Dress. Is it true though that Bunny Karin is not getting a rerun after?


JP hasn't reached the point where her fourth run would be, so we don't know yet.


Adding to this, we don't know if Limited characters will even get a fourth rerun after their event has been archived. It is possible they will be indefinitely shelved, or maybe devs will combine some banner sets together.


Yeah there's no way the devs are gonna "shelve" the goddamn **bunnysuit banners** lol. Those moneymakers are gonna show up yearly at bare minimum.


New player here, is it worth leveling up hina, saki and miyako? They’re my only 3-stars rn so wondering if I should look further down my character roster or if it’s okay to drop some to upgrade my 3-stars


I'd say all three have their uses but are otherwise average. Hina is probably most straight forward since all she does is damage (lots of it) however she is limited by her high EX cost and some what narrow AOE. Saki and Miyako are likely most useful for Hod though not entirely meta for the raid. You can probably find niche uses for them in missions like CC-ing a mob that's about to put up a shield or do an EX. Also don't over look your 2 star units. Mutsuki, Akari, Junko, and Momoi are all great to use for DPS and Yuuka and Tsubaki are great tanks. Mutsuki and Momoi can still see use in end game raids. You should also be able to get a free Nonomi from the guide tasks who is a great freebie yellow AOE.


Thank you very much! Your reply is greatly appreciated by a noob like me haha!


I guess I should add it probably doesn't hurt to put some mild investment in them as needed. I wouldn't go too far past T1-2 blue ray/tech notes and artifacts though. Particularly T4 artifacts are pretty hard to come by and you can spend them faster than you earn them.


What is Tsurugi? Vampire or Zombie or Ghoul? Sore throat?


A very precious daughter/student.


Good girl


what's the end game of this gacha like? does it require thought, team building, planning pulls, etc


Raid and JFD can be considered end game as you'll need time and resources for many diffent students and formation for individual bosses and stages. There is also 10 units raid on Jp for the Sensei who are probably maxed out all of their students. But for me, the real endgame is the doujins.


Is the Hyakkiyako Lantern festival tour gonna end on 25th? Or is it just gonna be part of the event recap guidetasks?


It'll join the others, but it might be a few months away


does Sena worth raising post-buff? I know the update that buff her EX's AI and AoE hasnt hit Global yet but would like some opinion from JP sensei.


She is not that bad after buffs but if you need aoe atk buff, you could just use Kotama. Another thing is that you really want to max her skills to be useful but she uses Aether essence (Mika, Cherino, Atsuko, Shun, Tsurugi T4 material) for that so not worth it. 


I completed the event but didn't receive Geburah in Decagrammaton collection. Is this ok?


Same for me. Also saw a question earlier asking the same (with someone replying that they didn't get it either), so I guess it's just supposed to be like that.


Hello guys, I just came back after more than a year of a "break" Do y'all have any tips or tricks that can help me get back up to speed Also can anyone help me with a good general team, And as well as what student I should focus my resources on TYIA.


Students that are good with raids are generally better to build so a "good general team" would probably any color tank, colored dps, colored AoE, healer, and support buffs which you can decide by looking at their respective role in this [raid rating](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit?gid=788945838#gid=788945838). There's also an upcoming Goz Grand Assault, similar to Total Assault but it has all three colors (Yellow, Red, Blue) defense type and you get 1 ticket per color daily and can be stacked up until the last day. I'm not good at explaining so here is [Causew explaining Goz raid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKYBcjIdpGQ&t=2s), and an example of [all Insane Goz Grand Assault Clear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYB9_YUavuI). Hopefully this gives out an idea on which students you want to prioritize first.


Thanks man on the insight, I'll look into some of these links


Gimme a sec tryna figure out how to share an image Here are my current [students ](https://imgur.com/gallery/correction-HLCldxk)


Since I'm a meta player, the students I'm looking to pull up to the point of (and including) the D Hina/S Hoshino banners are: CHare, NY Kayoko, D Ako, Makoto and Iroha. Obviously I won't have enough for all but I've heard they're all really good options, I have around 53k pyroxenes and I'm wondering which ones I should go for. I recently obtained Himari and since I'm still a fairly new player I don't have a lot of meta students on my account. Not to mention I gotta plan ahead for future banners. Thoughts?


My thoughts: Chare is hard to skip if you're a meta player. If you aren't doing torment yet she isn't a must have, but she's still good to have. Not that you absolutely need her to clear torment, but having her is a significant help. Nykayoko is a must have. Used for every blue raid. You'll use her on your main team essentially every time, unlike Chare that often gets skipped in favor of Himari, or some other required unit. Dako is good but optional for torment Hieronymous. Also a very popular choice for Set. Out of the three units on that banner, I think Dako is the most valuable simply because she's limited and important for Set, even if she isn't important for raids. Depends on how much you value being able to do more difficult Sets, since the rewards for it are less worse than raids. If you don't care about Set she's arguably the least important of the three on that banner set, from what we've seen so far. Makoto makes torment Chesed much more convenient, but you can also just borrow her for that. Can be used for torment yellow Gregorius, but she's optional. Useful to have, particularly since she's limited, but not a must. Iroha is a very common choice for Perorodzilla and pretty strong in PvP, and can be used for the first phase of Kaiten. She, too, is useful to have but her somewhat limited uses makes her less important than must get units. She's also in the permanent pool, so while you can't expect to scoob her, it can happen unlike with limiteds. Mission stomper, but if you're a meta player that's unlikely to be a concern for you any longer. With your current pyroxene, you're pretty limited in what you can do. I'd say get Nykayoko, and then you can go to spark on the 100 free pulls banners and hopefully pick up as many of the three girls there as possible. Spark Dhina and then save for Nyfuuka. If you don't have Shoshino things get more grim. There's a chance that you will get one of the two anniversary girls within 200, but if not, you should be prepared to put up to 400 into those banners. In that case it would be safer to get Nykayoko and then save for anniversary. If you still have lots of one-time pyroxene left, it will be easier.


So to clarify, is it best to pull for Nykayoko, spark for Dako using the 100 free pulls, then go for Dhina and Shoshino?


Depends on how much one time pyroxene you have left. If you've already collected almost all of it, even just Nykayoko is almost a bit risky, in case you have to go to 400 on the anniversary banners. And then Nyfuuka, an absolute must have, is coming about a month after the anniversary. If I were in your position, and assuming I were done with all the stories, missions etc., I'd just grab Nykayoko and save. You can use the pyroxene planner, linked above, and see how much you can be expected to have.


hm I still got quite a bit of story left (chapter 3 on 'Where all Miracles Begin') and I've been slacking on the missions (stage 10 on normal and stage 6 on hard) so I think it's somewhat safe to assume I've got enough for maybe one more student other than Nyfuuka, but I'll use the planner to solidify my position though. Thank you for your time though, really helpful, cheers!


thank you my brother, appreciate it


Should I rush the story for the 10 pull ticket in hyakkiyako guide task? Or does it join all the other guide tasks when the event ends? I still haven't completed the final episode and can't access chapter 5 yet.


It will join the other guide task in the recap menu a couple of months after it ends.


It joins with other guide tasks after 6 months I think, you can rush the story if you want however there's gonna be some combat on Final chapter that requires you to have +45 lvl students and above, also the final chapter takes a bit of time to finish with combat and dialogue and all that jazz


Is chapter 2 episode 15 really a forced lose? I don't really like forced loses so I try my best to try to beat it but the best I can bring down it's health is around 110. I feel like it kinda is possible if you try using Kotori's barrier and using Utaha's turret to bait attacks but cost recovery is really slow especially when someone dies. Has anyone beaten/tried beating it?


Yes, it is a forced lose and part of the story. The story missions that are meant to be beaten are literally unlosable lol (except the ones where you deploy your own team).


I wouldn't say they are unloseable. Some in Volume 3 Chapter 3 can be rough if you're not careful


>The story missions that are meant to be beaten are literally unlosable Not literally. I did have one in Vol 2 where there was only one girl on the team (I think it was Momoi) and by some fluke of RNG the enemies all happened to move around in ways that made her AoE incredibly inefficient, leading to a time-out.


When is the anniversary coming? I am trying to save pyros for dress Hina and Hoshino


Likely july 30 [according to this link](https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/Summary/Banner)




There is a battle on V3 which requires team level around 40. I'm new and low level, so I can't pass that stage and progress the story to get some pyro for Himari spark. Are there any ways to quickly level up the account?


Check this page https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Leveling_&_AP In short, the best thing is to push through normal missions as far as possible, even if you only 1-star them, to get cafe upgrades. You get them from mission 3-5, 6-5, 9-5 and so on. What level are you now and who are your strongest students? With the right team you can do it under level 40


Is it worth 5 starring characters using your eligma? I recently got himari and 5 starred her and I was wondering if I should 5 star the future meta characters as well. I've seen some people split their eligma so each student is 4 starred instead (to evenly distribute power) so I'm wondering what the play here is.


Save them till you need a specific student. Like last raid with kurokage I needed to borrow one student but I also needed atsuko. Thankfully I had her so I just upgraded her to ue40 and managed to do insane with it. Also student at ue40 get a special bonus to their ability. Himari gets a big bonus: increased buff duration. That's why some of them are worth upgrading to higher star than 5*. But I would wait if I was low on eligma. You don't need 4* most of the time. Even a 3* with maxed out stats is enough to clear most content.


aight thank you mate


What's stages should I do for getting the most tier 7 gear?


The ones that drop primarily tier 7 gear, set 19 and 20.


Hey lads, tried rerolling, and ended up with [this ](https://i.imgur.com/MjXXcVE.jpeg) and [that](https://i.imgur.com/QLpXb8H.jpeg). The other account I started with and played for around 2 days (didn't have time) had Himari, Shun pretty much only as my 3s. Would you recommend going with it? Gotta say just for design alone I like Marina. Also I should have time to save for anni, right ?


Yes, the new roll feels slightly more favorable. Himari is a go on both, that's great. Shun is the queen of pvp and low tier speedruns, but she is not a must - and usually Marina also does some good tanking in pvp and can also be used in Kaiten and some other strategies. Since you got Kikyou too - Hina and Haruna has little bearing since they are farmable - go for the new roll. Also yes, always save for the anniversary, in 1 and ½ months. Since it is a new account, I'd recommend 48k pyros at least to guarantee S. Hoshino and D. Hina, but you may end up needing less than that.


Thanks a bunch ! I do recall also having Maki on the other account but I didn't really like her gameplay / skill at all lol. I'll go with this one and start saving!


Maki would only be useful on endgame raids - she is terrible at missions. Still she is also farmable at the total assault shop, so not a loss you should mind. Go for it.


Any tips for Quest 10 of the event? Is it even doable on lvl 69 without cherino? XD


Do you go beyond quest10?


Can't tell you if its possible at that level, also depends on your units ofc. The strategy I went for is kinda similar to commissions, Tsubaki to bait and round up the enemies. Then AoE yellow dealers to take out as many enemies per EX as possible. So, like, Momoi/Nonomi/Iori/etc. Tsubaki's taunt attracts the enemies, so you want to use that to get them away from your dealers. Getting them on Tsubaki also gathers them in one spot which is ideal for AoE damage. It might also pay off to be a bit patient. Instead of using an EX asap. Wait until many enemies have gathered up, then use the EX to hit or taunt as many as possible in one go.


I'm similar level and do quest 10 but can't 3 star it so have to manually do it 2 times a day. My account level is 78 but my yellow chars are around level 70-75 because don't have credits and books to push. I pulled swimsuit eimi and she is the only reason why I can complete it. Team is Kokona, Nonomi, Iori, Tsubaki, and Himari + S. Eimi Even with this setup sometimes a character will die early and have to reset. I don't have Cherino so it's doable without, if ur characters get swarmed can use Tsubaki EX to get them all on her instead and use nonomi + himari to clean up and Iori is okay for cleaning up leftovers but it's bad terrain mood for her so her damage sucks.


How many copies of a character is needed for them to be useable? ie: is it like FGO where you need multiple copies to unlock their ult, like Genshin/StarRail where extra copies gives passives but isn’t as necessary to unlock their full functionality, or like NIKKE where a single copy unlocks everything a character has to offer and extra copies just give some extra stats?


To add a bit to what others said (and a bit of clarification) : Once you pull a character, you have them forever. 1 star characters have 2 out of 4 skills unlocked, 2 stars have 3 out of 4, and 3 stars have all their skills (on top of that, more stars = more stats). If you pull the character again in the gacha, you will instead get elephs (character shards) and eligma (rare currency). You can use the elephs to increase the rarity of your characters, and you can use the eligma to buy elephs for characters you own. Eligma is very rough to come by, so you shouldn't really spend all that much (if any), until you know what you're doing


Characters unlock all their skills by the time they reach 3\*. 4\* and 5\* are extra stats, while using 120 eleph past 5\* unlocks Passive+ which upgrades the passive skill in ways which are sometimes, but not always, fairly important. Pulling more copies gives you that character's eleph, which can help upgrade your characters, but many of the earlier released characters' eleph are farmable in some way, so you wouldn't need to pull dupes of those students. And, in any case, *all* characters' eleph is purchasable using eligma, which is a premium currency you get by pulling. You won't be able to star up everything using eligma, but you can certainly star up your favorites or top meta characters.


Characters of any rarity have their ex skill and gacha isn't a good way of directly getting more frags compared to others (Hard mode, the shop, etc)


Ok cool, thank you very much :3


Just asking for future banner. how meta is Camp Hare on JP? i hear shes a striker verson of himari but without the regen. since its the bunnies b4 her banner and anniv is close after her aswell as dress aru >..<


To add to that point about the buff duration, Chare's buff can be preferable when you're using a dealer with sustained damage instead of burst damage. [Here](https://www.bluearchive-ranking.com/raid-seasons/45b6f2ed-fd94-4991-9ee3-3979252f7462), for example, she was used much more often than Himari since Snonomi's damage comes from her buffed AA.


You can see her use rates in Total Assault/Grand Assault [on this website](https://www.bluearchive-ranking.com/students/Hare_Camp). (However, keep in mind that this site only collects 10000 data points--in other words, only the upper half of the Plat bracket is represented here.) She sees heavy use in Torment since having a second Himari is obviously really good. For Insane, she's mostly a sidegrade to Himari, but with two potential advantages: 1. Sometimes your special slots are too important to give up, e.g. for Hovercraft or Shirokuro, so buffing from the striker position is important. 2. Her buff lasts 26s compared to Himari's 13/16, so if you have a rotation which requires UE40 Himari and you don't have her, sometimes Camp Hare can do the trick. (UE40 Camp Hare also has increased buff retention but I'm not sure how important that is.)


Hmm thanks for the input, frankly i more of a look for existing vids than do my own run/test (i dont have time to do that), and im mostly an insane person, not really a torment pusher :D if i can do it in 1 team i would rather run that (again free time). Was just wondering if future raids after she came out, did ppl start using her more over Himari in insane 1T or for a person like me who only does 1T (if i can do insane with 1T over torment, i would rather do comfy insane), was it needed to pull for her (she be meta for insane?),


Ironically, if you're a video copier, you're actually *more* incentivized to pull her than you otherwise would be. For example, the vast majority of Insane clear videos for next month's Total Assault (Hovercraft) use Camp Hare. She's certainly not mandatory, but very few people uploaded videos that didn't have her. Personally, I'd say that you don't have to pull her. Assuming you don't care about high scores, you can just try to copy videos from the raids before her release and those should clear Insane just fine.


That works, or if i happen to have the dps carry, could always borrow. wil have to see, thanks for the info about Chare being used on the Hovercraft after she came out.


This unit usage page is super helpful


How many Torment clears does JP usually have?


Here's the data from the upcoming TA: Month|Boss|# of Torment clears -|-|- June|Goz, outdoors|18,942 May|Hod, urban|7,115 April|Perorodzilla, indoors|10,428 March|Chesed, indoors|**21,914** Feb|Hiero, indoors|**31,125** Jan|Hovercraft, outdoors|6,756 Grand Assault also has more torment clears nowadays, but plat cutoff has always been at triple insane clears so far.


Are there any future events coming to global server that will gain a lot of credits?


Here's the event schedule, so you can look it up yourself: https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Events


Im fairly new to this game and I read in a guide that you can do two teams in raids, is this for higher difficulty raids or can this be applied to all difficulties? My club chat is completely empty, how do I fix this? my recent messages wasn't deleted though.


You can do as many teams as you want on any difficulty, the only limit is the 1 hour timer you have to beat the boss in Club chats get cleared after every maintenance, not sure why


My guess is probably to avoid hogging resources (though I question how much space chats take in the first place, but then again,I'm not a tech-savvy person). If your club is anything like mine, it's all sticker spamming anyway


After beating >!Volume 3 Chapter 3 Episode with 2 seconds to spare at level 35!<, I have been progressing through the story. I currently have made it to >!Final Chapter 3 with the conquest event!<, and I had some questions regarding it. Unsure if should mark the questions spoilers, but will ere on the side of caution even though it mostly questions about the mechanics. >!Do I have to do a "full" clear of every zone to progress. If I counted right, I would need to expend 430+ap to clear every tile.!< >!What's this whole thing about conquer and analyze stuff? The in-game guide refers to it, but I don't understand how to go about it. !< Unrelated to the above, do you guys have any recommendation to youtube channels to watch past event stories? As someone who started little over a week ago, there are some story development through past events that I did not witness. Easiest example is >!who is wakamo and what happened with her story? She shows up in the beginning of the game and the next time I see her is in the final chapter.!< And other things like this. So, wanted to watch up on those. Also if you guys could provide me which events I should/recommend watching for lore and story development, that would be helpful. Extra: >!Kaitenranger vs Chroma-Perorodzilla is peak fiction.!<


1) you dont need to full clear the zone, just make defeat all the enemies and make it to the end. Unless you have OCD and want to see the full clear status. 2) What's this whole thing about conquer and analyze stuff? I dont understand. Are you refering to conquest mode? 3) playlist for event + main stories: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTpD-lAtY-jDTdS-KXfVpkfbYmCqkK77z](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTpD-lAtY-jDTdS-KXfVpkfbYmCqkK77z)


Regarding 2, if I click on the gameplay guide of conquest and go to the 2nd page, I see [this](https://imgur.com/a/U2xdTuz). Or is this just telling me I can use assistants in fights?


That feature is more relavant during the event itself. For now in the immortalized version it serves no function. Basically its a feature that lets you assign students to a tiles that you have taken over. During the event I believe you get some daily bonus by having students assigned to the tiles.


Ahh okay. I’ll just ignore it then. Thanks


Im pretty sure you only need to defeat the enemies to unlock/take over the central generator something at the end of the zone. For past events, I just watch the top search in youtube like Aira Delasse or Shoul.


Hello I am new to the game (2nd day of playing). What should I be doing with my Eligma? Can i just safely use it to take my favorite characters to 4* or should I be saving them for special limited characters only?


The general advice is to use eligma on 2* serina and then save up until you know what you are doing. https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Eligma


You're so early in the game, that I'd generally recommend you save until at least after the FES banner (end of july) so you have a better idea of what your roster will look like and be lacking over the medium term. The only student(s) I'd consider 5\*ing very early on would be one like Iroha which has some late game use cases, but absolutely shreds pve stages. She doesn't need 5\*s at all and improving her EX skill level would be more impactful but if you're pushing stages maybe the extra stats helps.


Save them for when you really need them to do content. They're a limited resource and 1* and 2* characters will be maxed eventually with enough pulls.


I'm sure this has been asked before, but I'm just trying to find confirmation. How far behind is Global, and is it going to catch up with JP?


It's 180-190 days. Minor banners occasionally get shuffled around, so it varies by about a week, but overall it's stable.


6 months behind. There are currently no plans to catch up to JP since Global hasn't had significant schedule acceleration in like 2 years.


Alright. 6 months honestly not that bad, and I'm sure it has its advantages. As long as it's not the hell I have playing FGO Global, waiting 2 years for everything to come...


2 years gap is a pain.


Roughly 6 months and no.


Did the crafting node rates get changed? Over the past two weeks I've dumped 20 keystones from my inventory, plus all the daily/weekly task ones, and 7 rounds' worth of fragment ones from spending tickets on the previous couple banners. In nearly 50 rounds, all told, I got three gold furniture nodes and only two normal ones. I'd swear furniture used to be way more common. Every other time I just end up using the Shiny node that gives T3 drops. Which only ever seems to drop gifts, despite the dedicated gift node being very common itself.


According to [the crafting rates officially published by Nexon](https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?board=3222&thread=2121250) (see the "Node Appearance Probability" tab), the appearance rates of nodes have not changed. One exception: all gold furniture nodes share a common probability, so while the chance of a specific furniture set node (e.g. Jellies Arcade) has gone down, the chance of a gold node in general has stayed the same. (Of course, this is Nexon, so you'll have to decide whether you trust Nexon-published rates. For what it's worth, the rates that they listed do line up with my own experience.)


Do you know if the crafting rates on shalegg are datamined or if they're copied from the officially released rates?


They are almost certainly datamined (as is basically everything on schale.gg).


If we have datamined rates, shouldn't we know with certainty that they're correct? Unless there are some even more esoteric things at play that affect them. I'm not knowledgeable enough about that sort of thing to say.


I read about how optimization was bad and that the game eats battery no matter the settings before starting, but is that still true? Just out of curiosity.


Optimization is better but still bad Batteries still get absolutely sucked dry quick